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The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20

Page 370

by Jacqueline Druga

  “No.” Elliott smiled peacefully. “I cannot. Lead the way, Ellen.” Before leaving, Elliott gave a grateful smile Joe’s way.

  Joe stood in Ellen’s office. He felt like Santa giving out gifts of happiness. He enjoyed the feeling it gave him but Joe knew it paled in comparison to the feeling of joy he received from the thought of how much his ordering Elliott to say would annoy Hal.


  Had his plate not been lifted from in front of him when the bright pink blur whizzed by, Joe would have never known it was Andrea because she moved so fast. “I was still eating,” Joe called out.

  “I need to clean up. If you want to clean up then you can finish eating,” Andrea called form the kitchen.

  “I’m done.” Joe tossed his napkin on the table.

  Andrea came out from the kitchen wearing her robe. “We have to hurry.”


  Almost offended, Andrea stopped in her route toward the bedroom. “Today is the big day. The game show starts today.”

  “Yeah, so?”

  “We have to get down to DBS so we can get a good seat. Just because we have reserved seating doesn’t mean we’ll have good seats.”

  “I thought I’d catch it at the Social Hall.”

  “Sweet Jesus, Joe!”


  “Your children are competing. You have to be there. Now go get dressed.”

  Joe looked down. “I am dressed.”

  “You need to dress better. I am.” Andrea moved down the hall, speaking as she did. “I laid out your tan pants and blue shirt.”

  “This is ridiculous.”

  “Don’t be such a Grinch.”

  “A Grinch?” Joe stood up. “Why does everything have to be a goddamn big deal around here? It’s a post-plague world, Andrea,” Joe griped as he also headed to the bedroom. “We’re supposed to be ravished, muttering about, and wondering about our next step.”

  “Oh, you would just love that now wouldn’t you, Mr. Pessimistic.”

  Before walking in the bedroom, before saying anything, Joe bobbed his head. He kind of had to agree.


  Hal and Elliott parked the Jeep in the designated parking area not far from the warehouse that had become DBS. Dressed identically, both Hal and Elliott sported their black long dress overcoats and their boots were shined.

  “Welcome home, Elliott,” Hal said sarcastically as they walked.

  “Captain, I cannot believe you are still angry.”

  “Damn right, Elliott.” Hal paused in walking. “I cannot believe you listened to my father.”

  “He outranks you.”

  “Since when?”


  Hal gasped, “Listen to you. He does not outrank me, ever.”

  “I don’t think you believe that. I think you’re just mad I didn’t return right away.”

  “As I should be angry.” Hal continued to walk. “Do you know what I had to do? I had to show Marma and Carol the works of the mess hall. That’s what I had to do. It was your job.”

  “How is it my job?”

  “Did you not think of the punishment?”

  “That is unfair.”

  “Such is life, Elliott.”

  “Captain.” Elliot stopped walking before they turned the bend to the warehouse. “How do I look?”

  Hal laughed. “You’re concerned about your appearance? That is very vain, not to mention female, Elliott.”

  Elliott breathed out. “Captain.”

  “You look fine.”

  “Thank you.” Elliott took a step.

  “Wait.” Hal grabbed him back. “How do look?”

  “Very good.” Elliott gave a nod.

  “Then shall we . . .” Hal stopped when they turned the bend and he saw the long line of people outside of the door. “Are the doors not open yet?” Hal tried to peer around.

  “They are.” Elliott tiptoed. “But look at the guard.”

  Hal saw him. It was Oscar. “Good God, we’ll be here all night.” He reached out, tugging Elliott’s arm before they joined the line. “Elliott, just so you know, I intend to play fair against you tonight. Fair and square.”


  “No.” Hal chuckled and moved to the line.


  Fortunately for Ellen she was able to find a quieter place to take the call. Danny had redone the entire warehouse to the hilt. It was evident he had been working on it secretively for some time. Facing the wall in the back corridor, Ellen ignored the tap on her shoulder. “Oh, yeah. It’s all decked out,” she said. “Main room is the studio. The back hall that’s where I am and there are bathrooms. Check this out, Mike. Danny even did a backstage area.” She heard a huff, felt the tap, and kept talking. “Good. Oh, it was funny. You should have seen Misha playing inanimate object charades. She was a chair.” She giggled, waved her hand, then spoke some more. “No. Really I won’t. No. Not a problem. I love talking to you. Yes, tomorrow. Bye.” After looking at the phone, she shut it off. Erasing the smile from her face to present the right ‘mean’, Ellen grunted at the newest tap to her back and barked as she spun around. “Frank. What is it that . . .” She froze.

