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The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20

Page 61

by Jacqueline Druga

“You rigged it.”

  “I rigged it.”

  “Excellent.” With another pat on Henry’s back, Danny moved to Containment. He walked through the small office and then was buzzed through to the main building. He headed straight to the Skills Room where his ‘inside’ worker was waiting. Danny hated to dump the manual work on him, but he was stuck in there and what else was Richie, Ellen’s brother, going to do?

  Richie sat on the floor of the Skills Room, a big box before him.

  “Tell me,” Danny spoke as he walked in. “Tell me you finished.”

  Richie exhaled heavily. “Cut, counted, and bound.”

  “You, Richie, are the man.” Danny crouched down to the floor.

  “Yeah, I’m the man who can’t go to Beginnings’ Day.”

  “Next year your sister says you should be out.”

  “Danny.” Richie stood up at the same time as Danny. “There is nothing wrong with me.”

  “I know that. But . . .” Danny shrugged. “What can I do, right? I’m just the lowly Social Coordinator.” He picked up the box. “But I did give you the honors of helping to edit the first ever Beginnings’ bestselling novel, didn’t I.”

  “Yeah,” Richie said less than enthusiastic. “I guess that’s a little . . . payback?”

  “You got it. I got this and I have to go. Thanks again. I’ll set some aside for when you get out.” Danny told him.

  “Thanks, if that ever happens.” Richie waved sadly.

  Danny felt bad as he left, especially with all the work Richie did for him, but there was nothing he could do. He could try to talk to Ellen again, but Ellen was very insistent that Richie stay. Somehow, Danny truly believed it had nothing to do with Richie’s behavior especially since Ellen had mentioned numerous times that Richie, in the old world, owed her twenty-seven hundred dollars, and that with accrued interest would be up to somewhere in the vicinity of sixteen thousand.


  History was Danny’s final ‘work’ stop for the day and then, hopefully, he like everyone else, could relax and enjoy the festivities.

  Danny chuckled at the ringing bells when he stepped inside of History. “Scoop, tell me.”

  Exhaustedly, Trish swiveled around in her chair. “I am killing you,” she said so seriously.

  “Ouch. What?”

  “Do you even realize what you asked me to do Danny ‘Rather’ Hoi? It’s not like I’m not swamped as it is in History.”

  “Um . . .” Danny looked at the neat, clutter free, empty office and then he stepped back. Trish had a madwoman premenstrual look to her.

  “Trish, now, it’s for Andrea. You agreed to be part of my legal eagle team.”

  “True.” Trish’s demeanor changed some.

  “See? Prestige. How far did you get?” Danny asked.

  “Not very.” Trish made it back to her desk. “There’s a lot more involved than you think.”

  “Why is that? I would think you could pull the events, take a look, and put them back or print them up.”

  Trish shook her head and returned to behind her desk. “Why did you say we needed this information?”

  “To crosscheck events that transpired with things that a George person was suspected of being involved with. Use those events to place Andrea far from the scene of the crime, so to speak.”

  “Exactly. For example, to jar a more recent memory, when the cryo- case was broken into, where was Andrea?”

  “No one knows. The story is she was making dinner. Katie is the only backup to that and she’s seven.”

  “Not really.”

  “She’s not seven?” Danny joked. “Kidding.” He sat on the edge of Trish’s desk.

  “That was the day Hal showed up. That was also the same day that nothing else happened except the Hal thing.”

  “So we’re at square one.”

  “No. See, you have to look beyond that. I did. The day before, a few things happened.”

  “What does that have to do with the cryo-case?”

  “Some. If notations had to be made in History for events that happened the day before, they would have had to be brought in and verified the same day that the cryo-case was broken into.”


  Trish pushed copies of papers to him. “Andrea, as Council, was in here for Joe to verify the History insertions. She was here for an hour. Here’s the print up with the time of when she logged in and when she logged out.”

  “Trish, this is great.” Danny’s face lit up. “How legal savvy of you.”

  “Yes, well those O.J. Simpson trial tapes you brought over really helped.”

