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The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20

Page 232

by Jacqueline Druga


  With no movement or feeling in his body, Frank could only see what was in his peripheral vision and wherever his eyes shifted. That was it. He experienced emotions, but only on in the inside, just as he spoke . . . only on the inside.

  “I hate you for this, Dean. I fuckin hate you for this.”

  Dean had sad but smiling eyes, as he kept eye contact with Frank, talking as he did. “I know, three in the morning is an odd hour.”

  “Like I fuckin know what time it is.”

  “But you don’t know what time it is.” Dean smiled. “So anyhow, my day sucked.”

  “Are your days ever good?”

  “It was Ellen’s birthday and I forgot. But then again, Elliott Ryder didn’t.”

  “Sgt. Fuckin Ryder. Figures.”

  “He got her a dancing hula girl,” Dean chuckled as his hands moved. “So I go to New Bowman. Ben is there and gets snippy. I make my purchase, hand him my card, and my card is denied. Then Ben, he calls me a loser, tosses the card in my face and I . . . I well . . . Frank, I didn’t know I could jump over a counter so fast. I went after the man.”

  “Oh, shit. Dean, that is so funny. You attacked Ben from Fabrics?”

  “Your brother arrests me and interrogates me for forty minutes . . .” Dean continued. “I get back to Beginnings. Danny gets pissed because I yelled at Henry and refuses to help me with my problem. I get it solved, find a gift, go home, and everyone’s there, including Josephine, who’s licking her fingers and sticking them in the icing.”

  “Uh! Old bag lady germs.”

  “Then Ellen gives me the piece she was sticking her finger in,” Dean said. “And the night didn’t get any better. It was a bad day and I’m frustrated so I think, well, maybe sex will help.”

  “Dean. Stop. Do I want to hear this?” Frank asked in his mind.

  “So I seduce El.”

  “Dean! It’s me you’re talking to.”

  “I get her to the bedroom.”

  “Dean! Fuck!”

  “I’m kissing her. She makes this comment about the kids being asleep and no fights to referee and I stop. I couldn’t. I mean, I couldn’t.”


  “Referee. Frank, all that went through my mind was that stupid dream I had about you and I having a tag team love making match. Remember, I told you about that? And I started laughing and couldn’t stop. So now Ellen’s pissed at me and here I am. I’m glad I was the one here when you came out of the initial dose. Hal had this shitty grin on his face while he was watching.”

  “Probably planning on tormenting me.”

  “He was probably planning on tormenting you but he left. There was a problem with . . . with Robbie. He’s fine,” Dean said. “It was just some sort of personal problem that I bet . . .” He winked softly. “Robbie needs you for.” With an exhale Dean moved back some. “Done. You’re all shaved. Now you’re ready for visitors tomorrow.”

  “I better have my goatee.”

  “Don’t worry, Frank. You still have your goatee. I even made it defined so you look extra mean.”


  “I’m sorry I had to give you the Salicain, Frank.” Dean pulled up a chair. “But, I’m worried about you. Even though I saw you in the future, my mind is not at ease about your heart. One week, Frank. Give me one week on the Salicain.” He dropped his voice to a whisper. “I have a secret. You cannot tell anyone. Blink long to give me your agreement.”

  “Oh, I’m fuckin doing tricks now. Like I’m gonna blab. OK, how’s this.” Frank blinked.

  “Good.” Dean smiled. “Anyhow, El and I are creating these genetically enhanced embryos of our own in the lab. Actually we experimenting with accelerated growth. Well, I’m trying something new on you. It’s an accelerated healing agent El and I have been working on. Andrea doesn’t know I used it on you because you know her, she’ll insist on seeing test subjects and all that shit. But . . . if you could see your chest.”

  “It’s massive. I know.”

  “Frank, it is healing so well. Three days and it looks like a surgical site one week postop. You’re gonna shock everyone. They’ll think you’re super Frank.”

  “I am.”

  “I know. I know. I can hear you now. You probably said, ‘I am.”

  “I did.”

  “So anyhow, I need to talk to you about something. When . . . when you opened your eyes this morning.” Dean noticed Frank’s eyes took another long blink and immediately drifted off. “You said something. You said something about your father.”

