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Happy Birthday to Me

Page 2

by Megan Rose

  Annie continued to click through the various photographs. “Judging from these shots, there won’t be much left for you to be surprised over.”

  “It’s not that kind of a surprise. It means that the meeting doesn’t take place at a hotel. It’s more of a natural occurrence.”

  “And what could be more natural than Cowboy Carl?” Annie smirked, continuing to click on various photographs. “He’s nice. And by the looks of him, he enjoys the great outdoors.”

  “I thought you didn’t approve?” questioned Tina.

  “I don’t. But I need to look at what I’m disapproving of first. A girl has to make an informed decision about these things.”

  “Well, when you’ve quite finished slobbering all over my laptop, maybe you’ll want to hear about the package I’ve booked.”

  Annie looked hurt. “I’m not slobbering. Am I?”

  Tina laughed and reached into her desk drawer for the paperwork to show Annie. “This is what I’ve ordered. It’s going to be my birthday present to myself.”

  Annie took the papers and frowned. “There’s no photograph.”

  “That’s part of the surprise. We’re due to meet at a ranch a few miles away from the vineyard. I won’t know what he looks like. And he won’t know anything about me. These men are very good at improvising.”

  “I’ll bet.”

  “A lot of them are young actors or models supplementing their incomes. They’re all health checked and guaranteed to satisfy. I’m booking mine in for five hours.”

  “Five hours? Good grief. You won’t be able to walk.”

  Tina laughed. “I haven’t booked Cowboy Carl, so fingers crossed I will be able to walk.”

  Annie looked relieved, but then her eyes clouded. “Let’s be serious for a moment. I know you have a passion for cowboys, but are you one hundred percent sure you want sex with a stranger? Bought and paid for sex? It just doesn’t seem right somehow. You’re an attractive woman. You could have any man you wanted.”

  “The man I want is a cowboy. It’s the clothes, the accent, everything a cowboy has to offer. There’ll be a roughness to his hands, an edge to his voice, and a well-worn seat on his denim jeans. Ordinary men don’t appeal to me anymore, Annie. If I have a fantasy, then I have just as much right as any other woman to get it fulfilled. The fact that I’m paying for it doesn’t make me a bad person. It just makes me lucky.”

  “How so?” asked Annie.

  Tina grinned. “Look at the disclaimer at the bottom of the paperwork. Satisfaction guaranteed. Now how many boyfriends come with that kind of assurance?”

  Annie laughed. “Okay. You convinced me. Now go home and wash your sexiest panties. You’re going to have a lot to tell me about when you get back.”

  Tina grinned. “Roll In The Hay, here I come.”

  Chapter Two

  After two days of tough negotiations, Tina had secured a business deal with the owner of the vineyard, Peter Masterson. She emailed Annie to tell her the good news and had already started work on a poster campaign for the vineyard. With a great deal of work already under her belt, Tina was at last ready to celebrate her birthday. She had gracefully turned down an invitation to spend the day with the Masterson family and was looking forward to spending her thirty-third birthday unwrapping her very hot birthday present.

  Hot was right, thought Tina as she turned on the air conditioning in her car. It might be February, but the temperature outside was rising, and so far she’d been driving around in her rented car for two hours. So much for the ranch being close by. Finding her cowboy wasn’t as easy as she had anticipated.

  She had arranged to meet her escort at a ranch situated near to the vineyard, but after a rest stop at a garage, Tina had somehow managed to lose the address and her map. She had now been driving for good few miles without the aid of her directions from Fantasy Realms. Muttering under her breath and growing more frustrated by the minute, she even considered turning back.

  Much as it pained her, she soon came to the devastating conclusion she had not only lost her map but also her chance of fantasy sex. “I must have been on the right road. I checked the map over this morning,” she muttered to herself. “Yeah, right before I lost the damn thing.” She banged her hands on the steering wheel in frustration. “Oh, stop talking to yourself. No one wants sex with a crazy woman.”

  It was time to make a decision. She could either go back to her hotel and forget the hot, fantasy, once-in-a-lifetime sex, or she could stay on this road and see if she came to the ranch where she had agreed to meet her cowboy.

