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The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20

Page 36

by Jacqueline Druga

  Trish giggled and slid her hand over Joe’s as she took the paper. She winked then looked at Todd. “He saved me you know.”

  “Kidnapped you,” Todd corrected.

  “Same difference.”

  Joe handed out the final pencil when he noticed Ellen walking in the room. “Excuse me.” He moved toward the Skills Room door. “How is he?”

  “He’s sick.” Ellen stated.

  “Clinic sick?” Joe asked.

  “Well, not yet. We’ll see.” Ellen peered around the room. “How’s it going?”

  “Robbie’s got the hands on. I’ve got the idiots.”

  “Joe.” Ellen shook her head with a smile. “That’s not nice. Trish has survivor syndrome for you.”

  Joe rolled his eyes. “I know. Trust me I know. She shouldn’t be in here long so it shouldn’t get that bad” He looked at Trish who smiled and wiggled her fingers in a wave at him. Joe half-assed waved back.

  Robbie, like a teacher, paced around the seven quiet survivors that worked with material for clothing. A woman named Gemma, picked up a few months earlier, turned out to be the seamstress that Beginnings needed, but in order to save her a lot of work, Containment helped out by shaping and cutting fabric. “Good,” Robbie commented. Sometimes he felt really bad, treating the survivors like they were patients in a mental ward and rehabilitating them all to go into society again. But as history in Containment proved, not everyone was far from a mental patient.

  “Excellent, Sara.” Robbie walked up to the woman who took Melissa’s place as the quiet one. She shook a lot but in cutting her fabric, she stayed within the lines. “Gemma will be pleased.” Just as Robbie leaned over her and laid his hand on his shoulder, Sara growled, gripped her scissors, spun around in the chair, and rammed them into Robbie’s gut.

  Robbie’s grunt of pain caught the attention of Ellen with Joe across the room.

  “No!” Ellen raced over, seeing Sara reach for the scissors that protruded from a hunching Robbie. Ellen, using her body, dove for Sara and knocked her away. “Joe, get help!” Ellen moved her body into Robbie and held her hand over his bleeding wound. “Don’t touch the scissors. They have to stay in.”

  Sara jumped up from the ground.

  “El,” Robbie said weakly. “Watch out.”

  Ellen turned her head and as soon as she did, Sara grabbed her and shoved her back. Ellen slammed back into a wall. Her eyes rolled and she slid down. Robbie stumbled to her, but was not faster than Joe who ran across the room. Greg and another survivor came in shortly and restrained Sara.

  “Kiddo.” Joe bent down to Ellen.

  “I’m O.K. Robbie?”

  Robbie closed his eyes and dropped to the floor, holding his stomach.

  “Joe.” Ellen raised her eyes up.

  “Help’s on the way, Joe said. “Let me get her out of here.”

  “You’d better hurry,.” Ellen spoke breathily.

  “Why?” Joe asked.

  Crack! A chair came down and hit Joe on the back. Sara had bit and kicked her way free from her apprehension.

  “Hey!” Trish screamed out as she ran to Sara. She grabbed the wild woman by the arm and spun her. “That is not the way to get along.”

  With a hard, heavy hand, Sara reared back and smacked Trish on the side of the face.

  Trish gasped and smacked her right back then screamed when Sara lunged at her and snatched her by the hair. “Ow. Hey. Ow. Hey. Ow, hey Joe. Help Joe, ow. She’s got my hair. Stop.” Trish spun in a circle.

  “Enough!” From the little holster next to his gun, Joe grasped a prepared syringe. Uncapping it, he grabbed Sara and injected her in the neck. Sara held on to a struggling Trish for a few seconds more before passing out.


  “My brother’s been stabbed!” Frank screamed at Joe. “And you can sit there and tell me I am not taking this woman out?” His voice lost its deep edge. It was filled with the high tone of his anger. “Explain why?”

  “Frank.” Joe rubbed his eyes as he sat behind his desk. Henry and George were present, along with Dean. “Council listened to Robbie’s arguments and decided to give her a chance.”

