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The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20

Page 94

by Jacqueline Druga

  “You brought him up.”

  “I beg to differ, you did.”

  “El, no, you did. While you were staring at Hal, you asked where he was.”

  “Yeah.” Ellen took a second to think. “I did.” She shrugged. “Do you have a problem with that?”

  Dean slowly nodded. “No. No problem. I hope you find your friend soon. It sounds to me like you can’t get through a day without him.”

  “Come to think of it, I probably couldn’t.” Ellen gave Dean a shitty grin.

  “Thanks.” Dean backed up.

  “You have such fear of being replaced.”

  “No, Ellen, I have no fear of being replaced. That would be pointless considering the fact that everyone knows every man in your life can easily be replaced.” Shaking his head, Dean turned and walked away.

  Ellen went back to watching Hal, waiting for the next round.

  “Dean.” Henry hurried to catch him as he started to leave the area. “Where you going?”

  “Anywhere but here.”

  Henry snickered.

  Dean stopped. “What is so funny?”

  “You being all mad.”

  “I am.”

  “You shouldn’t be.” Henry saw on Dean’s face that he anxiously awaited his reasoning. “I mean, El made you mad. I saw that. But did you actually think because she let you sit with her in church for like ten seconds all was well and games were done?”


  Henry laughed. “And you’re supposed to be the brilliant scientist.”

  Dean started to walk away.

  “Dean, wait.” Henry caught him. “You can’t leave. Aside from the fact you have to compete, I have something that will cheer you up. In fact, it will make you smile.”

  “If you can make me smile, Henry, I’ll stay.”

  Henry reached into his back pocket and pulled out a paint pellet clip. He held it up. “It’s empty and waiting.”

  Dean grinned. “Is this the one?”

  “It will be. I’ll put it on the bottom of the pile.”

  “Yes!” Dean said excitedly and snatched up the clip. “I’ll win again.”

  “Come on. I have everything ready. Let’s set this up.” Henry started walking with Dean. “I can’t wait to see the look on Frank’s face.”

  “Neither can I.” A bit more ‘up’, Dean moved on with Henry.

  ,Johnny stood not too far from them. He listened to what they said, heard the details he needed to hear and then, Johnny smiled. He opened his hand and looked down to it. It was physically empty, but appearances were deceiving. Johnny knew things were falling perfectly right into his hands.

  “Why do you suppose that is?” Jess asked Robbie as they headed to the area.

  “Well, think about it. Beside Josephine, there are two women totally unattached and only a handful of the eighteen are just juggling two men. Ellen, though still married to Dean, really is now unattached. And what’s shame is that I love her. She’s a great person to me, but mynumber one reason is she’s a woman. Plain and simple. A woman.”

  “Do you consider it degrading?”

  “Not really. The women are smarter than that,” Robbie answered. “But El’s been attached her entire life. I think she’s just gonna have fun with the attention.”

  “Maybe that’s what she needs. Fun.”

  “So like what’s with this talk?”

  “Well, I’m a little bothered that so many men have been talking to me about her. That’s all. Concern.”

  “Not jealousy?” Robbie asked.

  “Over Ellen? No. The dating thing . . . yeah.” Jess shrugged. “I’ve actually been contemplating going for it.”

  “With Ellen?”

  “No with a woman.”

  Robbie stopped cold in his walking. “Jess? A woman? They’re rare. Now you’re thinking now about going straight?”

  “I’ll never be straight, but no men are, well, interested. But I’ve had three offers from women. Women, Robbie and I’m gay in a world full of men. Does that make sense? And . . .” Jess’ tone dropped. “I’m lonely.”

  “I told you I could fix you up. I know a few men who would . . .”

  “No.” Jess shook his head. “I want companionship, a closeness. I don’t to just get laid. These women are offering that, but I don’t know if I can do the physical part. I dreamt I could. But I don’t think I can.”

  Robbie laughed. “Jess, man, sure you can.”

  “Could you? If you needed it, really needed it and you knew a guy . . .”

  “Wait, you aren’t doing the Jess subtle hitting on me are you?”


