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The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20

Page 400

by Jacqueline Druga

  “Why … I like him.” She waved her finger. “Turn around. Let me see them buns.”

  Hal leaned to Jimmy. “You don’t have to if …” He rolled his eyes when Jimmy turned. “Christ.”

  Jimmy jolted a little when Josephine pinched him.

  Hal sipped his drink to hide his laugh.

  “Nice.” She smiled. “Say, Slagel boy, you wanna blow job?”

  With a choke, Hal sprayed out his whiskey.

  “What the hell!” Josephine wiped the moisture from her face. “So do you?”

  Jimmy just stared.

  Josephine winked. “I can take my teeth out.”

  “Good Lord!” Hal gasped.

  Jimmy smiled peacefully without a cringe or sarcastic comment. “Wow, as good as that sounds, I have to turn you down.” He sweetened his voice. “It’s been so long since I’ve been with a woman. I’m still a bit timid.”

  “Ah.” She patted his cheek. “You’re a shy one.”

  “Good Lord!”

  “Shut up, Slappy!” She barked and looped her arm through Jimmy’s. “I understand. How about I introduce ya’ to some folks.”

  “Sounds good,” Jimmy said.

  “I like ya’. You know, you’re more like your father than any of them others. Let’s go.” She led him through the crowd.

  Hal was mesmerized and only was able to muster a slight wave to Jimmy as he moved on with Josephine. However, there was one good thing, her bar stool was free and seizing the opportunity, he sat down.

  He refreshed his drink which had been reduced to watered-down moonshine and watched his brother over the rim of his glass. People mobbed to him as if he were Jesus.

  “Captain.” Elliott made his approach. “Quite the gathering here.”

  “Ah, yes,” Hal said. “But then you and I both know once they get their fill of Jimmy, the part time party people will leave and the Hall will be more tolerable.”

  Elliott nodded. “They’re beginning to now, leaving after they meet Jimmy.”

  “Tell me why was I not greeted as such.”

  “They gave you a party.”

  “This many people didn’t come.”

  Elliott tilted his head. “I think so. Perhaps you were overwhelmed.”


  “Why are you watching your brother so intently?”

  “I’m amazed.”

  Elliott turned to look. “Josephine’s his tour guide?”

  “That’s better than something else.”

  “Excuse me?” Elliott asked.

  “She propositioned my brother with a blow job or rather a gum job after she offered to remove her teeth for greater … oral pleasure.”

  “Uh,” Elliot groaned. “Please.”

  Hal smiled.

  “Anyway, I was …” Elliott paused, squinted his eyes, and then reached out.

  “What?” Hal watched the movement of Elliott’s hand. It landed, fingers extended, over Hal’s chest. “Is there a reason why you are fondling my breast?”

  Elliott chuckled. “Either your nipple is deformed or you have a Dating Game ball.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “One of the number bingo balls Danny is handing out for contestants in the dating game.”

  Hal smiled. “Busted.”

  Elliott gave a quirky smile. “Captain, this is unlike you. Usually you’d just find amusement in watching an event.”

  “I usually do and more than likely, I will on this one. However, Danny Hoi forced a ball on me. Odds are against me getting chosen so I fear not.”

  “Wouldn’t it be funny if you ended up with Marma?”

  Seriously, Hal looked at him. “No, Elliott it would not.”

  Elliott cleared his throat. “I don’t it would be either.”

  “Do you have a ball?”

  The corner of Elliot’s mouth rose. “I have two.”

  “Two, how did you get …”Hal, with a slight roll of his eyes, groaned. “Ha, ha, ha. Funny. You’re getting as bad as my brothers. Speaking of family.” Hal stood up from the stool. “My father has finally arrived.” Hal pointed across the Hall to Joe who had just sat down at a table with Andrea and Robbie. “Care to join me in sitting with him?”

  “I’d like that.” Elliott allowed Hal to walk ahead, but he stopped him. “Captain? If by chance you should get picked. If by chance you win a date with Ellen, you …”

  “Good God, Elliott, this isn’t really a concern of yours, is it?”

  Elliott shrugged. “Well, yes. I would feel funny if you won a date with her.”