  Frank moved his eyes directly to Dean.

  “I don’t know how you do, but you know, don’t you?”

  With a blink, Frank answered. ‘Yes.’

  “Oh, God, Frank. He won’t let me help him. Joe won’t talk to me about it. He doesn’t want to hear it. You have to help me when you get out of this.”

  “Oh, I will, Dean. I will. You and I, we’ll get him.”

  “My heart’s breaking,” Dean said quietly. “I can’t say anything to anyone and I’m going insane. It’s too much to carry. I am so glad you know. And if you don’t . . .” Dean shrugged. “I guess you know now.”

  “I know. Look at my eyes. I know.”

  “I can tell by your eyes.” Dean nodded. “So I have your dad and Ellen’s leaving on my mind, which she isn’t going until after Christmas so that’s good. I have you to worry about. I am so miserable, I am snapping at everyone. Everyone is bitching to Joe about me. And you’re probably looking at me wondering why I’m here.”

  “You can’t stay away from greatness.”

  “Knowing that in your mind, you made some arrogant comment, I’m going to say something and I’m saying it only because you can’t respond.”

  “Oh, sure. Take advantage of me. Why do I get the feeling this is gonna happen a lot?”

  “Frank, I’m lost.” Dean lifted his hand. “I realized you’re the only one I really talk to and communicate with. You aggravate me so much that there’s no aggravation left for anyone else at the end of the day. You fire me up. You get me angry. You …” Dean chuckled. “You make me laugh like no one else has ever done. You know, despite ourselves and our best hatred efforts, we’re best friends.”

  “Man,” Frank spoke in his mind. “Things must be really low for you. I wish I could help you, Dean.”

  Dean laid his hand on Frank’s. “I’m hanging out a little longer. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “I don’t mind. Just don’t tell me any Ellen sex stories.”

  “I promise . . .” Dean smiled, “Not to tell you any sex stories about me and Ellen.”

  “What? Is he fuckin reading my mind? How many times does that make? Oh! Wait. Maybe I’m projecting my thoughts. Whoa. I’m telepathic, Let me try this.” Frank concentrated really hard. “Come on, Dean. Brag about me.”

  “I need to hang out with you, Frank.” Dean said so lost.

  “There it is. Oh, shit. I did it.”

  “Yeah,” Dean exhaled. “Right here. I’m giving you the Salicain and the accelerator. I’m doing the best I can to get you recover really fast. OK?” Dean leaned closer. “I need you to, because . . . and here’s another secret, I got so used to it being Frank and Dean, and I’m so lost without you being a part of my daily life, that I swear I don’t know how to act when you aren’t around. Get better my friend. Please, get better.”


  December 10th



  Frank opened one eye first then the other. He shifted his views from the left to the right, saw nothing, and then closed his eyes again.

  Double footstep.


  Frank’s eyes opened, only when they did, a wide shitty grin on Hal’s face greeted him.

  “Morning.” Hal smiled.

  “Fuck. What are you up to?”

  “I know it’s early. Actually . . .” Hal glanced at his watch. “It’s five a.m.”

e? No fuckin wonder it feels like I didn’t sleep. Dean just left here.”

  “I see you have your breakfast.” Hal lifted the tubing.

  “Oh, real fuckin funny, asshole.”

  “But I had to stop in and see you and talk for a bit before I head back to New Bowman to run my town.”

  Frank’s eyes rolled.

  “Cute.” Hal pointed. “You know, big brother, I really like this new you.”

  “The new me?”

  “Strong. Silent. Your goatee is gone.”

  “Fuckin Dean.”

  “Kidding.” Hal laughed.

  “Hal!” Frank screamed in his mind.

  “Yes, I bet that near death incident changed you.”

  “It did. I’m telepathic now. Probably psychic as well. I’ll be so fuckin cool when I get out of this bed.”

  “So, knowing that you’re the new sensitive you.”

  “I never said I was sensitive but I am.”

  “I thought . . .” Hal exhaled as he sat back. “We could share a moment or two.” He reached into his back pocket. “And read poetry.”


