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ZOMBIE SLAYER!!: A LitRPG Apocalypse

Page 12

by Cameron Milan

  After filling his backpack, he gripped his metal bat and left the school. Whenever he encountered a zombie, he experimented on how to use as little stamina as possible. The more stamina he saved, the more zombies he could kill. The more zombies he killed, the higher his level would be. The higher his level, the higher his stamina. It created a perfect circle. He also tried mixing in punches and kicks to reduce the damage done to his weapon.

  When he made it a mile away from the school, he frowned. Another unfamiliar zombie was ahead of him. It was a female zombie, and the organs in her stomach were as clear as day. From her mouth dripped green liquid. When it hit the ground, there was a sizzling sound. Eric glanced up and read the name.

  Level 1 Spitter Zombie

  Health: 50/50

  “Fuck…” Eric realized that not only would a blood moon appear every 7 days, but a new zombie would appear after every blood moon.

  He slowly crept his way towards the spitter. Just as he was about to attack, he figured he might as well see what was different about this zombie. He made some distance and shouted, “Hey, bitch!”

  The spitter slowly turned around. When it saw him, its organs trembled as the spitter opened its mouth. Green bile flew towards him. Eric quickly jumped backwards. He played a year of baseball, so he was familiar with keeping his eye on the ball. He watched as the bile landed on the ground and created a hole in the street. Eric’s eyes bulged out of his head as he exclaimed, “That’s cement, yo!”

  Good thing he tested the spitter. Now he knew how dangerous it was. If he was touched by that, his bones would melt, much less his skin!

  Eric bobbed and weaved as he closed the distance between him and the spitter. He planted his foot on the ground and twisted his waist as he swung his bat. The neck of the spitter snapped as it fell to the ground. Eric promptly raised his foot and curb stomped the spitter. In two hits, it was dead.

  250 XP Acquired.

  “250? Awesome,” Eric grew excited. He wanted to go find the next spitter to kill, but quickly found out that they were rare. In ten minutes of searching, he’d only found 2. The initial one he killed and 1 more.

  Sighing lightly, he finished his quest and then returned to the school. He picked up the spitter zombie quest and hunted for the rest of the day. When night arrived, he took a nap for 2 hours and then snuck out. He didn’t want to make his family worry about him.

  Hunting during the night was more difficult than he imagined. He could barely see anything. Thankfully, the street lights still turned on. It was strange that electricity still worked when the cell phone towers didn’t, but he didn’t worry too much about it. Because of the street lights, he mainly hunted on the streets. He wouldn’t be able to see anything if he traveled off road.

  On the 16th day, he continued to complete quests. He invested all of his points into endurance. As a result, he was able to hunt longer. On the 16th night, an unexpected thing happened. He gained a title.

  Night Hunter - Level 1


  All Stats +1 during the night.

  *Acquired after killing 500 zombies at night.

  *Will level up after killing 500 more zombies during the night.

  “Sweet!” He muttered quietly. He immediately felt stronger after acquiring the title. This was an unexpected award. He felt that his decision to hunt during the night was correct. Not only that, but his title was different than Greg’s title. His could level up!

  As Eric spent all his time hunting, Michael didn’t stand by either. His stunning tactics against the zombies led morale among the students to rise. The students who gave up hope finally started to respond. With the increased scavenging levels, he could hand out wooden spears willy nilly. Of course, they had low durability, so they needed to be replaced, but he could still hand out spears to all 122 people. Michael didn’t know it, but back in the day, spears were the best weapons for peasants. They had long reach, were as deadly as swords, and were easy to use. Just slash or thrust. Giving everyone spears was the best choice.

  Now that more people were hunting, Michael began to get more and more kill points. When he reached level 25, something happened to his territory. It leveled up!

  Saint High School Territory

  Development Level: 4

  Facilities: 5/10

  Now he could finally spend all the kill points he accrued. He had been waiting anxiously for the development level to increase, because he couldn’t build any more facilities. Instead of buying all types of facilities, Michael contemplated deeply for a few hours until finally deciding on one.

  Level 1 Construction.

  The territory owner has the ability to place down structures using materials.

  *Crafting materials may be used to build structures.

  During the 1st blood moon, the zombies broke several holes in the school walls. Because reality had changed, the holes were 5x5 feet big. With this new facility, Michael was able to use wood planks and nails to build wooden walls. When he tapped on his screen, a wooden wall flashed into existence. They were strange next to the brick portions, but he didn’t care. Security was most important.

  Wood Wall

  Durability: 100/100

  With his leftover kill points, he once again upgraded the kitchen. Now that everybody was hunting, their appetite increased. The level 2 kitchen just wasn’t enough to sustain everyone.