  “O.K. just checking, go on. I have to watch my answers when you do that.”

  “Robbie . . .”

  “Kidding.” Robbie grinned. “Go on. Could I what?”

  “If a guy was offering you the companionship and intimacies you needed . . . would you?”

  Robbie looked very serious at Jess with such deep thought across his face. He opened his mouth to answer, shut it, smiled, and then opened it again. “No.” He gave a quick swat to Jess on the arm. “See ya.”

  Jess tossed his hands up. “Thanks.” Shaking his head, he caught a glimpse of Ellen. Smiling a thinking smile, he made his way to her.

  A serious, curious face and a simple sniff infiltrated Ellen’s watching her children playing with Josh in the kid’s Neville course. “Jess?” She looked over her shoulder.

  “How . . . how did you know it was me?” Jess asked as he walked up behind her.

  “Two men smell really nice in the community on a regular basis, you and Danny.” Ellen chuckled as Alexandra tried the mini obstacle course. “Maybe it’s a gay thing.”

  “Danny’s gay?”

  “No, but Frank thinks he is. So what’s up? Are you all ready for the competition? My money’s on you.”

  “Really?” Jess asked surprised

  “No, I’m kidding. Frank’s gonna win.”

  Jess scoffed, “He might win the competition, but you know that ‘kill me’ thing he and Dean have going.?”


  “Dean’s putting a blue paint pellet in Frank’s clip. If Joe hits Frank with the blue one, Dean’s gonna claim a victory.”

  Ellen laughed. “Oh, no shit? You mean like when he called Frank and said he poisoned him, but he didn’t?”

  “Exactly. He’s gonna tell Frank the blue pellet signified . . .”

  “A real bullet.” Ellen nodded impressed. After taking a look at her kids, she looked oddly at Jess who almost stared. “Are you all right?”


  “No? Wanna talk about it.”

  “Ellen.” Jess took a breath. “I have a huge favor. And . . . you’re my only female friend.”

  “No, absolutely not. You won’t fit into my clothes.” Ellen shook her head.

  A slight roll hit Jess’s eyes as he tossed his head back. “Oh God, why do you have to be the one to know I’m gay? Which brings me to my favor.” Jess laid his hand on her shoulder and turned Ellen to face him. “I want you to help me to act straight.”

  “You do.”

  “I mean in a different way.”

  Ellen was lost. “I don’t understand.”

  “I want to be with a woman.”

  Totally taken aback, Ellen didn’t know how to react. “Jess . . . Jess why?”

  “Because I have received offers from women. I need that closeness, El, emotionally and physically. I need that. Three women have offered it to me.”

  “It’s not gonna fulfill you, Jess.”

  “My concern lies with that. Yes,” Jess agreed. “They aren’t men.”

  “No. They aren’t Robbie.”

  Jess closed his eyes. “You got me.”

  “So you think that being with a woman will help you forget Robbie?” Ellen had a chuckle to her. “It won’t happen. What about . . .” Ellen dropped her voice. “What about a man? Go after a man. Maybe you can find someone who will give
that to you and take your mind off of Robbie, and fulfill you. A woman isn’t going to do it.”

  “I know,” Jess said disappointed. “But what man? Any man who admittedly is gay in this community has already come out and is openly involved. The others that have gay sex, have just that, gay sex.”

  “You need more. I can relate.” Ellen nodded. “So, the offers are there, physical contact, emotional attachment, and semi-regular companionship. All the things you want wrapped up in the wrong package.”

  Jess snickered.

  “Sort of like when your Dad tells you he’s gonna finally buy you a car and he hands you the keys to Uncle Ralph’s clunker.”

  A cringe crossed Jess’s face. “I don’t want to compare the women in this community to clunkers.”

  “But you’ll drive the car if that’s your only choice?”

  “Since we’re speaking metaphorically.” Jess raised his eyebrows. “I’ll drive the car if someone teaches me how to drive.”

  Ellen bit her bottom lip. “Me?”