  “He’s fuckin’ drugged up,” Frank argued. “Oust her.”

  “No,” Joe said.

  “Oust her now!” Frank stated. “You want me to run Security. How can I do that if you don’t let me take out the people who cause disruption?”

  Dean shook his head. “Therefore making your job easier.”

  With a glare, Frank turned his head Dean’s way. “What the fuck are you implying?”

  “I’m saying, Frank.” Dean stepped to him. “Sorry, we all can’t be angels. That is why we have Security. That is your job. They get out of line. You put them in line, not kick them out. Robbie trains them to be better. That is his job and he says she’ll get better.”

  “Where do you get off even being in this meeting?” Frank blasted.

  “Where do you get off?” Dean questioned. “I’m here to argue Robbie’s points. Obviously Robbie has valid points. He believes the woman had a hard time out there and she will get better. So do I.”

  “Even with Ellen in there?

  “It’s your job to make sure she’s safe.” Dean told him. “If you don’t trust these people, put someone in there with her.”

  “Who, Dean?” Frank tossed his hands up. “Who do I have? No one.” He shook his head. “Fine, I’ll take your suggestion.” Frank neared him. “Watch me not leave her side from now on.”


  “Well then I’m the asshole who’s gonna protect your wife at your suggestion, aren’t I?”

  “Boys.” Joe lifted his hand. “Enough. Frank, the woman stays but I promise, if it happens again, you can personally oust her.”

  “There won’t be a chance to oust her.” Frank moved to the door. “Let her go after Ellen again and I’ll shoot her in the fuckin’ head right there.”

  Amongst the moans, Joe threw up his arms. “Can you be anymore melodramatic, Frank? Shoot her in the head? What did I tell you about that shit the last time you shot a survivor? You just can’t kill everyone.”

  “Still ...” Frank defended.

  “Still, my ass.” Joe shook his head. “This argument is over. You got a problem with it and you want to bitch, bitch at your brother, not us.”

  Frank huffed silently a few times and opened the door. He saw the smirk Dean had on his face, like a little kid who just watched his worst enemy get scolded. Frank pointed at him. “Wipe the shitty grin off before I do it for you.”

  Swiping away Frank’s finger and feeling secure that Frank wouldn’t kill him right there, Dean smiled wider and flipped off.


  “Hey,” Ellen called softly as she walked into the dark clinic room where Robbie lay. “You up?”

  “Yeah.” Robbie cleared his throat and, with a grunt, sat up some.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Good. Sore.” Robbie grabbed his gut. “No damage.”

  “I heard,” Ellen told him. “That’s good. You’ll be up and about tomorrow.”

  “Yeah, but I think I would be much better though if they didn’t let Melissa put on the bandages. She kept screwing up and I couldn’t tell you how many hairs from my stomach the tape ripped out.”

  Ellen snickered as she sat on the edge of the bed. “She’s learning. Hey, at least we got her to pull a four hour shift tonight.”

  “True.” Robbie laid his hand on hers. “How are you?”

  “Fine. I thought that was it. I thought I went into labor.” Ellen let out a breath. “But no. I’m glad I didn’t. Not with you immobile tonight.”

  “You still want to do it?” Robbie asked.

  “I have to.”

  “It will kill Frank.”

  Ellen lowered her head a little. “I know but it would kill Dean more. We have to.”

  “El.” Robbie spoke her name and squeezed her hand.

  “I mean, I love him. I l
ove Dean very much and ...”


  “ ... all I want is for our marriage to work. I know I screw up but I don’t want to hurt him”

  “El, listen ...”

  “I don’t want to hurt Dean and if switching the baby’s blood is the way to stop it then that what we’ll ...”

  “El.” Robbie spoke her name strongly. “No more.”

  “What?” Curiously Ellen looked at Robbie then saw he didn’t look at her. With a racing heart, Ellen turned to where Robbie looked. William was standing in the room.


  February 13 - Beginnings, Montana

  At a table in the Skills Room, Joe sat, holding a sheet of paper. “Now, Trish it says on this ...”

  “You saved me again last night.” Trish leaned her face on her hand.

