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The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20

Page 97

by Jacqueline Druga

“No. Not really.” Elliott watched the tube fill then Ellen switched it for another. “I’m surprised considering I was up all night. Why . . . are you taking so much blood?”


  “So, you said. I didn’t question it, but . . .” Elliott raised his eyes to her. “What kind of tests? What are you testing me for?”

  “Well, the last time you graced our illustrious clinic, you were arrowed. Your white blood count was ‘up’, usually meaning infection. We just need to check.”

  “But why are you taking all this. . .” He watched her switch and place in yet another tube. “Blood?”

  “Dean wants it”


  “Yeah, that’s why we have to do it.” She released the tourniquet. “The last time we tested your blood we were lucky to have enough to scrape by. Dean’s been clumsy. He’s been spilling, dropping, you name it.”


  “Oh, yeah. Poor Hap passed out from all the blood I had to take. I don’t know why Dean touches it. Done.” She pulled out the tube and smiled again. She placed a piece of cotton on the bubble of blood that formed. “Don’t bend. Just hold.”

  “Got it. Will you give me the results?”

  “Yes and I’ll give you back the blood we don’t use.” She waited and saw the lost look on Elliott’s face. “Kidding. So . . . are you going to get some sleep?”

  “No, Mr. Slagel has some things he wants to go over and then he needs me to try them.”

  “But you haven’t slept.”

  “I’ll be fine.”

  “Elliott,” Ellen sounded serious. “You need to sleep.”

  “I’ll be fine. Of course, I was actually going to see if the clinic could give me a bed. It’s pretty quiet here even in the day and I . . .”

  “You don’t have a place to stay?” Ellen asked.

  “No. Frank’s office is way too busy to try to catch a few hours during the day. I was going to ask Robbie if . . .”

  “Nonsense.” Ellen picked up his tubes of blood and began to write on them. “You can stay with me.”

  “I couldn’t.”

  “You don’t want to?”

  “No, that’s not it.”

  “The kids, huh? Well, if you do the same schedule as Frank, you’ll sleep most of the time they’re out of the house and I’ll keep them quiet until you get up.”

  “Ellen, that is a great offer,” Elliott said, “but I can’t put you out.”

  “You certainly can’t do a lot, Elliott. You can’t stay at my house. You can’t put me out. You can’t . . . ask me out.” She placed the tubes in a rack and shifted to her right towards the refrigerator.

  Elliott nearly choked. “Excuse me?”

  “Are you going to stay at my house?”

  “Um . . .yes. Thank you, I will.”

  “Are you going to ever finish asking me out?”

  “Ellen.” Elliott stood up and walked over to her. “Where did you hear that?”

  Ellen closed the fridge. “Shit. I’m wrong. Oh, God. I’m sorry. Now I’m . . .”

  “No.” Elliott gently laid his hand over her mouth to silence her. “I was. I chickened out. I did have my nerve up then Frank came over and I lost it.”

  “Ask me.” Ellen folded her arms.

  “I’m not very good.”

  “Ask me. Go on.”

  Elliott stood a bit straighter. “Ellen . . . would you do me the honors of accompanying me on an evening out?”

  “On a date?”

  Elliott snickered. “Yes.”

  “Sorry, I can’t. But thanks for asking.”

  Elliott’s mouth dropped open.

  “Kidding. Yes, I will.”

  “Thank you.”

  “What do you have in mind?” Ellen asked. “Will it be a ‘Hal’ date or will it be a ‘Hal’ free date. He seems to be on every date I have had in New Bowman.”

  “Definitely Captain free unless you want him to be . .”

  “No.” Ellen shook her head. “This will be fun and you aren’t one of my stock Beginnings men.”

  “I hope there isn’t a rule about that.”

  “Oh, yeah there is. Joe set segregation rules last week. Where were you? But he’s my father, I’ll speak to him.”

  “Kidding again?”


  “This is why I want to go out with you. I like you.” Elliott smiled. “I thought I’d make dinner and we catch one of those movies Danny shows then if you aren’t tired of me we’ll just hang out and talk.”


  “Why?” Elliott shifted his eyes. “You don’t want to end the evening with talking?”