  “Hey, El. I’m going on soon.” Frank smiled. “How do I look?”

  Ellen just stared.


  “Seventeen minutes,” Hal griped as he paced around the small back room. “Seventeen minutes I waited to get in here only to find out I needed to use the back door entrance.” He turned sharply when he heard Robbie snicker. “What?”

  “You’re on the show. Why wouldn’t you think that?” Robbie stated. “In fact, I can’t believe Elliott didn’t think of it.”

  Elliott stood by the coffee pot. “I did.”

  Hal gasped, “You did not. You lie. Anyhow Robbie, who asked you? And you . . .” He pointed at Dean. “Nothing from you. You hear me?” Hal shook his head. “Now I’m back here waiting after seventeen minutes of waiting to get in. Did I mention nine of that time was spent trying to speak to . . .” Opening his mouth, Hal sputtered. “Os-Oscar?”

  “Captain.” Elliott poured a cup of coffee. “That’s mean.”

  “No Elliott, the man is irritating. Robbie, why is a man like that running around in Beginnings doing important jobs?”

  Robbie shrugged. “Maybe because we haven’t found an important job for him to run around and do in New Bowman. Don’t worry, Hal.” Robbie winked. “I’ll get him there.”

  Hal grunted. “Why are you in here? Aren’t you supposed to be on stage or something? Isn’t your team first?”

  “They changed that.” Robbie walked to the door. “You sure are miserable. Who pissed in your oatmeal this morning?”

  Elliott chuckled.

  Hal did not. “Excuse me? Who . . .pissed . . . in my oatmeal. Hmm. I don’t believe anyone took the liberty of urinating in my breakfast.”

  “Hal.” Robbie gave a swat to his arm. “Lighten up. It’s just pre show jitters.”

  “No, Robert it is not,” Hal corrected. “It’s irritation. I love to compete. I also love to win. There’s no control over this situation. I’d like a challenge that requires a skill. Let’s face it. No physical skill is need and certainly a limited amount of intellectual skill is required.” Hal snapped his fingers. “Speaking of limited intellectual skill . . .”

  Dean mumbled a response from the couch. “He says he’s getting prepared.”

  “Prepared like in dressing?” Hal questioned.

  “Like in strategy,” Dean replied.

  “Frank has a strategy? Good Lord, we’re all in trouble.” Hal scratched his head. “What in the world could he be doing?”


  Behind the scenes, in the darkest corner he could find, Frank hid behind a partition watching Team One as they readied to embark on stage. They weren’t lined up, not yet. Robbie was dressed in what obviously was left behind Jess clothes. Henry wore jeans. Jenny dressed in a flashy, too tight green dress
that clung to every big curve. Ben was the bright spot, literally. The powder blue leisure suit made Frank smile, but even with that, Frank whispered out a disgruntled, ‘fuck’. He had spent the last two days getting ready, thinking, and writing. He had a stack of two inch note cards in his hands. At the top of each card was a name., either Hal, Elliott or Dean. Below their name was a sentence, a secret. Frank thought he did well. He was proud of himself for coming up with such an ingenious idea. There would be no stammering for an answer. No hesitation when it was his turn. He thought for sure he would cinch for the winners post until he looked at Jenny. Frank wasn’t the only one prepared with a strategy, nor was his index card original. Jenny also had cards and she shuffled through them, studying and reading while she paced. Game or not, Frank knew right then and there, things weren’t going to be easy. They actually would probably get ugly.

  Hal breathed out the after alcohol taste with a pleasing gasp. “Better.” He set down the shot glass. “Remind me to thank my little brother when I see him.”

  “I’ll thank your brother as well for myself. Wait, for all of us.” Elliott smiled.

