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Happy in Their Love [Men of the Border Lands 10] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 9

by Marla Monroe

  “I don’t get you. We’re living in the back of hell, surviving from hand to mouth with no guarantee that the next snow storm won’t kill us or the next harvest will be enough to feed us through winter, and you’re not willing to share something of yourself with a fellow human being. Are you really that cold, Abe? She needs comfort and support right now.”

  “So you’re not looking to warm her bed in the process of being friendly?” Abe asked with a smirk.

  Russell ground his teeth in anger. He wasn’t going to start a fight with him. The man had been alone for eight years. He evidently didn’t know how to reach out anymore. Russell refused to believe that he didn’t long for more somewhere deep down inside.

  “I care about her. If something more comes of it, then great. If not, then it just doesn’t. It won’t change the fact that she’s my friend and that I will look out for her and her child. Basic human warmth and understanding goes a long way to filling some of the empty places in a man’s heart, Abe. I know how you feel. I lost my family, too. Nothing will ever replace them for me, but sometimes there’s room enough to allow someone else inside.”

  Russell shook his head before he turned away from the man staring at him with such a cynical and dismal expression marring his face. If he hadn’t known Abe’s history, he might have mistaken the man’s bleak outlook as his just being an asshole, but Russell knew that his friend had suffered just as much as he had. He was thankful every day for that bear that had nearly killed him. Had the attack not happened, he might never have met Abe and seen firsthand what years of total isolation could do to a man. He refused to become like his friend. Now all he had to do was figure out how to pull Abe back from the pervasive abyss he’d gotten sucked into before it was too late.

  Chapter Ten

  Abe watched his friend go. Disgust at what he’d said to Russell rested bitter in his throat. Why had he asked something crude like that in the first place? He could see that Russell really cared about Celina. He wasn’t the type of man to jump into bed with someone just for the hell of it. Russell had a strong sense of right and wrong as well as a great deal of respect for Celina.

  Had he really sunk so low that he would lash out at his only friend and speak harshly of a helpless female all alone and pregnant? He should be happy that Russell and Celina could find some measure of comfort with each other. They deserved to smile and enjoy what little life had to offer them in their desolate world. It was obvious that Abe had been alone too long. He had lost the ability and skills necessary to be a good friend. Where did that leave him now?

  “Hell.” Standing around wasn’t getting the rest of the chores done.

  He carefully picked his way toward the wood pile to add logs to the dwindling stack on the porch. With them all sleeping together in front of the fire at night, they hadn’t used quite as much wood as if they’d tried to keep the entire cabin warm during the night. If he were truthful with himself, he’d admit that they really didn’t need to continue sleeping downstairs now that the bitter cold had passed. Instead of admitting that he liked sleeping with Celina and waking up to her wrapped around him the next morning, Abe reasoned that they would only have to move the mattress down again when the next arctic blast dipped down to blanket them in frigid temperatures once again.

  He didn’t know what excuses he would dream up as the weather warmed up in the spring. Maybe by then he would have gotten her out of his system. If Russell looked deeper, he would know the truth of Abe’s gruffness around Celina. He did care about her, too much, and it scared him.

  As he carried the last load of wood to the porch, Russell joined him. Neither man spoke until Abe had unloaded the logs onto the pile. He straightened and wiped the back of his sleeve across his brow.

  “Does it bother you that she’s carrying another man’s son, Abe? Is that what keeps you from being a little more friendly toward her?” Russell asked before he opened the door to go inside.

  Abe grabbed the other man’s arm and stopped him from turning the knob.

  “Her being pregnant has nothing to do with anything outside of figuring out how to keep them both safe.” He struggled to get his thoughts straight before he opened his mouth again. “Losing my family nearly drove me crazy. They were my everything. To care about someone even half that much and then lose them as well would more than devastate me. I’m not sure I’m strong enough to take that chance.”

  “There are two of us, Abe. We can keep her and the child safe together.”

  “But what if in a few months or even a few years she decides that she made a mistake and doesn’t want one or both of us anymore? She just lost her husband, Russell. How can she possibly be thinking clearly right now with everything that she has going on with her?”

  “Maybe she isn’t, I don’t know. What I do know is that I care about her and want her to be healthy and happy. The way she’s living right now isn’t working. She’s not gaining weight and she’s exhausted even when she first wakes up. She needs to feel wanted and safe. I want to make sure she has everything she needs to feel those things.”