  Level 4 Kitchen.

  The territory has a kitchen that provides rations for 150 people.

  Current Ration Stock: 50/150

  Stock is restored at midnight.

  With that finished, Michael looked at the skill shop. When he reached level 25, new skills appeared.

  Flame Enchantment - Level 1


  1 Skill Point

  Requirement: Level 3 elemental skill.


  Enchant a weapon to deal an additional 5 fire damage. Consumes 2 mana. Lasts 10 minutes.

  Flame Wall - Level 1


  1 Skill Point

  Requirement: Level 3 elemental skill.


  Create a 5 foot wide 5 foot high flame wall that causes those that pass through it to catch aflame. Consumes 5 mana. Causes those that catch on fire to take 5 damage a second for 10 seconds. Flame wall lasts 1 minute.

  Michael laughed with glee at the thought of gaining new magical abilities. The feeling of creating fire from his mana left him tingling every time. He fell in love with it. He always imagined himself snapping his finger and setting a zombie on fire. He even thought what scream a human would make when on fire, but he quickly squashed such thoughts.

  He wanted both skills, but the only way to do that was to kill 25 spitters. He decided to get flame enchantment for now. He’d buy the flame wall after completing the quest.

  Chapter 23

  On the 17th day, Eric made traveled a few miles away from the school. Now that all 122 people were fighting and killing zombies, there was no room for him. He was also curious about the state of the city. Saint High School was constructed on top of a flat mountain overlooking the city, but because of the fog, he had to make his way there personally. He was especially curious about the police station. Where had they been all this time?

  Eric vaguely remembered where the police station was, but he couldn’t be certain. He traveled towards its approximate location. As he made his way there, he noticed something strange. The level of the zombies were increasing, fast. The highest level zombie he’d seen around the school was level 17, but now they were reaching level 20 and higher. Even the feral zombies were level 20. They had an astonishing 230 life. They also gave more XP, so Eric hunted them for awhile.

  He figured that heading deeper into the heart of the city was dangerous, so he stayed near the edge of the city and hunted the higher level zombies there. As a result, his experience increased even quicker. Just as he was about to head back, he found that he gained yet another title.

  Overcoming Levels
/>   Effect(s):

  +25% Damage to undead that are a higher level than you.

  *Acquired after killing 100 undead that were a higher level than you.

  He was astonished at the effects and decided he would hunt here from now on. He was worried that he could only gain the effect of 1 title at a time, but his worries were for naught. Both effects were active at the same time.

  Eric made his way back to the school after eating a quick snack. He stayed true to his vow and killed any zombies he came across. When he was a mile away from the school, he heard a familiar sound. It was the roaring of an engine. Eric spun around just in time to see a motorcycle exit the fog. The rider wore a black vest and helmet, so their features couldn’t be seen. In their left hand was a sword. Eric’s eyes widened in surprise as he saw the rider raise their weapon. Did they think he was a zombie!?

  Eric quickly rolled out of the way and dodged the sword. He stood back up and looked furiously at the rider. He waited for them to come to a stop, but they disappeared into the fog. The sound of the motorcycle faded away. Eric was stunned, “That’s it? You attack me and run away? This… isn’t this an attempted hit and run!?”

  Eric was angry, but he had nothing to vent it on. Oh wait, wasn’t there zombies? When he arrived back at the school, his anger had faded away. He met up with Michael and explained everything he learned.

  Michael mused aloud, “The zombies in the city are at a higher level?”

  “Are you worried about your father?” Eric asked with concern.

  “Him?” Michael shook his head, “No, he should be fine. The only thing he cares about is himself. He should still be alive.”

  Eric shrugged, “If you say so.”

  “I’m going to go get that title. It seems useful,” Michael said.

  “Good luck!”


  At the same time, a group of four students made their way to safeway. They talked casually as they entered the store. Mary and Haley giggled as they looked at their male companions. Mary spoke coquettishly, “We’ll go freshen up.”

  Mary and Haley disappeared down an aisle. They were looking for deodorant and perfume. Ted looked at his companion, James, with a sly smile, “Which one do you want?”

  James replied, “Bro, you know I’ve liked Mary for awhile.”

  Ted slapped James’ back as he laughed, “I know. I’m just messing with you.”

  “Hmph. Should we go find some condoms?”

  Ted’s face fell, but he nodded, “Might as well.”

  After the girls freshened up, they split up and called over their male friends. Time passed as loud moans echoed throughout safeway. In the middle of their activities, the faint sound of an engine could be heard outside. James and Haley were laying on the ground near the front entrance. They froze when they heard the engine. Haley looked up at James as she asked, “Did you hear that?”