  “I wrote some of these myself, Frank.”

  “No. No poetry.”

  “You’ll find them enlightening.” Hal opened the first one. “This one is called Butterflies of Thoughts.”

  “Oh, fuck.”

  Hal cleared his throat. His reading of the piece was lively, flowing, and almost flowerily. “I think I saw a butterfly cry today. Tiny wings flapping in the summer breeze that moved me. A wisp of emotion flickered me from his bright colors. My soul revitalized. Hark! Did he say something? He calls my name. Hal. Hal. Hal . . .”


  “I reply. I sing. We float together in a song of joy. Is he my lost connection? I can be happy with this butterfly.”

  “Oh, you’re fuckin gone.”

  “He is my soul mate. My inspiration. I am free when I am with Mr. Butterfly.”

  Frank just stared.

  “I can tell you liked that one.” Hal smiled. “So, knowing that my reading is always so . . . good.” Another shitty grin flashed across his face. “And that you need the poetry. I brought thirty.”


  “Ready for the next one, Frank?”

  “No! Dean! Oh, Dean, you’re fuckin dead.”

  “This one is called . . .” Hal took on a wistful look, “My Pet Rock.”


  “El. Please.” Frank’s voice played in Joe’s mind when he reviewed that memory.

  “Frank, no. He’ll hear.” Ellen said.

  “No, he won’t.”

  “Yes, he will. No, I’m not doing it.”

  “El, please. He’s old.”

  Joe interjected, “And deaf.”

  “See?” Frank said. “So we’re good.”

  Joe chuckled while staring into the empty examining room off the back of his office. A she stood there getting a file, he had glanced to that room and thought of Frank.

  “Hey, Joe,” Jason called as he stepped in.

  Snapped from his thoughts, Joe jolted. “Christ. You scared me. I didn’t see you yesterday I forgot you weren’t dead.” Finishing his sentence, he turned around to see not only Jason, but a puzzled looking Elliott Ryder. “Christ.”

  “No. I’m Elliott,” Elliott corrected and winked with a smile.

  Perturbed, Joe stared at him for a second. “Acting the Frank mini-me now, aren’t we?”

  Chuckling, Elliott took a seat. “No, I’m actually practicing.”

  “For?” Joe asked.

  “Your son asked if I would participate in his ‘get Frank better fast’ scheme so I’m just practicing my part.”

  Oddly, Joe peered at Elliott as he sat down behind his desk. “You don’t strike me as the type to get involved in something like this.”

  “Usually I’m not, but if it helps, I will,” Elliott said. “And though fearful that your son will awake and hunt me down like a killer baby, I’ll take that risk.”

  “Speaking of killer babies . . .” Joe interjected. “How’s it going?”

  “Not well,” Elliott responded. “Although I did graduate with honors from the Robbie Slagel School of Small Predator Training, the population increased again today by three.”

  “You’re kidding?” Joe asked.

  “Afraid not. I believe they are repopulating,” Elliott said seriously, then waded for a moment through the silent stares. He laughed. “Kidding.”

  “Practicing the part again?” Joe questioned.


  “Well, since you’re doing the ‘Frank’ thing,” Joe said calmly. “I’ll do the ‘Frank’s dad’ thing.” He paused then raised his voice. “Knock it the hell off!” Joe smiled. “That felt good. OK.” He exhaled. “Back to the killer babies before we continue. There are more. Any luck getting them?”

  “The Frank traps don’t want to work for me. While doing rounds, I saw a stray one. I tried to shoot it. Embarrassingly, I missed.”

  Joe raised his eyebrows. “They move fifty-five miles an hour.”

  “This one faster. He was older. But I shot again and hit him,” Elliott explained.

  “If it was older, the bullet wouldn’t have penetrated.”

  “I learned this.” Elliott held up a finger. “That was something Robbie didn’t teach me. So, I gassed it.”

  “That only knocks them out,” Joe said.

  “Yet, another thing I wasn’t told. I went to retrieve the carcass and it awoke.”

  Jason interjected, “Have you played around with the feed catapult?”

  “Yes,” Elliott replied. “I even placed a small timed explosive device on a rabbit, thinking they’d eat it and, well . . .”