  “No, not really. Now it says ...”

  “I saved you. I defended you.”

  “Yes, you did.” Joe looked up and smiled. “Thank you. Now on this questionnaire.”

  “Do you like breasts?”

  “Yes. Now it says you have the following skills that ...”

  “Would you like to see mine?” Trish asked.

  “As enticing as that is, no. Can we discuss this?” Joe held up the paper.

  “Sure go on. My skills.”

  “Your skills.”

  Trish giggled.

  “What?” Joe asked.

  “I was thinking of other skills I have.” She winked.

  “Let’s stick with discussing these.”

  “I should have put them down. Huh?”

  “No.” Joe shook his head. “Now, organizational skills are very important. We’re organized here.”

  “And you do a wonderful job, Joe.”

  “Thanks. What I was thinking for you ...”

  “That you’d like to touch my breasts?”


  “How long has it been?”

  “Since?” Joe asked.

  “Since you touched a breast?”

  “A long time. You put down that you worked in an electronic library for the state ...”

  “Then you should.”

  “Should what?”

  “Take advantage of me.”

  “No,” Joe tried to continue on. He kept his eyes on the paper.

  “I’m crazy about you, Joe.”

  “I’m sure. What exactly is it that you did for this electronic library? Was it a record keeping thing or what?” Joe looked up. “Trish.”

  Trish smiled, shirtless in front of Joe. “Go on.” She winked again. “I won’t mind.”

  Joe set down the paper and stood up. “George.” He called out as he left the Skills Room. “She did it again.”


  “You look tired, El.” Frank told her as they walked from the living section toward the school.

  “I am.” Ellen put her head down. “Really beat.”

  “You know what that means with you.”

  “I know. It’s time.”

  Frank nodded then smiled when he saw Johnny walking their way. “El, you sure you don’t mind.”

  “I’ll be fine. I’m not even going to Containment. I’m going to the Clinic.”

  “Dad.” Johnny raced over. “Hey El.”

  “Hi Johnny. How’s school?”

  “Sucks. Hey, Dad says that you, the twins, and the baby might move in with us.”

  Ellen quickly looked at Frank. “Why did you tell ...”

  “Don’t you like Dr. Dean?” Johnny asked.

  “I like Dean,” Ellen told him. “Your dad is just thinking about stealing us from him.”

  Johnny snickered. “That’s funny.”

  Frank held up his finger. “And it might work.” He smiled and leaned to her ear. “It’s just a matter of time.” He placed a quick kiss on her cheek. “Well, I’m off to teach him how to drive.”

  “Isn’t that great, El?” Johnny asked. “I’m not even sixteen.”

  “Well, it’s a safe bet that all you’ll hit driving the field truck is Dirk and God knows no one would mind.”

  Frank laid his hand on her cheek. “Steal a nap. I’ll check on you later.”

  Ellen nodded, watched father and son walk off, then she turned and moved toward the Clinic.


  “Everything looks fine.” Dean reviewed a chart in front of the new comer Ben. “I see nothing wrong.”

  “I still feel bad,” Bed said rubbing his stomach.

  “Sometimes ...”

  “Knock-knock.” Ellen called out and stepped in. “How’s it going?”

  “Fine,” Dean said. “He’s better. I think it was the dietary change.”

  Ben bobbed his head in agreement. “I did eat that chocolate cake.”

  “See.” Dean pointed the pen. “Did anyone tell you not to eat food like that the first day?” He peered up to Ben with a smile.

  “Did anyone ever tell you that you have the most amazing eyes?”

  Ellen laughed loudly.

  Dean dropped his pen.

  Splash! Ellen dropped her water. “Shit.” She looked down.

  “Shit is right.” Dean’s eyes widened to the puddle that formed on the floor. He tossed the chart next to Ben and rushed to Ellen’s side, “Oh my God.” He grabbed her stomach with a grin.

  “Oh my God.” Ben covered his mouth and flew from the room. “Help! Help!”


  “Sweet Jesus, we are moving fast.” Andrea flew about the operating room and in her movement, she put one of Ellen’s legs in the stirrup. Then she placed the other. “How you holding up?”