  Danny chuckled. “O.K., I understand where you’re going with this. Check out every angel you need to.” Danny peered at his watch. “I have a Beginnings Day to coordinate right now. We’ll meet tomorrow.”

  “Do I still get to go with you to interview potential defense witnesses?”

  “And take depositions, Trish.” Danny winked and stood up. “I have to go. See you out there.” Leaning over the desk, Danny kissed Trish on the cheek. “Thanks.”

  “Oh, anything you need.” Trish giggled and blushed and her smile stayed bright as Danny walked to the door.

  “I’ll remember those words.” Danny left.

  Beaming, Trish returned to her paper work and then it hit her. She had made a fatal mistake. She just unknowingly volunteered for even more Danny work.


  As soon as the cup of tea was set down in front of Ellen in Andrea’s office, Ellen knew something was wrong. “What did I do?”

  Andrea shook her head slowly as she walked around the desk and sat down. “You did nothing.”

  “Something’s wrong.”


  Ellen took a sip of her tea. She gasped. “This . . .” she choked, “is spiked.”

  “Oh yes.” Andrea crossed her legs and leaned back. “We have a situation and it isn’t pretty. In fact, it will only get worse.” She closed her eyes with a deep breath. “No one knows, not yet. It is up to you who finds out. My lips are sealed. I’ve also made some assurances that it doesn’t leak.”

  Ellen tilted her head in wonder. “Andrea, what is going on?”

  “I’m breeching every ethical standard coming to you first. But as a woman. . .”


  “Bev is pregnant.”

  Ellen’s reach for her tea hastened and she took a gulp. “Oh, God, she’s making me a grandmother again. By Johnny? Right?”


  “Whew.” Ellen let out a breath.

  “By Dean.”


  Andrea folded her hands and leaned into her desk. “The little girl is claiming that this summer she and Dean had an affair and it is still occasionally going on.”

  Ellen still was silent.

  “She’s about fourteen, fifteen weeks along. Her dates of the affair coincide with her pregnancy and the fact her primary was out with Robbie on raids back then.”

  “Kevin wasn’t around.”

  Andrea shook her head.

  “It could be anyone’s. It’s not Dean’s. I would think if he slept with her, he would have told me.”

  “I know.”

  “He’s not now. I know that.”

  “I believe that as well.” Andrea leaned back again.

  “But you don’t believe they didn’t have the affair this summer.”

  “I don’t know, Ellen.” Andrea tossed up her hands. “She stated the first time to me and I distinctly recall . . . I recall you and Dean fighting horribly back then. That is what she told me started it.”

  Ellen swallowed the tenseness in her throat. “Well.” She cleared her throat. “I refuse to believe it. I think it’s a ploy to start trouble.”

  “Good. I’m glad you have that attitude, because the more she insists, the uglier this will get.”

  “So it’s her word right now against his.”

  “She says tests on the baby will prove it’s Dean’s and s
he claims to know details . . .”

  “Details? Details of what?” Ellen was dumbfounded.

  “She says she has other proof if you need to see it, proof they were together.”

  “Proof? What, did she keep his sperm?” Ellen jumped up near hysterics. With her hand over her eyes, Ellen took a calming breath. “I’m sorry.” She closed her eyes. “Who the hell keeps proof of an affair?”

  “Obviously Bev, if it happened.”

  “I won’t believe it. Why does she want my husband so badly, Andrea. Why would she start this?”

  “I don’t know. What’s the gain?”

  “She hates me,” Ellen stated. “What I did to her, I’ll never know. So when does she plan to let the whole community think my husband dogged me?”

  “Public humiliation?”


  “She says she won’t say a word to anyone. She says . . . she wants no one to know but Dean.”

  Ellen laughed. “You can’t believe that.”

  “I don’t. I threatened her, though. She won’t tell. It’s up to you and Dean to let whoever know. I say, let’s keep this a secret until all facts are in.”

  “I’m with you.” Ellen moved to the door. “But right now, before we go on with this big Day, there someone that needs to know this . . . this little secret.”