  “Is that too much to ask? I trust you. You can tell me no if . . .”

  “You want to practice having sex?” Ellen asked and Jess’s hand quickly covered her mouth.

  “No.” He looked around to make sure no one heard. “No! When I hang out with women, my feminine side comes out. Not that I get flamboyant, but I get … in that mindset. I just need you to work with me and teach me how to act with a woman instead of being another woman.”

  “O.K.”Ellen turned from him and returned to watching the kids.

  “O.K.? You’ll do this?”

  “Sure, why not? What’s it gonna hurt? Even though I think you are barking up the wrong tree … literally, I want you happy.”

  “Thanks, El.” Jess leaned in and kissed her on the cheek.

  Hal was grateful for the warm full cup of coffee that actually stayed in the cup. He had to remind himself to thank that nice Todd from Fabrics for stepping in. Hal brought the cup to his lips and watched as Danny took the group through the obstacle course on some sort of Danny-tour.

  “Captain,” Elliott spoke.

  Taking a sip, Hal shifted his eyes and nearly choked. The hot beverage sprayed forth and dribbled down his shirt. “Elliott?”


  “What the hell happened to your uniform?” Hal asked. He was shocked to see Elliott in a white tee shirt and green military pants. “My God, I said it before. You look like a younger version of my brother.”

  Elliott ran his hand down his chest. “It feels more like the old days wearing this. Frank said since we’re so close in the competition that every aspect of our competing has to be the same, down to the weight of garments that we wear.”

  “Isn’t that fair of Frank?” Hal said sarcastically. “What is he up to, dressing you like a Beginnings soldier?”

  A slight, heavy, raspy whisper in Hal’s ear from Frank himself answered that. “Because he’s gonna be a Beginnings soldier.” Frank stepped away and grinned.

  “You think?” Hal asked cockily.

  “He has sadistic qualities.” Frank winked.

  “Where?” Hal tossed his hands up.

  Frank pointed to his own temple. “I just have to bring them out.” He turned around, stopped, and shook his head. “I’ll fuckin kick Jess’s ass for flirting with Ellen. Man, what is with the men in this community? Dogs.” Frank’s complaining voice faded as he moved toward Dean.

  Elliott peered over Ellen and Jess’s way. “I think I need to speak to Ellen.”

  “Now?” Hal questioned snidely. “Right now?”

  “Before the competition start, right? I may not get a moment to speak to her. She’s my friend. It would only be polite.”

  “True.” Hal raised his coffee cup. “You go on. Go over and speak to Ellen right now while Jess appears to be in a comfy conversation.” Hal chuckled when Elliott stopped walking. “Oh, Elliott. Jealousy is not becoming of you.”

  Elliott hurried, turned around, and rushed back to Hal. “I’m not jealous.”


  “But since you say it looks like I am, tell me what I’m doing so I don’t do it anymore.”

  Hal smiled and looked as if he were going to speak. After taking a sip of his coffee, he pointed a finger at Elliott, shook his head arrogantly, and walked away.

  “Captain.” Elliott took a deep breath of frustration, turned around, and looked at Ellen and Jess. It took everything in Elliott’s power not to whine when he realized his lack of knowledge on how to appear.

  “Well?” Jess asked.

  “The playful nudging.” Ellen gave a thumbs up. “Kudos. That tells the woman you are engaged and possibly like touching her. That’s important. No too much, no too little. Playful.”

  “So it doesn’t come across too much as flirting?”

  “No. Not at all.”

  “Because I don’t . . .” A hard ‘thump’ was heard only an instant before Jess yelped in pain and grabbed his head. He stepped back and looked behind him at Frank who still held his fingers in a flicking stance. “Frank. Why . . .”

  “Quit fuckin flirting with her. Now.” Frank took a step back, stopped, leaned forward, flicked Jess again, smiled, and walked away.

  Jess looked at Ellen. “You were saying?”

  “I stand corrected.”

  “I must get ready for competition. See ya later.” Jess walked away smiling,.

