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The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20

Page 124

by Jacqueline Druga

  “Please. And be careful.”

  “I will.”

  Ellen watched him leave and turned to the counter to finish up her work so she could get out and pick the kids up at school.

  “El,” Dean softly called out.

  Ellen looked up, stacked her work, and then turned around. “I’m on my way out.” She walked to the door.

  “El, please.” Dean stopped her. “I’m sorry.”

  Ellen didn’t walk any further. “Dean . . .”

  “No. Hear me out. All right. I’m sorry. I don’t know why I do it. I think, sometimes I think it’s a sick game between us. When we fight, we see who can hurt who the most.”

  “Yeah we do that,” Ellen said softly. “I don’t know why I do it either.”

  “I remember when I was going blind.” Dean had an emotional chuckle to him. “All the nasty blind digs you used . . .”

  “Dean, I don’t want to talk about us or our past. I have to go.”

  “I don’t believe you’ve given up on what we have.” Dean gently took her arm. “I love you, El. I love you so much. You love me. Come on, you know this. If you can tell me you don’t love me anymore, then I’ll back off.”

  From his fingers that held onto her, to Dean’s eyes, Ellen’s views went. “I don’t love you anymore.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  Ellen tossed her head back. “Then why did you tell me to tell you that?”

  “I don’t know.” Dean released her. “Call me a masochist. El, it’s not Sgt. Ryder. It’s not Frank. You lied right? You aren’t with someone else already. Right?”

  “Dean.” Ellen swallowed. “I wasn’t lying. I’ve been with someone else.”

  “Who?” Dean asked emotionally.

  “Does it matter? No.” Ellen told him. “It was one time.”

  “Then it’s over. Really over?”


  Last ditch chance, Dean thought. Pull at the heart strings. “Then I guess.” He lifted his hand, stared at his wedding band, then gripped it. “I guess I’ll let you go.” Dean swore he felt his heart sink as he removed the wedding band. “It’s over.” Taking Ellen’s hand, he laid the ring in her palm.

  Ellen stared down at the ring then back to Dean. She rolled her fingers into her hand and around the ring. “Thanks. I uh . . .” She placed her hand in her pocket. “I appreciate it.” Saying no more, Ellen turned around and left the lab.

  Dean’s hand went slowly to his face. The finalization he didn’t want was more painful than anything that transpired between them.

  “Dean.” Frank walked into the lab. “What’s up with El? She blew right by me when I . . .” He moved to Dean. “Are you all right?”

  Hand sliding down his face, Dean peered up to Frank then quickly left the lab.

  “I guess not,” Frank said as he stood alone. “Maybe it’s me.” He raised his arm and sniffed under. “Nah.” Shaking his head, he left as well.


  Robbie couldn’t place the smell when he walked out of the bathroom from his shower. He wanted to say he smelled nothing but that wouldn’t be right. It was nearing dinner time and Jess always cooked. It had to be some obscure non-aroma type of food.

  Running his fingers through his damp hair, Robbie went to his bedroom. He took off his towel and flung it across the room in his walk in. He went straight to his dresser and opened the top drawer, bouncing to keep warm while he dug out his boxers. It wasn’t too difficult. He only had two pair in there. Oddly he looked, but shook his head, put them on, and as if the little article of clothing did it, Robbie felt warmer.



  “Huh?” Robbie scratched his head and shrugged. The socks were probably with his underwear, somewhere. From his bottom drawer he pulled out a pair of jeans and put them on. He opened the middle drawer for a tee shirt and . . . it was empty. “What the fuck?” Really confused by the lack of packed drawers, he went to his closet. The shirts weren’t hanging up. Nothing but a white button down dress shirt was in there and Robbie swore that off. He wasn’t his father. “Jess,” he called and walked from the bedroom. “Jess?”

  No response.

  “Hello!” Knowing Jess had to be home, Robbie trotted downstairs. “Jess. Do you know . . .” He stopped cold. The first floor was empty. And he realized the reason he didn’t smell food. There wasn’t any cooking. Rushing to the kitchen to see not a single thing prepared, Robbie gasped in offense.

