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The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20

Page 397

by Jacqueline Druga

  “Now?” Danny asked as he sat with his laptop.

  “No.” Robbie shook his head.

  Danny clicked a few strokes. “How about now?”

  “Nothing,” Robbie replied.

  Henry inched his way toward Danny. “Try Sector Four. We’ve had trouble with that.”

  “Good idea.” Danny worked on the computer. “Now?”


  Dean intervened, “It’s not the chip?”

  “Nope,” Danny answered. “It doesn’t appear that way, Einstein.”

  Robbie snickered.

  Dean quickly looked at Danny. “Was that necessary?”

  “What? The comment? No, but I made it.”

  Dean looked at Robbie. “You have nerve sensation, correct?”

  “Yes, just no movement.”

  Dean rubbed his chin in thought and stared for a moment. “We may need to start all over. Remove the arm and …”

  Before Robbie could respond, Danny responded with a loud, “What?”

  “Danny,” Dean said, “look …”

  “No, you look. Why are you so quick to hack off this man’s arm?”

  “Because …”

  “Because you don’t know any better.” Danny shook his head. “Does he, Henry?”

  “He knows medical but he doesn’t know mechanical,” Henry stated. “There’s a big difference, a big, big difference.”

  Danny added. “Though this may be an arm, it’s still ninety percent mechanical which means we make ninety percent of the decisions here. I don’t think we need to remove the arm. Henry, got it?”

  “Yeah.” Henry pulled forth a nine volt battery and handed Danny what looked like a long acupuncture needle with three red wires attached.

  Danny lifted Robbie’s arm and turned it slightly. “This may pinch and shock just a little, but it will tell us a lot.”

  Henry explained, “One wire is attached to our measuring unit. The other …”

  Robbie shirked with pain as his fingers moved. He shifted his eyes to Danny who had the needle inserted in his arm. “What did you do?”

  “Henry?” Danny quizzed.

  Henry did a read out. “It’s a short.”

  Danny nodded, pleased. “We have a short. That’s all. No biggie.” He handed the instrument to Henry. “Dean’s ten percent will be to open the skin layers so we can get to where we put our switch box.”

  Robbie blinked a few times. “You put a switch in my elbow.”

  “Call it your circuit box,” Danny said. “Dean, can you do it?”

  Dean stuttered for words. “Yeah. It’s really a short?”

  “Yes, hot shot,” Danny replied. “Now don’t you feel stupid for wanting to cut off his arm?”

  Dean stared with a look of aggravation. “Do I deserve this attitude?”

  Danny smiled. “Yes.”

  Robbie spoke up, “Can it wait until tomorrow? I can go without my arm one more day. I just would rather wait until after the festivities with my brother.”

  Danny argued. “I have no problem. Dean?”

  Dean shook his head. “No problem.”

  “Cool.” Robbie grinned.

  “I am,” Frank said as he entered. “Hey, Dean, long time, no see. Danny. Henry.”

  “Frank.” Henry closed up the equipment. “Robbie’s fine. We’ll fix him tomorrow.”

  Danny added, “Of course, Dean wanted to hack off his arm.”

  “For a short?” Frank asked.

  Danny slowed down in gathering his things. “How did you know?”

  Frank shrugged. “I guessed. I mean, really, he had feeling just not movement. It’s probably a short in wherever you set up his main power source.”

  Smugly, Danny looked at Dean. “And you call yourself a brilliant scientist.” Shaking his head in disgust, Danny summoned up Henry and they left.

  “Man,” Dean said. “They hate me.”

  Frank commented, “That’s because everyone thinks you’re a dog for bedding Margaret Hadley. I on the other hand …” He cleared his throat. “Support this decision one hundred percent.”

  “Me too.” Robbie stood up. “Even though this is the first I heard of it.”

  “Really?” Frank asked. “I fuckin heard it as soon as I saw Jenny. Then Dan from Security told me. The men are pissed. Fuck, they even have a ‘Dean sucks’ sign posted on the Joe board, or they did.”

  Dean scoffed, “They did not.”

  “Did too.” Frank reached into his back pocket and pulled out a paper. “Here, I took it down. Call me your pal.”

