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The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20

Page 323

by Jacqueline Druga

  Joe rolled his eyes. “I’m trying to make her feel better.” He looked and saw Frank grinning. “Knock that off.”

  Frank swiped the smile from his face. “Sorry. I’m just thinking of the nuptials.”

  Robbie stepped forward. “Well, what about me? I’ve been out of Beginnings just as long.”

  “Who would come to greet you?” Joe asked. “Your family? We’re here.”

  “I have friends,” Robbie said. “No! Wait! Andrea! She’s my mom!” he said brightly. “El.” He turned her around. “Andrea would be here, trust me. I know exactly what’s going on.” He snatched up Ellen’s hand. “Come on.”

  After watching Robbie lead Ellen to the truck, Hal glanced, so teacher like and smug, at Elliott and Frank. “Don’t gloat quite yet, gentlemen.” Hal walked by them.

  “Why not?” Frank shrugged. “We should. It’s three in the afternoon in Beginnings. Where the fuck is everyone?”



  The welcoming scream rang out in the packed Social Hall where a banner that proclaimed, ‘Welcome back Ellen and Robbie’ hung in plain view.

  However the cheers of the return couldn’t drown out the excited screams of Alexandra and Joey as they pummeled Ellen first.

  It was mass hysteria and confusion. Ellen and Robbie were crowded by the front door with Frank, Joe , Hal, and Elliott behind them.

  Dean would get his greeting chance. He knew it but Ellen, for the moment, was consumed with her children. He locked eyes on her then Frank.

  “Frank.” Dean held out his hand. “You did it. You son of a bitch.” Dean grinned with the firmest of handshakes to Frank. “I will not forget this.”

  “I hope. I had to beat God for this, so don’t forget our deal.” Frank watched Dean turn to Ellen. “Dean.” He tapped him. “Don’t forget our deal.”

  All he saw was Ellen. All he knew was Ellen and at that second, Dean didn’t know how to react. “El.” He stepped to her. “Oh my God.” His hands went immediately to her face as he pulled her to him. “I can’t believe I’m touching you again.”

  “I missed you,” Ellen whispered out.

  “Oh my God, did I miss you.” His fingers ran about the contour of her face. “I don’t know what to do.”

  “Dean” Frank tapped him on the shoulder. “Our deal.”

  “You could kiss me,” Ellen suggested.

  Dean grinned. “Oh, yeah. I could.” Biting his bottom lip, he pulled Ellen to him and lowered his lips. Just as he did, his partially opened eyes caught a glimpse of Misha and his head sprang up.

  “Dean?” Ellen questioned.

  “Welcome back, El.” He pecked a kiss on her lips, stepped back, and shook her hand. He turned around to Frank.

  “Our deal?” Frank asked.

  Dean winked.

  “Yes.” Frank clenched his fist.

  Ellen’s mouth formed the words of curiosity but couldn’t make a sound.

  “Welcome, Dr. Hayes,” Misha greeted.

  “Thanks, Misha.” Ellen turned back to Dean but he had slipped away with the kids. “Hey.” She tilted her head.

  Frank stepped to her with an arrogant look. “Can you say, Mrs. Slagel?”

  Ellen wanted to respond, but she couldn’t. Totally confused, she just watched as Misha joined Dean.


  Marma slammed the front door to the House of Lesbians and pretty much stormed into the living room. Carol was the only one there and she set down her Hoi Times newspaper and stood up.

  “Robbie and Ellen should be back by now.” Carol showed the paper.

  “I know. Where do you think Misha is?” Marma stated.

  “You’re not telling me she was invited to the welcome back party, was she?”

  “According to Misha, Dean invited her.”

  Carol started to laugh.

  “Why is this funny?” Marma asked. “It’s not. It was supposed to be funny but it ceased being humorous when Misha thwarted the original plan. She fucked with this on purpose and I don’t know what the game is.”

  “I’m laughing about what Ellen is going to do when the Misha-Dean thing is discovered,” Carol said then saw the look on Marma’s face. “What? You just thought of something. What?’

  “I’m curious as to what Dean is going to do.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Dean loves Ellen. That should over ride the suggestion when he sees her.”