  Hal reached for the bottle again and looked down when Elliott stopped him. “Elliott?”

  “Captain, you’ve had three.”

  “Good God, Elliott do you think I’ll get intoxicated off of three drinks? Please.” He poured a half of a shot. “But just to be compromising, think of this one for you since you cannot drink.”

  Elliott tossed his hands up in the air. “I give up.” He took a few steps from Hal. “Dr. Hayes, would you like me to pour you one?”

  “Um, no.” Dean stood up. “Thank you Sgt. Ryder.”

  Elliott nodded and stepped a little closer to Dean, speaking in a soft tone. “Is everything all right?”

  Dean nodded. “Yes. Well, no, but I made my own bed.”

  “Is it concerning your argument with Frank?”

  Dean looked up. “No. He and I talked about that issue before we came here. How does everyone know about our argument?”

  Hal finished his drink. “Because it gets posted on the Joe Board.”

  “You’re kidding?” Dean asked shocked. “People post my fights with Frank on the Joe Board?”

  “Demented behavior sometimes spawns from boredom.” He picked up a glass.

  “Captain,” Elliott spoke with such parental warning.

  “It’s water.” Hal showed him the glass. “You need not to worry, Mother.”

  Elliott returned to Dean. “Should you need to talk about it . . .”

  Dean laughed. “With you? You?”

  Slam. Hal’s hand still held the glass he barreled to the table. “Dr. Hayes, Elliott has just made us a genuine offer. I would appreciate if you wouldn’t scoff at his good heartedness. Elliott, I would appreciate you not trying to aid this man. Do it again . . .” Hal lifted his glass. “You’ll deal with me.”

  A double knock rang out on the waiting room door and Danny Hoi poked his head in. ?Hey guys. In five minutes we’re leading the first team on stage then you can come out and watch if you want. Sorry, but we had to keep you separated. Good luck.”

  The door closed.

  Hal looked at his watch. “Five minutes. Five minutes and where is my brother Frank?”

  “Here.” Frank walked in.

  Elliott whispered out in shock, “Oh my God.”

  Hal glanced up from his wrist watch. “Frank?”

  “What?” Frank shut the door.

  “You look . . . you look . . .”

  “What?” Frank asked then ran his hand down his black tie. The tie wasn’t the only thing unusual that Frank wore. He also wore a white shirt and black pants. It was obvious that he had also made an attempt to comb his hair. It was nearly plastered with a part on the side. “Oh.” He snapped his fingers. “I forgot. Now . . . how do I look?” Frank pulled out a pair of half square glasses from the pocket of his shirt and put them on. “Huh?” He nodded. “Huh?”

  Hal gulped his water. “You look . . . you look . . .”

  Elliott spoke his thoughts aloud. “Like your father.”

  Frank blinked. “I do? Hal? Do I?”

  “You look . . . You look . . .:

  Dean moved closer. “Frank. You look intelligent.”

  “I am.” Frank smiled.

  “I got it.” Hal snapped his fingers. “Old. You look old. My God, big brother, where did you get all that gray?”

  “You.” Frank smiled. “It’s not gray. It’s snow. Fuckin flakes.” He pretended to brush off his hair.

  “If may?” Elliott spoke up. “Frank, you look like a leader. I like this look on you.”

  “Thanks.” Frank grinned. “Speaking of leading, watch me lead myself to victory. I came prepared.” He patted his chest pocket then pulled out his stack of index cards.

  Hal pointed. “What are those.”

  “You can just say I’m ready.” Frank winked, put them back in his pocket, and walked out.

  “Oh my God.” Hal took a few long blinks when Frank walked out.

  Elliott chuckled. “He wrote them down?”

  Dean shook his head. “No, no way. He can’t know that much about all of us. Did you see that stack?”

  Elliott’s eyes widened. “Captain, is there a chance your brother perhaps read our minds?”

  “Absolutely.” Hal nodded. “He’s a cheater, Elliott. He’ll do anything for the kill.”

  “I still say no way,” Dean stated strongly. “No way. He’s bluffing.”

  “Captain?” Elliott questioned. “What do we do?”

