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The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20

Page 139

by Jacqueline Druga

  Lifting her kitten, Alex looked at Frank.


  Giggling, she waved.

  So close. So close. Too close. The first one dropped over the fence, then the second, and then the third. Still at a distance, Frank had to decide, stop and shoot or keep going. He watched the first group move toward Alex and Frank kept moving. In his heart and in his mind, he knew that God forbid something were to happen to her, he was going down too. “Alex! Run!” With theM-16 swinging in his run and gripped to his hand, Frank charged ahead. “Alex! Run!”

  Slowly Alex started to stand. As she did, she saw them. So men like she had never seen and they ran her way. Eight of them led the way; more were behind them and still more climbed over the fence. Gripping Furball tight in her little arms, Alexandra stepped back and tripped over her papers that lay on the ground.

  Frank literally screamed when he saw her disappear into the high grass. “Oh God,” he cried out with each step he ran. “Alex!”

  Alex stumbled to a stand again. She looked behind her to see Frank, then she looked ahead to see the Savages. She was in the middle and she just couldn’t move.

  The closer Frank got to Alexandra the closer the first wave of eight Savages grew. Alexandra was a frozen target, a prize of some sorts and it was race against each other to see who could reach her first.

  It was Frank versus the Savages.

  Alexandra’s eyes became blurry with her welling tears of fear. Why couldn’t she move? She wanted to run. She held onto Furball, nearly squeezing the life from him. Her eyes were transfixed, almost hypnotized, on the Savages that were so near she could smell them. She felt the scream build from her stomach and it rumbled from her when she saw the one Savage leap forward, spear in hand, ready to lunge. His arm went back. Alexandra’s shrill scream was interrupted when her body shook from the rapid gunfire right behind her. In a perfectly straight line it cut into the eight Savages, shooting out the blood and guts and in a ripping manner to the right. They fell like toy soldiers, dropping and exposing even more Savages that raced up behind them. Just as she turned to run, she felt the jolt of her tiny body and an air of instant relief when she was swept up into the safety of Frank’s arms.

  Frank gripped her so tight, despite the fact he still held onto his rifle. “Robbie,” he beckoned. “Where are you? Oh God.” He held on to Alex as he watched the charging Savages. There were too many and his arms were full.

  “I see you, Frank. Find me. To the west.”

  Frank couldn’t look back. Not yet. He heard the frightened whimper of Alexandra as her arms wrapped around his neck and her legs around his chest. “Hold on to Daddy. That’s it. Just hold on to Daddy. Real tight. Don’t let go. Please don’t let go.”

  Alexandra squeezed even tighter.

  “Robbie, I need a signal.” Frank lifted his weapon and fired out aimlessly, trying to fend them off.

  “I’ll swing around, Frank. Take off to your left. It’s you best chance.

  Between firing shots, Frank tried to comfort a crying Alex. “It’s gonna be all right. Just hold on to Daddy. We’re gonna run. Ready?”

  Alexandra nodded.

  Just as Frank leaped to charge, so did the Savages. The first spear sailed out and with his gun as a bat, he smacked it way, but wasn’t fortunate enough to knock out the next.

  The thick heavy spear sailed into the side of his right thigh. He immediately snapped it off at the head and saw, four feet ahead of him in the direction he had to go, six Savages. Shooting and killing was not an option. Getting Alex safely out of there was the only one. Holding on to this gun just until he made it in the clear, Frank held on to Alexandra with one hand and barreled through like a football player into the six Savages.

  His M-16 was his only line of defense, that and his body. Feeling the secure lock of Alexandra’s arms, Frank used both hands on his weapon and cut his way through. He swung the M-16 up, knocking the one on the chin. To the right he brought it down on another. And with the weight of his big body, the heat of the raging Savages behind him, Frank gave it all he had and rammed his way through the remaining four. He lost his balance and stumbled only for a second. Then as arrows and spears sailed in multitudes at him, he regained his footing with the momentum he needed when he saw the dangling rope of Robbie’s savior chopper.

  “We made it, Alex. We made it!”

  “I’m scared,” Alexandra cried.

