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The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20

Page 23

by Jacqueline Druga

  “Too late.” Dean stepped back and moved to the steps. “It’s way too late for that Ellen. And tonight ...” Slowly Dean swayed his head. “Tonight, I just don’t want to think or talk about you and Frank. I have a feeling it’s a situation I’m going to have to deal with for the rest of our lives.”

  “Dean.” Ellen reached for him but he kept moving. He walked to the steps, quietly and then up them, leaving Ellen alone in the living room.


  The blearing horns of the bad eighties disco song played in the Social Hall, and Frank decided it would be the last time. Finishing his drink, he stood from his bar stool, pulled out his revolver, and fired once into the juke box causing ‘Kool’ from ‘Kool and the Gang’ to slow his singing down to a demonic tone. Then Frank snapped out of his fantasy, cringed at the wedding song that he always hated, and yelled to John Matoose. “Why the fuck do you have to play this song every day?”

  “It reminds me of my brother’s wedding,” John answered, staring at the jukebox with a huge grin on his face. What he really wanted to do was get drunk and dance, but he figured he annoyed people enough by playing that song.

  Jenny didn’t mind. In fact she danced her way across the Social Hall, anxiously awaiting Jonas who always danced with her on a Friday night. She pulled out a chair next to John and sat with him. “Frank is just miserable. He’s always been like that.”

  “Really?” John asked.

  “Oh, sure. I can remember being seven and hating when he would come home for leave and visit Kelly.”

  “Did he get along with his wife?” John asked, looking at Frank who sat at the bar like an old drunk.

  “I think the only female Frank has ever gotten along with is Ellen.”

  “And even they fight,” John commented.

  “Speaking of Frank and Ellen, did you hear what happened today?” Jenny scooted her chair in closer to John.

  “No. What?” John asked, wanting to hear the ‘big secret’ Jenny prepared to present him.

  “I heard that Dean walked over to that Containment place to pay his wife a visit and busted Ellen and Frank, well, having sex.”

  “No way.” John immediately looked at Frank. “I know Dean didn’t beat him up or even try to.”

  “No. I don’t know what happened after he busted them. I just know that he did.”

  “How do you know?”

  “I overheard him complaining very loudly to William at the clinic.”

  “What were you doing at the clinic? Were you sick?”

  “No.” Jenny shook her head. “I was discussing a medical problem. See Dirk ...” Jenny drew closer to John. “Dirk has been having some trouble preparing to make love.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  Jenny slowly lifted up her finger.

  “Oh.” John nodded. “That’s because he’s old. That’s understandable.”

  “See, everyone keeps on saying that to me, yet no one will explain what that means. So what if he’s old? He’s still a man.”

  “But not a young one,” John told her. “Hell Jenny, young men, they get physically prepared to make love even when it’s a very inopportune time.”


  “Really.” John lifted his drink.

  “You too?”

  “Of course.”

  Jenny’s eyes lit up.


  Robbie had forgotten about everything. It had never been in his nature to hold a grudge. He walked into the Social Hall wanting to talk to Frank. Actually he wanted to compliment Frank and thank him for the good laugh. He just saw a very macho walking Jonas and found out the reason for it wasn’t anything that Frank had taught him. It was because Frank had him walking around with stones in his tightie whitie’s.

  Smiling, like he usually did, Robbie laid a hand on Frank’s back while reaching around him for the bottle. “Hey, Frank.”

  Frank didn’t answer.

  “I saw Jonas, man, I have to tell you.”

  “I’d rather you not.”

  “What? What’s wrong?” Robbie asked, really not knowing.

  “I’m fuckin’ pissed at you.”

  Henry was the last person Robbie wanted to interrupt them at that second, but there he was getting a drink and overhearing Frank. “Join the club, Frank. I don’t think there’s a person in Beginnings who doesn’t get pissed off at Robbie.” Henry poured his drink. “You blew me off today. You never showed.”

  “I was busy with ...”

  “Robert.” Joe, who had just walked into the Social Hall, spotted Robbie. “I distinctively remember telling you to finish that inventory in warehouse ‘B’.”

  Robbie tried to talk again. “But I ...”

  “See.” Henry pointed at him. “Another person.”

  Robbie was prepared to tell them he blew off Henry to do inventory for Joe which took most of his time. But he didn’t turn in the sheet because Miguel asked him to help move crops from the greenhouse but as soon as Robbie readied to say all that, Miguel jumped in.

  “Robbie.” Miguel approached. “Just the man I need to see. You did not put those last three bins far enough inside the storage facility. The rabbits got to them.”

  Surrounded. Robbie was surrounded by angry faces and accusing voices.

  Frank spun some on his stool. “Seems to me that you’re the popular person in Beginnings tonight.”

  Robbie slammed down his glass and walked away from them. “Fuck it. I’m gone. Bitch about me when I’m not here to listen.” Walking out of the Social Hall, he heard his name a few more times and he was grateful that he left. The last thing he was going to do was stand there and play defense attorney against a bunch of people who could care less about what he had to say. Robbie decided to just go home. He thought it was going to be a good night. It turned out to not only be an early one but a ‘Robbie free for all’ as well. Uneventful, boring, stupid were the words Robbie would have used had he made it to his home without running into Jenny the second he entered the living section. A peeping sound then the vision of a half naked Jenny holding a sheet against her.