  “We go into this game like men. Just like any war, we go in and do the best we can,” Hal instructed. “Heads high. Hopes high. Fight to the end. However I do suggest that we all preplan a very dignified manner of saying . . .” Hal raised his eyebrows. “I give?”

  Applause, bright and loud, broke out when Danny Hoi did a MC skip onto stage. He lifted his hand, smiled that smile only Danny could, and nodded. “Thank you. Thank you.” He smiled and adjusted the headset he wore. I am very excited. This is the groundbreaking day of DBS. Granted, we are all learning this together.” He waved to Mark from Security he sat at a table in the back. “But we’ll get there. Tonight, we rebirth television with the premier of the game show, ‘I Give’.”

  Everyone applauded again.

  Danny once more lifted his hands. “We tried to give this an old world TV studio feel complete with an ‘applause sign’.” Danny indicated across the stage to Todd from Fabrics who held up the sign. “Now, shall we begin? Lights.”

  Everything went dark.


  Two spotlights danced across the stage in a crisscross manner.

  “And five . . . Four . . .” Danny stepped from the stage. “Three . . . two . . .” He pointed. “Go.” Backing up, he moved to the camera and stood by Hap. “Cue the music and tape.”

  After the music, a deep announcer’s voice played over the PA. “Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s time to play . . . I . . . Give! Please welcome your host who is no stranger to the camera. We all know him as the Soap Opera God. Blake!”

  The stage lights rose, then Blake jogged onto the stage. Surely it showed how much he was back in his element. The dashing man, fitted in a perfect tuxedo, waved to the audience and smiled. “Thank you. Welcome! I’m Blake.”

  Screams from the women entailed.

  “Thanks again. Welcome to I Give. I’m excited! Are you? Let’s explain the rules, shall we. Three rounds. Two teams. The first and second rounds will feature our two teams. The last round will pit the winners of each team against each other in a ‘who knows more about who in Beginnings’ speed round. Now if we’re ready . . .” Blake stepped back and motioned his hand. First the wheel lit up, then the shadowy images of the four team members.

  “She’s the bell of Beginnings. He’s the man that dresses us all. He’s the hot shot know it all son of our leader, and he’s a former head of Mechanics turned flunky . . .”

y!” Henry called out.

  “Welcome, Jenny, Ben, Robbie, and Henry.”

  Blake approached his MC podium. “Welcome, you four.”

  Jenny leaned to her microphone. “Hi, Blake.”

  Ben smiled. “Blake.”

  “Are we ready?” Blake asked and received applause. “You four know how this goes. Paper and pencils are before you. Spin the wheel, write the secret, pass it to the chosen one, and then let them decide to air the secret or say ‘I give’. If you don’t have a secret, then you pass but after three passé, you’re out. Jenny, you drew the luck of the draw. Go first.”

  Jenny reached to the wheel and gave it a spin. Round it went, people cheered, and it finally stopped at . . . Henry.

  Henry winced.

  “Jenny?” Blake questioned. “What’s the Henry secret?”

  Jenny, humming a song, shuffled through her note cards and handed it to Henry.

  Henry closed his eyes.

  “Henry?” Blake questioned.

  Henry gave the card back to Jenny then leaned into the microphone with a whine. “I give.”

  “Oh! Henry is out of the game right away!” Blake announced.

  Robbie laughed loudly.

  Jenny clapped.

  It was Ben’s turn. He reached and spun.

  The wheel stopped on Jenny.

  “Ben? Do you have a Jenny secret?”

  “I certainly do.” Ben arrogantly wrote it down. He slid the slip to Jenny.

  One eyebrow raised Jenny handed the slip back. “Read it.”

  “Fine!” Ben gasped. “One day, Jenny was wearing white pants and walked around with a spot of menstrual blood on her behind.”

  “Oooh. Good one,” Blake commented. “But Jenny didn’t give. Robbie. Take your turn.”

  “This is pretty cool.” Robbie spun the wheel. It landed on Jenny . . . again. “Yes.” Robbie clenched his fist and grabbed the pencil. Biting his bottom lip with a smile, Robbie handed Jenny the paper.

  Jenny was smug. She glanced and gave it back.

  “Jenny?” Blake called her.

  “Read it. Go on.” Jenny smiled.


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