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The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20

Page 84

by Jacqueline Druga


  Dean took a breath. “But yesterday, when all this Bev shit came out, things got bad between El and I. We fought, we screamed, and she stormed out. I chased her and I grabbed her arm to stop her.”


  “I left a bruise.”

  “O.K., you grabbed her hard.”

  “I was wrong,” Dean said.

  “Yeah, you were wrong, but you weren’t being abusive. It’s not like you knocked her down in the street or even slapped her. Shoved her? No. You grabbed her to stop her.”

  “Why are you justifying it? There is no justification.”

  “You’re right,” Frank agreed. “But I can’t judge you or get pissed at you for something I have done. I’ve been wrong. I’ve grabbed her arm to stop her. Hell, Dean, you know things what happened between her and I last year. Come on, there was an incident that was so wrong I’m still kicking myself over it.”

  “Thanks, Frank.” Dean was sincere. “Thank you.”

  “And as far as your kids go . . .” Frank tossed his cigarette. “Don’t worry about.”

  “How can I not? I want to see my kids.”

  “You will.”

  “In ten days.”

  “Ha.” Frank laughed then fluttered his lips. “Wait another day. Things will cool down.”

  “Frank. Did you read this?” Dean asked. “I will be arrested if I go near them.”

  “Who’s gonna turn you in?”

  “Ellen, the women in this community, your father, you name it. I love my kids, Frank. I live for them.”

  “Let me make a correction here, Dean,” Frank said. “Our kids. You hear me? We agreed a while ago they would be our kids. Right?”


  “Well then you will see our kids. I don’t care what people say, you and I are with those kids the most. When I have them, you will see them. Don’t worry.”

  “Why . . .” Dean closed his eyes. “Why are you being like this?”

  “Because I would hope you would do the same for me.”

  “I would,” Dean nodded.

  “I know.”

  There was silence as Dean stared at Frank. “I lost her Frank. I lost Ellen. She has no respect for me. She won’t look at me and I didn’t do anything. I can’t get myself out of this and I’m going to have to sit back and let it happen. Things, things were finally good.”

  “Dean, as soon as you prove . . .”

  “Prove what?” Dean was so lost. “Prove the baby isn’t mine? How? How? I tried and it slapped me in the face. Something jumps out at me from every corner. And even if I do prove how right I am, do you think Ellen will wait? She’s bitter right now. Really bitter and that frightens me. In the process I will lose her to someone else.”

  “Well.” Frank breathed out. “You won’t lose her to me in the mess.”

  “How can you say that? You know as well as I do she’s going to end up running to you.”



  “But . . .” Frank held up a finger. He spoke with a certain amount of passion. “I’ve learned a lot in this life. It may be an old saying but . . . you don’t kick a man when he’s down. You’re down, Dean. For as much as you and I have fought, we have never, ever kicked each other when we were down. Never. I won’t start now. I give you my word.”

  Dean felt Frank’s words. As much as he hated it, in his vulnerable state they were too much for him to handle. His head dropped again to his arms in his emotions. “What am I gonna do?”

  “Dean.” Frank spoke softly, yet firmly. He looked at Dean and reached out his hand. He hovered it over Dean then, after a hesitation, Frank dropped his hand and rested it on Dean’s head. “Come on. Get it together.”


  “How.” Frank slid his hand down and gave a pat to Dean’s back. “I’ll tell you how. You’re gonna fight. Fight for everything back.” Frank stood up. “It may seem impossible, but you’re right and you can prove it. Trust me. Someone is helping her out. This is too big for just a stupid little girl to come up with on her own. Believe me, we’ll figure it out. I’ll help you. I’ll . . . I’ll give you a hand.” Frank extended his hand down to Dean.

  Dean lifted his head and saw the fingertips so close. He gripped Frank’s hand and used it, and Frank’s pull, to stand up. “I don’t think you know how much it means to not only have someone believe me, but have that someone be you. Thank you for believing me.”

  “Why wouldn’t I?”

  “No one else does.”