  Ellen took a breath before she spoke with sincerity. “I really believe that’s where your mind is.” Again, Ellen saw his lost look. “Yes, I would love to end the evening talking.”

  Dean’s sarcastic laughter entered the lab at the same time as he did. “I can’t believe you’re buying this.” He stepped further in. “You didn’t see me standing there, did you.”

  Ellen rolled her eyes. “What would Frank say . . . That’s because you’re only four feet tall?”

  “Funny. Stop that.” Dean moved closer. “Sgt. Ryder, I can’t believe you have to nerve to ask her out in my lab.”

  “Our lab,” Ellen corrected strongly.

  “My lab,” Dean stated loudly then pointed at Ellen. “My wife!” He took another step towards Elliott. “Or did you conveniently forget she is still married to me?”

  “No,” Sgt. Ryder answered calmly.

  “So what makes you think you can do this? It’s wrong. You’re not even part of Beginnings. You’re not . . . you don’t even qualify for an understanding . . .”

  “Dean,” Ellen snapped. “Stop it.”

  “No. I am still the primary . . .”

  “You are not my owner!” Ellen yelled.

  “I am your husband and this man is wrong for trying to step over boundaries he was not given permission to even come close to.”

  Elliott closed his eyes. “Dr. Hayes . . .” he swallowed. “I’m sorry.”

  Dean nodded. “Thank you.”

  Ellen’s mouth dropped open. “Fine.” She started to leave.

  “But . . .” Elliott continued, “I will not rescind my invitation to Ellen.”

  Ellen stopped walking. She grinned with arrogance to Dean.

  “You what?” Dean asked.

  “I will not. Married or not, you do not live with her.” Elliott stepped forward. “And if you wanna play by the marriage rules, perhaps you should start by looking at who wasn’t playing by the rules in the first place. I’ve crossed no boundaries I wasn’t allowed to and my intentions are honorable as far as spending an evening with her. If I say I want to end it talking, that is how I want to end it.” Elliott’s voice took on a firmer stance. “Because I really enjoy her company. I’m sorry you can’t accept that. I must be going. Good day, sir.” Elliott walked across the lab. He stopped before Ellen. “Ellen.” He nodded once and walked out.

  Ellen pivoted slowly as he walked out. “Bye,” she whispered.

  “This is such bullshit.”

  Ellen spun her body to face Dean. “Why? Why is that the Dean stock phrase? Why is this bullshit?”

  “I thought we were making progress.”

  “Where. When? How?”

  “Yesterday.” Dean followed her as she moved to the far counter. “You started to believe me.”

  “Bev is still pregnant with your child. You are still denying the affair.”

  Dean grunted.

  “Don’t!” Ellen strongly pointed “Don’t growl or grunt at me. The evidence is against you.”

  “I’m trying to disapprove that.”

  “Until you do . . .”

  “Then what?” Dean snapped as he walked towards her. “Then what? You’re gonna throw it in my face how easily you move on! We were doing great, El! We were.”

  “You blew it!”

  “I did no such thing!”
Dean was frantic. “I was set up! And you’re gonna feel like shit when you see that. Not to mention you may be fucking around too much for me to even want you back.”

  Ellen glared. “Excuse me? Fucking around? Well if I fuck around too much for you to want me back, Dr. Hayes, it’s your loss.”

  “No El, it’s your loss because I am the best man to ever come into your life.”

  Ellen laughed. “A little arrogant aren’t we?” She started to sift through paper work.

  “At least I’m not a cross dresser who has a long history of venereal diseases.”

  Ellen’s mouth opened. “What?”


  “Oh, none of that’s true. Joe told me.”

  “What does Joe know?”

  Ellen nodded. “I’m telling Joe you’re talking shit about him.”

  Dean nearly gasped. “I’m done. I’m not arguing.”

  “Good.” Ellen sang the word and worked.

  “Just know I hate that man.”

  “What!” Ellen slammed her work. “What in the world did Elliott Ryder . . .” She spun around. “Ever . . .” She turned her head from left to right. “Dean?” Dean was gone. Shrugging Ellen went back to work.