  “We made it. Hold on.” Tossing out his weapon and holding tightly to Alexandra, Frank made his final charge and leaped up, gripping the moving rope with one hand. “I got it! Robbie, lift!” The rope swung out, wide and around, with the weight of Frank and Alexandra’s bodies as the chopper lifted.

  “We’ll pull you up,” Robbie spoke over the chopper noise.

  Frank smiled as he felt the rope move upward. “Se, Alex. See.” He breathed a sigh of relief.

  Until . . .

  The little voice that came from her was so weak, raspy, and full of air. “Daddy.”

  Frank’s whole entire being shuddered and his heart left him when he felt her tiny body release her grip. Her legs fell, her arms dropped, and her head and body fell in a drastic arch back. When it did, Frank not only felt the back of the arrow hit against his hand that held her, he saw the tip of the head trying to protrude through her fragile chest, just under her neck. “Oh God! Alex. Alex. Robbie move.” He could see the chopper floor come into view and then he saw the hands reach down. “Take her. Gently.”

  The hands reached down and locked onto Alex’s limp body and Hector lifted her into the chopper.

  “Easy with her. Watch it.” Frank climbed in and immediately took her. “Please be alive. Please, please, please be alive,” he begged as his huge hand covered her entire neck, searching for a pulse. He found one and gasped, “Robbie.”

  Robbie looked once over his shoulder then the helicopter drastically went sideways when he saw Alexandra bleeding in Frank’s arms and he lost control. “Oh my God.”

  “Get us to the Clinic. Radio for help.”

  “We’re . . .” Robbie looked out the window. “Shit, we can’t drop there.”

  “Then you know where to go. Go there. Go fast, Robbie.” Frank adjusted Alexandra in between his legs and arms, being careful not to even touch the arrow. “Hurry. Please.” His lips pressed emotionally to the soft, silent face of Alex. “Hold on. Please hold on. Please.” Over and over he kissed her, stroking her hair, imploring her with his soul. Impassioned, he cradled her in his arms, afraid to let her frail body go.

  So afraid.

  The door to Andrea’s prison room flung open and Judge Grace entered with two guards.

  Andrea sprang from the bed. “Sweet Jesus, what’s happening?”

  “You don’t have to go, but we need you at the hospital now.”

  Without hesitation, Andrea was out the door.

  Every single time Ellen and Elliott thought they had a clear path, something happened. Dean was getting frustrated, not to mention tired. Only eighteen Savages remained running amuck. The soldiers that fought them tried more to stop them by hand instead of destroying the town completely with the laying down of rapid gunfire. In fact, Dean had to wonder what was the point of Elliott even trying to get Ellen down below. From what he saw, it was almost over and Dean was going to bitch. They grouped them and, like a pawn, he ran out, risked his life, and took them out.

  “What?” Dean gasped in his mask as he watched Elliott and Ellen, in some sort of game, lead the pack of Savages to Containment. “Damn it.” With the pellet of death in hand, from his hiding spot, Dean charged out, darting in and out, up and down the gunfire-filled street.

  He dove. He rolled. He realized how old his body was when, like a bowling ball, he slammed into the Savages and felt every ache. Seeing Elliott’s boots, Dean hoped Elliott knew, because there wasn’t any time to warn him. Dean crushed the pellet and released the gas.

  Ellen couldn’t breathe. Elliott made sure of that. His hand covered
her mouth and nose so hard even if she tried to breath, she couldn’t. With his arm around her waist, Elliott reached back, opened the Containment door, and pulled her in.

  Outside, as he Savages surrounded him, Dean found no escape from the ones that encircled him. He knew the gas was released. He knew it wouldn’t take that long. Seeing the choking faces of the attackers, Dean tensed up when he saw something else, a spear diving his way. Inches before it rammed into his flesh, the spear dropped and so did the Savage.

  The doors to the hospital burst open and Frank carried Alexandra in his arms at full speed. Andrea and Blue pushed the cart his way.

  “Sweet Jesus!” Andrea exclaimed. “On her side. Lay her on her side.”