  “Christ.” Joe stared at Elliott. “You’re taking this Frank thing way too serious. That’s demented. Did it work?”

  Jason shook his head. “It won’t. They smell explosives as if it were a foul stench.”

  Elliott nodded. “They never touched the snack, another thing I didn’t learn. But I’ll get them. I’m determined.”

  “Good for you,” Joe spoke. “Now onward. Jason, I won’t keep you. I know you have to get to the clinic. And on that, will you be checking on Frank?”

  “No.” Jason shook his head. “I will avoid Frank and I would like very much for my name not to be mentioned at all in the room. It’s a theory I’m testing.”

  Confused, Joe looked at him. “A theory?”

  “Yes and I’d rather test it after Frank is recovered from the Salicain because if I’m correct,” Jason snickered, “the results should be quite amusing.”

  “I’ll go with that. Now . . .” Joe leaned back in his chair. “The reason you both are here. Jason, without beating around the bush, you’re off Council.”

  “OK.” Jason shrugged. “Why?”

  “I need a judge. Not . . . not to say Grace is easily replaced. She isn’t. She established a lot of groundwork, but it needs to be continued. Carol said things are backing up at the courthouse. So you’re it. You’re fair. You’re Judge Jason.”

  A smirk crossed Jason’s face. “I’ll serve with honors.”

  “I’m sure you will. Joe looked at Elliott. “You’re on Council. You’ll be third member representing Bowman and Beginnings. That’s it.”

  “Council?” Elliott asked. “Will the Captain be all right with this?”

  “Ask me if I give a shit what the Captain thinks. I don’t. I’m his father. Leader of Beginnings or not, I overrule him in everything.”

  “Joe,” Jason spoke seriously. “You do know with me on the bench now, I can handle Ellen’s sentence. I can even suspend it indefinitely.”

  Elliott grinned. “Would you do that?”

  Joe answered for Jason. “No. He could. He would. He won’t.”

  “Pardon me, Mr. Slagel,” Elliott interrupted. “But this is your daughter.”

  “I know this. More than anything, I would love for that to happen but unfortuna
tely, Ellen has already come to me. She fully intends on and needs to serve this punishment so it will be done.” Joe let out a sad breath. “In about three weeks, Ellen goes.”


  A soft sniffle and a dab of a tear from his eye preluded Ben from Fabrics tearful words. “Oh, Frank, it was brutal,” he whimpered. “Just brutal. I’m telling you this because you are the big . . . and may I say, sexy, Head of Security guy.”


  “You would have handled this in my defense. I know this. You would have rid us of the beast.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “Oh, Frank. I’m having nightmares. In fact, I am certain I will have nightmares for centuries to come. He lunged at me. He had this beastly look in his eyes, maddening, yet attractive in a way. He took hold of me and tossed me to the floor.”

  “Why do I get the feeling he is talking about Dean.”

  “I asked for him to stop. Begged him. Dean, stop.”

  “He is. Fuck.”

  “He didn’t,” Ben continued. “Unable to move and fearful for my life, I watched him leap for my unsuspecting body.”

  “God, please stop.”

  “He landed on me. Grabbed me. I felt a twinge of his erection in his pants.”

  “Uh!” Frank screamed. “Knock it off.”

  “I swore he was gonna take me right then. He wanted me. I could tell.”

  “Dean is fuckin sick. I am talking to him about this shit.”

  “Knock-knock,” Andrea’s chipper voice entered the room.

  “Thank fuckin God.” Frank breathed out, or at least he thought he did.

  “Mr. From-Fabrics, would you mind if I were alone with Frank?”

  “No, not at all.” Ben stood up. “Frank, I’ll stop by later with another lovely story. Be well.” He leaned down and kissed Frank.

  “Uh! Did he just kiss me?”

  “Aren’t you sweet?” Andrea giggled. “Frank has found a Futomara in you.”

  ‘Oh, you’re encouraging him. Andrea, I don’t need another guy having a crush on me. Henry and Dean are bad enough.”

  “Have a good day!” Andrea sang and walked to the bed.


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