  “Then everyone else is wrong. If they don’t believe you, then they don’t know you. You wouldn’t do this. All those years we spent hating each other, we got to know each other. I know you.”

  Dean gave Frank a closed mouth smile. “We should head back.”

  “Yeah.” Frank zipped up his coat. “It’s cold and I didn’t bring my Jeep. Fuck, Dean, could you have wandered any farther out?”

  “No.” Dean chuckled and started to walk with Frank.

  “Oh, Dean.” Frank stopped him. “One more thing. You have to stop this shit.”


  “I know it’s all still fresh and the hurt is there, but you have to toughen up. You aren’t going to be able to fight this if you don’t have a clear mind. Be strong.”

  “I’ll try.” Dean started to walk again. “Frank, you know what’s weird?”

  “What’s that?’

  “Don’t laugh.”

  “Oh, now I know I will. Go on.”

  “I know we’ve been the worst of enemies, but I swear some times . . . you’re my best friend.”

  “Pretty pathetic isn’t it. Hey, you know, I do look forward to helping you solve this. It’s the Agatha Christy in me.”

  Dean started to laugh.

  “And . . . you know what’s a shame? It’s a shame you don’t have an older son like me. If I was in your situation, ha! I’d say, well . . . maybe it was Johnny’s sperm. Could that happen? Could my kids’, you know, make it look like my kid?”

  “Oh sure, a child’s DNA, especially a son’s . . . Oh my God.” Dean stopped cold. “Frank, you made me think of something. Oh, My God.” Dean began to think out loud. “Family DNA looks similar. A family member”

  “Dean,” Frank halted him. “I know where you’re going with this. O.K.? It’s a good thought and it would work for me because of Johnny, but I don’t think Billy is capable yet.” Frank winked.

  “No, Frank, a family member. It doesn’t have to be a son. It could be a father’s or a brother’s. Like Robbie’s.”

  “You think Robbie’s DNA is like yours. You think he’s responsible for . . .”

  “No.” Dean had to try not to laugh. “I’m just saying other family members.”

  “Do you think you have a brother out there?”

  “Oh my God.” Dean closed his eyes. When he opened them he started walking. “No, my father.”

  “You’re father’s dead, Dean.”

  “I know this, but I have a sample if his, you know, sperm.”

  “I thought he didn’t participate in the fluid gathering. We weren’t there, but that’s what I heard.”

  “Records show he didn’t. But records show he did contribute, you know, for other things, I saw the vials.”

  “She could have gotten hold of that.”

  “Yes.” Dean moved with excitement. “Yes, she could have and it would have looked like mine.”

  “Do you think his sperm is still good though? I mean he was old to begin with.”

  “Frank.” Dean laughed. “Let’s just head back. I have to check this out.” He walked, stopped, and looked back. “Thanks again for everything.”

  “Sure.” Frank reached into his pocket for another cigarette. “But you do know you owe me.”

  “Why did you do that?” Dean asked. “You do something nice then say something like that. Why?”

  “Because . . . I’m Frank.”


ie thought about his approach the entire way back to town. What he could say, how to say it, and his attitude. It was all so important because Ellen’s situation was so serious. He figured it out just as he passed Distribution and he stopped to work on it for a few minutes. He then headed off to the Clinic.

  The lab door was open when Robbie approached and he saw no need to knock. He took a step in seeing Ellen alone with her back to him. “I could say if you need a shoulder to cry on, mine’s available, but . . . you know that.” He watched her stop working and lift her head. What Robbie didn’t see was Ellen’s smile from his words. “Then again, would you cry? I could tell you . . .” Robbie stepped inside further. “Dean’s a big jerk but that’s been established. I could beat him up for you if you’d like. That’s an option but would it be a challenge?”

  Ellen finally turned around and Robbie was right before her. “Robbie.”

  “I love you,” Robbie said with certainty. “You know that.”

  “I know. I love you too.”

  Robbie stepped to her and embraced Ellen. “I’m here. Talking about it or not talking about it, I’m here.” Robbie held her tighter. “I am so sorry this is happening. It shouldn’t be.”

