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The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20

Page 209

by Jacqueline Druga

  “Hey, El. Are you leaving?” Robbie seemed nervous as he walked in the office.

  “Yeah. I have to head to the clinic. How’s the first day back at work?”

  “Good. I . . .”

  “You shouldn’t be back.” Ellen waved a pointing finger. “But you Slagels. Hal took his cast off and blamed it on Elliott, I knew better.” She winked. “What’s up?”

  “I need to talk to you,” Robbie said seriously.

  “Uh-oh. Are you sick? Something wrong?”

  “No and yeah. I’m not sick. Something’s wrong.” After a moment’s hesitation that included a deep breath and a glance to the ceiling to capture some nerve, Robbie looked at Ellen. “Frank . . . Frank and Dean, they’re saying you’re addicted to Anthium.”

  It graveled in her disgust. “Fuck.”


  “Fuck!” Ellen yelled. “Great. Just great. You too?”

  “El, I wasn’t . . .”

  “You know what?” She spun hard to Robbie. “You, Robbie, you of all people were the last person I expected to buy it. The last one!” She stormed to the door.

  “El, I wasn’t . . .”

  “You know what!” She stopped at the door. “Here.” She threw her keys and they landed hard on the desk. “Take the keys to the meds. Join the party. Count them behind my back like everyone else!” Without saying anymore, Ellen raged out.

  Robbie took a step and stopped. “Great.” He reached down and picked up the keys and placed them in his pocket. “I guess I took the wrong approach.”

  Ellen’s anger blasted her out of Containment, across the street, and into the clinic. It wasn’t subsiding, nor did she think it would when she walked into the lab and saw Johnny. “Where’s Dean?” she asked as she took a lab jacket from the coat tree.

  “Who cares?” Johnny answered staring at a computer.

  Walking by Johnny, Ellen slowed down with a whispering, ‘fuck you.’ and moved to her computer terminal.

  “Someone is a little upset. Not get your fix, El?”

  Before Ellen could respond, something else caught her attention. Taped to her computer was a note. With a grunt she lifted it off. It was from Dean. ‘El, not to harp, but watch your typos. I found three errors.’ “Swell.” Ellen crumbled the note. “Check every aspect of my life, you asshole.” She tossed the note then looked up as Johnny laughed in his walk to the back room.

  “Watch them errors, El,” he said then disappeared.

  “That’s it.” With the brunt of her emotions leading the way, Ellen followed Johnny toward the back room, but nearly skid to a stop when her eyes caught glimpse of it sitting on the counter. Dean’s pocket tape recorder. Lifting it in her stride, she pressed record and stormed into the back room. “Did you do it?” she asked as she shut the door.

  “Do what?” Johnny looked for something on the shelf.

  To be sure every bit of his voice was picked up, she stepped close to him. “Did you change what I put into the computer?”

  “What do you think? Of course I did,” Johnny said with a sneer. “It goes with that drug abuse problem you have, El.”

  “You know . . .” Ellen crept to him. “Do not think for one second I’m not spilling my guts. I have had it with you.”

  “And I . . .” With a quick jab in, Johnny grasped a handful of Ellen’s hair and yanked her to him, “I’m sick of your threats,” he whispered. “Tell. Take your chance. You think you’ll hurt me? Watch out who you end up hurting.” As he let go of her hair and pulled back, Johnny saw Ellen open her mouth to say something. With the back of his hand, he fired a hard shot to the side of her head that send her flying into the wall. He glared once at her, grabbed what he wanted off the shelf, and walked out.

  Against the wall, Ellen closed her eyes in the pain that radiated through her head and back. It only took a moment for it to subside into another fit of rage for her. She was tired of it and with the thought that it was going to end, Ellen barged from the storage closet. With her eyes glued to Johnny, who had returned to the computer, Ellen stormed across that lab, swiped out her hand to Dean’s desk, lifted the scissors from the holder, raised her arm high in the air, and lunged.

  “No!” Dean leaped forward and snatched her wrist mere inches before the point of the scissors penetrated an unsuspecting Johnny’s back. “Ellen!”

  Johnny spun around on the stool and shrieked.

