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The Bear's Reluctant Wolf

Page 3

by Jenika Snow

  “Get off me.” There was no heat behind her words, but he smirked nonetheless. So she was trying to deny him? Not fucking likely. He pressed his crotch into her belly more insistently and let his grin spread across his face when a shocked gasp left her. He was blatant and obscene, but beneath her outrage over his dominating manner, he also smelled the instant she became wet. Her body and wolf knew he was her mate, and instinctively those two yielded to him irrevocably. Her mind might be trying to make sense of what was going on, but he wasn’t a patient male, and would show her rather than say words on what the hell was going to go on between them. There wouldn’t be any reason for her to contemplate and second-guess what the fuck was happening. Just looking into her gorgeous face, he knew that his little wolf mate was going to be a handful.

  “You’re feisty.” He ground himself against her again. She placed her hands on his chest, and he knew it was to push him away, but instead she curled her fingers inward. An involuntary grunt of lust left him. She closed her eyes, and the crescent shape of her lashes, ones that were a shade darker than her hair, looked so delicate against the fairness of her skin. “Tuesday’s Gone” started playing, and he slipped his arm around her lower back, and pulled her impossibly closer.

  “Who are you, and what are you doing?” The way she spoke, all soft and hesitant like, made him think that she would sound like that after he fucked her good and hard. He would take care of his mate, make sure she was thoroughly pleasured, and after it was all said and done she would be too fucking exhausted to speak in a normal tone. Fuck, he really needed to quit thinking about this shit right now. All it was doing was making his dick throb and his pants become tighter.

  He leaned in, wanting to get as close to her as possible. This need to have her was bordering on insane, but he was on autopilot, letting his animal take control and lead the way. And to think he’d said he didn’t want a mate. It sounded fucking ludicrous now. Pushing her hair away from her neck, he felt her tense against him, and that had him smiling again. His lips barely brushed along the shell of her ear, but when they did she shivered. As much as she was trying to understand what was happening, she also couldn’t deny the pull between them. It was something only mates shared, and undeniable in every shape and form.

  “You know who I am and what I’m doing.” He took the lead and started swaying to the music. Their bodies were pressed so close not even a piece of paper could be wedged between them, but that was how he fucking liked it. Letting his eyes slide shut and reveling in the feel of his female pressed against him, Trace lowered his head, brought the tip of his nose to the side of her neck, and inhaled deeply. Perfect. Just. Fucking. Perfect. In a guttural voice he said, “I’m your mate, and the only fucking male that will ever touch you again.”


  It took all of Candace’s strength to push this male away. He was demanding, controlling, and thought he had some kind of claim on her because, what, he was her mate? No, this was not happening. She was so lightheaded, and the longer she stayed pressed against him, inhaling the spiciness that surrounded him, the deeper she fell into this haze. She knew what he was to her as soon as she had looked in his deep green eyes. The wolf in her started to get all excited, and the bitch wanted to roll over and present herself to him like she was in heat. This wasn’t just a male though. No, he was this big, scary looking polar bear shifter, and wore an intense expression on his face that said don’t fuck with him. He also had a scar that ran the length of one side of his face, which only seemed to make him appear even more intimidating. Candace placed her hands on his chest, felt his hard muscles flex beneath her palms, and pushed away from him. But Candace knew that she only put distance between them because he had allowed it. She took a step back, and then another one, and watched him warily. When she decided to let loose, enjoy herself, and to forget about her uptight life, this wasn’t what she had been talking about.

  A look to her side showed Melissa dancing with some human, her eyes closed and her body practically fused with his. Okay, so she wouldn’t be any help right now, because Candace definitely needed help. The magnetism she felt with this male was intense, and nearly all consuming. Looking back at the polar bear she was struck by how closely he watched her, as if he thought she’d try to escape. Well, the thought had crossed her mind. She wasn’t ready for something of this magnitude, right? Yeah, the attraction was there, like really, really there, but she could already tell that this male was way too much for her. Just looking at him had her whole body tightening in awareness. He would rock the steady, perfect boat that was her life, and that’s not something she wanted, not after she had put everything back in its rightful place after the Chad incident.

  His jeans were faded, but they weren’t like that because that was the current style, but because they were broken in and worn. They looked damn good on him. His black t-shirt was snug from the layers upon layers of hard muscles right below his skin. It was like the material couldn’t quite contain all of him. God, she felt like a Smurf compared to him. She was only five-foot-three, and this guy stood at least a foot taller than she did.

  “Your name, little wolf.” When she didn’t say anything for several seconds he spoke again. “Tell me your name.”

  Tongue suddenly so thick, Candace opened her mouth. Was she actually going to tell him? Never had she been intimidated by someone, but this male made her feel so off balanced, and that was not something she cared for. She swallowed, trying to wet her too dry throat, but it didn’t make a difference. “Candace.”

  He made a humming noise, like he had just gotten off from hearing her name. As strange as that sounded, it would be a lie if she didn’t admit that it kind of turned her on. He lowered his eyelids just a fraction, so all she could see was thin slits of emerald.

  “Is that all you’re going to tell me, or do I have to find out the rest on my own?”