  “Good.” Ellen panted. “Shit.” She squinted.

  ‘Don’t push.” Andrea wheeled her things to the end of the delivery table. “Not yet. Hold tight and breathe. Dean, get her to breathe.”

  Dean’s mouth puffed out the same as Ellen’s as he stood beside her.

  “God, Andrea, I’m telling you it’s twins again,” Ellen spoke through grunted words. “Shit.”

  “Ellen.” Andrea took her position. “Hold on.” She lifted the sheet. “Almost.” While one hand examined Ellen, the other pressed upon Ellen’s stomach. “Baby’s crowned. If this isn’t a set of twins, it’s one big kid.” Andrea smiled. “We’ll find out in a few minutes.” Kicking out her foot, Andrea maneuvered a stool over to where she could easily get to it and she prepared to deliver Ellen and Dean’s baby.


  “Quit biting your nails.” Joe smacked Frank’s hand from his mouth.

  “I can’t help it.” Frank paced the waiting room. “I should be in there.”

  “No, Frank you shouldn’t. Dean’s her husband.”

  “It’s my baby.”

  “Christ.” Joe rolled his eyes.

  William paced slowly as well about the room, needing to be right there instead of in the delivery room. When he heard what Frank had said, William slowly raised his eyes and made eye contact with Robbie.


  The struggling grunt came from Ellen as Dean held up her back, giving her leverage.

  “Almost.” Andrea called from the end of the table. “Take a breath and again.”

  Ellen inhaled and the tremendous pressure took over. She clutched the edge of the table and leaned forward, her face red.

  “That’s it.” Andrea reached for the suction. “We have lots of ... um ... one more will do it.”

  Dean shifted his eyes to Andrea. “What’s wrong?”

  Andrea shook her head. “Nothing. We’re ready to get this child all the way out. Let’s do it.”

  Ellen nodded and looked to Dean. Using his help, she gave the final push and a few seconds later the baby’s wail was heard. She plopped back, exhausted and smiling.

  “It’s a boy.” Andrea called out. “He’s big too.” Laying the baby in the blanket, she took him across the room.

  “Andrea,” Dean called out. “Let us see.”

  “Sure Dean one second.” She lai
d the baby on the scale and whistled.

  Dean laughed. “What? Eight pounds.”

  “Sweet Jesus, girl.” Andrea swayed her head. “I’m surprised you didn’t explode. Ten pounds eleven ounces.”

  The smile dropped from Dean’s face.

  “Dean?” Ellen felt his hand slip from hers. “Dean.”

  Dean moved quickly over to the scale where Andrea stood.

  Andrea saw the reflection of Dean fast approach. Hurriedly she turned around. “Listen it doesn’t always ...”

  Dean’s jaws twitched. With wide eyes, he looked at the baby, then to Ellen. Breathing heavily, almost near hyperventilation, he backed up. “Do that test. Do it now.” Spinning fast, before anything could be said, Dean barged with anger from the delivery room.

  Andrea was speechless as she carried the huge baby to Ellen. “It’ll work out.” She laid the baby in Ellen’s arms. “I’ll finish up.”

  Ellen slowly lowered her eyes to the baby in the blanket. She immediately closed her eyes when she saw the abundance of black hair and the darker complexion the child had.


  Joe feared the worst when he saw Dean barge past the waiting room and out of the clinic. Praying that nothing had gone wrong, he flew out of the waiting room and down the hall towards the delivery room. Frank kept up behind him.

  Andrea walked out, holding a blanket.

  “Andrea.” Joe hurried to her. “Is everything all right? Is Ellen fine?”

  “Mother and child are fine.” Andrea held the baby. “But right now, Joe, we have to put an end to all this tension. I’m going to get a blood sample and run that test.”

  “Wait.” Joe stepped closer and held out his hand to the blanket. Slowly he uncovered the baby’s face. “Christ.” He closed his eyes and then grunted when he heard the excited ‘yes’ come from Frank who had peered over his shoulder.


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