  Dean knocked once on the doorway of the patient room. “Hey.” He stepped inside.

  Frank, in a laying-sitting position, lifted his hand in a wave.

  “Boy.” Dean dropped a chart on the foot of Frank’s bed. “What a day. How are you feeling?”

  Frank opened his mouth.

  “Don’t.” Dean held up his hand. “Don’t try. That squeak you make tells me you’ll eventually be able to talk but if you push it before it’s healed, you might not. O.K.?”

  Frustrated, Frank nodded.

  “O.K. well.” Dean pulled up a chair. “Your blood count is up. That’s good. I’m looking at letting you out in a day or two if you show no signs of infection which I don’t think you will. The throat looks good. Tomorrow we’ll try swallowing liquids. All right?”

  Frank nodded.

  “Does it hurt to swallow now?”

  Frank’s head bobbed from side to side.

  “When we let you out, you can’t do anything at work that involves speaking. Joe says he has visual work, maps and videos to look at for surveillance or something. Do you know what he’s talking about?”

  Frank nodded.

  “I like this ‘Frank’. You are so quiet.” Dean smiled.

  Frank glared.

  “Anyhow. You don’t have to worry about protecting the community. Yes, Robbie is heading Security for you but he also has training and scouting parties to send out. So . . .” Dean stood up. “It seems that, how do you call him? Sgt. Fuckin Ryder is being . . .” Dean smiled again, “You.”

  Frank opened his mouth.

  “No.” Dean stopped him,. “I guess he proved himself in the Neville competition. He was the only one who didn’t take a bullet. Jess won. Did anyone tell you?”

  Frank shook his head.

  “And Sgt. Ryder is only like fifty points below you or is it twenty-five. I’m not sure. But I am sure that one Savage attack while you’re out and he jumps into first place. They are expecting him to assume the hero role while you’re . . .” Dean jolted at the slam of Frank’s hand on the bed. “Out.” Dean started to pace. “But that’s not all. Get this.” Dean sat on the edge of the bed. “I walk into the lab and catch our Sgt. Ryder . . . asking Ellen out.”

  Frank’s eyes widened.

  “On a date. Yep.” Dean nodded. “And Ellen accepted.” Dean saw the ‘F’ formation beginning on Frank’s lips. “No talking. This gets better. You’ll see why I’m mad. Not only is going out with her and taken your job, guess where he’s living?”

  Frank sneered.

  “By the look on your face, you got it. With Ellen and our kids.” Dean shook his head and exhaled. “I’m glad I could talk to you. I better run. I’ll stop in later.” Dean moved to the door. “No talking.”

  Frank was so frustrated he wanted to scream, but he didn’t want to take a chance on doing damage or hear that squeak that emerged so he did the best he could when Dean left. He merely moved his mouth and pretended to swear over and over again.


  The little girl, who was so close to still being a baby, was cleaned up. She looked different, appearance wise, than when Robbie had found her the day before. But she still looked traumatized. Her big brown eyes stared out. She breathed heavily and her head tossed back and forth as Andrea tried to feed her.

  “How is she?” Robbie asked as he stepped into the room.

  Andrea set down the bowl. “I was hoping to get her to eat, but I guess we’re still going to have to depend on intravenous. She’s very violent, Robbie.”

  “You’re kidding.”

  Andrea shook her head and walked to Robbie and lead him out. “You wouldn’t know it, but right now she’s on a mild sedative. She bit Patrick pretty bad this morning.”

  Robbie closed his eyes. “Where we gonna put her?”

  “Melissa has offered to take her as well as the killer baby that’s recovering.”

  “Melissa? Why?”

  Andrea shrugged. “I guess she used to wild things. She likes the challenge. Have you seen Frank?”

  “I’m on my way there now,” Robbie answered. “I just wanted to see how she was doing.”

  “She’ll come around. I can remember, and so can you, how many other children were like this when we brought them in. We just can’t put them in Containment.”

  “No we can’t,” Robbie stated. “Not since most of the people in Containment are loons.”

  “Who would have thought Ellen’s brother would be like that?”

  “Who would have thought? Hopefully with therapy. . .”