  “Tell me about it.” Ellen kissed him on the cheek and stepped back from the embrace. “Thank you.”

  “How are you doing?”

  “Me?” Ellen folded her arms. “I’m stressed. really, really stressed over this.”

  “You may get mad at me for asking, but . . . is there any way you two can work through this?” Robbie questioned. “I mean, you guys worked so hard to be where you’re at. Besides, on a selfish note, really he’s the only one that will give me the understanding.” Robbie grinned.

  “How do you know you’re not going to end up with me eventually?”

  “Who me?” Robbie chuckled. “All right! Sure. I know better but it’s a great fantasy. I’ll save it for next time.”

  “Next time what?” She looked at Robbie’s grin and smacked him in his chest. “Stop that.”

  “Seriously, can you two work through it?”

  “No.” Ellen shook her head. “I wanted to at first. I tried. But Dean got mad, really angry and refuses to own up to the affair. Robbie, I asked him to stop seeing her and he said he wasn’t with her.”

  “But she’s pregnant with his kid.”


  “O.K. And he expects you to believe that he wasn’t sleeping with her?”

  “That’s what hurts. The lies. I’m so de . . . can we not talk about this.”

  “Sure. I have an idea.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Destiny.” Robbie reached into his back pocket and pulled out three small folded pieces of paper. “Evenings one, two, and three. I’m off tonight, El, and I’d like to take your mind off of everything, so if you’re game.” He held up the three. “Take a pick. They’re all different.”

  She reached up her hand but stopped. “I’m kind of afraid to know what’s written there.”

  “I’ll tell you the three choices. One, I watch the kids and you go to that period Moon Lodge woman meeting thing. Two, Andrea watches the kids and you and I spend some of my hard earned Danny Dollars in New Bowman. Or three, Andrea watches the kids and you and I get drunk and have sex.” With a smile, Robbie showed her the paper. “Take one.”

  Ellen debated and lifted the center slip. She opened it, read it, and looked up at Robbie.

  “So? Which one did you pick?”

  “I’m sorry, Robbie.” She handed him the slip. “I guess you and I are having sex.”

  Hal stepped in right then. “Excuse me. Having sex?” Hal questioned and walked into the lab. “Robbie, you wouldn’t cross that line. You wouldn’t do that to Frank would you?”

  Robbie snickered. “That’s a really perverted thought not to mention, morally wrong. Of course I wouldn’t have sex with Frank.”

  “You know exactly what I mean. Morning, Ellen.” Hal kept his eyes on Robbie.

  “God, Hal.” Robbie gave kidding punch, “You are way too serious. I’m off tonight. Ellen and I are gonna go out and take her mind off of things.”

  Hal looked at Ellen. “Are they worse, Ellen?”

  Ellen bit her bottom lip and nodded.

  “Robbie, could you give me and Ellen a few minutes please?”

  “Sure.” Robbie backed up. “El, I’ll see you tonight.” He moved to the door. “I’ll get real clean. Hey, I’ll even trim my arm pit hair if you want me to.”

  Ellen chuckled.

  Hal rolled his eyes. “Something is not right with him. So . . . talk to me.” He laid his hands on Ellen’s shoulders. “Yesterday, when you left New Bowman, things were in a rough spot. And now . . .”

  “You want to know?”

  “I’d like to, but if you’re not comfortable with telling me, I understand.”

  “Let’s . . . let’s have a seat.” Ellen motioned her hand to the counter.


  “So, do you got it?” Frank asked Dean in their walk.

  “I don’t know about it, Frank.”

  “Dean, I’m telling you. Act confident, not sorry assed. You have a point to prove and if you act like there’s no way to prove it, people will think you just ran out of options.”

  “I’ll try to act unfazed,” Dean said.

  “Good. And remember about those results. I know Ellen. Giving her other ways that baby could look like yours is not gonna work. We’re gonna have to prove you were set up and find the people behind it.”

  “I’ll keep everything . . .” Dean stopped walking when they hit town.


  “There she is.”