  He raced back up stairs and without hesitation, flung open the hall closet where the hamper was. “Uh!” He stepped back as if the overflowing mound of clothes was a dead body. “No, this can’t be happening. Fuck!” He spun around and saw Jess’s bedroom door was open. Thinking, I wonder . . . Robbie walked into Jess’s room. He opened the closet, not the drawers because Jess hung almost everything up. “Oh now this just isn’t right.” Robbie stated as he looked inside.


  “I hate him,” Henry complained then crinkled up his face while eating an apple. “He’s always doing this.” He crinkled more to Danny.

  “I know. We just have to be smarter than Stan.” Danny kicked back in Mechanics. “We scripted. We didn’t plan for improv. We have to plan now for his interruptions.”

  “O.K., but he’s really throwing us through a loop. Good thing you’re such a good actor.”

  “I shined.”

  “You did.”

  “Did my hair look all right?”

  “Always. I was so jealous.” He took a bit of his apple. “We might as well get to work.”

  “Hey.” Danny snapped his chair forward. “Let’s lay back first. Go to the place and work on the contingency.”

  Henry smiled. “That’s fun.”

  “It’s tedious.”

  “It’s still fun.”

  “Yeah.” Danny grinned. “Let’s go.” He stood up and Henry followed.

  Scott, who sat off in the corner making batteries, just shook his head. He didn’t want to know.



  Jess laughed as he lifted the hand size kitten from the spread out table cloth on the floor. He handed it to Alex. “As much as we like Furball, he can’t eat with us.”

  “Yeah.” Ellen bit her sandwich. “Who knows what type of germs his mouth has. Especially since he was a Savage farm animal.”

  Alexandra looked so confused as she petted her kitten. “I don’t know what that means.”

  In a Dean fashion, Billy rolled his eyes. “It means they bred and ate the cats, stupid.” He stood up. “May I be excused from the floor?”

  “Yes.” Ellen smiled. “But why? Aren’t you having fun?”

  “No. I have something fun to do in my room. Daddy gave me equations.”

  Jess took a long blink as he looked at Ellen. “Equations?”

  Ellen shook her head. “Dean has it in his mind that Billy is a six year old Dean prodigy. Go on, Billy.”

  Joey hurried and stood up, speaking loudly with his deep voice. “Can I help?”

  Billy’s tsk rang out as he moved down the hall. “Yeah, right. You can’t even count.”

  “Can too. Uncle Frank taught me. One, four, three five, six. There.”


  After listening to the fading miniature Dean and Frank, Jess looked at Ellen. “As I was saying, you really should consider which man is gonna be realistic with you. I mean, don’t get someone that truly believes you are never getting back with Frank or Dean.”

  “I’m not.”

  “You will.” Jess ate his sandwich.

  “I’m not leaving Elliott. I can’t.”

  “I don’t think you will. There’s a lot that underlines that relationship. But, Frank or Dean. Yeah.”

  “What about …”

  “Uncle Robbie!” Alexandra jumped up and ran to Robbie who just walked in.

  “Hey Robbie.” Ellen looked up and smiled.

  “Oh, great. Just great.” Robbie set Alexandra dow
n. “What are you guys doing? Having a fall picnic?”

  Jess looked at the food. “Yeah.”

  “Nice of you to invite everyone,” Robbie said with edge.

  Ellen snickered at Jess.

  Pulling at his shirt, Robbie looked down. “Recognize this t-shirt, Jess?”

  “No. It’s a white shirt.”

  “Yeah. It’s yours. Wanna know why I’m wearing your shirt, not to mention socks?” Holding up a finger, Robbie walked to the door. He opened it, reached out, and came back with a large canvass bag which he dropped right before Ellen and Jess. “Now, I’m not mad. Wait. Yeah I am. I come to expect a few things. You don’t have to do my laundry, Jess, but if you aren’t, you have to let me know. I have nothing to wear. Don’t make me take this to my mom’s. She’s on trial.”

