The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20

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The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20 Page 380

by Jacqueline Druga

  What to do was heavily on Hal’s mind.

  It seemed everyone was mad at him. Robbie was angry because Hal wouldn’t give the full truth to him. Joe was upset because he knew Hal was lying. Frank was pissed because Hal held him back from going to see Ellen. Though Ellen wasn’t angry at the moment, she surely would be if she found out Frank had passed out on Hal’s couch and he didn’t tell her.

  In the course of one afternoon, his family had hit turmoil. During a time of grief, whether expected, repeated, or sudden, a family is supposed to pull together. Knowing that his family needed just that, Hal began to plans.


  February 11th

  It seemed like an eternity since George had seen Steward Lang. He had been working so much with Bertha, George almost forgot she was military, and Steward was the right hand man.

  “Six.” Steward dropped the folder on George’s desk. “The truck brought six bodies to our science team to try to do an autopsy. Enlighten me as to why.”

  “It’s a hunch.” George shrugged. “I just want to make sure it’s Johnny.”

  “Didn’t Boyens say he saw Johnny himself? Didn’t he personally visually confirm that the defectors were holding him?”

  “He did. Now I want my confirmation.”

  “Can I ask why the suspicion?”

  George exhaled and leaned back. “Get stuck in a hotel room for three days, Stew, with nothing else to do but think and a lot comes to you. In my grief and worry for Johnny, it slipped my mind that I sent Jess Boyens, who was from Beginnings, to work with James Slagel. Even though Boyens gave his word about not saying anything to the lost Slagel, it just was too convenient that they both died.”

  A slight single nod and Steward exhaled in relief.

  “I’m gonna take that reaction as a sign,” George said. “You have thought of it.”

  “No one wanted to say anything,” Steward replied.

  “Well, we’ll find out soon” George patted the folder. “As for now.” He pulled the phone forward. “Lodi has communications and I think it’s time to take my mind off of everything and set up that meeting with Chief Manis.” George began to dial.


  “Danny.” Joe snapped his fingers to acquire Danny Hoi’s attention away from the computer.

  Henry pushed Danny’s hands away from the keyboard. “Try the letter C.”

  “Danny!” Joe called out again. “I have things to finish.”

  “Sorry, Joe. We’re just excited.” Danny turned his chair from the computer. “We typed that entire message in and now we’re using the find and replace option to switch letters. We think we may have it by the end of the day. Look, we already got the words, ‘Home’ and ‘north’.”

  Joe nodded. “That’s even more of a confirmation.”

  “Excuse me?” Danny asked.

  “We just have a feeling we know what the message says.”

  “Well, you’ll know for sure by tomorrow,” Danny said.

  “Good. Then I’ll have nice homecoming present,” Joe stated, “Now, quiz time.”

  “No need, Joe.” Danny lifted his hand. “I’m in charge until day after tomorrow. John Matoose is ruining Security. Things will go smoothly and I’ll call you if I need you.”

  “No executive decisions.” Joe pointed.

  “I swear. Trust me. Beginnings is in good hands.”

  Joe grumbled, “That’s what I’m afraid of. All right, I’ll let you two get back to . . . whatever, but don’t get too wrapped up in that you don’t do your work.” Awaiting a response, Joe saw it was useless. Danny had already returned to the computer. Giving up and figuring he’d reiterate things before he left, Joe walked out of Mechanics.

  “Dad,” Frank called out.

  “He lives” Joes said.

  “What are you talking about? I’m on time for work.”

  “Not that. Where in the hell were you last night?”

  Frank walked to Joe. “Hal’s.”

  “All night?”


  “Did Hal know this?”

  Frank laughed. “He better. He wouldn’t let me leave.”

  “Goddamn son of a bitch.” Joe shook his head. “He lied to me. Why did he lie to me about you being there?”

  “He probably didn’t want to tell you I was drinking.”

  “Goddamn son of a bitch,” Joe said perturbed. “You said you wouldn’t, Frank.”