  Frank didn’t want to let her go, but he placed Alexandra on the cart. “Andrea, help her.”

  Andrea began her examination right then and there in the hall, checking Alexandra’s pupils, pulse, and respiratory status. “The blood loss isn’t that bad. Look, Frank.” Andrea smiled at him. “It’s clotted. She’s in shock right now. I’m positive we can get this out. It entered at the best place it could have,” she reassured. “You just wait here.”

  “Take care of her, please,” Frank spoke with so much worry. As they wheeled her away, her little hand slipped from his and Frank’s heart broke. His head dropped when he felt the last tiny bit of her fingers tips.

  “Frank,” Robbie laid a strong gripping hand on his back. “It’s gonna be all right. You did good.”

  Frank reached back and grabbed on to the hand that clung on to his shoulder and from that he stole the strength he lacked at that moment.

  “Pap, come in,” Johnny called over the radio. “The UD is secure.”

  “Excellent. Did you make the drop?” Joe asked.

  “That’s a negative, Pap. I opened fire. Me and Jess took them out the hard way but the fun way.”

  “You’re as sick as you’re father. Hal, check in.”

  “Flags secure, Dad,” Hal spoke. “Victory belongs to the UWA as usual.”

  “How are our losses?”

  “Unfortunately, we did suffer a few, but not many. We have some injuries we’re transporting to the Clinic now.”

  “Johnny, still with me?”

  “Yeah, Pap, what’s up?”

  “I need you to get to the hanger and wait for Dean and Ellen. They have to get to New Bowman. It’s . . . . It’s Alex.”

  Frank not only heard the ‘boom’ of the opening hospital doors, but the racing panicked filled voices of Dean and Ellen. He dreaded the moment and was afraid to face them in his failure to deliver Alexandra unharmed. He stood up the moment Ellen raced in the waiting room.

  “Frank,” she called out,. Dean was right with her.

  “El,” He spoke with so much pain.

  “Oh my God.” Ellen saw him covered in blood. “Alex. She’s not . . .”

  “No.” Frank shook his head. “El, I’m sorry. Dean.” He raised his sad eyes. “Dean, I’m sorry. I tried to get her out of there, I tried. But there were so many. I know that’s no excuse but . . .” At that moment, Frank got all he needed. His words were cut short when Ellen slammed her arms around him and embraced him tightly. “El?”

  “Thank you.” She kissed him. “Thank you. Only you, Frank, could have taken her out of there alive. Only you. Thank you.”

  “Frank.” Dean walked up behind Ellen with an extended hand. “Thank you for saving my daughter.”

  Just as Frank shook his hand and closed his eyes, Andrea entered.

  “Who wants good news?” Andrea spoke on her entrance. She waited until they gathered close to her. “The operation went well. We removed the arrow. No damage is done. Alexandra will be just fine.”


  Dean hovered over his daughter on one side of the bed while Frank hovered on the other, both holding on to Alexandra’s hands, watching her sleeping face.

  Andrea closed the chart. “I see no reason why she can’t be transported to Beginnings. She’s stable and doing well.” She laid the chart down and looked at Alexandra then at Ellen, Frank, and Dean. “I just thank the good Lord I got to do this before I leave.” Smiling peacefully and touching Alexandra’s leg, Andrea stepped back.

  Ellen followed. “Andrea, wait.” She called out to stop her as Andrea approached the guard. “Please.”


  A sobbing breath came from Ellen. “They told me. Tell me it’s not true.”

  “I’m sorry, Ellen.”

  “But Andrea, listen. Change your mind. Don’t do this. I am begging you don’t do this. Talk to Judge Grace. I am positive she will rescind the order.”

  “Tomorrow . . . tomorrow is my judgment.” She laid her hand on Ellen’s cheek.

  “You’re making yourself sound guilty. You aren’t.”

  Andrea’s head dropped.

  “Say it,” Ellen told her. “Tell me you’re guilty.”

  Andrea said nothing.


  “I asked to be put to death didn’t I? That should tell you it all.” Leaning down, Andrea kissed Ellen on the cheek. “You take care.” Solemnly with her arms folded, Andrea walked to the guard.