  Ellen locked a stare on Dean.

  “Let them go.” Dean gripped tighter to her wrist. “Let . . . Go.”

  Ellen dropped the scissors.

  “What the hell is the matter with you!” Dean asked out of control. “What were you thinking?”

  “I was killing him,” Ellen stated calmly.

  Dean blinked. “You were killing him?” he asked in a mocking calm just before he lost it again. “You were killing him! Wh . . . wh . . .” Stopping himself, Dean held up a hand and brought his rational voice back. “Why?”

  “Because he . . .”

  “I tried to talk to her about her drug problem, Dean,” Johnny interjected emotionally, adding that hint of sadness. “I tried to help her.”

  “Fuck off!” Ellen screamed at him. “Dean, listen to me. I know you trust me . . .”

  “Is that why, El?” Dean asked. “Did you go after him because he asked you about the drug?”

  Ellen’s eyes widened and then she felt it. It started in her gut, wrenched around a few times, rose into her chest, tightened her entire body, and all she could do in the outrage she felt . . . was scream.

  Long, loud, and shrill. One scream.

  Taken aback would have been considered an understatement for Dean. Shocked, his eyes followed her as she moved toward the door, took off her lab coat, and hung it on the rack.

  “Dr. Dean?” Johnny asked, sounding frightened. “Is she all right?”

  At the door Ellen laughed. It seemed out of control and then with shake of her head in disbelief, she stopped the laughing, looked at Dean, and blasted her loudest. “I hate you! With every ounce of everything I am, I hate you at this moment.” She turned, stepped, stopped and looked back, reiterating her words louder if even possible. “I hate you!”

  Exhaling an ‘ah’ as she walked down the hall, Ellen couldn’t help but think how good it felt to just explode. But she still was upset as she left the clinic and stepping outside didn’t ease that.

  Like a wall they seemed to be headed directly her way. Frank, Robbie, Hal, and Elliott. She knew Hal or Elliott wouldn’t say anything to her but she wasn’t in the mood to hear it from Frank or Robbie.

  Directly with her eyes straight on him, Ellen walked to Elliott. “Elliott.”

  It felt odd to Elliott, almost if she was purposely singling him out. “Yes?”

  “About that little proposition you made earlier. You know what?” Ellen said. “I think I might just leave my husband move to New Bowman and live with you. Thank you.” With her arms folded, Ellen walked off.

  “Well,” Hal smiled, “Congratulations, Elliott. Shall I start planning the wedding?”

  Elliott was shocked. “Captain, I . . .” He couldn’t speak any further. The glaring, big brown eyes of Frank were close and in his face.

  “Hey, Elliott,” Robbie spoke up. “Can I have the understanding?”

  Hal shrugged. “I think sounds fair. Elliott?”

  “I . . .” He shifted his views again. “What! What, Frank what!”

  “Ah, no.” Frank shook his finger. “Don’t even be yelling at me. What the fuck are you up to? Did you ask Ellen to leave Dean?”

  Elliott lifted a hand. “Frank, let me explain.”

  “I did,” Hal interjected. “I asked Ellen to leave Dean.”

  “You too?” Frank asked, shocked. “What the fuck, Hal? I thought the affair was over.”

  “Asshole,” Hal snapped. “I asked Ellen to leave Dean for Elliott.”

  “Really?” Frank asked in disbelief.

  “Really,” Hal answered smugly. “She
needs to get out of Beginnings for a while so I made the suggestion. I’m guilty. What are you going to do?”

  Frank looked at the clinic and started walking that way. “I’m telling Dean. Let his little ass deal with you fucked up people.”


  Alexandra’s little arms felt so good around Ellen’s neck. She was glad she stopped by the school in her ‘cool down’ walk. Her daughter’s arms were magic, pure magic. For the moment, they took everything away for Ellen and reiterated for her that there were still bright spots in her life. Her children.

  For as much as had happened and isolated her from more and more people, one thing remained certain. She had her kids and their love didn’t hinge on whether they thought she took a drug. They believed and trusted her. They were unconditionally hers. No matter how alone she felt at times, all she had to do was seek them out and she did, every single one of the kids from oldest to youngest. With the ground beneath her sanity shaking so badly, Ellen needed a fix of stability.