  Ellen laughed. “Robbie.”

  “No, and food. I bet El’s fed and her house is clean. I bet her laundry is done. What about me?”

  Jess contained any laughter that escaped him.

  “Robbie,” Ellen spoke softly. “Go take that in my room and I’ll make sure it gets done. Then come back and eat with us.”

  Almost pouting, Robbie lifted his bag. “Thank you, El. But you know, if you’re gonna steal him from me, I would really appreciate you actually considering that understanding situation.”

  Jess oddly watched Robbie walk away. “Understanding?”

  Ellen stopped laughing, but still smiled. “I told him a great combination would be him as primary and you as secondary.”

  Robbie walked back into the room. “But obviously under the same roof. Someone has to take care of me.” He continued walking into the kitchen.

  “Man.” Jess shook his head. “He’s funny. All for clean clothes.”

  “Someone’s always taken care of Robbie. Always.”

  “So uh . . .” Jess leaned a little into Ellen. “What about this understanding?”

  “I don’t know.” Ellen joked. “You better be up for some kinky sex.”

  Jess stared as if the thought of that transpired in his mind. He flickered a raise of his eyebrow. “I could do that.” He sat back, grabbed his sandwich, picked a bit, and tilted his head. “I could do that.”


  The small black case, like the two others she had, was placed in Bev’s hand. Bev raised her eyes to Johnny. “Why do I get the feeling you aren’t staying?”

  “I’m not so make sure you put that away. When I stopped by yesterday, the cases were laying about.”

  “Johnny, so what? If anyone broke in here and snooped, they wouldn’t have a clue. Danny thinks they are video games from my youth.”

  “Still.” Johnny moved back to her door.

  “Do I have to watch this? Nothing’s happened.”

  “Yeah. Just scan through. Look for her on the phone or anyone that she may talk to. We need a team. Don’t you want to get out of here?”

  “Yeah. Did I tell you I caused a fight between Dean and Ellen?”

  Johnny paused to applaud with sarcasm.

  “Did I tell you I may have a couple team members?”

  “Yes.” Johnny tried to leave.

  “A new one is Todd from Fabrics. I overheard him saying he made all the seams loose on Jenny’s new clothes.”

  Johnny laughed. “No. Don’t get Todd. He’ll tell on us before we even get to the point of why we need him. And that’s a stupid blackmail. Let me decide what is valuable and what is not. I don’t want you running to the wrong person on your own. You can screw it all up.” Johnny opened the door and peeked out. “Watch the disk.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “Dinner at my Pap’s. The trial went O.K., but Andrea’s down. I’m concerned for my Pap. I want to show my support.”

  “Support?” Bev chuckled. “Johnny, you’re behind all this. You wanna show support and concern, then turn yourself in.”

  “Yeah right.” Scoffing verbally, Johnny walked out.


  New Bowman, Montana

  “Elliott!” Hal called out frantic in his rush to Elliott’s home. “Elliott.”

  “Up here.” Elliott’s voice came from upstairs.

  With a charge, Hal took the steps and out of breath, he stopped when he saw Elliott come out of the other bedroom wearing beat up jeans and a beat up shirt. His hair was messy and the smell of paint predominant. “My God, it’s true.”

  “What?” Elliott asked.

  “What’s going through your mind?” Hal asked approaching him. “Someone shared concern that you were remodeling. The last time you drew up housecleaning energy was when you contemplated doing that suicide bombing mission into the secluded Society camp. I hope you aren’t thinking of taking that Dean missile into the Savage camp.”

  “Me? No. Not his time. No.” Elliott shook his head. “Come here.” He went into the smaller bedroom. “I’m painting the guestroom, or rather second bedroom.”

  “For?” Hal asked. “Are you taking a roommate?”

  “You could say that. Well, no. I mean, well, you’ll find out eventually. I’m going to tell you so please do not say anything discouraging.” Elliott smiled. “Captain, Ellen and I, we, she and I are going to, well, start a relationship. She calls it an understanding.”