  “I think so…”

  “Can you go check it out?” Haley blinked innocently.

  James groaned inwardly, but he didn’t want to upset Haley, so he nodded, “Be right back.”

  James was in his underwear as he walked down the aisle. When he saw the main entrance, he noticed a man walk into the store. He wore blue jeans, a black vest, and a motorcycle helmet. In his hand was a bloody sword. When James saw the man, the man saw James.

  James awkwardly smiled, “Uhh, hello…”

  “This is my territory. Are you the one who has been taking my food?” The man’s voice was calm, yet threatening.

  The blood drained from James face as he replied, “What are you talking about? This is safeway. It’s a private store…”

  “Hmph, you acting like an idiot on purpose? Well, no matter. If I kill you, the food won’t disappear anymore, right?” The man began to walk towards James.

  “W-what? I’m not a zombie, what are you talking about?” James staggered backwards in fear.

  The man didn’t respond. James realized that he had killed quite a few zombies, so he was quite the badass. Couldn’t he handle a single man? He clenched his spear and pierced forward when the man stepped within range.

  Shockingly, the man grabbed onto the shaft of his spear in one quick motion. James tried to pull it back, but it held firm. James’ eyes widened in surprise, “What?!”

  “Too slow,” The man muttered as his blade cut through James’ chest.

  Blood sprayed out of James’ chest as he screamed in pain, “AHHH!”

  He let go of the spear and clutched his chest. He turned around and found Haley standing down the aisle. Her face was pale from what she just witnessed. James called out to her, “HELP M-!”

  His voice was cut short as his head was severed from his neck. His body collapsed to the ground. Blood continued to pour out of his neck, dying the floor red. His body didn’t disappear into light. Haley looked down and found James’ head staring back up at her. She tried to scream, but her voice wouldn’t come out. She was too afraid.

  The man slowly walked up to Haley. Before she recovered from her fear, the man was already before her. Her thoughts turned quickly as an idea formed in her head. She leaned forward and showed off her breasts. She said with a forced smile, “Hey, I- I’ll be your woman.”

  The man paused. He looked her up and down, inspecting her body. Haley shivered, but realized this was her only option. The man took a step forward and embraced her. Just as she felt like she would live, she felt pain from her chest. She looked down, only to find a sword sticking through her heart. She looked up at the man and muttered, “W-why?”

  “Not my type,” The man said coldly. Just like that, Haley died.

  The man removed his sword before turning around to look at the spear on the floor. He fell into thought, “A crafted spear? They must have a workbench.”

  He shrugged his shoulders and looked for the food that spawned overnight.

  Outside safeway, Ted and Mary ran towards the school at full speed. They couldn’t believe what just happened. They heard a scream and immediately fled. As they walked past an aisle, they saw their dead friends. It was only by chance that they missed the man.

  They had to quickly run back to the school and tell everybody.

  Chapter 24

  Michael listened to Ted and Mary explain what happened. His brow furrowed in frustration. Two soldiers underneath him were killed. No, that’s not right. Two friends of his were killed.

  “Michael, we need to march over to safeway and get revenge!” Ted pleaded.

  “We have to avenge Haley!” Mary said through clenched teeth.

  Michael sighed, “I’m afraid we can’t do that.”

  “What? Why?” Mary asked in anger.

  “Listen to me,” Michael said in a calm voice, “we don’t know if that man is alone, or if he represents another group. You want to escalate things between us? We might lose even more people. Don’t go to safeway anymore.”

  Michael turned around and walked off, leaving Ted and Mary fuming in anger. They were angry that their friends were killed and angry that Michael wouldn’t help them. They tried asking their friends to help them, but nobody wanted to risk their lives for the dead. In the end, Ted and Mary’s anger turned into sadness. They grieved for their dead friends. How many more would be lost? They didn’t know.


  In another location in the suburbs, there was a facility that produced power for the city. It was a power plant. It was fenced off except for the entrance. A red motorcycle entered the facility and parked near a building. In the past, this building was used by the employees of the power plant, but now it was taken over by the rider of the motorcycle.

  The man took off his helmet. A pair of sharp eyes inspected the area. He had a shaved head, with a small earing on his left ear. The tattoo of chinese symbols ran down his neck. When he approached the building, the front door opened and another man stepped out. This man was slender and had a mohawk. He reported, “Everything’s normal, boss. All the others are out training and looting hou

  The boss nodded as he entered the building, “Good.”

  Several females could be seen lounging on the furniture. All of them wore loose clothes and were attractive. One thing they shared in common was that they had large breasts. The boss’ eyes lit up when he saw them. They couldn’t be compared to the girl he saw earlier. He licked his lips as he dug in.


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