  “Theoretically, wouldn’t the sight of Misha rekindle that?”

  “Shit. You’re right. But come on, this is so ridiculous,. Someone has to figure out something is wrong, right? They would have to know . . .” Marma thought. “Or wouldn’t they?”


  “Is it me . . .” Frank brought his glass to his lips as he stood with Elliott at the bar. “Or are you gonna be a major and me a married man again?”

  “It’s not you, Frank,” Elliott said. “But we could logically deduce that he isn’t really hanging out with Misha. She does seemed to be more tagging along then him tagging along.”


  “What are you drinking?” Elliott asked.


  “Why?” Elliott received the cold stare. “I’m not harping on you, but why drink?”

  “You’re right.” Frank put down the glass. “Thanks.” He slid it from reach.

  “So, did you think about it?” Elliott asked.

  “Fuck, Ryder, I don’t even like you,” Frank said.

  “Yes, you do.”

  “Not enough to share my wife.”

  “I totally understand and respect that, but in all honesty, Frank, I believe Ellen will pursue a relationship of sorts with me. I’d rather have your blessing, than not. I would abide by any rules you set.”

  “What if I made you split the fuckin stupid weekly reports with me?”

  “Not a problem.”

  Frank nodded. “That’s enticing I’ll let you know,” he said then felt a hand lay on his shoulder. Frank looked around. “Danny.”

  “Hurry Frank, come on” Danny motioned his head to the cart before him. “You’ll want to see the gift we have for Robbie but we have to hurry. It may go bad.” Danny and Henry rolled the cart toward the crowded floor before the band.

  “Bad?” Frank asked. “He got Robbie meat?”

  Robbie’s head flung back with a laugh as the Starters played the last chord of the song. He shook his head at himself, but smiled at the applause. “I need a drink,” he said to Paul, “Play without me for a few.”

  “Good to have you back, Robbie.” Paul smiled.

  “It is, isn’t it.” Chuckling, Robbie stepped off of stage and noticed the empty spot that Danny soon filled with the cart. “What’s going on?” Robbie asked.

  “Welcome back.” Danny said as he present the cart with a huge box. “A present from me, Henry, and Dean.” He glanced at Ellen who stood there. “We would have one for you, but Dean says he has a surprise for you at home.”

  Ellen grinned. “I know. I can’t wait.”

  Danny let out a ‘hmm’, then motioned his head for Robbie to lift the lid on the box. “Go on.”

  Like a kid, Robbie excitedly reached for the box. He looked to his brothers, then father and with a ornery bite to his bottom lip, he lifted the lid. “Oh wow,” he spoke in awe.

  Gasps of shock escaped the crowd.

  “It’s my arm.” Robbie smiled. “Oh, shit, look how real! Can I touch it?”

  “Sure,” Danny said. “But be careful. It’s hooked up to a temporary circulatory system. I have to get it back down to the lab.”

  “Oh, shit.” Robbie reached and lifted it, “It’s heavy.”

  Dean stepped forward. “We have it all worked out. Get ready for that brain surgery.”

  “Cool.” Robbie grinned.

  Robbie just stared at the arm then laid it back in the box. Not only did it match in skin color, but it had hair and everything.

  “This is fuckin awesome
” Frank peeked over Robbie’s shoulder.

  “It’s a work of art,” Hal added.

  Danny pointed to Dean. “The detail was all him.”

  “Look.” Frank indicated to the arm. “He even left the scars where that chimp bit you when you were in second grade.”

  “A forever reminder . . .” Hal added. “When a sign says do not stick your fingers in the cage, you aren’t supposed to.”

  Robbie honestly didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. “Dean. This is really great. Henry, Danny, I don’t know what to say.”

  Danny smiled. ‘You can say you won’t lose this one.”

  Robbie laughed.

  Ellen was amazed. “Dean, this is really . . . really awesome.”

  “Thanks, El.” Dean pinched her cheek. “Excuse me.”

  Ellen whimpered out, “Excuse me?”

  Frank tapped her on the shoulder. “Can you say Mrs. . . .”

  “Will you stop!” Ellen snapped as she spun around.