  Hal shook his head. “Don’t be ridiculous. If by slim chance I would get picked and if by a slimmer chance it happens to be Ellen, when I win the date, it will be just a prize. Nothing more. Nothing less.”

  “I know. It’s just that it’ll make me feel funny. You going …”

  “Elliott, don’t worry. She and I hangout all the time. This will be no different. Okay?” He patted Elliott on the back.

  “Yes, one more thing.”

  Exhaling, Hal flung his head back. “What?”

  “You said if by some slim chance you get picked and a slimmer chance it’s Ellen…”

  “Elliott,” Hal said with irritation. “Seventy five men are competing. It’s slim my number will get chosen and even slimmer it will get chosen for Ellen.”

  “That’s not where I’m going. I’m just making the observation that you used the word 'slim’ to describe your odds of getting picked and being on the bachelor panel for Ellen. Yet, you said, ‘when I win the date.’ as if you were certain that should you get picked, you would win.”

  At first Hal stared seriously at Elliot then he flashed a wide grin. “As if I … wouldn’t?”

  “But …”

  “Elliott, please. It’s me.” Hal gave another swat and turned to walk away.

  Elliott mumbled “That’s what I’m afraid of.”


  Elvis was still in the building. One just had to find him.

  That was how Dean felt when he arrived at the Social Hall, hoping to get a chance to speak to Jimmy. He had seen him but not spoken to him. He avoided the party even though he wanted to go, but a part of Dean was feeling like an outsider and he had to admit he did sort of place himself in that position.

  Oddly, there was an empty stool at the bar and Dean took it. Maybe a glass of that homemade wine being passed around wouldn’t be so bad, he thought, and poured a drink.

  “Dean, Dean, the whacko machine.” Frank laid his hand on Dean’s shoulder. “Glad you could join us.”

  “Why does that sound sinister?” Dean turned on the stool.

  “I’m innocent.”

  Dean laughed. “Thanks.”


  “Talking to me.”

  “Why wouldn’t I?”

  Dean shrugged.

  “So, uh, why didn’t you come to my Dad’s house for the party?”

  “You know why,” Dean said.

  “Ah,” Frank nodded. “You were busy.”

  “No, I was not invited.”


  “To the party.”

  “Yes, you were,” Frank insisted.

  “Frank, I was told if I showed up, John Matoose was going to beat me up.”

  Frank laughed. “That’s good. I’d like to … maybe not.” He cleared his throat. “All and all you should have come. I would have protected you if you’re afraid of John Matoose.”

  “I’m not afraid of John Matoose. I would have stopped by had Ellen not to come to my house. Things didn’t go good.”

  Frank hid his smile. “No, they didn’t.”

  “I appreciate you not judging.”

  “Judging?” Frank asked. “What? I didn’t see anything. I didn’t hear Margaret call from upstairs. Oh, I did, but that doesn’t …”

  “Frank,” Dean stopped him. “Just know I’m grateful that you aren’t mad at me about this.”

  Frank snorted a laugh.

t? What is so funny?”

  “You think I’d be mad that Ellen and the entire fuckin community is convinced that you are involved with someone else? Fuck no. Know what I see, Dean?”

  “I’m afraid to ask.”

  “I’ll tell you. I see a free clear road for me and El.” He gave a light tap to Dean’s arm. “Thanks.”

  “Swell.” Dean shook his head. “Frank, you’ve been my friend and you are the only one I can say this to.”

  “That’s because you don’t have any other friends.”

  “What? Dean shuddered. “No, I mean as much as I am going to regret saying this, I have to, so can I ask you to be supportive and be my friend right now?”


  “Good.” Dean exhaled. “Frank, if you think things are looking bad now, in about a week or two they will look even worse. Even though what they appear to be won’t be the case, things are gonna look worse.”

  “For you?”

  Dean nodded.

  “Worse for you than it looks right now?”


  “Would this be on the lines of … I don’t know, looking bad as far as the way you dress, do your hair … or rumors regarding Margaret Hadley?”

  Dean only raised his eyes in answer.

  “So if things look bad regarding your situation with Margaret, they’re only gonna look worse?”

  “That’s what I said so can I count on your support?”