  “I know.”

  “Well, this isn’t the time for this. This will make good conversation over campfire.”

  “What are you talking about?” Frank asked.

  “Remember how we discussed taking a little family vacation?”


  “Well, we are. Now’s the perfect time. I’ve been getting things ready since dawn. As of yesterday, Hal’s scouts said the place is clear from Society. The weather’s holding up and replacements are in order. We go in about . . .” Joe looked at his watch. “Three hours.”

  “Three hours?” Frank shocked. “Don’t I get a say so?”

  “You did when you said you would go. I just didn’t say when. Now I am.” Joe gave swat to Frank’s arm. “Pack a bag.” Joe walked off.

  “Three hours?” Frank shook his head. “Man, first it was Ben the psychic and now sudden family vacations at the last minute like we were kids. He’s regressing.” Still shaking his head, Frank went in his own direction.


  “You’re an asshole, Hal,” Robbie said disgusted as he sat in Hal’s office. “I don’t know why you acted like I wouldn’t know. El tells me everything.”

  “Well, I couldn’t take that chance,” Hal said snidely. “Could I? Somebody has to be the last to know. Usually, that’s you.”

  “It is not. I know first about everything.”

  At that moment, Elliott entered the office. “Captain. Robbie.” He stepped in further and closed the door. “Captain, everything is ready. I spoke to the men. Though you’ll be missed, take heart that all will be fine.”

  “My sister?” Hal asked.

  “She’s reluctant,” Elliott answered. “She said she just got back and she really doesn’t want to go, especially with Frank.”

  “I don’t understand this hostility she has toward Frank. Did we not protect her from knowing he fell off the wagon badly last night?”

  Robbie was surprised. “Frank was drinking again?”

  “Yes, heavily,” Hal answered. “We sheltered Ellen from knowing this.”

  “I wish someone would have told me,” Robbie said.

  “Last to know.” Hal pointed.

  “Not in this case. Ellen is,” Robbie retorted.

  “True,” Hal agreed. “Elliott, did she say why she was mad at Frank?”

  “The truth?” Elliott stepped closer. “Because he didn’t come and find her last night. She said after Brian’s death, Frank should have been here.”

  “Hal.” Robbie shook his head. “Man, not only is Ellen grieving. She’s mad at Frank.”

  “And Frank is mad at me.” Hal shrugged. “It will all work itself out in the next couple of days when we go.”

  “Where are you going?” Robbie asked.

  “Me? No, us. The entire Slagel clan,” Hal answered. “Recall those spur of the moment trips of our youth, little brother? Well, we’re about to relive them. We leave in a few hours. Dad has worked everything out. It’s a family, bonding, healing retreat. Did you know?”

  “I hadn’t a clue.”

  “See, what did I tell you?” Hal smiled. “Always the last to know.”


  As if beating the phone would help, George smacked it a few times. “One goddamn phone number and I get a fax machine!” he blasted then looked up when Steward walked in the room. “What?”

  “Is this a bad time?”

  “I’ve been trying to get a hold of this Manis guy.” George shook his head. “Our men better have the correct number, because I keep getting a fax machine”
r />   “Send him one,” Steward suggested.

  “I just might. I have to contact this man sooner or later, I don’t want him thinking we’re pissing off the fact that he is living on our side of the country. What’s up, Stew?”

  Steward cleared his throat. “You’re not gonna like it.”

  “Christ. What?”

  “It didn’t take long. It seems as though your suspicions were correct.” He lowered a folder to George. “Our doctors said all it took was to see the teeth of the bodies.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “On every body, the teeth were the same, broken and bad with some filed to a point.”

  “Fuck.” George blasted and stood up. “Savages.”

  “Six of them. One was even a black man.”

  “Son of a bitch. They got us,” George ranted.

  “Obviously they have to be on foot. They can’t be too far. Shall I get Callahan to get troops after them?”

  “No. No.” George shook his head.

  “But I would think you would want to stop them before James makes it to Beginnings, because it’s obvious that’s where they are going.”