  Frank lifted his hands. “I’m just saying what I know. I mean, El, how much time has he spent with you?”

  “Well, Frank . . .”

  “I have barely left your side. If I hadn’t seen you for a month, I wouldn’t walk away from you.”

  Smugly, Ellen spoke, ‘That’s because he doesn’t want to hog me.”


  “It’s true. Plus, plus, he knows he’ll have me all to himself later . . . and . . . he has a surprise for me waiting at the house. So there.”

  “So there.” Frank smiled then turned Ellen to see Dean standing with Misha. “Mrs. Slagel.” He smacked her backside as he walked away. “So there.”

  “You’re kidding me,” Hal said in a low voice, with shock to his father. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

  Joe shook his head. “It wasn’t the time. We had other things to worry about.”

  Hal looked at John Matoose. “You saw him?”

  “I almost killed him but the chief of that town stopped me,” John stated.

  “Dad,” Hal said. “We can’t let this happen.”

  “Hal, what do you want me to do?” Joe lifted his hands. “Lodi is not my town. It’s not my business. If the leader of that town wants him, he can keep him. We have no right to interfere in that decision. As far as I’m concerned . . .” Joe shrugged. “Johnny’s their problem and the end of ours.”


  “You wanted me?” Michael asked, peeking his head into Lars’s laboratory.

  “Yes, Michael, come in. Have a seat.” Lars pointed to a stool by a counter.

  “What’s going on?” Michael sat down.

  Lars dropped a huge folder before Michael. “I wanted to ask you when is the last time you saw a grown man, a scientist none the less, dance a jig in a post apocalyptic world?”

  “Can’t say that I have.”

  “Good. You’re about to see a first.” After a serious deep breath, Lars kicked his foot about the ground and danced a little dance.

  Michael laughed. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Dancing a jig. I’m excited. I am smarter than Dean Hayes,” Lars said smugly. “I did it. I did it. I found something that arrogant, smart ass twit didn’t.”

  “What . . .”

  “Johnny Slagel.” Lars pointed to the folder, then excitedly pulled a stool up to Michael. “He doesn’t know. You’re the first.”

  “For?” Michael asked.

  “Yesterday I pumped him up, had his blood really working, and then I hit him with a battery of tests. I had a theory, but I had to confirm it. You know what makes me grin is the fact that the holier than thou, Dean Hayes missed it. If I had known Johnny since he was a child, I certainly would have thought of it right away. How did any of them missed it? You wanna know what I think? I think they didn’t like him and they needed an excuse.”

  “Lars,” Michael laughed.

  “OK, maybe not but they dismissed it too soon. No, wait, how can they dismiss something that never crossed their minds?”

  “You’re talking in circles and not making sense.”

  “What tipped me off is the guilt.” Lars saw Michael’s curiosity. “Johnny has genuine guilt. If someone were such a bad seed, would they feel that? No. Plus, his behavior patterns changed too drastically. He did all that horrific stuff in a span of a year?” Lars shook his head. “He didn’t have a clue why and still doesn’t know why he felt nothing when he did them. Surely if he were demented enough to shoot his father . . . twice mind you, he would have done something a lot sooner.”

  “Lars, what are . . .”

  “Brain tumor.” Lars grinned widely. “Johnny has a brain tumor near the medula oblongata. It’s about the size of a golf ball now. My guess it has been growing for several years. The scan doesn’t show a malignancy, but we won’t know until it’s removed. Because of its location, the tumor adds pressure to the medula oblongata, which controls behavior, therefore the pressure effects behavior. The bigger the tumor, the worse he will act. Mr. Slagel’s recent health episode caused not only a loss of blood but an infection that warranted a steroid therapy of sorts.”

  Revelation hit Michael. “The steroids shrank the tumor.”

  “Exactly and when the pressure was relieved . . .”

  “Johnny’s normal behavior returned.”

  “Yes. Isn’t this exciting?” Lars nodded. “However, my guess is that this shrinkage won’t be for long. Within six months the tumor will start to grow again, this time even faster. His behavior patterns will go bad again until, finally and inevitably, the tumor gets so large, it crushes the brain and, most likely, within a year, Johnny . . . Johnny will die.”