  Slowly Andrea stood up from behind her desk. She grabbed the mug and handed it to Ellen. “Take a drink before you go and tell Dean.”

  “Why? You think he’ll be that mad?”

  “Yes and . . . you never know. Just be prepared in case he tells you something you don’t want to hear.”

  Ellen snatched up the mug and hot or not, she took three good gulps. “He won’t.” She closed her eyes and opened the door. “I hope.”


  “Dean.” Ellen said his same softly when she walked into the cryo-lab.

  “Oh hey, El.” Dean grinned as he stood with Bub. “I’m just about done.”

  “Dean, we have to . . .”

  “Did you see the Psoriasis on Bub’s arm? It really is clearing up.”

  Ellen walked closer and peered. “The ointment worked.”

  Dean kissed her. “Have you been drinking?”

  “Dean, we . . .”

  “You couldn’t wait.” Dean chuckled and hurried to the counter. “Beginnings Day starts in . . .” He looked at his watch. “Oh shit. Now, do you want to go on up and grab the kids. I can . . .”

  “Dean,” Ellen said his name boldly. “Please.”

  Dean stopped. “What’s wrong?”

  Breathing deeply, Ellen walked over to him. “We have to talk.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “We have a problem, a big one.”

  “When don’t we?”

  “This is serious.” Ellen sat down.

  Dean saw it on her face. “Serious enough to have a drink?”

  “I think so.”

  “What is it?”

  “I’m just gonna be ‘Joe’ blunt, all right?” She waited for his nod. “Bev is fifteen weeks pregnant. She says it’s yours. You had an affair this summer and you still sleep together occasionally.”

  Dean laughed.

  “Dean, this isn’t funny.”

  “El, it is. Think about it. It’s ridiculous.” He kissed her quickly with a smile. “I love you. Thanks for not believing it.”

  “Dean. You didn’t have an affair with her this summer, did you?”

  Dean stopped smiling. “I can’t believe you’re asking me that.”


  “No, El. I refuse to answer that.” He shook his head. “Next thing you know you’ll ask me if I’m still sleeping with her.” He saw it on her face. “Don’t.” He held up his hand. “Don’t ask. You’re my wife. I love you. She’s a little girl, El. She’s young enough to be my daughter. Think about it. O.K.?”

  “She says she has proof.”

  “Then she has bad proof. There’s nothing that can prove I slept with her or knocked her up. How can you have evidence of something that never happened?”

  Ellen’s head dropped.

  “El.” Dean walked before her and laid his hands on her arms. “Don’t think about this. None of it is true. She’s not pregnant by me. That would be impossible. All right?” Softly he kissed her. “Trust me.”

  “I do.”

  “Then let’s not let this ruin our family day. O.K.?”

  Ellen nodded and stood up. “I’m going to go on up and get the kids. I’ll meet you topside.”

  “El.” Dean rushed to her. “You are my life. I have waited forever to be like this with you. I’ve seen this ‘you and me’ thing coming way before this summer affair she is alleging. So why would I screw it up? I wouldn’t. Please believe in me. Don’t let this get you down.”

  Ellen looked into her husband’s eyes, eyes she did trust. “I’m sorry I doubted you.”

  “Don’t apologize.” He kissed her again. “You can, however, go get our kids ready.”

  Ellen smiled. “I can do that.” She moved to the door. “Meet you at the dunking booth?”

  “You bet.” Dean grinned.

  As Ellen went to leave she heard a sad squeal. She stopped and turned around. “I’m sorry. Bye, Bub.” She waved and left.

  Dean, with no worries over what he heard, went back to work.


  “Amazing,” Hal spoke in awe as he walked into the festivities with his father and Elliott.

  “All these people.” Elliott added.

  “Some of them are yours,” Joe snickered. “But, it’s a great day here. Great food. Kids love it . . . and speaking of kids.” Joe spotted Ellen walking toward the living section. “I’ll be back. I have to stop her from getting hers.” Joe hurried from Hal and Elliott through the people. “Ellen.” He called to her as she walked with her arms close to her and her head down. “Ellen.”