  There was silence following Dean’s rendition of what had happened as he, Frank, Hal, Robbie, and Elliott stood in the clinic lab.

  Frank’s eyes transfixed upon the scissors in his hand. “She tried to kill him? Shut up, Hal. This isn’t funny.”

  “Sorry, Frank.” Hal held up his hand. “She would have only injured him.”

  “And that makes it right?” Frank asked hard. “No. She went after my son. . . .”

  “She went after your son because he started this whole thing,” Hal interrupted.

  “He was only trying to help her,” Frank defended.

  “Johnny is a troublemaker,” Hal stated firmly and as a matter of fact. “Elliott, let’s go.”

  “Hal.” Frank stood up. “What is your problem with my kid?”

  Innocently, Hal shrugged. “I don’t have a problem with Johnny. It appears Ellen does. Look at that.” He gave a motion of his head to the door.

  Dean gave a try. “Hal, I was here. Johnny said he only mentioned the drug problem. Ellen freaked, Hal. She freaked on him and on me. It was frightening.”

  “I would freak too if the people I loved accused me of something I wasn’t doing,” Hal spoke calmly.

  Dean bit his bottom lip. “I am a doctor . . .”

  “You . . .” Hal pointed. “Are her husband first and foremost. Remember that.”

  “And I can’t show concern?” Dean asked. “We have to help her. This can kill her.”

  Hal breathed out, “Oh yes it can. Help her then.”

  “We’re trying.” Dean tossed up his hands. “We can’t get her off the drug if everyone refuses to believe she’s taking it. That’s not helping Ellen. The evidence is undeniable.”

  “Dr. Hayes.” Hal stared at him. “Yes, the evidence is undeniable. It is staring you in the face and you’re missing it.” His voice dropped. “You’re missing it.” Saying no more, Hal walked out.

  Frank shook his head and yelled out to a leaving Hal. “How are we missing it, Hal! We’re sitting here talking about it.” He flung out his hand in aggravation and watched Robbie walk to the door. “Where you going?”

  “Hal’s right,” Robbie said. “We’re missing it. There’s something going on Ellen isn’t wanting to tell, isn’t wanting to let out. I know you guys love her and I know you’re concerned . . .” Robbie paused. “Frank, when you were drinking we came down on you. You got defensive, man. A lot of shit was happening in your life. But only you could stop that addiction by facing it and the things that caused it. You two are taking the wrong route. If by some obscure chance Ellen is taking Anthium, don’t you think you can help her a lot more by finding out what it was that made her start taking it in the first place?” With that, Robbie walked out.

  In a ringing silence, Frank stared at the empty doorway. His hand raised to his eyes and then slowly he trailed his fingers over his face.

  Dean knew it. He knew by the look on his face something was up and something strong was going through Frank’s mind. His voice cracked as he softly spoke, “Frank?”

  A shift of his views and Frank locked a stare on the concerned eyes of Dean. Raising his shoulders with a deep inhale, Frank walked to the lab door, closed it, and locked it. “We have to talk.”


  It took a while for Ellen to locate Henry but she needed to find him. Not that she minded the walk around Beginnings, but it was taking too long so she sought out Hector and he brought her to the generator building where Henry was working. “Isolation.” Was the best word Ellen could use to describe what she was feeling without coming straight out. “I suppose people feel isolated. Alone. I mean, the world ended, right?’

  Hector folded his arms, looked from Henry to Ellen, and nodded. “Yes, Ellen. For ten minutes you’ve gone on about anything and everything. Is something wrong?’

  “Well . . . yes and no. It’s not your concern. But why I am here is.” She stared at the pair for a second. “See, I love my kids. I loved the children I lost to the plague. My heart broke. But . . . I was fortunate, see? I was given a chance at it all over again. Nothing or no one can replace Josh or Taylor. I am sure you can relate, Hector.”

  With raised eyebrows and a closed mouth, Hector sadly tilted his head to the side in agreement.