  Ellen grew anxious waiting for the Neville events to begin. She feared they would end up going well into the evening if they didn’t start and she wanted the kids to see Dean compete in the top ten. Turning in a ready mode to seek out Danny and gripe that things hadn’t begun, Ellen saw Elliott. “Oh my God. Elliott?”

  Elliott shifted his eyes. “What’s wrong?”

  “Look how handsome you look in Beginnings attire.” Ellen reached out and touched his chest. “I almost didn’t recognize you.”


  “Yeah.” Ellen winked.

  Elliott’s head lowered in a blush.

  “You ready for today, Mr. Second Place?” Ellen asked.

  “It’s a little unnerving competing with Frank.”

  “It should be. Frank’s unbeatable.”

  Elliott blinked. “Thanks. I saw you with Jess. I didn’t know you two were uh . . . that close.”

  “We’ve become friends. I’m helping him with something.”

  “Really? May I ask? You don’t need to tell me.”

  “Who you?” Ellen laughed. “Elliott, you’re the only person I can tell.” Ellen stepped closer to Elliott to speak in a secret telling mode.

  With his eyes glued on Elliott and Ellen in irritation, Dean started walking. He didn’t want to look anymore, but he couldn’t help it. All he wanted to do was have something take his mind off the Ellen flirtatious distractions that seemed to bombard him. He was at least happy that one of the men she flirted with was a hundred percent gay.

  “Dean.” The close call of his name by Frank made Dean stop.

  It was irritating but it was the distraction Dean needed. “What?” Dean turned around.

  “Whoa. Attitude.” Frank held his hands up in defense and added just a hint of a snicker.

  “Yeah. Do you blame me?” Dean pointed toward Ellen and Elliott. “She’s still my wife, Frank.” Dean ran his fingers through his hair. “What’s up?”

  “I want to talk to you about Ellen.”

  Dean, still holding on to his hair, raised his eyes.

  “And me.”

  A long blink preceeded the enraged look on Dean’s face. “I knew it!” His hand cut through the air. “The ‘I give you my word’ shit was just that. Shit. I knew you couldn’t wait very long before you moved right . . .”

  “Dean! Shut the fuck up!”


  “Yes. This isn’t about stealing Ellen!” Frank blasted. “It’s just about stealing time.”


  “Yeah,” Frank shrugged. “I know things a
re bad between you and I know, being me, I could easily slip right in there, say the right things and you are little-man-history forever.”

  Dean rolled his eyes.

  “But I’m not. I’m playing fair.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Yeah. I’m a Christian now. And I’m waiting until you two are all right, then I’m slipping right in there and taking her.”

  “You’re an asshole, Frank.”

  “True, but aside from that.” Frank stepped closer. “I need my time with her, Dean. She’s been in my life for most of my life. I don’t want to avoid her. I want to spend time with her.”

  “Not to steal her?”

  “No. I just want to be with her, like we used to do. I still give you my word nothing will happen.”

  Dean held out his hand to Frank. “Finish the sentence.”

  Frank smirked. “Nothing will happen until you two resolve things.”

  Dean nodded. “Why are you asking me if your intentions are honorable?”

  “Because like you said, even though you got her under false pretenses, you got her. She’s still your . . . what did you say, wife? So I wanted permission.”

  Dean hesitated, but only briefly. In his hesitation to answer Frank with a big ‘no’ he saw Ellen laughing with Elliott. Slowly he swayed his head Frank’s way. “You’ll spend quality friendship time with her?”


  “You won’t try to get her into bed?”

  “Not yet.”



  “On one condition,” Dean said.

  “What’s that?”

  “Get her away from that . . .” Dean pointed to Elliott. “. . . asshole.” With a raise of his eyebrows, Dean walked away.

  “Not a problem.” Frank nodded and headed over Ellen’s way.

  “And . . .” Elliott nervously fought for the right word. “Remember the other night when we played Scrabble?”

  Ellen bit her bottom lip. She remembered vividly and Elliott knew that. Elliott finally realized she cheated to make that seven letter, triple word, fifty bonus point word. “Yes.” Ellen swallowed her fear.


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