  “Oh my God.” Frank smiled widely. “Absolutely.”


  “The first thing tomorrow,” Robbie explained to Andrea. “Danny doesn’t think the procedure will take long, nor my healing.”

  Andrea chuckled. “Who’d ever think we’d see the day when a mechanically inclined man is doing operations.”

  “Between you and me …” Robbie whispered. “With the way Dean has been acting, Danny really is the better choice.”

  “Amen to that.” Andrea nodded.

  “Amen to what?” Joe said as he sat at the table. “I finally made it through that bar.”

  “Not without our aid.” Hal added as he joined. “Mind if we sit?”

  “Oh.” Andrea smiled brightly. “Please. We’re just talking about Robbie’s little surgery tomorrow.” She took Robbie’s hand. “I’ll be there with him the whole time so you and Hal don’t have to worry.”

  Joe nodded. “I appreciate that, Andrea. Not that I don’t want to be with Robbie but there’s a lot to clean up.”

  “I don’t mind,” Andrea said. “I want to be there.”

  Robbie grinned. “Isn’t she the best mom, Hal?”

  “The best stepmother we ever had.” Hal grinned.

  Blushing, Andrea closed her eyes. “You boys are so sweet. You know, I have a confession to make.” She giggled. “I often find myself daydreaming of what it would have been like to have been around you boys when you were young.” She hummed pleasingly. “Can you imagine it? See it? Oh how wonderful.”

  Grumbling a ‘Christ’, Joe chuckled and shook his head. He could see it. Immediately as he tried to envision it, fucked up fifties television sitcom music played as Andrea waltzed across the living room wearing a pink apron.

  “Oh,” Perky Andrea gasped out. “Sweetie.” She reached for the television set. “Educational material only. Mr. Rogers is on now.” After patting Hal on the head, she tucked his hair behind his ears and handed him the remote.

  Almost too sweet and sincere, thirteen year-old Hal answered, “Gee, I almost forgot. I love Mr. Rogers.”

  “Did someone say, Mr. Rogers?” Frank’s voice va-voomed into the living room as he thumped his way down the steps. “I don’t want to miss the ‘tie your shoes’ part.”

  “Then you better hurry,” Hal said. “He’s coming on soon.”

  Jimmy whined. “Jeepers. Now I’m torn. Do I read or watch Mr. Rogers?”

  Frank replied, “I say Mr. Rogers. Read later. Better yet, let’s read together.”

  “Excellent idea.”

  “Can I read too?” Hal asked. “No, wait. I have choir practice at the church.”

  Frank looked at Jimmy. “Why don’t we go watch Hal and show our support?”

  “Yeah,” Jimmy smiled. “Hal is a great singer.”

  “We could get some good prayer time in.” Frank winked.

  “That never hurt,” Jimmy said.

  Andrea smiled. “My boys. Now, did you all wash up for dinner? Father will be home soon.”

  “Done,” said Hal.

  “Done,” Jimmy responded.

  “Done,” Frank said, “Robbie is getting dressed now. I picked out his blue and green striped shirt for him.”

  “My goodness, Frank.” Andrea walked over to where Frank sat on the floor. “You are such a big help.” She pinched his cheek and kissed him. “So handsome,” She licked her fingers and patted down his hair.

  Robbie’s little voice spoke out innocently, “I’m ready for Mom inspection.”

  Andrea clapped once with pride and walked to him. “Look at you.”

  Robbie smiled.

  “So handsome. Perfect. Dinner’s almost done and you know what else?” She sang her words. “Mr. Roger’s is coming on.”

  “Goodie.” Robbie excitedly hurried to join his brothers on the floor before the television.

  Hal peered over his shoulder. “What’s for dinner? It smells great.”

  “Meatloaf,” Andrea replied. “And … brownies for desert.”

  The boys cheered.

  The front door opened.

  “Family, I’m home,” Joe called out pleasantly.

  “Dad!” The boys responded with enthusiasm.

  Joe shut the door and handed his briefcase to Andrea then greeted her with a kiss to the cheek. “Dinner smells wonderful.”

  “Thank you, Joseph. Your slippers are all ready.”