  “O.K.,” Ellen continued. “I had rough day. Well, a rough morning but what a dozy. I hate to think how the rest of it is gonna go. My point is I’m pissed off and I just needed something to take it all away. I went to the school and hugged my kids. Hector, tell me why.”

  Henry shifted his eyes. “Why can’t I answer?”

  “I want Hector to,” Ellen replied. “Hector know what I’m talking about. Why, Hector?’

  “They love you,” Hector stated. “No matter what . . . they love you.”

  With closed eyes, Ellen agreed. “You see it in their face in the morning, when they bring a good paper home from school . . .”

  “When they hit their first baseball,” Hector stared out. “They just look at you and you know.”

  “Excuse me.” Henry waved his hand about. “What’s going on?”

  Ellen looked at Henry. “A lot is going in your life, Henry, a lot of changes. Mine too. No one knows, but there are changes in my life. But there are things, no matter how much my life changes, that stay constant. My kids. You asked me the other day for Nick. You said I can see him anytime, but you wanted that responsibility of raising him and having him live with you.”

  Suddenly Hector looked at Henry. “You did that? That’s . . . that’s really a big step, Henry.”

  Ellen spoke up, “Do you recall the one reason that you wanted him the most, Henry?”

  “He’s all I have,” Henry answered. “He is the only thing no one can take from me.

  “I want to spend time with Nick, Henry,” Ellen said. “I want him to see his brothers and sisters. I don’t want you to think if there’s a problem with him that you can’t come to me, day or night.”

  “Are you saying . . .?”

  “I’m saying . . .” Ellen paused. “I was willing to let Frank raise Brian. This is Beginnings. How far from my son will I be? You can raise Nick.”

  The grin on Henry’s face matched the surprised one on Hector’s. “El.” Henry glowed. “Thank you. When . . . when . . .”

  “Today,” Ellen said. “I told Hap you or Hector would be by to get him. Day care closes at four. You will have to make arrangements to get him by then or else let me know. All right?”

  “El.” Henry laid his hands on her arms. “I’ll do this right. I promise I won’t try to return him. I’ll do this.”

  “I know you will.” Ellen looked at Hector. “Hector as long as you and Henry are good friends, I’m expecting you to be the logical one.”

  “Ellen.” Hector leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. “As much as Henry lets me, I will help.”

  “I’m counting on that.” Ellen let out a breath and looked at her watch. “I should go. I want to finish my cool down walk
before returning to the clinic. I’ll see you guys.” She moved to the door.

  “El?” Henry stepped to her. “Cool down walk? I know we aren’t on the best of terms, but is everything all right?”

  “No.” Ellen shook her head. “My life feels like it’s falling apart. However, I’m the only one who can keep it together. Other than coming an inch of stabbing Johnny in the back of the neck with scissors, my day has been hell. See ya.” She flashed a smile and walked out.

  Hector slowly looked to Henry. “Stabbing Johnny?”

  “That’s what she said.”

  “Was it me or did she imply that almost stabbing him was a bright spot in her day.”

  Henry thought about it. “Nah. She jumbled her words. That’s all.” He started to return to work and stopped. “Why would she stab Johnny?”


  The nice thing about the generator building area was it was close enough from town to walk to and far enough away to be deemed peaceful. Ellen needed to walk a big circle around it. She planned it in her head. She would head through the small wooded area that encircled the generator area to the main road then reluctantly go back to the clinic. She barely emerged and she froze. Leaning against a Jeep was Johnny at the tail end of those woods.

  He shook his head and walked into the trees toward her. “There you are. Dean sent me out for you.”

  “Dean’s an asshole,” Ellen said. “Excuse me.” She tried to get past him.

  “What are you doing out here, El? I hope you aren’t aimlessly wandering in one of your blackouts.”

  Her foot kicked up some leaves in her sudden stop. She looked over her shoulder with a smug and scoffing look to Johnny. “Blackouts are one thing you can’t get me to do.”

  It took only two steps to trot up to Ellen. “You don’t think?” Johnny whispered.

  The edge of the woods was not even six feet from her sight and Ellen made the mistake of stopping in revelation of what Johnny said.



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