  “Robbie, stop him.” She flew by him toward center town.

  He spun around to ask her who she was talking about, but Jenny moved quickly, the sheet flapping in the wind and her bare ass exposed. Robbie, still curious and scratching his head, turned back around and when he did, John was running his way. John was chasing Jenny. The closer John got, the more intrigued Robbie grew when he saw a naked John through the darkness. “John are you ...”

  “Help.” John kept running, and he ran faster than Jenny.

  Jenny in a sheet. John buck naked. With a ‘hmm’ and a snicker, Robbie got his answer on why Jenny and John were sprinting so daringly across Beginnings and it wasn’t just on a whim to feel free.

  “Where day go?” Dirk asked huffing as he ran with a giant stick. “Ja see em?”

  “Uh ...” Robbie pointed in the correct direction. “Ran that way.”

  “Thank you.” Limping and trying his best to run, Dirk, holding that switch, continued in his crusade to get Jenny and John.

  Robbie kept on walking. Even if he was going home a lot earlier than he wanted to, he was going home with a smile over the amusing scene he just witnessed and also convinced of the fact that he was one of the last men left on earth that still possibly had scruples.


  March 11 - Beginnings, Montana

  Frank had to wonder when he looked down at the expression Jonas had. Was Jonas confused? Did Jonas know that was a pistol he held in his hand. “What’s the problem?”

  “There are no bullets in this gun, Frank.”

  “It’s called a clip, and no. I took it out.”

  “If I’ve no bullets how am I supposed to shoot people?”

  “First.” Frank held up his hand to Jonas. “You’re not shooting people.”

  “Then why do I have a gun?”

  “To look tough.”

  “What if
they try to shoot me first? I wouldn’t be threatening without bullets.”

  “Jonas,” Frank stated his name. “Who in Beginnings is there that you would shoot? Besides Dean.”

  “Oh I wouldn’t shoot Dean.” Jonas looked at his empty gun. “I would shoot Dirk.”

  “You would shoot Dirk?” Frank asked surprised. “Why?”

  “Nasty, nasty old man.” Jonas put his pistol in his shoulder harness. “He beat John and Jenny with a switch last night.”

  “He caught them screwing.”

  “Still.” Jonas shook his head in a swaying manner. “I don’t like him. He’s nasty. Mean and nasty. Not to mention vulgar.”

  “Vulgar?” Frank was confused.

  “Yes. Breaks wind all the time in the greenhouse and never says pardon me.”

  “Jonas, the man is ...”

  “It’s humid in there Frank.”

  “But he’s old and ...”

  “And hot in there,” Jonas griped. “Do you know what bad wind mixed with humidity and heat all in a closed in area makes for? A very uncomfortable time.”

  “Say something to him.”

  “That would be rude. And ...” Jonas held up a finger. “He could do that thing where he blames me because I recognized the odor first.”

  “Smelt it, dealt it?”

  “Yes. I hate that.” Jonas stood up straight. “Ready. How do I look?”

  “Perfect for your first day.”

  “Which perimeter am I walking, Frank?” Jonas asked.

  “You’re not. I walk perimeters.”

  “But I’m all dolled up.”

  Frank winced with one eye closed. “Jonas, you’re dressed in military issued clothing. You aren’t dolled up.”

  “I feel handsome.”

  “Still you ...”

  “There is just something so handsome about a man in uniform.”

  “Yeah, but ...”

  “Did anyone ever tell you that you look handsome in a uniform?”

  “Jonas.” Frank snapped his name. “Will you quit with the ... I look handsome in a uniform?”


  “Thanks.” Frank looked proud the cleared his throat. “All right, enough of the flirting with me.”

  Jonas snickered.

  “Anyhow, your first job here in Beginnings is to walk a beat.”

  “You mean like I dance to a beat at the Social ...”

  “No!” Frank nearly yelled. “You’ll walk town making sure all is well and there is no trouble, like the cop who walks the street all day.”

  Jonas snickered covering his mouth.

  “Quit that.” Frank pulled down his hand. “Why are you laughing?”

  “How is there going to be trouble in town? No one’s there.”

  “There was trouble last night,” Frank told him. “Wasn’t there?”


  “See. You just walk around and be an authority.”

  “Good word.”

  “Thank you.” Frank gave Jonas a swat on the arm. “Get to it. Maggie said she’ll make you coffee and donuts.”

  Jonas rubbed his arm from the sore spot Frank just caused. “Got it.”

  “Now go. Practice for when there can really be trouble.”

  “Got it.” Giving a thumbs up, Jonas began to walk.

  “Jonas,” Frank called him. “Don’t take no shit.”

  “Got it.”

  “Be mean.”

  “Got it.” Jonas looked excited. “I think I’m up for this.”

  “Excellent, now hurry. Be tough and sound like Sly.”


  Frank laughed and in his shaking of his head he watched Jonas walk and he realized something was wrong. Not only did Jonas swish, he also sort of skipped. “Jonas!”

