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The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20

Page 381

by Jacqueline Druga

  “The Slagels as in which ones?” George asked.

  “All of them,” Bertha answered. “The Captain recognized them. Plus there was a woman.”

  George grinned. “Happy Birthday to me.”

  Steward look perplexed. “I didn't know it was your birthday.”

  “It’s not, you idiot,” George snapped. “This is perfect, No, this is too perfect.” George started to chuckle. “James Slagel is heading home, right? Well, what will that be to him if there’s nothing to head home to?”

  Steward questioned. “Sir?”

  Again, George chuckled. “Change of plan, Callahan. Tell our troops to back off , stay out of site, and stay hidden but close. Let the Slagels get settled, comfortable, and confident then take them out.” George grinned. “Every single one of them . . . take them out.”


  “Jimmy,” Jess called into a wooded area. “Come on.”

  “What if we just go this way?”

  “No!” Jess said. “We have to stay on the road.”

  “Jess.” Jimmy’s voice grew nearer. “No one’s coming. Take a different route.”

  “He’ll find us. If not, too bad.”

  After a sad whine, Jimmy emerged from the woods. “I can’t believe we lost Everett.”

  “It’s Everett’s fault. It’s not like we turned off anywhere. We’ve been on the same road,” Jess said.

  “We should look for him.”

  “We should . . .” Jess looked up. “Wait. Do you hear that?”

  Jimmy peered to the sky. “Helicopter.”


  “How do you know?”

  “Society doesn’t have flight capabilities except for George.” Jess ran further into the clearing to the road. “Over there.’ He pointed with excitement. “There!” He waved.

  “Holy shit!” Jimmy joined Jess. “Are you sure it’s Beginnings.”

  “Bet me it’s Robbie.”

  Jimmy shrieked. “My brother?”

  “Your brother.” Jess grinned. “It can’t be anyone else?”

  “Who the hell is that?” Jimmy asked as John Matoose stepped off the chopper.

  “John.” Jess smiled. “John!” He ran John’s way, “Oh my God.”

  John Matoose embraced Jess. “Good to see you. It’s really good to see you.”

  “You too, and to see you trusted again.”

  “Hey, for the next three days, I’m head of Security,” John boasted.

  “That’s great.”

  Jimmy cleared his throat.

  “Oh.” Jess laughed. “John, this . . . this is . . .”

  “Jimmy Slagel.” John shook his hand. “What an honor. Your father is gonna be so glad to see you. They haven’t a clue you’re alive. I don’t think any of them even suspected. Beginnings won’t be the same, I can tell you.”

  Jess chuckled “You’re right.”

  Jimmy spoke up, “You said they haven’t a clue. You mean didn’t have a clue. They know now, right?”

  “Nope.” John shook his head. “If they did, Robbie would be here but Robbie and the rest of your family is on vacation.”

  Jimmy blinked. “Vacation.”

  “Yep.” John nodded.

  “But you’re taking me to Beginnings right?”

  “I’m taking Jess,” John said. “You, well, we plan on driving you within walking distance to where your father is and let you pop in as a surprise to the family vacation. What do you think?”

  Jimmy grinned. “I think I’d like that.”

  “Let’s go.” John gave a twitch of his head to the chopper.

  Jess looked proudly at Jimmy. “You’re going home to your family after all these years. It will be a reunion.”

  Jimmy grabbed his stomach. “I’m getting nervous thinking about it, but when I join them on this vacation, what a reunion it will be.”


  It seemed rather much to be taking on such a simple hunting expedition. But Mike knew the tools were need. “Tig, I wish you would stay back.”

  Tigger laughed. “Dad, I want to killer baby hunt.”

  “It’s not hunting. It’s controlling,” Mike corrected.

  Johnny jogged to the back of the truck. “Here’s the extra rope, Mike. Do we have everything?”

  Mike eyed the supplies “I think. Yes. Wait. No. The cattle prod.”

  Tigger snickered. “You can’t have a successful killer baby hunting trip without it.”

  Mike corrected, “We aren’t hunting. We’re controlling. They’re babies for crying out loud. I’ll go get the prod.”

  “I’ll get it,” Johnny said. “I think it’s in the dining room.”

  “Thanks, John.”

