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Risky: Torn Between Two Lovers

Page 6

by Jo Davis

  “You’d eventually get over that feeling, just like anyone who’s been immersed in their lifestyle for years.”

  He turned the conversation to small talk, learning that her favorite colors were blue and red and that she loved almost all food, but hated escargot and sushi. She spoke more about her parents and growing up. She was so animated, he loved to hear her talk, and just let her ramble about her childhood without interrupting.

  Half an hour later, the limo came to a stop in front of the grand entrance to his casino. He normally had the car pull around back, to his private entrance. But he’d wanted to make an impression on Anna, and he couldn’t help the surge of pride that swelled in his chest.

  “This is my home away from home—La Boheme, named after the gypsy blood that runs in our ancestry.”

  “Oh, it’s stunning,” she breathed as the driver opened the door. She stepped out, and he followed, taking in the admiration on her face. “You built this?”

  “From the ground up. She was my first go at owning a business that my father wasn’t involved with, and she’s been legit from day one.”

  “She?” Anna asked, her tone teasing.

  He shrugged, grinning. “Ships, hurricanes, and cars are identified as female. Why not my place?”


  “Let me show you around.”

  Escorting her inside, he took her through the busy lobby, noting with satisfaction that the marble floors and walls were pristine, the place shining like a new penny. The check-in desk was bustling, and he heard the staff speaking in friendly tones with the customers. No one had noticed or recognized him yet, and that was just as well. Anna would see a much more accurate picture of how well his place operated if the staff wasn’t bowing and scraping to him.

  Once he was spotted, though, it wouldn’t take word long to travel.

  Joaquin took her to each level of the casino, and they spent some time playing a few slots for fun. Anna’s delighted laugh when she won a hundred-dollar jackpot made him smile.

  “How fun! I’ve never done anything like this before!”

  And damn … he fell for her a little right then. She was like a young girl learning how to run and play for the first time, and he wanted more of her. So much more, when just a few days ago he would have denied ever wanting more than a woman to warm his bed. Damned if he knew what to do about it, but he was just going to enjoy his time with her for now.

  Next they enjoyed a couple of cocktails in one of the quiet lounges, and time seemed to slip by as they chatted.

  “Are you hungry yet?” he asked.

  “I could eat.” Her stomach growled loudly, and she laughed in embarrassment.

  “Then let’s go feed the tiger,” he said playfully.

  He could get used to this. Too damned much so.

  And that scared him more than he’d ever admit to anyone. Perhaps even Anna.


  Anna couldn’t remember when she’d had so much fun. Just pure, unadulterated entertainment for no other reason than enjoyment.

  And with a drop-dead gorgeous man, too.

  They’d had a good time at the beach, but this was different. Trying to decide why, she figured it was because this was Joaquin’s world. His life. And he was allowing her inside to see who he truly was.

  She liked him. A lot. He was a fun, charming companion. Relaxed in his element here, much more so than she had witnessed at the beach or at home. Since they’d arrived at the casino, the lines of stress around his eyes and mouth had smoothed out, and he laughed more. He couldn’t possibly realize the devastating effect that had on her senses.

  As he led her into the expensive steak restaurant on the lobby level, she saw that the host, at least, recognized Joaquin. The transformation on the young man’s face from pleasant to genuinely glad to see his boss was nice to witness.

  “Mr. Delacruz! You haven’t been by in far too long,” the host said effusively.

  “I know, Billy. I’ve been stuck in my office lately, but tonight I’m here for pleasure only.”

  Billy smiled at Anna. “I can see that. Good for you, sir. You work much too hard, so it’s time to relax. Table for two?”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  Billy showed them to a nice, secluded table in an attractive alcove that afforded plenty of privacy. When he was gone, Anna waved a hand at the interior.

  “I love your restaurant. It has that old-world charm, with the dark leather, candles, and such.”

  “Thank you. My chef is one of the best, too. That’s where the real test is, and he’s fantastic. I’d love to be your guest at Floor Fifty-Five sometime.”