  “Oh most definitely and I do want to stop them, but there’s no need to waste man power on hunting them down. We have troops out west. Tell Callahan to get a position on them. Why should we chase them,” George said arrogantly, “when we can easily just wait for them.”


  Danny whistled slow and long. “Henry, we have states.” He typed. “Bet me. Yep.” The screen changed.

  Henry read. “Oklahoma. Texas. Kansas.”

  “Hence the word north.”

  “And home.”

  “What about . . .”

  The door opened and Joe walked in. “Christ, are you two still at it? You’re supposed to be working.”

  Danny tuned around. “We did. We, uh, just came back, didn’t we, Henry?”

  “Coffee break, Joe.” Henry lifted his cup.

  “Hey, Joe, while you’re here,” Danny said. “Check this out. We decoded some of this message. We’re still missing a lot of words, but it definitely looks like Jess may be headed home.”

  Joe nodded. “I figured as much.”

  “Wanna hear what we have?” Danny asked.

  “Nah, I think I know. Give it to me when you have it. I’m off. Get your asses to work.”

  Henry muttered out, “Right away.”

  Thinking, ‘this community is screwed’, Joe walked out.

  Andrea stood by the truck. “Tell me that they are working on Mechanical stuff in Mechanics.”

  Joe grumbled. “They’re still working that puzzle.”

  “They’re boys.”

  “Speaking of boys.” Joe opened the truck door. “What is wrong with mine? Why are they giving me such a hard time about this? They loved it before when I planned a spur of the moment trip.”

  “They were children.”

  “They still are my children.”

  “Valid point.”

  “Hop in. I’ll drive you into town.”

  Andrea giggled. “I wish I were going, but I know it has to be just you five. I’ll be there in spirit.”

  “And in the form of them brownies.” Joe winked. “I’ll save them for a treat when things get rough.”

  Andrea slid in then Joe walked around the driver’s side.

  “Joe, this trip will be wonderful. I feel it.”

  “It’s needed.”

  Andrea smiled. “Despite the apprehensions and whining, once you’re on the road, you’ll see. It will be just like old times.”

  Joe started the truck. “That’s what I worry about.”


  There was silence in the clinic lab, but not one brought about by anger or bitterness. Dean slowly extended his hand to Frank. “I can’t tell you how much this means.”

  Frank shook his hand. “I couldn’t leave without saying that.”

  “I thought you hated me.”

  “I was angry, yeah, but unfortunately sometime things become clear the next morning when you’re staring at the bottom of an empty bottle.”

  “I’m not gonna preach but, between you and me, just know help is here if you need it.”

  Frank retracted his hand. “Between you and me, I may take you up on that.”

  A simple knock and Ellen’s gentle call stole the attention. “Frank, we’re all outside waiting.”

  Frank nodded. “I’m ready.” He gave a look of goodbye to Dean and walked to the door. “Let’s go.”

  “El,’ Dean called out.

  Ellen stopped.

  Frank whispered, “I’ll see you outside.”

  Ellen nodded.

  “El.” Dean walked over. “Listen, when you get back, can we talk?”

  “I say be ready for that, yes.”

  “I’m sorry.” Dean inched to her. “I am so sorry. Just know I’m hurting too.”

  Swallowing hard, Ellen turned her head. “I know. Believe me, I know.”

  “I need to talk to you.”

  “We will.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Jenny is with the kids. She’s staying at the house. Dean?” Ellen softened her voice “Know it wasn’t painful to hold Caroline. It felt good.”

  Dean closed his eyes. “I’ll make this right, El. I swear I’ll make this right.”

  “You can say that all you want, Dean, but really, I don’t think there’s any way to make this right.” Reaching out, Ellen softly touched his cheek, then turned silently and walked away.

  Dean stood in the doorway and leaned against it until Ellen dissolved through the double glass clinic doors. He could see the truck and the Slagel’s embarking. If he didn’t know better he would swear they were all arguing, but why would they? They were taking time away, being a family. A part of Dean felt envious.