  “And strong prayers.” Andrea patted Robbie on the cheek. “Right . . . Reverend?”


  “Any news on what happened with Frank?”

  “Nothing yet.” Robbie started to walk. “We’re investigating.”

  “Robert, just be straight with me, O.K.? Are fingers pointing at me?” Andrea questioned.

  Robbie hesitated before answering then he smiled peacefully. “Andrea, fingers are pointing at everyone.”

  Slowly Andrea nodded as Robbie walked on. She turned sadly and returned to her patients.


  Both Jenny Matoose and Todd from Fabrics sat with their right leg crossed over their left. Their chairs were side by side in the back office of the chapel.

  Folding her hands, Jenny looked around in the silence. They were too quiet and she decided to break the tension. “How are things going with Ben?”

  “Why?” Todd asked snidely.

  “I heard you had problems.”

  “Neb nose.”

  Jenny’s mouth dropped open. “Fine. Just know I hope you two work things out. Again.”

  “You would, wouldn’t you?”

  Jenny lifted her hand. She was premenstrual and already in a bad mood plus she was really tired of waiting on Danny and Henry. She glanced at her watch.

  “They’re seven minutes late,” Todd said.

  “Thank you for that.”

  “You’re welcome for that.”

  “I wonder what they want us for?”

  Todd dusted a piece of lint off his pant leg. “Probably something you did yesterday.”

  “Me?” Jenny nearly laughed. “What could I have done?”

  “You spilled coffee all over the place.”

  “Now how does that warrant getting in trouble?”

  “You don’t see it,” Todd said arrogantly, “but the whole community does. Danny worked really hard on that event. You were Miss Klutz. I bet Henry wants to speak to you for wasting commodities.”

  “I wasted nothing and Frank ruined the Neville event by getting shot.”

  “O.K., I agree with you there.”

  Danny’s upbeat entrance warmed the chill in the room. “Sorry we’re late.”

>   “Sorry.” Henry followed him in.

  “Her.” Todd pointed. “It’s all her fault.”

  “Yes, we know,” Danny said and leaned on the edge of the desk in the back office. “We won’t keep you long.”

  “Not at all.” Henry continued, “or at least as long as you waited. We won’t do that, will we?”

  “No,” Danny answered. “Ready?” He looked at Todd and Jenny. “We just have a question and we need you to think about it. You two worked the refreshment booth yesterday,”

  “I worked,” Todd stated. “She spilled.”

  “And we all felt the embarrassment,” Danny said sympathetically. “Todd, do you remember you were constantly picking up the empty clips?”

  “Yes.” Todd nodded. “And I stored them in the box.”

  “That was where?” Danny asked.

  “Behind the counter in the refreshment booth.

  Henry nodded. “That’s what we thought. Jenny, you were there quite a bit. Do you recall seeing anyone go near that box at anytime?”

  “No,” Jenny answered. “Actually, my mind was going a million miles an hour thinking about getting things ready. Hal was so demanding that . . .” She turned her head to Todd’s gasp. “That he kept me running. So I really didn’t see anyone.”

  “O.K.” Danny wrote down. “Thanks.”

  “That’s it?” Jenny questioned. “Geez. “ She stood up. “If you have any more questions, you know where to find me.”

  “We’ll remember that.” Danny pointed to her with the pencil. “Todd?”

  Todd kept staring at a leaving Jenny.

  “Todd?” Danny tried again.


  Henry snickered. “Todd!”

  “Oh! Yes. Sorry.” Todd cleared his throat.

  “Do you recall?” Danny asked him.

  “Seeing anyone near that box?” Todd looked up at the ceiling. “Let me think.” He shook his head. “No, I don’t really recall . . .” As he lowered his head to look at Danny and Henry, Todd’s mind flash backed to the day before.

  Shaking his head and chuckling, Todd walked behind the counter of the refreshment booth. He stared down at the blue flat shoes that protruded from under the counter. He tapped his fingers and smiled. “Lose something?”

  “Oh.” Andrea scurried out from under the counter. “An earring.” She held it up as she stood then using her foot, she kicked the clip box back out of sight.


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