  “That can be arranged.”

  Before he could reply, a waiter appeared to take their drink order. Joaquin selected a nice bottle of red, then the waiter left their menus and vanished.

  “Your staff seems to really like and respect you.”

  “As much as anyone can like their boss, I suppose. I try to be fair, and I avoid micromanaging them if at all possible. I simply expect them to perform at the highest level.”

  “I guess a casino has to be run like a pretty tight ship.”

  “More so than anyone can envision. The staff undergoes extensive background checks due to the massive amount of money that flows through here, not to mention all the liquor and other supplies we have on hand.”

  The waiter arrived with their wine. After opening it and presenting a small amount in a glass for Joaquin’s inspection, he poured their drinks. Once he was gone again, Joaquin continued.

  “My security here is tight as well, perfect for parties and other events. People want to feel safe when they play.” He paused. “Speaking of parties, I’m throwing one next weekend in the ballroom. Sounds formal, but it won’t be. Would you be my date?”

  She smiled. “Of course I will. I’d be sort of pissed if you invited me to your home and then took someone else.”

  “Like I would do that to you. There isn’t anyone I’d rather have on my arm.” Taking his glass, he lifted it. “Here’s to good times … and perhaps the start of something wonderful.”

  She could use a heavy dose of wonderful. “I’ll drink to that.”

  They toasted, and the waiter arrived once more to take their order. Anna hadn’t really looked at the menu, so she trusted Joaquin to order for her. She was pleased when he selected salads and filet mignons topped with a whiskey glaze for them both. She didn’t know whether she could eat all of it, but she’d give it her best shot.

  Talking with this man made for just about the best company she’d enjoyed in a while. He was still as fascinating as the first time she met him. But the mystery was lifting a bit as she got to know him. He was a very straightforward man—what you saw was what you got. According to Gray, he had a ruthless reputation, but she had yet to witness that side of him. She found herself speculating how she’d feel when she finally did.

  The rest of the meal passed with idle chat, her lover entertaining her with stories of growing up with his brothers. There was a moment of sadness when he spoke of his half brother, Rafael, and she recalled that he’d been forced to shoot the man in self-defense. It was beyond her understanding how a sibling could turn on his own family, though it happened all the time, everywhere. His sadness passed, though, and they ended up laughing over tales of Rio’s antics.

  Their conversation was interrupted by a man who walked up to their table and stood gazing down at Joaquin. His appearance alarmed Anna. Not the way he was dressed, but the barely disguised venom with which he regarded her companion. He wasn’t a bad-looking man, maybe in his fifties, a bit husky, just a bit rough around the edges. But his eyes were hard, glittering marbles in the dim corner they occupied. At first she was afraid he intended Joaquin harm, but he merely gave the other man what her mother would call a crocodile smile, the expression on his face clearly insincere.


  “Deno. What brings you to my neck of the woods tonight?”

  “Oh, just
slumming,” he said, then laughed as though he’d told a joke.

  Joaquin’s stony expression clearly said it wasn’t. “There are plenty of other casinos in Atlantic City if you aren’t having a good time here. Feel free to take yourself to one of those.”

  “Oh, don’t be like that. I was just kidding, boy. Your place is as good as any to pass a few hours at the tables.”

  “Having any luck?”

  “Breaking even.”

  “Pity. Lose a bit more and I can go home with plenty of your green in my pocket.” He returned the other man’s smile, but unlike Deno’s expression, his was sincere.

  “Perhaps you will at that. In any case, I just wanted an introduction to your lovely lady friend.” He turned his attention to Anna, and his regard made something inside her quell.

  Her lover’s eyes flashed in anger, and she stepped in to avoid conflict. “I’m Anna Claire, visiting from New York. And you are?” She held out her hand, and as he shook it, she noted how unpleasantly cold his skin was. Like grasping a dead fish.

  “Deno Santos, from this fair city. I’m a business associate of Joaquin’s.”

  One of those who wasn’t happy about her lover legitimizing his holdings? He certainly emanated barely masked hostility.