  Her heart was beating so fast and hard, and the deeper she breathed, the more she inhaled his scent. She was slowly unraveling from the inside out, and all because her mate, who just happened to be this demanding, dominant polar bear shifter, was standing right in front of her. All of this was just too much, and far too fast. She needed out of here, needed to get her thoughts together, because this bear was crowding her, and she knew that he wouldn’t let up until he got exactly what he wanted. Looking over at Melissa, she willed her friend to glance her way. She needed to get out of here, because as much as her body was on fire right now, drawn to him in a way she had never been to anyone else, she needed the fuck out of the bar. What happened to things going smoothly?

  That just went right out the damn window at the first opportunity you decided to let loose from the plan that is your life.

  “I—” Licking her lips had been a bad idea, because that just drew attention to her mouth, and that was exactly where he dropped his gaze.

  “What is it, Candace?” A shiver worked over her spine at the way he said her name. Candace could imagine hearing him grunt and groan out her name as he fucked her. Shaking her head at the very vivid thoughts that slammed into her mind, she knew that her mate, this male that looked at her like he wanted to tear her apart in a very good way, was far too much for her.

  “I have to go.” She turned before she gave into temptation and threw herself at him—which was a very real possibility given how aroused she was at the moment. Not thinking, just reacting, she prayed he didn’t make a grab for her and try and talk her into doing … whatever he planned on doing, and rushed over to Melissa. She took her friend’s hand and all but dragged her over to their both to get their purses.

  “What in the hell, Candace?”

  She threw some money on the table, and the sense of being watched was so thick it felt like a cloak around her. Without answering Melissa, she took her hand again and started for the front entrance, but her steps faltered when she saw the polar bear making his way toward her with unhurried, yet determined steps. She picked up her pace, and all the while heard Melissa grumblin
g behind her. She couldn’t do this, and as immature as it was to run from him, that was the only logical thing she could think of doing. He rattled her with his piercing green eyes, and never had she met a male that was so completely alpha she felt it right down to her bones. And all of that animal prowess was directed right at her. She knew enough about mates to know that he wouldn’t give up, so that meant she just needed to leave, get her bearings, and try to figure out how in the hell she was going to deal with this. It certainly was a complete one-eighty on how her life had been going. He didn’t know her last name, and there had to be more than one Candace in Sweet Water, surely. But her thoughts, the ones trying to rationalize that this male would give her room, weren’t even believable to herself. Fortunately more people had made their way onto the dance floor, so he had to push through them, and that was exactly what he did, just shoved them aside while keeping his eyes trained right on her. Candace could even hear his grunts, curses, and his growls over the loud music. He was pissed, that much was clear by the spicy scent that filled the air. It was mixed with his woodsy aroma, and had a gush of moisture leaving her.

  Shit. You know all you’re doing is making him want to chase you, to come after you until he can stake his claim.

  No. No, she needed time to process this. But one more glance at him showed that he wasn’t slowing. He liked chasing her, even tilted the corner of his mouth in a grin when their eyes locked. Yes, as it usually went with any kind of wild animal, they loved the hunt, and although Candace was a predator naturally, she was running like the prey.

  But isn’t that what you are?

  She had wanted him the moment she saw him. God, she didn’t even know his name, just knew he was her mate, and the proprietary claim over her that came from him had sucked all of the air from the room.

  “What in the hell is going on?” Melissa had an annoyed tone in her voice, but Candace didn’t stop as they burst through the doors, nor slow as they made their way with ridiculously fast steps to Melissa’s car. Candace stumbled she was going so fast, but right when she was only a foot from the car a scuzzy looking, leather wearing human male stepped right in front of her. She halted suddenly, which caused Melissa to slam into her back.

  “Where’s the fire, honey?” He took a long drag from the cigarette hanging out of his lips. His beard was long and streaked with grey, and his hair was greasy and hung in chunks around his shoulders. Candace didn’t have time for this.

  “Excuse me.” She tried to side-step him, but he followed suit. Melissa was still mumbling about what in the hell was going on. “Move out of the way, please.” Candace could hear her heart thundering in her ears and feel the damn thing in her throat.

  “There’s no rush. I brought my pick-up. If you need a ride some place I’d be more than happy to take you there.” He took one more drag from his cigarette and then flicked the butt to the ground. He gave her the slowest and most disgusting once-over. She felt like she was naked before him. The sound of the front door slamming open and bouncing off the side of the building came from behind, and she knew it was him. As she went to make another go at getting around this guy who clearly couldn’t take a hint when a woman wasn’t interested, he gripped her upper arm and pulled her roughly forward. “How’s ‘bout you and I go back to my truck for a little fun? I saw you dancing in there earlier. You caught my eye, and I can tell you that I like what I see, and want a taste.” His breath smelled like cigarettes and stale beer, but before she could say or do anything a low growl came from behind her. The vibrations could be felt right down to her bones.

  “Oh shit,” said, Melissa, and Candace couldn’t have put it any better. “Candace, he’s your fucking—” Before Melissa could finish there was a fierce roar that surrounded them, and then she was being hauled away from the grungy human. The scent of her mate filled her nose. He wrapped one arm around her middle and pressed her right up against his chest.