  “No problem. I’ll be right back.” Johnny darted from the truck and up the walk to the house. No sooner did he do so, he heard the low key ringing of the fax machine. The ringing stopped at two. The squeal was of transmission carried briefly, then stopped. “Weird,” Johnny commented as he entered the dining room. He spotted the cattle prod and the fax rang again. Two rings, fax pick up, disconnection, silence. He didn’t think anything of it until the fax machine rang again. Believing Ellen was trying to call instead of sending a letter, Johnny hurried to the kitchen. Out of breath he lifted the receiver before the second ring. “Hello,” he said. “Hello, El?” Nothing. “Hello.” Shrugging, he hung up. “Weird.” Thinking no more about it, Johnny sought the cattle prod and hurried back outside.


  George’s face was white and his expression shocked as his hand rested on the receiver.

  “Sir?” Bertha tired to get his attention.

  George just stared.

  “Sir?” She asked again. “Did Manis pick up?”

  “Oh, my God,” George whispered.

  After looking confused at Steward, Bertha tried again. “President Hadley, what’s wrong.”

  “Wrong? Wrong? Absolutely nothing.” George shook his head. His eyes stayed on the phone in disbelief as he spoke,. “Things keep getting better and better. Luck is finally on my side. Steward, I need you to make sure the plan out west stays in full force. Callahan get a Jeep and get the gas. We’re leaving right away.”

  “Where are we going?” Bertha asked.

  “Lodi,” George answered and looked up with a bright grin. “Johnny’s there.”

  Bringing in Lodi

  Beginnings Book 20

  From the Author

  We all have our quips and quirks. I am fortunate enough to display them—or at least most of them—through the pages of my Beginnings’ books.

  When you spend so much time in one place, you begin to call that place home. I have spent so much time in Beginnings that not only is it my home, those who reside there are more than characters. They are like family. Each time I go back to them, there is a familiarity that breeds contentment. Unlike anyone could ever understand, they are, in a sense, real to me.

  Just before starting this book, I was doing some ‘read throughs’ of previous Beginnings novel, something I do often before endeavoring into the next book. While doing this, I found myself chuckling, thinking if the characters could talk to me about their characters, what would they say?

  In wanting an answer, I discovered I held the answers. Within the depth of my mind, they could answer me.

  Taking it one step further, just for fun before I head into the story, I decided to share with you, the reader, what my characters had to say. I imagined I walked to the selected characters and handed them a survey to fill out. Although several of them griped and bitched, the surveys are complete and immediately follow this intro. I hope you find them as enjoyable to read as I did to write.


  Andrea Winters Sanchez Slagel


  What role do you feel your character plays in the Beginnings series?

  Aside from being a doctor, I play a very pivotal role. I believe my character keeps it all together. I am a very strong female perspective and mother
to all. I am the glue of the series.

  What do you think of the Beginnings series?

  I love it. It brings a sense of strength, hope, love, and family to the reader.

  What is your most memorable scene/story line in the Beginnings series?

  Any scene where I am taking care of my boys is memorable, but I would say my most dramatic scene was marrying Joe.

  What is your biggest gripe to the author?

  Sweet Jesus, how can I even think about complaining to the woman who gave us life?

  If you could change or add one thing to the series or a storyline, what would it be?

  I would like to see more family interaction between me and my children and maybe a little more romance with Joe and myself.

  What do you like least about your character?

  Nothing. My character is perfect.

  What do you like best about your character?

  The smart woman I am. How strong and witty she has me.


  Jenny Matoose


  What role do you feel your character plays in the Beginnings series?

  I am the main female character. I am very important. I believe I keep the series together for our female readers.

  What do you think of the Beginnings series?

  It’s a bit drawn at times. Too male oriented.

  What is your most memorable scene/story line in the Beginnings series?

  When I hit Bev with the fifth edition hardback of Gone with the Wind.

  What is your biggest gripe to the author?

  I don’t have enough action or sex scenes in the book. I’d like to see myself in more romantic situations.

  If you could change or add one thing to the series or a storyline, what would it be?

  I think the series needs a sense of fashion added for the women readers. Let it be known that we women in Beginnings dress well.

  What do you like least about your character?

  Why do I have a weight problem?

  What do you like best about your character?

  I like the fact that everyone likes me. I am Jenny, the woman with power.


  Jess Boyens


  What role do you feel your character plays in the Beginnings series?

  I play a very strong role. Right now, I think my character is keeping it together for the Slagels. He is the hope of Beginnings.

  What do you think of the Beginnings series?

  I think there is something for everyone with its action and adventure. I hate the thought of the series even ending. I wish I was there from the start.

  What is your most memorable scene/story line in the Beginnings series?

  When I kissed Robbie.

  What is your biggest gripe to the author?