  “Who?” Frank looked. “Shit. Stay away from her.”

  “No.” Dean started to walk. “This is the first time I’ve seen her since this all went down.”

  “Dean, I’m telling you, this is not a good idea. Stay with me while I check the code on Containment.”

  “No Frank, I’m killing her.”

  “Dean,” Frank called out, but Dean sped off quickly in the direction of Bev who sat in the ‘Joe’ park. With Dean already in a strong route to Bev, Frank gave up and went to Containment.


  “Bev,” Dean stated strongly.

  “Oh hi, Dean.” She stood up.

  “Oh hi, Dean.” He moved to her.

  “Why are you doing that? You’ll upset our baby.”

  “Bev, it isn’t our baby and you know it.”

  “Dean-Dean-Dean. The test proved it.”

  “The test proved that you are trying to set me up.”

  “How? How?” Bev smiled and shook her head. “I’m not the bitter other woman, Dean. The truth is out. You just have to pay the consequences.”

  Dean’s nostrils flared. “You haven’t any idea what consequences are. But you know what? You will find out when this baby is born what it means to pay consequences.” Dean’s voice graveled. “Trust me. When it’s born. I’m taking it. That child will not leave my sight nor will the blood sample I take from him. I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, I will prove it’s not mine and when I do . . . you, Bev, are a dead woman for ruining my life.”

  So snidely, she slightly rolled her eyes and tilted her head to the right. “You hurt me with these words. Especially after all that we’ve done together.”

  “I’d like to say right now that you’re delusional but I’d be playing into your games. I don’t play games, Bev.”

  “Yes you do. Little . . .” She giggled. “Sex games.”

  “You heard my warning. That’s all I’m going to say to you.”

  “I’m waiting for you to move in.” Bev stepped to him as Dean backed up. “Really, Dean. No more sneaking.” She had a slight snicker in her voice. “We can be together all the time. You’re welcome at my house. In fact why don’t you stop by tonight for a little fun?”

  “Listen to you,” Dean laughed. “What possible reason could there be for me to even think abo
ut stepping foot inside of your . . .” A very obvious change of expression hit Dean’s face. His eyes shifted in thought then to back Bev. He took a breath and spoke smoothly. “You know what?” Biting his bottom lip, he took a step to her with arrogance. He smiled before he said anything. “What is wrong with me?”

  “Nothing?” Bev guessed.

  “I think . . . I think I know why I don’t remember being with you.”

  “You do?” she asked.

  “It has to be the microchip.” Dean smacked himself in the forehead. “That’s it. It causes memory losses at times. I mean, that would have to be it, right?”

  “You know it.” Bev crinkled her nose in a flirting manner at him.

  “And . . . I’m really dumb. My God, I’m not with my wife anymore.” Dean moved into her. “And I bet you . . . Bev, forgive me for not remembering. I bet you are incredible in bed.”

  “Huh?” Bev was shocked.

  Dean huffed out. “I think coming over your house is exactly what I need. Really. I need it. It’s been a while, as I’m sure you know. And really, being with someone like you would do wonders for my ego. I mean . . .” Dean chuckled. “You’re like what? Twenty-three, twenty-four?”

  “Well, actually.” Bev hunched. “I’m only going to be twenty-one. I kind of fibbed about my age.”

  “Fibbed? So you’re even younger. Even better. However, if you do the math, I really am old enough to be your father. But . . . that obviously . . .” Dean extended his hand in a motion around Bev. “Didn’t bother you. Now that I think even more about it.” Dean shivered. “I could be up for this. Well, it takes that added push at my age, but of course you know that.”

  “You’re not that old are you?”

  “That old? Not really, but in the physical department, after thirty-three, as you know, it’s all downhill. Not with us though, huh?”

  “Um . . . no.”

  “Being with you at your house is exactly what I need tonight.” Dean moved closer.



  “Did . . . did I say tonight?”

  “Yes.” Dean nodded.

  “I uh . . . I think I have . . .”

  In Bev’s search for words, Dean leaned his face closer and dramatically whispered. “To please me.”


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