  The human widened his eyes, and although she couldn’t see the bear’s face, she could imagine the fierce look on his face. “You don’t fucking touch what’s mine.” His voice was low, and the smell of urine immediately filled her nose as the human pissed himself. His fear was tangible, but then again if she had a six-foot-three, and over two hundred and fifty pound polar bear shifter standing a foot from her, snarling and snapping, and letting off all kinds of territorial and possessive scents, then she would have pissed herself, too.

  “Shit, man, I didn’t know she was yours.” The human held his hands up, and Candace noticed the way they shook. He scurried back, but he didn’t get very far when her mate moved her so she was now behind him, reached out, and gripped the human by the neck. The human was lifted easily off the ground, and it was like he weighed nothing as the bear dangled him from his grasp. The scent of his bear right below the surface and the fact she could see his muscles swell right under his skin, had warning bells going off in her head. If she didn’t stop this there was no doubt in her mind that he would shift and kill the human. She didn’t want that one her conscience, since it was because of her he was in this feral state. She had run, setting off his instincts to come after her, and now she had put this human, creepy and dirty as he was, in harm’s way.

  Just as the man’s face began to turn red and his lips a frightening shade of blue, Candace placed her hand on the center of her mate’s hard, muscular back. “Wait.”

  Her mate instantly tensed, and slowly turned his head and looked down at her. Their eyes held, and she swallowed.

  “Please, just let him go.” She didn’t miss the fact his jaw clenched, or that she could hear his teeth grinding.

  “You expect me to let this motherfucker live after he put his hands on you?” The human started gasping, and she knew her mate was tightening his hold on his throat. “You’re my mate. My goddamn mate, and there is no else that is to touch you. In fact,” he turned his head slowly back toward the human. “I should kill you on the principle that you even had the fucking balls to talk to her.” The human clawed at the hand on his throat, gasping and gurgling for air.

  “Please.” Not above begging, she prayed he reined in his animal, which was clearly taking control right now. She smelled the wild scent of polar bear, could see his pupils continue to dilate and contract, and even saw the way the tips of his canines touched his bottom lip. He was so close to shifting, and if he did, there would be no way she could stop the destruction and carnage that would be the outcome.

  He turned back and looked down at her. “Will you run from me again?” He still hadn’t let go of the guy, and in fact kept his hold tight and unyielding. It was clear by the blue tint starting to cover the biker’s face. “If you tell me you won’t run and make me chase after you,” he leaned his face close to hers, “even though I fucking love it, I’ll let him live.” The sound of more gurgling had Candace saying and giving him whatever in the hell he wanted, even though she didn’t want or need him as a mate.

  “Okay, I promise not to run. Just please, let him go.” He held her gaze with his, and slowly she saw his pupils start to go back to a more normal size. The smell of his human coming forward and his bear receding slammed into her, and she let out a relieved breath. He let go of the human, who promptly fell to the ground. He gasped and wheezed for air. Her mate stared down at him with disinterest in his struggles, but there was still that anger inside of him that simmered right below the surface.

  “If you were smart you’d get the fuck out of here before I change my mind.” The guy picked himself off the ground and hauled ass out of there.

  Smart human.

  The bear turned around to face her and crossed his arms over his chest. His muscles bulged out, but even if he hadn’t shifted, his animal was still right there, ready and willing to come out. Because of that his body was bigger, primed for a fight, and the wolf inside of her grew relaxed and willing.

  Damn the bitch.

  “Give me your name.” Candace didn’t fear him, because she knew he wouldn’t and couldn’t hu
rt her since she was his mate, but he was still a frightening man.

  “I did.” Even if she hadn’t seen what he was capable of, there was no denying he was quite possibly the most powerful male she had even been in the presence of.

  “Don’t be coy, mate.” The way he called her mate, like he wanted her to know exactly what she was to him, and that there was no mistaking it, had her clenching her thighs together as a tingling settled between them. Like I could forget. “You’re stubborn, and although I admire that, I am not a patient male…” He left that an open sentence, as if he meant to say more but thought better of it. “Just tell me what I want to know, Candace.” This time when he said her actual name it was more like a caress, like he had just taken her, bent her over, and fucked her. Yeah, he had just fucked her by saying her name. She felt every possessive stroke from that one word.

  “Jace. Candace Jace.” Something in his expression shifted, maybe male satisfaction? Yeah, he was pretty damn satisfied that he got what he wanted, even if it was something as simple as her name.

  He took a step closer to her. Their chests were just an inch apart, and if she inhaled deeply they would have touched. “Just so you know, I would have caught you, and when that happened, you would have told me anything and everything I wanted to know.” He had moved his face closer to hers while he spoke, and now she smelled the wintergreen flavor of his breath. “You would have given me anything I wanted, Candace.”

  Ugh, he was the most arrogant male she had ever met. His confidence in seemingly everything pissed her off, and she found that willpower inside of her, the one that wouldn’t be mesmerized by his harsh attractiveness, or the fact there was this pull between them. They stared at each other, as if each one was fighting for supremacy. Damn him and the way the corner of his mouth kicked up. This situation was far from funny.


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