  Jonas stopped. “Yes?”

  “Where are your rocks?”

  “In my back pocket.”

  “Put them in your drawers.”

  “Oh Frank, I’m getting chaffed.”

  “Tough, then you’ll walk better. Do it,” Frank ordered.

  After a short moaning whine, Jonas reached in his back pocket, pulled out his stones, and reached his hand far down the front of his pants. His face made a squishing uncomfortable look as he shifted around but Jonas accomplished the task, waved to Frank, and walked with a John Wayne limp into town.


  Alexandra whined loudly and ear piercingly. She kicked her thin leg out nailing Dean in the gut. He grunted and continued his examination of her on the table at the clinic

  “What in the world are you doing to her?” William asked as he walked in.

  “Checking her out. What are you doing here?”

  “I heard my granddaughter screaming.”

  “She’s being irritable,” Dean said with edge. “Hold still, Alex.”

  “Dean, she’s a baby.” William took the little girl. “Come to Pap.” He lifted her up and she clung to William. “Why are you examining her? What’s the problem?”

  “She was fussy all night and morning.”

  “Maybe she hasn’t been fussy. Maybe you just aren’t in the mood to handle it.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Are you checking her ears?”


  William set Alexandra on the table. “First of all, she isn’t an infant. She’ll get pissed at you if you lay her down.” William hunched down to Alexandra. “Sweetie, yes.” He spoke in a high voice as he lifted his instrument from his pocket. “Look what Pap has. Look.” He flicked on the light a few times making a mini strobe. “Look!” He smiled and slowly brought the aural instrument to her ear and checked. “Good girl.” William looked at Dean. “Right one is fine.” He moved around to Alexandra’s other ear. “Left is fine too.” He tossed the tip of the instrument in the sterilizer bin. “She’s not warm.” William’s hand moved about.

  “She’s been really whiney and fussy.”

  “Like her father,” William commented.


  “Has she been coughing?” William asked.


  “Throwing up?”


  “Runny nose?”


  “Drooling more.”

  “A little.” Dean twitched his head.

  “Watch that she doesn’t fall,” William told Dean then walked to the sink and quickly washed his hands. He returned back to the table, placed his index finger on Alexandra’s chin, opened her mouth, and placed a finger inside to feel her gums. “She’s teething, you idiot.”


  “No, Dean. You’re going to be a doctor so act like one.”

  “How am I supposed to know she’s teething?”

  “You’re a doctor for crying out loud.”

  Dean, so frustrated, ran his fingers through his hair then rubbed his head, messing up his hair. “I’m sorry, but I was in research for ten-years-plus. I do that here as well.”

  “Excuses, excuses.” William picked up the baby. “Now, what’s wrong?”

  “Alexandra is sick.”

  “No she’s not and if you had a level head, you would have thought of the teething thing, moronic research doctor or not.”

  “I wish you wouldn’t insult me.”

  “Then don’t give me a reason to. What’s wrong?”

  Dean hesitated. He really dreaded telling William about his problems but his father was the only male he really talked to. Dean hoped that perhaps in the low point where he was suffering, William would shine through with compassion. “It’s Ellen. I’m still upset about her and Frank yesterday.”

  “Get over it.”

  Dean’s hopes were shattered. “What is wrong with you?”

  “What is wrong with you?” William bounced a now happy Alexandra. “Obviously this pissy mood you’re in is affecting your children or why else would you have Alexandra here?”

  “You said she was teething.”

  “Yes, but you’re probably
agitating that.”


  “Children sense these things.”

  “She’s one,” Dean argued.

  “She senses it. Trust me. You sensed it when your mother and I fought.”

  “No, I did not. That’s bullshit.”

  “Oh really?” William said. “You puked every single time your mother and I argued.”

  “I never remember you arguing.”

  “That’s because we waited until you weren’t around. We got tired of watching your regurgitate wherever we were.”


  “You know, Dean, they say you marry a woman who is most like your mother. You say Ellen’s an unfaithful wife. Your mother was a very unfaithful wife. At least Ellen cheats with the same man.”

  An offended look took over Dean. “Why do you make my mother out to be such a ...”



  “She was.” William shrugged. “But we got past it and so will you and Ellen. It’s a Hayes Man tradition. My mother cheated on my father. Your mother cheated on me. Billy’s mother cheats on you and his wife will cheat on him. It probably goes further back. We just like those types of women.”

  “You may,” Dean stated. “I don’t.”

  “Then what are you going to do about it?”

  “What do you mean?’

  “Dean.” William leaned with one hand on the table. “If you don’t like the type of woman Ellen is then do something about it and quit bitching. You either deal with it or you don’t.”

  “I don’t know.” Dean swayed his head. “I’m really confused.”

  “Where is the confusion? There are nineteen people in this community. She’s here. You’re here. You are either with her or you aren’t. Period. Keep in mind, every day that passes is another day that the women that wait outside these walls are not gonna be a good selection.”

  “Another woman is not what I want. My worries aren’t if I’ll ever find another. I don’t view Ellen as my only choice. I love her.”

  “Then you work with her,” William told him.


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