  Putting her car into gear, she headed in what she hoped was the right direction. “Horny, fantasy sex, here I come.”

  * * * * *

  Sam Farlowe waved goodbye to the last of the day’s visitors to the Blue Pasture Ranch. It had been another hot day, and the horses needed plenty of rest and shade. So, too, did he. Now that everyone was gone, he could at last relax. Taking off his shirt, he dropped it onto a nearby fence and reached for the bottled water he’d brought down from the house. It was a rewarding job, running the ranch, but it didn’t allow for much of a social life. Maybe he’d shower, change, and take the truck into town. It might be nice to get away for a few hours, even if it was just to the local bar.

  Dropping his hat back onto his head, he took his time walking back to the paddock, only to spot a sleek sports car heading up the driveway. He figured it must be a visitor for his mom who dealt with bookings and paperwork for the ranch. However, instead of turning toward the house, the car headed straight for the stables. Sam smiled to himself. The driver had to be a stranger in town. The Blue Pasture was a little off the beaten path for most people, but that was the way he liked it.

  Since taking over the family business five years ago, he’d found the peace and solitude of the ranch just the cure for getting over his broken heart. Sadie running away with his so-called best friend had done him a great favor. He’d always loved horses and the ranch, but for Sadie, he had been willing to give it all up. Now he laughed when he thought of the life he had almost walked away from. Here, he was his own man, his own boss, and once a week he ate at his mom’s place and enjoyed a home-cooked meal. He lacked for nothing. Even in the female company department, although he was wary of the girls looking for a ring on their finger. No way was he going down that road again.

  The car parked up by the railings, and he strolled over to greet the driver.

  “Afternoon, ma’am,” he drawled, watching the petite brunette slide herself out of the driver’s seat. Small she might have been, but he always said, good things came in small packages. And she sure looked good in the dainty heels, bare legs, and a mini skirt that accentuated her shapely thighs. He took a swig of his water. Man, he hadn’t even started on her top half. She was obviously new around here. None of the women he knew wore heels like that to a ranch. However, he couldn’t help but be pleased that this particular visitor was dressed so impractically.

  “Can I help you?” he asked.

  The brunette seemed a little unsure of her whereabouts as she cautiously eyed him up and down and peered around her. Those huge brown eyes seemed nervous, and Sam couldn’t help but feel a slight tug on his heartstrings as he watched her.

  “I…er… Have I come to the right place?” she asked.

  Sam smiled. “If you’ve come for a ride, you have.”

  He watched, bemused, as the woman gripped her purse and wobbled a little. He wondered weather or not she was a little faint from the heat. “Why don’t you take your jacket off, ma’am, and come rest yourself a little? The heat can be kind of harsh, if you’re not used to it.”

  While she did as he had requested, Sam found himself immediately regretting his suggestion. His jeans grew uncomfortable and his breath shallow. Forget the heartstrings. Her presence seemed to be tugging on something else much more urgent. Beneath the jacket, she wore a pale blue camisole that wouldn’t have looked out of place in the window of a lingerie store. The silky mate
rial enhanced the slope of her breasts, and Sam found himself embarrassed by his adolescent reaction. She was just as he had suspected. Her top half was just as luscious as her lower half. Almost at once, he found his thoughts drawn to the parts in the middle. The firm stomach, the round ass, and…

  He had to snap out of it. He was staring. And staring, his mom had always told him, was just plain rude. In an attempt to recover his manners and hide his growing erection, he indicated toward a step that they used to help some of the kids up onto their horses.

  The brunette continued to stare at him, her lips somewhat parted as if she were trying hard to control her breathing, but she took the seat nevertheless. He tried hard to keep his eyes off those legs of hers, but with her skirt riding up her thighs it was somewhat difficult. He took another swig of water. What was wrong with him today? He’d had too much sun was what was wrong.

  “Can I get you some water, ma’am”?

  She nodded. “And please, call me Tina. There’s no reason why we shouldn’t use first names, is there?”