  Ellen stopped walking and turned around.

  “Sweetheart.” Joe caught his breath. “Frank brought the kids here. Of course, I need you to get them from him. He’s the star of the . . .” Joe saw it in her eyes and concern hit him “What’s wrong?”

  Ellen just stared at Joe. She fought that effect he had on her, the ability to draw out her tears no matter how strong she tried to be. She shook her head.

  “What is it? Don’t bullshit me.”

  “Can we . . . can we just talk. Please?”

  The tiny soft voice that Ellen used to make her request of Joe sent warning signals to him. Without even answering, he laid his arm tightly around her shoulder, gave her a hug-tug pull into him, and a simple kiss to the top of her head. They walked away from the festivities.


  The touch of Joe’s lips on her cheek made Ellen smile. “Thanks.”

  “Better?” he asked.

  “Yeah, thanks for the talk.” She turned to him.

  Joe brushed what look like crumbs from Ellen’s cheek. “Alexandra kissing you?”

  Ellen giggled. “If it’s not me at this food table, it’s her.”

  “It’s both.” Joe pointed. “Every year we know this is where to find you.”

  “I monitor dietary intakes.”

  “Did you hit Jenny’s pizza booth this year?”

  Ellen looked to where Joe pointed. “No. I am so impressed with everything Danny did.”

  “Me too. He has some sort of coupon idea. Do you know what the hell that is about?” Joe questioned.

  “Haven’t a clue.” Ellen shrugged.

  “I guess I’ll find out soon enough. Well, I better go do the leader thing and mingle. Make sure you don’t hang out here the entire time. You want to secure at least one turn in the Frank line.”

  “Not me.” Ellen shook her head. “I think I’ll enjoy watching. I’ve got a great view.”

  Joe peered over to the Frank line. Mobs of people were there. “You better hope that crowd thins out by the time Frank gets there.”

  “Trust me, seei
ng is half of it. Hearing is the other half.”

  Joe gave a tap to Ellen’s cheek. “If you need to talk about this anymore, you know where to find me.”

  Ellen slowly nodded.

  “Cheer up.” Joe kissed her, backed up, and bumped into Dean. “Whoops. Sorry.” A hand on Dean’s shoulder was Joe’s goodbye and he kept walking.

  Dean stepped closer to Ellen. “Please don’t tell me you told him.”

  Ellen looked up with panicked eyes.

  “You did.”

  “Dean, he’s my dad.”

  “God, Ellen.” Dean covered his eyes. “This is ridiculous. If you let this bother you, I’m gonna get pissed.”

  Ellen closed her eyes and opened her mouth. “How can you say that to me?”

  “How can you let it bother you?”

  “Do you hear what she’s saying?”

  “Do you hear what I’m saying?” Dean placed his face closer to hers. “This is all a big lie on her part. She’s been trying to get you through me for a while. Don’t believe it. As much as this bothers me to reiterate, I will. I wasn’t, nor am I, with her. O.K.?” Dean kissed her. “O.K.? El . . .”

  “O.K.” She nodded.

  “Good. Where are the kids?”

  Ellen pointed over to the Frank line. Dean could see Josh’s tall body. “Are they with Josh?”


  “Do you mind if I secure my spot . . .”

  “Go on.” Ellen swayed her head. “Have fun.”

  “Oh, I will.” Quickly Dean kissed her, snatched up a cookie, and hurried away.

  Ellen, in deep thought and with a little sadness, reached for a tortilla chip courtesy of Jess. She wasn’t in the mood to smile, but it happened when she heard Frank and Danny’s voice in conversation as they headed to the ‘Frank’ line.


  “Oh yeah.” Frank slowed down in his walk with Danny. “All these people are here to see me?”

  “You’re the star, Frank.”

  “What am I doing? Am I posing for them?”

  “For as much as I’d like to say yes . . .” Danny led Frank through the awaiting crowd.

  “Fuck.” Frank saw it.

  “You agreed.”

  “Fuck.” Frank tossed his head forward with a stomp of his foot. “A dunking booth.”


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