  I believe there are times when my skill and wit aren’t utilized to the max. Plus, she has me from Canada. Come on, a ‘special services’ Canadian? I don’t even think they have an operating armed forces, let alone special forces.

  If you could change or add one thing to the series or a storyline, what would it be?

  A romantic storyline for me. Something sizzling and hot.

  What do you like least about your character?

  I’m always the good guy. Let me get angry.

  What do you like best about your character?

  I’m always the good guy.


  Elliott Ryder


  What role do you feel your character plays in the Beginnings series?

  I have an extremely important role. I am probably a center point. A lot of the stories flow through me and I keep them going. Plus, I add the spark in the UWA. I keep Frank on his toes in his pursuit of Ellen.

  What do you think of the Beginnings series?

  Fast, fun, and everything a series should be.

  What is your most memorable scene/story line in the Beginnings series?

  Even though my bout with Leukemia is a strong storyline, I’d have to say when I rescued Frank from the Society. Not many get to rescue Frank.

  What is your biggest gripe to the author?

  That I am still a Sergeant. Even though Hal lost a bet to me and had to up my rank, I am still a sergeant. The reader knows who keeps the UWA in line

  If you could change or add one thing to the series or a storyline, what would it be?

  I would definitely like to see myself in a more romantic situation. I’m portrayed as being afraid to be intimate. Truth be known, it has been quite some times since I had had sex and would like to get into it before she kills off my character—which I hope she doesn’t do.

  What do you like least about your character?

  I bow down way too much to Hal Slagel. I also tried to be like Frank too much, when I know, and I believe my readers know, I am my own person.

  What do you like best about your character?

  I am sensitive, talented, quick, and hero oriented, all the Frank traits with intelligence.

  And finally … The Story …


  Fort Peck Lake, Montana

  February 11

  Just about the point where Joe thought for certain an unadulterated headache would blast him out of enjoying the first day of family vacation, they pulled to the campground around the lake and a rush of peacefulness took over.

  Frank leaned forward to the front seat. “Does it every time, doesn’t it?”

  Peering out the windshield, Joe nodded. “It’s like a visual Valium. Winter or spring, it’s beautiful up here. Let’s get unpacked.”

  Ellen reached for the door handle. “How long has it been since the cabin’s been used? I hope it’s not dirty.”

  “We don’t care,” Hal said. “Just open the door so we can get out.”

  Robbie spoke, “Man, you people are miserable. Don’t worry about it, El. I’ll clean up in there. I’m just happy to be on vacation.”

  Joe nodded. “See, that’s the attitude.” He opened his truck door and stepped out. Inhaling loudly, Joe extended his arms. “Ah, fresh air.”

  Hal chuckled. “Father, we live in a non-industrial world. All air is fresh.”

  “Nah,” Frank argued. “This is fresher fresh air. A smell you can …” Frank paused and looked around.

  Joe stepped toward the back of the truck. “This is what the goddamn end of the world should be like. I like it. Hal, grab the sleeping rolls. Robbie, you get the food and Frank, unload the weapons. I’ll get the clothes. Ellen, you get the box of board games.

  En route to their dictate, everyone stopped.

  “Board games?” Hal questioned.

  “Oh!” Ellen said excitedly. “I love board games. We always played board games.”

  “I love vacation,” Robbie added.

  “See.” Joe pointed to Robbie. “And you wonder why I like him the best.”

  Hal rolled his eyes. “You change your favorites according to who pleases you at that moment.”

  “Ha!” Frank scoffed. “Then I should always be his …”

  Joe looked at Frank who peered around. “Favorite?” he asked in continuation of Frank’s thoughts.

  “Huh?” Frank turned.

  Joe waved him off. “Never mind. Let’s just get this truck unpacked.” Moving to do so, Joe noticed Frank. “Frank, what is it?”

  “I’m picking up noises. Something,” Frank answered.

  Robbie stepped to him. “Can you catch a scent?”

  Frank sniffed. “Nah, just a sound.”

  Hal inched closer. “You think the cause is the wildlife?”

  Very serious, Frank shook his head. “Jackrabbit DNA. Though I do have a better sense of smell, my hearing has picked …”

  “Frank,” Hal interrupted. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “You asked if my wildlife was the reason for hearing things. I was telling you that it’s caused by the DNA …”

  “No!” Hal
snapped. “I was asking if the wildlife was the reason for the noise. Wildlife. Wild … life.” He grunted. “Animals, Frank. Do you think it’s an animal?”


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