  Dean looked. “You are, Frank.”

  “I am.”

  Robbie laughed. “I’m out of here. I want to try to save Jimmy. I hear Jenny is giving him the tour.” He walked to the door. “Thanks, Dean. I’ll see you tomorrow sometime?”

  “Bright and early,” Dean said.

  Robbie nodded and walked out.

  Dean faced Frank. “So what brings you here?”

  “Aside from giving you the ‘Dean sucks’ sign?” Frank held up an envelope. “This.” He opened it. “It was in my inbox and I need your expert medical opinion.” He dumped the contents on the counter and spoke very seriously. “Someone left these toenails for me. I’ve been trying to figure out who they belong to. Maybe you can help.”

  Dean snickered. “I can. These belong to Forrest.”

  “Wow, you’re good. Why do I have Forrest’s toenails? Is this some sort of witchcraft thing?”

  “No …”

  “Did they think I needed them?”

  “No, Frank …”

  “Does he want them back? I don’t need them.”

  Dean held up his hand. “You have them because as head of Security, it is your duty to find out who removed them from Forrest’s feet.”

  “Someone took his toenails and gave them to me? It’s like fuckin Fatal Attraction. All I have to do is figure out who gave them to me and I know who removed his toenails.”

  Dean shook his head. “John gave them to you.”

  “John took Forrest’s toenails?”

  Dean chuckled. “No, John found them. He gave them to you so you could do that security magic and find the culprit.”

  Frank grinned. “Oh, yeah, a crime in Beginnings.” He put the envelope in his pocket. “I’ll get right on it.”

  “When you find the person who took the toenails, you’ll also discover who removed Josephine’s eyebrows.”

  “I don’t have those.”

  “Neither does Josephine.”

  “Wait. Someone stole Forrest’s toenails and Josephine’s eyebrows?”

  “Frank, I can’t believe no one told you about this right away. Where have you been?”

  “On vacation.”

  “No, I mean … since you’ve been back?”

  “Fuck, Dean, I’ve been busy. Do you know how long it takes to walk around the community asking everyone to remove their shoes to see if they are missing toenails?”

  “Frank, you … never mind.” Dean flung out his hand. “Sit down, my friend.” He pulled up a stool for Frank. “We’ll catch up.”


  “In all fairness,” Jenny said as she walked with Jimmy, “I’d show you more but I want to keep you out of sight until after your official ‘I have arrived’ party this evening.”


  “We’ve worked very hard at planning this.” Jenny led Jimmy to the library. “So the least amount of people, the better. You’ll be overwhelmed at the first party, which is small, but the later one …” she whistled. “Hopefully, people won’t bombard you.” She extended the key into the door. “This is the library. It’s closed right now because our librarian works History.” She opened the door.

  “Beginnings is amazing,” Jimmy said.

  “It is, but not as amazing as Bowman.” Jenny flicked on the light. “But then again, this is our history. This is where it all began. Not the library.”

  Jimmy chuckled. “In a way, didn�
��t it though?”

  “Yes, books are where it all began. I remember how you liked to read.”

  “I still do.” Jimmy put his hands behind his back and walked. “This is awesome.”

  “We’ve worked very hard although the only new fiction we have is a kid’s book by Frank and a sex novel by Danny Hoi, but Robbie and Ellen worked on a book while she was ousted and we’re anticipating that.”

  Jimmy nearly choked. “Ellen and Robbie wrote a book?”

  “It should be good.”

  “I bet.” He snickered. “Oh wow,” Jimmy spoke in awe and moved to the far wall.

  “Our mural.” Jenny extended her hand in a point. “It’s almost complete. Forrest works on this when he can.”

  “It’s Beginnings.” Jimmy stared at the half-finished painting of an aerial view of Beginnings.

  “Yes, it is. Hopefully when he’s on his feet again, he’ll be able to get back to work.”

  “Is he sick?”

  “No, someone took his toenails.”

  Jimmy quickly looked at her. “Someone what?”

  “Took his toenails.” She shrugged. “I haven’t a clue why. The first thing that came to my mind was Dean and some nasty experiment.”

  “Dean … Dean …” Jimmy thought. “The father of my niece and nephew.”