  “That’s nice.”

  A silence ensued that almost became awkward, until Joaquin spoke. “Are you going to be around next weekend? I’ve decided to have an informal party in the ballroom for my business associates, spur of the moment. It’ll be a night where we can all relax and talk future projects over cocktails and appetizers. I’d like to extend an invitation.”

  The other man looked surprised, then nodded, a calculating gleam in his eyes. Or so it seemed to Anna. “I would like that. Thank you.”

  “Great. The party will be Saturday night, beginning around eight.”

  “It should prove … interesting. I’ll see you then.”

  Anna frowned as he walked off. “‘Interesting,’” she repeated. “I don’t like the way he said that. He’s sort of creepy.”

  “He’s old-school mafia. And he’s my biggest problem at the moment, one that needs reining in.”

  “Or you’ll have to send T-Bone to break his kneecaps?”

  “Naw, that’s Henry’s specialty.” He laughed at her wide-eyed stare. “Kidding.”

  “Why am I not comforted?”

  He grinned. “Seriously, don’t worry. I don’t send out my goons to break bones. Well, not anymore.”

  She didn’t know which part of that sentence he was teasing about and decided to leave well enough alone.

  He left the waiter a generous tip and then called the car while she checked her cell phone. Five voice messages today and several texts, most of them from Gray. He was nothing if not relentless. The sight of them gave her heart a lurch. She had managed not to think of him all day, and yet he was still there in a sense, disrupting the peace and happiness she was working to build. She wanted to move forward, but he was making it so damned difficult.

  Part of her wondered whether she’d been too harsh on him, especially after hearing some of the things Joaquin had told her about his father and the illegal activity he’d worked to eradicate. It wasn’t a stretch to understand why Gray, as an FBI agent, wouldn’t believe Joaquin was doing what he said and felt bound to bring him to justice.

  But Gray had had his chance, and that was over. Wasn’t it?

  In minutes they were in the limo and cruising toward Joaquin’s estate. Tired, Anna rested her head on Joaquin’s shoulder. His arm went around her and held her close, and she snuggled in with a hand on his chest. He smelled so good, and the car was so cozy, she was asleep in minutes.

  The next thing she knew, someone was shaking her gently. She came awake, realizing the car had stopped and they were back at the mansion, in the driveway.

  “Sorry I fell asleep.” She yawned, making her eyes water.

  “You’ve had a long day, baby. We both have. What do you say we take a quick shower and hit the bed a little early?”

  “Sounds fabulous.”

  Upstairs in his suite, she looked around, blinking at the sheer size of his bedroom and the furniture it contained. The bed was large enough to accommodate five people, though only two would be in it. She’d already decided she loved snuggling with him too much to stay all alone in the guest room.

  They showered quickly and kissed some, enjoying touching each other. But their attentions were more affectionate than erotic. They were both exhausted, and just being together was fulfilling their needs for now.

  Once they’d toweled off, Joaquin loaned her one of his T-shirts so she wouldn’t have to go digging through her suitcase for something.

  “I can just sleep naked, you know.” She grinned, yanking on the shirt.

  “Yes, but seeing you in my clothes is very sexy. Keep it, but leave off the panties.”

  “If you insist.”

  She couldn’t help but admire his masculine, naked form as he crawled under the covers. Nor did she have any inclination to bitch about the double standard, since her wearing his shirt was a turn-on for him.

  Sliding in next to him, she sighed in satisfaction as he spooned her from behind. His warmth surrounding her, she drifted quickly into a deep sleep.


  Anna ran, heart pounding in terror as the man closed in. Hands like claws reaching, reaching …

  Then the man bellowed in rage, and she spun to see her pursuer engaged in a vicious fight with another man. Her rescuer. No, there were two men battling the enemy, and she knew them both.

  Knew them because they were etched into her soul.

  A glint of metal flashed in the killer’s hand. A long, wicked knife. Then he lunged and drove the blade hilt-deep into one of the men, and the man fell.