  “Dr. Hayes,” Margaret softly called his name.

  Dean jumped and turned around.

  “I’m sorry I startled you. You said eleven o’clock.”

  “Yes, yes I did,” Dean answered.

  “Have you decided on what we discussed?”

  “Yes, yes I did.” Dean paused. “Let’s do this.” He looked back at the door to see the tuck pulling away. “We have only three days.”


  “Knock it off!” Joe blasted as he drove. “Christ!”

  Ellen, who sat up front, winced.

  Frank defended from the back seat, “I can’t help it. He’s making my head stuffy.”

  Disgusted, Hal looked at Frank. “How am I making your head stuffy?”

  “You’re wearing aftershave.”

  “I am not. It’s soap.”


  “It’s soap. I just showered. I’m clean. Should you learn the ritual of cleanliness you would recognize the smell.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “Boys,” Joe warned. “Can we have a peaceful trip?”

  Frank asked, “Why am I in the back with Hal? I’m oldest.”

  “Jesus Christ!” Joe snapped. “You’re a grown man, for crying out loud. Stop this shit.”

  “I shouldn’t sit in the back.” Frank complained. “I’m stuck next to Hal.”

  “So’s Robbie,” Joe said, “He’s not complaining.”

  Robbie shrugged. “I’m happy to go on vacation.”

  “See?” Joe spoke as he looked in the rearview mirror. “Be happy.”

  “I can’t,” Frank complained. “I want to sit up front. Why is El sitting up front?”

  “Yes,” Hal added. “Why?”

  Robbie answered. “She gets carsick.”

  Hal spun a view to Robbie. “Why are you being so agreeable?”

  “Why not?” Robbie asked. “Why are you guys getting so uptight about this? So you have to not work. Big deal. It’s not like it won’t be there when you get back. Enjoy this. I am.”

  “Exactly,” Joe agreed. “Thank you. Hal, you brought up this trip.”

  “Yes, I d
id,” Hal said. “I did not expect you to leave within ten hours of me doing so. There are things to do.”

  Joe interrupted, “Elliott will take care of it. Trust me when I tell you, not a situation should arise that can’t be handle by someone other than a Slagel. We won’t miss a thing. What could we miss?”


  “Yes!” Danny screamed out, then high-fived Henry. “This is it! We got . . .”

  “Holy shit!” Henry stood up, his eyes locked on the screen. “This isn’t just the route Jess is taking. This isn’t just Jess saying he’s coming home.”

  “Yeah. Okay. What is it?”

  “He’s bringing Jimmy.”

  “Who’s Jimmy?” Danny asked.

  “Joe’s son.”

  “Oh fuck.” Danny wisped out. “We are too cool.”

  “Joe has to know.” Henry immediately picked up the phone.

  “Wait.” Danny stopped him. “The route is here, right? Why don’t we send John Matoose down to get them? We’ll pick up Jess and Jimmy and instead of calling Joe with the news, we bring Joe the news.”


  “What better time or place for a reunion than the Slagel family vacation?”

  “That’s smart,” Henry said.

  “I am the leader.” Danny grinned. “And as leader, I am making the executive decision. Let’s go get Joe’s son.”


  The map was spread across the large meeting table and George smoothed his hand over the western portion. “Position them here. That’s far enough from the UWA home base.”

  “Yet close enough to stop them when they head for the border,” Steward said.

  “Exactly. Order no mercy, George said. “Execution on sight.”

  “What if our troops are spotted?”

  “If we keep the numbers to a minimum, they should be able to hide out. As soon as Callahan gets . . .” George looked up at the knock on the door. “That’s her. Come in.”

  Bertha walked in. “Sir, I just got in touch with our troops.”

  “Great. How far away are they?” George asked.

  “One hundred miles, but . . .” Bertha walked closer. “You won’t believe this. Our Captain found an old Beginnings camp ground. They were gonna nestle in there, but just as they were, the Slagels showed up.”


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