  “Total asshole, excuse my language.”

  “Really?” Jimmy asked. “So Ellen has a pattern.”

  “Exactly,” Jenny snapped her finger. “Pete. Dean. Same difference.”

  “So I take it I won’t like him.”

  She shook her head. “Not at all or at least the men don’t which makes Danny’s fun plan even more fun.”

  “Danny’s plan?”

  “For Valentine’s day. He’ll be telling everyone tonight.”

  “Why … why didn’t Ellen and Frank ever get together earlier?” Jimmy asked.

  “They did. Dean screwed it up. They are finally on the right track. I don’t think Frank will be her understanding anymore. Oh, I’m sorry. You probably don’t know what I’m talking about.”

  “No, actually, I do.” Jimmy said with a quirky smile. “Jess … Jess …” He cleared his throat, and then went silent.

  Jenny giggled at his evasiveness. “John is my husband. I am one of the few that know about Jess. So he told you?”

  “Yes. He told me a lot. It was a long haul until we got picked up so we had some crazy conversations.”

  “Speaking of crazy, would you like to see Containment?”

  The corner of Jimmy’s mouth rose. “Containment? I’ve heard of that place. Yeah, yeah I would.”

  “Great, let’s go.” She began to lead the way.

  “Jenny?” Jimmy spoke softly. “This may be odd but Jess told me you’re like the ring leader of the women.”

  Jenny lowered her head in a blush. “I have some pull. Why?”

  “Well, it’s been a while since …”

  “Say no more.” Jenny held up her hand. “There are a couple of women who have understanding spots open. You know relationships. Sometimes they work and they don’t,” she spoke nonchalantly. “I can put the word out for you.”

  “I don’t want to seem like I’m anxious, but every woman I’ve seen looks absolutely beautiful.”

  Jenny giggled. “It must have been a while for you.”

  “Even just for female companionship.”

  “Jimmy, really, there’s no need to explain,” Jenny said. “I’ll find someone for you. It shouldn’t be a problem. After all, you’re a Slagel.”

  “That has pull?”

  Jenny snorted a laugh. “I think after tonight you’ll understand exactly how much status quo it holds to be a Slagel.”

  Just like a typical Slagel, Jimmy nodded with a ‘cool’ as he walked behind Jenny.


  Richie Martin, Ellen’s brother, could have passed for her twin even though he was six years her junior. He was Ellen’s only surviving pre-plague family member. Instead of embracing him with gratefulness, she treated him with annoyance as if it irritated her he survived. Not that she wanted her brother dead, by no means, but Richie did like he always did in life. He acted like the hard worker, smoothed his way into a cake job, and then took over, just like he did with Containment. He had been in town six months and already he was running Containment like it was his division. Soon enough, with hard work, he knew he’d snatch it away from Ellen.

  “You lie.” Ellen shook her head as she walked by Richie down the hall of Containment and into her office.

  “El.” Richie tapped his watch. “It’s my shift so it’s my desk.” He pointed back with his thumb. “Get up.”

  “Fuck off.”

  “God, you’re hostile.” He shook his head and pulled up a seat.

  “You are unbelievable.” She looked at the stack of papers.

  “What? Is something not done?”

  “No, you got the stupid reports finished. I never have them finished this early.”

  “Well, El, some of us get our work done.”

  “And lie.” She shuffled through the stack.

  “I’m not. Why would I lie?”

  “To start trouble.” Ellen didn’t even look at him. “I hope you aren’t invited to the party.”

  “I am and you changed the subject.”

  “Yes, I did. I don’t want to play into your Richie game.”

  “Ask Elliott,” Richie suggested.

  “Oh, I will. He’ll be honest with …” Ellen sniffed and looked up. “Elliott.”

  Richie smirked. “She sniffs you like a dog?”

  “Elliott wears cologne, asshole,” Ellen stood up and moved to Elliott. “I missed you.”

  Elliott smiled, “And I missed you. I have letters for you.” He embraced her.

  “Me too.” Ellen stepped back and laid her hands on his arms. “You feel warm. Are you okay?”

  Elliott nodded. “I’m fine. Richie took your seat.”