  Sam stared at her and hesitated a little before answering. Was she flirting with him? “No, I guess not. I’m Sam. Sam Farlowe.” He held out his hand and was amazed when she took it in her own. The jolt of electricity he received led straight to his groin, hardening him even further. Her hand was so delicate and soft. He could imagine how the rest of her would feel.

  He smiled and decided he had better go and get her that drink before he started to foam at the mouth. She sure was a good-looking woman. Returning a few minutes later with a bottle of water for her, he noticed how her eyes sparkled and her hands trembled a little. He guessed that now that she was here, her nerves were getting the better of her. Going from his experiences, he had found that some city dwellers got very nervous around animals.

  “So, Tina… You’ve come for some lessons?”

  Her head jerked up, and she looked a little embarrassed. The pink tinge to her cheeks was rather cute though.

  “Is it so obvious that I’m new to all this? I’m sorry, is my first time.” She blushed even deeper. “I don’t mean my first time, you know…just my first time. It’s just…I’ve never done anything like this before.”

  Sam nodded. Ok, so she was a hot fruitcake. He tipped his hat, while he contemplated the situation. “Thing is…Tina. I didn’t realize that you were booked in today.”

  “You didn’t?” She sounded alarmed to say the least. “But I paid in advance. You’re my…well…it’s my birthday present. And I must admit, I’ve got my heart set on it. It’s been agreed for weeks now.”

  Sam nodded. “I guess my mom forgot to tell me.”

  “Your mom?”

  Did he hear her squeak? “Yeah, my mom handles all the bookings.” Sam noticed how the healthy pink glow was starting to fade from her cheeks.

  She hurriedly drank down her water. “So, this is a family business?”

  Sam smiled with pride. “Sure is.”

  Tina nodded. “I see.”

  He continued to eye her, taking in the soft curl of her hair and carefully made up face. She sure wasn’t dressed for horse riding. “So, how long did Mom book you in for?”

  He noticed how her blush came back as she looked straight at him. “Five hours. I’ve paid for five hours.”

  Sam let out a low whistle. “Five hours for a beginner is gonna be awful hard on your ass—behind.”

  The way she practically jumped from the step startled him.

  “Hey, I didn’t ask for any kinky stuff. I just wanted the normal…well…er…you know. The usual.”

  Tina knew she was floundering, but ever since her sexy cowboy had mentioned his mother, she had rather lost track of the situation. “I’d just like you to give me what you would give to any other client,” she explained.

  He grinned, his gaze sliding over her body like a tactile touch.

  “Well, I’ll agree to make an exception this time, but next time, make sure the session is confirmed. And I think we’d best get you into some more suitable clothing than what you’re wearing. I don’t know how they do things where you come from, but down here, we dress appropriately.”

  Tina’s knees trembled. With a look like the one he had just given her, he could almost melt her clothing right off her. But here he was, offering to get her into something more suitable. And he was so confident, she thought as excitement zinged through her. His reference to her next time had sent her heart practically pounding right out of her chest.

  “Do you get a lot of clients returning to you?” she found herself asking.

  He smiled again, the light sparkling in his blue eyes as he did so. “Sure do. Some come back at least once a week. Maybe more. It kind of depends on the holidays.”

  “The holidays?”

  “Yeah, I’m always busier then. But more often than not, I take on an extra pair of hands about that time anyway.”

  “Oh, my God,” she murmured. If he carried on talking like this to her, she was most likely going to come right in front of him. Never in her wildest dreams had she conjured up an image as enticing as the one that stood before her now. Sam Farlowe was everything a sexually frustrated single woman could want. He was better than the cowboy in the brochure for sure.

  It was clear to see that Sam Farlowe loved the outdoors. He was no posed New York model. His body was firm due to real, hard work, his thighs thick from years of guiding a horse. She had seen just how good he looked without a shirt, and she knew no gym workout could achieve such perfection. This man before her had to be the best that Fantasy Realms could offer, and she was sure glad that they were offering him to her.