  “Thank, Andrea I …hey.” He snapped his fingers. “Is that Mr. Rogers?”

  “It sure I,” Andrea said.

  “Just in time, too.” Joe hurried to his sons and sat on the floor with them.

  Andrea giggled. “I’ll get dinner.” She inhaled and sighed out, pleased. She paused once to watch her family and then left the room, humming along with them as they all sang together, ‘It’s A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood’

  They all laughed after Joe’s spoken rendition of his Andrea meets ‘Donna Reed at the Slagel Home’ fantasy except Robbie.

  He gave a pacifying chuckle, ran his finger over his glass, and then glanced up. “You know, I have my own fantasy about Andrea being our mom.” He closed one eye. “Mine’s a bit different. Mine goes back to when I was nine and I had rheumatic fever. Remember? Our new stepmother. I liked her.” He snickered. “Every new mom I liked and held high hopes that she would be the one to last. Well, if you guys remember, she left right after Dad took me to the hospital. I think about that a lot and I think about Andrea.”

  … Robbie’s eyes were beet red and barely open. He squeaked out words through a closed throat. “Dad?”

  “Shh,” Joe held his hand bedside. “You sleep, okay?” He ran his fingers through Robbie’s hair.

  “Dad? Where’s our new mom?”

  Joe hesitated.

  “Right here, Sweetheart,” Andrea softly said as she entered the room. “I went to get your father some coffee.” She handed Joe the cup and went to the other side of Robbie’s bed. She gripped his hand. “How’s my boy?”

  Robbie puckered.

  “Well, no fears, baby.” She wiped his head. “I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.” She brought her lips to his forehead. “I’ll never leave” …

  “And she wouldn’t have.” Robbie looked up. “Andrea wouldn’t have left. She would have been by my side. I always think of how she would have been and it makes me wish more that she would have been a part of our lives a long, long time ago.”

  Just as Joe was about to groan out a ‘Christ’ in Robbie’s sappiness, he groaned it out for another reason. Andrea stood u
p, burst a single sob of tears, and wrapped her arms around Robbie.

  She spoke between plastering kisses to Robbie’s face. “This is one of the reasons I love you so much.”

  Joe winced.

  Hal laughed but that was only until Andrea said, “I don’t want to leave you out, Hal” and proceeded to equally plaster Hal with smooches as well.


  Jenny boasted proudly with a smile and all sincerity, “He’s come a long way, hasn’t he, El?”

  “He has,” Ellen replied.

  “Gosh, do you remember the days when you hated him?” Jenny asked, latched her arm to Jimmy’s, and looked up. “Ellen hated my husband, John. She had good reason though. She had a psychic instinct about him.”

  Humbly, Ellen shrugged “No, not really.”

  “But he’s not a spy anymore,” Jenny said. “Now he’s taking Ellen to Lodi.”

  “Will you be all right with the baby?” Jimmy questioned Jenny.

  “I’ll be fine,” Jenny said.

  “You know,” Jimmy said with a smile. “I cannot get over you. Look at you.” He stepped back. “Little Jenny Matoose all grown up and beautiful.”

  Jenny tucked her hair behind her ears and blushed. “Jimmy.”

  “Seriously, I wouldn’t have recognized you. You have to be what? Twenty? Twenty-one?”

  Jenny’s hand went to her chest and she gasped. “I’ll be twenty-seven.”

  “You’re shitting me. You still look like a teenager.”

  Ellen refrained from choking on her drink and turned. “Will you guys excuse me?” She was laughing at the pair and when she turned she bumped directly into Dean. “Sorry.”

  “You have a minute?” Dean asked.

  “Just a minute.”

  Dean huffed. “Look, El, about tonight.”

  “I really don’t want to talk about it,” she said. “I don’t.”

  “Okay, fine. We won’t. Can we talk about Johnny’s operation?”

  Ellen exhaled. “Really, there’s nothing left to talk about. But …” She snapped her fingers. “You’re little—whatever it is you’re working on—may have to move to the side while you play Daddy for a few days.”

  “What are you talking about?” Dean asked.

  “I’m leaving Beginnings in one week. You have to take care of the kids but I would appreciate you not having them call Mrs. Hadley, Mom.”


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