  “She looks like El,” Frank commented as he peered down at Alexandra.

  “Oh without a doubt.” Dean lifted Alexandra’s hand. “Look how petite.”

  “Just like El.”


  “But I see a lot of you in her.”

  “You think?” Dean asked.

  “Oh yeah. She has your mouth.”

  “No, Frank,” Dean chuckled. “After hearing her substitution for the word fuck, she has your mouth.”

  Laughing, Frank noticed Alexandra’s eyes fluttering. “Hey.”

  “Hey Alex.” Dean leaned down into her. “How are you?”

  Slowly Alexandra opened her eyes and shifted them from Frank to Dean.

  “Did you want to say something?” Dean asked.

  “You need anything?” Frank questioned as well.

  Her voice was soft and tired. “Where’s Furball?”


  Beginnings, Montana

  “Johnny.” There was beckoning in George’s voice. “No.”

  “One more week, George. That’s all,” Johnny said on the phone. “I can’t do this to him. I can’t. If I go tomorrow with Reverend Bob, with Andrea’s execution, it will kill my Pap.”

  “I hate the thought of you and Bev staying there.”

  “We’ll be quiet, maybe even secure that team,” Johnny sadly said. “But after tomorrow, I have to stay with my pap.”


  “This is nuts,” Jess’s voice commented in the dark UD. “The bodies are still out here.” He moved the flashlight around.

  “It’s evidence,” Robbie said as he searched. “We have to.”

  Henry daintily and squeamishly moved about. “I’ll scream if I see it dead.”

  “We just have to know,” Robbie said. “That’s all. If it’s alive and out here, it won’t live till morning.”

  “It’s like finding a needle in a haystack,” Jess commented. “I can’t see shit out here.”

  “I want to go back in,” Henry complained. “It smells. It really smells. And I’m getting . . .” Henry froze when not only he felt something under his foot but heard the painful animal scream as well. “Shit.”

  “Henry.” Robbie rushed over. “If you fuckin killed it.” He bent down by Henry’s boot and smiled. Dirty, shaking, covered with blood, but still alive, was Furball.


  It was tender, it was slow, and it was the kind of kiss Frank had waited to get from Ellen for a really long time. His one arm locked around her, holding her to him while the other caressed her face occasionally, touching the reality of their kissing mouths.

  Slightly he moaned with a chuckle as he pulled back from the kiss. “Thank you.”

  “No, thank you.” Ellen kissed him quickly. “You sure you don’t mind sitting here with Alex f
or a while?”

  “What, are you nuts? I want to.” He took a deep breath and kissed her again. “You better go. Get some rest.”

  “I will.” She pulled back.

  “You do know I love taking advantage of this hero stuff with you.”

  “Oh, yeah I know, but you didn’t save me this time. You saved my daughter.” She bent down and kissed Alexandra then moved to the door. “Elliott saved me. You got a kiss. Imagine what he got.” Leaving only briefly, Ellen popped her head back in the room to see Frank’s expression. “I’m joking,” She winked and walked out.

  It had been a long exhausting day and the next day wouldn’t be any better. Ellen hoped that it was all a nightmare, that some sort of mistake had been made. She refused to believe that Andrea would be executed the next day.

  The lights from the lab surprised her. Ellen thought Dean was shutting down for the night. “Hey,” she spoke softly as she walked into the lab. “Aren’t you ready?”

  “Um, yeah.” Dean booted down the computer and turned around. He looked frazzled.

  “Are you all right?”

  “Yes. I have a lot on my mind. I have some work to review at home.”


  “That’s how I live,” Dean shrugged.

  “Wanna come home with me? This is not a sexual proposition, nor a reunion, just . . . just an invitation. I think, after today, you and I need to wind down together. I’ll help with the work. What do you say?”

  Dean breathed out. “El, I’d love that but what about the Beginnings mystery man? Won’t he mind?”

  “Who? Oh, yeah. Him. No. He knows I was going to ask you over. Actually Elliott suggested it, so thank him.”

  “Swell. So Robbie doesn’t mind me spending the night?”


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