  “So it wasn’t him.”

  “No, not at all,” Lars said. “I can pretty much bet all that I am on this tumor. That this tumor caused him to shoot his own father . . . twice mind you, not dementia or a power trip. Any doctor who knows anything will concur this tumor is affecting his behavior. Once the tumor is gone, with proper monitoring, Johnny should never again see that evil side.”

  “Do you realize this can actually trigger the forgiveness he needs from his family?”

  “Without a doubt.”

  Michael smiled. “That’s good. But . . . The tumor has to be removed?”

  “Oh most certainly. The sooner the better.”

  “I see.” Michael nodded. “You’ll take it out?”

  “Who me? Absolutely not!” Lars said.


  “Michael, I’m good, but I am not good enough to perform brain surgery. However . . . Dr. Dean Hayes is and if our new found friend, Johnny, wants to live to see twenty-one . . .” Lars tilted his head. “He has to get home to Beginnings.”


  Ellen found it curious and figured there probably was a good reason that Misha followed her, Dean, and Frank back to the house. She thought even more so when Misha insisted on waiting on the porch when the three of them stepped inside.

  Dean had a tone of excitement to his voice as he shut the door. “I have been waiting all day for this.”

  “Me too.” Ellen smiled.

  “Yeah, me too,” Frank said.

  “This way.” Dean walked by them to the hall. “To the bedroom.”

  “Man, I hope he’s not up to anything kinky,” Frank said, then grunted as Ellen backhanded him. “What? Like you didn’t think of it.”

  “Dean?” Ellen followed. “Are you sure you want Frank back here?”

  “Oh, yeah, El.” Dean stood center of the bedroom and waited for Frank and Ellen. “Surprise one.”

  Ellen looked round. “OK. You . . . you cleaned?”

  “Cute.” Dean smiled. “No, look at the dresser.”

  Ellen did.

  “My picture.” Frank pointed to the frame with the college picture of him and Ellen. “Wait . . All my pictures.” He walked to the dresser.

  “Check the drawers,” Dean instructed.

  Frank did. “My clothes?”

and almost with pride, Dean nodded. “It’s all your stuff, Frank, including night stand stuff. Everything from your house is here.”

  Frank clenched his fist.” Yes, you’re keeping the deal.” He nudged Ellen. “See?”

  Ellen was so shocked she nearly fell from the nudge. She couldn’t even speak.

  “It gets better,” Dean said and handed Ellen an envelope. “Another present. Actually it’s for you both. Go on. Open it.”

  Slowly and hesitantly Ellen did.

  Frank’s knees bent with an even more excited rumbling ‘yes’. “Divorce papers.”

  “Dean.” Ellen whispered ‘What . . . what . . . what . . .”

  “Divorce papers,” Frank told her.

  “I know.” Ellen spoke between clenched teeth. “Dean, are you OK? Are you feeling all right? When’s the last time Danny checked your chip?”

  “Yesterday. I’m fine.” Dean patted Ellen on the cheek. “I just want you two to be as happy as I am. Now, I’ll let you get settled.” He walked by them and down the hall.

  “Dean.” Ellen tossed the papers and hurriedly followed him. She caught up to him in the living room. “Where . . . where are you going.”

  “Yeah, Dean?” Frank repeated. “Where are you living?”

  “In your old house, of course.”

  Closed mouth, Frank nodded. “Of course.”

  “With Misha,” Dean added.

  Frank’s hand shot to Ellen’s back to stop her from falling over when she tipped back in shock of the news. “Really?” Frank said. “Misha.”

  “Yes.” Dean gushed. “I’m in love with her. She’s waiting. El, have a good night. Frank . . .” He held out his hand. “You understand, right?” Dean asked.

  “Oh yeah, absolutely.” Frank spoke almost pacifying. “Good luck to you.” He shook Dean’s hand firmly.

  “Thanks, Frank.” Dean smiled. “El.” He turned, opened the door, and walked out.

  The door closed.


  Frank watched Ellen.

  Slowly, from staring at the just closed door, Ellen turned to Frank.

  “Are you OK?” Frank asked.


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