  “And she’s the reason you’re getting the second bedroom ready.”


  “What for?”

  “For when she comes to New Bowman,” Elliott explained. “I hope you don’t get angry. She’ll be staying with me.”

  “In the . . . second bedroom?”



  “So she can have a room. Have privacy.”

  “I see.” Hal calmly nodded and looked around. He then spun to Elliott. “What! You fill in for Frank and all of the sudden you become stupid like him!”

  “Captain, did you ever notice how much you look like your father . . . and sound like him? Why are you yelling at me?”

  “A relationship, Elliott. Relationship. Did it ever occur to you that perhaps she doesn’t want her own bed and she wants to share yours?”

  “Sir.” Elliott stepped back. “That is not what this is about. Granted . . .” Elliott dropped his voice with a hint of embarrassment. “If we reach intimacy, it will be after a gradual process. I don’t want this to be about what every understanding is about.”

  “Valid point. You can’t afford that.”


  “You certainly are a man of heroics, Elliott. I commend your bravery.” Hal placed his hands behind his own back. “I for one would not undertake a relationship.”


  “Well, it would have its perks, yes. The hand holding, companionship, and cuddling. I could do cuddling. But what would frighten me is Ellen is coming off a long standing relationship and being intimate with a man who is quite used to being intimate.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  Hal stepped closer to Elliott. “You, my friend, have not been with a woman since before the plague. Eight years. At least eight . . . . long years. Preparations and preliminary actions won’t matter. I know I would be scared to death the instant we made love.” Dropping his voice to a whisper, Hal leaned into Elliott. “And that is exactly what it would be, Elliott. Don’t kid yourself for an instant.” Hal snapped his fingers and made Elliott jump. Then Hal flashed a grin and stepped back. “Yep.” He heaved out a breath. “The guestroom may not be a bad idea after all.”


  Beginnings, Montana

  There was something overly funny to Frank and Dean about the sight of Henry and Danny totally saturated with a red substance. They seemed to sneak toward town as if they couldn’t be spotted. It made them laugh really hard, probably harder than they should. And it bred ‘odd’ looks from Danny and Henry who couldn’t figure them out.

  Frank and Dean walked.

  It was an anger walk made from their frustration that took them from their home on a long journey of discussion a
round Beginnings.

  They smoked, both of them.

  Dean held his cigarette awkwardly between his two tense fingers, Frank like he normally did with his index finger arched, making a mustache as he brought the butt to his lips. They had wandered so far in their conversation, they nearly hit the utility buildings.

  “Still.” Frank blew out his smoke. “She’s lying.”

  “I don’t think so.” Dean shook his head. “God. It gnaws at me.”

  “I know that feeling.”

  “You feel it too.”

  “About her sleeping with someone in Beginnings? The sex part doesn’t, but not knowing who it is does. No. I remember when she was married to Pete. When I would suspect they slept together, man, it would gnaw at me.” He took another hit. “And I was out of town.”

  “I remember Ellen telling me that when Kelly got pregnant with the last baby, she really was down about that.”

  “Now see.” Frank held out his homemade cigarette. “Why didn’t she tell me? How do you know this?”

  “She tells me everything.”

  “Me too.”

  “Apparently not.”

  “Dean, I know more than you know.”

  “Bet I know more stuff that you think you should . . . know. I don’t know.” A large cloud of smoke came from Dean’s mouth and he coughed.

  Frank chuckled. “Man. But back to this ‘I have a lover in your bed, Dean’ thing. It doesn’t bother me if she is. I’m not really with her.” Frank shrugged. “And I’m pretty much used to Ellen’s antics. What pisses me off is, who. And . . . why she’s going out of her circle.”


  “Yeah. But it should bother you. She’s like rubbing it in. We should . . . spy.”

  “Want to?”

  Frank shrugged. “All right.”

  Robbie coughed loudly as he came around from the side of the utility building where he did his rounds. “Fuck.” He waved his hands. “What the fuck!” he screamed.


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