  “Nooo!” she screamed, running toward them.

  Which one? Who was hurt?

  But she couldn’t see their faces, no matter how hard she tried. Didn’t know who was on the ground with his blood pouring onto the dirty concrete.

  “Gray? Joaquin?” She sucked in a breath. “Somebody help us!”

  Gasping, Anna came awake with a start. Her heart was slamming against her ribs, and she was on her back with Joaquin looking down at her in concern.

  “Baby, are you all right?”

  “I—I think so,” she said shakily. “Bad dream.”

  “More like a nightmare. You were shouting, but I couldn’t tell what you were saying.”

  “I don’t remember,” she lied. The horrid images remained with her. The two men she cared for battling with some unidentified murderer. One of them dying on the ground.

  “Are you sure you’re all right?”

  “Yes. Hold me, please.”

  Rolling onto his back, he pulled her half on top of him, and she rested her head on his chest. Gradually her frantic pulse calmed and the nightmare began to lose its grip on her mind. She became aware of her lover’s supple body under hers. His clean scent, the tautness of his skin. His cock thickening against her thigh where it was thrown over him.

  Awareness began to crackle between them like a charged current, and she ran her palm over his chest, playing in the crisp, manly hair. She loved how it was soft and springy. His nipples were springy, too, after she teased them to tight little peaks. Emboldened, she raised up and tasted them, one and then the other, spurred on by his sounds of pleasure.

  “Like that?”

  “I love however you want to touch me,” he said hoarsely. “I’m yours, Anna. All of me, and I have no secrets from you.”

  He meant that. The truth was in his dark eyes, the vulnerability he willingly showed to her in a way Gray never had. Joaquin was putting himself out there, laying it on the line.

  He was hers for the taking, with all of his faults exposed.

  Emotion welled inside her, familiar and frightening. But it wouldn’t be denied, and so she gladly accepted his gift. Straddling his lap, she bent and took his delectable mouth in a kis
s. Deepened it, putting all the feelings into it that he brought out in her. Feelings she never thought to experience again, and hadn’t wanted to.

  She gave them to him, and he accepted in return. Sliding his hands under the shirt she wore, he gripped her naked hips gently and lifted her over his straining cock. Helping out, she reached between them and positioned the head at her entrance. Then slowly, she worked herself down onto his shaft.

  He sucked in a breath, passion suffusing his handsome face. His gaze never left hers as he said, “Make love to me, baby. Just like this.”

  She did, moving with him, unrushed. Their desire built sweetly, their shared ecstasy made beautiful by the very real connection that was being formed between them. This was more than sex. More than a fling.

  This felt good. So right.

  In no time, they began to reach the pinnacle together. Unable to stop, Anna’s release shook her and she cried out, palms braced on his chest as she rode him to completion. Underneath her, Joaquin groaned, and his hot seed warmed her inside. Several times he jerked, until finally he was spent.

  As he pulled her into his arms once more and she cuddled into his side, she was hit by a startling reality.

  She was falling for Joaquin, hard. And she had no idea what to do about it.


  The week that followed was one of the happiest of Joaquin’s entire life. He couldn’t believe he had once planned to use Anna as a weapon against Gray. He knew now that he never could have gone through with it.

  And she wasn’t Gray’s anymore—Anna was his. Period.

  The day after their casino jaunt, he’d taken her shopping and bought her some new clothes. Normally shopping with women was something he and his brothers avoided at all costs, a chore guaranteed to make a man’s balls wither and fall off. But with Anna, the excursion was fun. He ended up getting her a short black skirt that showed plenty of leg, spike heels, and a daring, glittery top with a plunging neckline that would no doubt have every man in the ballroom panting and ready to cream his boxers.

  He’d have to enforce the “look but don’t touch” rule right off the bat.

  The rest of the week was spent lounging by the pool and taking her to all of his favorite restaurants. Rio had taken a real liking to her, and in one spurt of seriousness, his brother had advised him not to let her go. Joaquin told him that he didn’t plan on it.


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