  With a gasp, Ellen spun around. “Asshole.”

  Richie lifted his hands. “You didn’t call seat backs.”

  “Asshole,” Ellen griped.

  “See.” Richie shook his head. “She has no appreciation for me.”

  “Ellen.” Elliott tapped her shoulder. “Ask me what?”

  “Oh.” She grunted. “Richie is starting trouble. He said that Dean is involved with Margaret Hadley and Andrea found them two in bed together in some kinky position.”

  “How does Richie know this?” Elliott asked.

  Richie answered, “I overheard Andrea telling Josephine right before Josephine tried to take a header into Perimeter Thirty-two.”

  Ellen smugly looked at Richie. “Starting trouble?”

  Richie chuckled. “Elliott didn’t deny it. He didn’t say I was lying.”

  “He doesn’t have to, do you Elliott?” Ellen faced Elliott.

  Elliot was silent.

  “Elliott?” Ellen asked.

  “Well,” Elliott cleared his throat. “I cannot confirm knowledge of a kinky position.”

  Ellen’s eyes widened in horror. “The kinky position is the only thing you can’t confirm.”

  Again, Elliott cleared his throat. “That’s the only thing.”

  “Oh my God.” Ellen stumbled back. “It’s true. How do you know? Who told you?’

  “What I got from Dean …”

  Ellen shrieked.

  Elliott closed off one ear. “Ellen.”

  “Dean told you?” she asked and turned sharply towards Richie. “Shut up.”

  Richie contained his snicker. “Ellen, Dean’s confirmed it to everyone, including Danny. Why do you think he left that ‘I have a proposition for you’ note?”

  Elliott slowly shook his head. “I know what Danny’s up to. Ellen, are you all right? If it makes you feel better, Dean didn’t confirm a relationship.”

  Ellen gasped. “Just that he’s bedding Margaret Hadley.”

  Elliott hem-hawed. “Well, he confirmed she was in
his bed and said it was no one’s business.”

  “Oh my God” Ellen gasped. “It’s true. Dean’s with Margaret. It’s true.”

  Jenny walked in. “I wish he wouldn’t brag so much about it.”

  “He’s, he’s …” Ellen blinked. “Bragging?”

  “Oh yes,” Jenny answered. “I went into his lab to speak to him about something else and he told me right out that it wasn’t any of my business that Andrea found him and Margaret in bed.” Jenny changed her demeanor to a chipper one. “Look who’s here to see our local home for the mental ward.” She reached into the hall.

  Jimmy was tugged in. “I told her I don’t need an intro. I was with you for three days. I’m sorry you had to come home to this with Dean. I can assure you he isn’t topping my ‘people I want to meet’ list.”

  Jenny whispered with a crinkling face, “He hates Dean already.”

  Elliott choked out a laugh.

  Ellen looked at him.

  “Richie!” Jimmy said brightly. “Hey, how the hell are you?”

  “Goddamn.” Richie stood up with an extended hand. “You look good. Young.”

  Jimmy tilted his head “I do and I am.”

  Elliott grunted out a short shriek. “That’s Frank’s line.”

  Jimmy pointed to Elliott “He does that a lot.”

  Richie shook his head. “It’s a verbal reaction to element of surprise.” He scoffed. “Go figure. He’s Hal right hand man. You would think your brother would … oh shit.” Richie smiled. “You’re back. Bet me Hal gets you in the UWA right away. Robbie’s with Frank so why wouldn’t you be with him?”

  Jenny clutched Jimmy’s arm. “That would be so wonderful, Frank and Robbie running Beginnings’ army and you and Hal running UWA.”

  “Excuse me!” Elliott spoke up. “That is my job. No offense, Jimmy. Thank you, Richie, for your vote of confidence. Because of that, it is my privilege to inform you … Ellen took your seat.”

  Richie spun around. “Hey!”

  Ellen, with an ornery smirk, rocked in the chair. “You didn’t call seat backs.”


  “Mainly we need to figure out how we are going to handle the Jess Boyens thing?” Joe said to Hal in his office.

  “I think that’s easy,” Hal replied. “We just inform the community that we sent Jess to the Society to uncover information and in doing so, he uncovered Jimmy.”


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