  If he was as good in the barn as he looked to be, she was going to be one lucky woman. Suddenly she found herself extolling the virtues of sex with an escort in a barn. It seemed to be the ideal scenario for women in her situation. Can’t find Mr. Right? Well, come and get Mr. Right Now while you wait.

  “Well then, we’d better get over to the barn and get you kitted out.”

  Ah, a man who could take charge as well as just looking sexy while he stood there. Tina’s day was getting better and better. He turned round and headed toward the smaller buildings away from where they stood. For a good few seconds, Tina found herself frozen to the spot. The sight of Sam from behind was just as good as looking at him from the front. She observed his long stride, denim-clad legs, and firm round ass. His slow stride hypnotized her. It was amazing just how snugly the soft blue denim molded to his body. It was almost as if the jeans had been custom built for his muscular frame.

  He stopped and turned around to look at her. “Are you coming?”

  “I think I just did,” she muttered under her breath. “I’ll be right with you,” she called, jogging toward him.

  Chapter Three

  By the time they reached the barn, Tina found herself quite out of breath, and it wasn’t from trying to keep up with Sam’s long stride. The closer she got to him, the more she found herself wanting to touch the smooth contours of his chest and to run her hands over his muscled shoulders. She itched to run her fingers through his sun-bleached hair, to kiss that delectable mouth of his that seemed to be always grinning at her. But most of all, she found herself yearning to remove those formfitting jeans and take a good, long look at what she was going to be getting for the next five hours. She could have sworn earlier that he’d been getting hard, but just as she’d looked down at him, he’d turned away. Still, that one brief glance had held just the right amount of tantalizing weight to give her hope for a fun-filled afternoon.

  Sam pointed toward the door of the barn. “You’ll find some old work clothes in there, and we can find some boots for you. I’ll go saddle up one of the horses for you, and then we’ll get you started.”

  Tina grinned. So, this was how the game went? They were going to pretend that she’d come for a horse riding lesson? This scenario was playing better than she thought it would. “Sounds great. I’m looking forward to you teaching me…. About hor
ses, I mean.” Her pulse raced as she spoke. The moment she had craved was near. Her body already seemed to be awaking to him, and he hadn’t even touched her yet. She’d bet her last dollar that this guy was one of the best escorts that Fantasy Realms had to offer. “I’ll just slip inside and get ready for you,” she murmured.

  Closing the door behind her, she could hardly wait to get out of her clothes. With more haste than usual, she removed her camisole, shoes, and skirt before deciding to leave her underwear on. Far better for the gorgeous Sam to ease her bra and panties from her body. And now, back to the game. She looked around, thinking of a seductive enough reason to get him to come into the barn. “Oh, Sam,” she called. “I’m having trouble with these clothes. Could you help me?” She giggled to herself at the excuse, but as she was new to all this, it was the best she could come up with.

  She heard his boots shuffle outside the door. “I’m sure they’ll fit you fine,” he called back. “They should be about your size.”

  She frowned. Boy, he wanted her to work for this one, didn’t he? “Well...they’re too small. I-I need something bigger. Much bigger.” She heard him shuffle away, return, and then he opened the door, waving a checked shirt through the gap. “Here, take this. Its mine, but its clean.”

  Tina frowned again at his reluctance to come into the barn. She’d paid for five hours with this guy and already she’d missed out on the session being full of sex. “ foot is stuck. I’ll need you to come in.”

  The door swung wider, and she smiled as Sam stood there before her, the afternoon sun shining from behind him. God, but he was beautiful. It was almost like watching a work of art in motion as he moved across the dusty floor.

  “Oh, you’re...” He looked away.

  “Sam, don’t be coy now. You’ve seen women in their underwear before, haven’t you?”

  “Sure but… Look, you said you had your foot stuck.”

  She moved toward him. “Well, now it’s unstuck. It must have been something you said.” By now, she had reached him, and without her heels on, he was much taller than she was. The top of her barely reached his broad shoulder. “You know, Sam, this floor is awful dusty, and I’m afraid I’ll scuff my nail polish. Why don’t you carry me over to that hay pile and we can take things from there?”


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