  Abe ran his hand around the back of his neck in an effort to relieve some of the tension that was building there. He knew Russell was right. He’d noticed that Celina hadn’t gained any weight and that she had dark circles under her eyes. Guilt slithered around like a snake in his soul.

  “I care about her a lot, Russell. I don’t know, maybe I even love her. There’s something about her that draws me no matter how hard I try to keep my distance. Sometimes I want to bury myself inside of her so deep she never forgets who I am, but then I worry that it’s too soon for her.”

  “Maybe it would have been before the world changed, but I don’t think it is now. We have no guarantees that we’ll live beyond this night. I loved my wife more than anything. I will always love her, but there’s room in my heart for Celina as well. She fills me with happiness and gives me a reason to love again. I want to be part of her life and share raising her child.” Russell had let go of the door knob and was watching him.

  “What makes you think she would accept both of us?” Abe finally asked.

  “She watches you when you’re not looking. I think she is attracted to you but is afraid you would reject her.”

  “I don’t want her to be afraid of me.” Abe snorted.

  “She’s not afraid of you, Abe. She’s afraid of rejection. I think if you would touch her more and talk to her, she would relax around you,” Russell said.

  “You’re right. I’ll try to temper my attitude around her and be more supportive. It’s been a long time, Russell. My social skills are a bit rusty.”

  The other man chuckled. “You could say that.”

  “I want to hold her, Russell. Do you think she would let me?”

  “I think that we need to show her that we desire her and want her as a woman, as our woman.”

  “How do we go about doing that without freaking her out?” Abe asked in a gruff voice.

  “Let’s not wear shirts to bed tonight. We can keep her warm between us using our body heat while getting her used to our bodies. I’m thinking that she wants what we want but is just as nervous about showing it as we are.”

  “Okay. I’ll follow your lead, but I don’t want her to feel coerced or pressured into being with us if she doesn’t really want to.”

  Russell smiled and nodded. “I agree, but I don’t think we have anything to worry about.”

  Abe clasped him on the shoulder then shoved him forward into the warmth of the cabin. Immediately the smell of warm bread and something spicy enveloped him in a welcoming cocoon of comfort. It hit him square in the heart that it smelled like home to him now. And that was what he’d been afraid would happen all along if he let down his guard. It looked like it hadn’t mattered after all. He was lost and not even sure if he cared anymore.

  * * * *

  Celina could almost touch the pulsing tension that hung in the air as they prepared for bed. Both of the men seemed to be watching h
er all during dinner. Then when she started to gather up the dishes, Abe had startled her when he picked her up and carried her into the great room where he set her on the couch to rest while they took care of the dishes. Since he had hardly voluntarily touched her before, it had scared her at first.

  She quickly slipped beneath the covers as the two men peeled out of their clothes until all they were wearing was the bottoms to their thermal underwear. Normally they wore the tops as well. When they climbed in on either side of her, she shivered, and she wasn’t so sure it was from the cooler air that trickled in with them. The realization that she would be able to touch all of the bare flesh that covered hard muscles stopped her breath from leaving her lungs.

  She froze as they settled under the covers beside her. She longed to snuggle between them, skin to delicious skin, but couldn’t make the first move. Before the thought had completely left her mind, both men moved closer until they were pressed tightly against her sides. A slight gasp escaped her lips at the heat their hard bodies produced.

  “Easy, Celina.” Abe’s deep voice jerked her attention to him.

  Celina couldn’t control the fine tremors that traveled down her body. Being this close to them without the added barrier of their shirts sped her heartbeat up until she was sure it would gallop out of her chest. She had longed for them for night after endless night and now that she was experiencing it, she wasn’t sure how to survive it. Their hot bodies elicited more than feelings of comfort and safety. They sparked naughty thoughts of illicit sex and long hours of uninhibited exploration into what shouldn’t be.

  She couldn’t stop her mind from exploring the endless possibilities of being with both men, but both guilt and propriety waged an internal war within her heart. Yes, she cared about both of them. Yes, she might easily fall in love with them, but was it right?

  They were two strong men who could easily keep her and her baby safe. They would provide for her and her child regardless of a sexual relationship between them or not. There was no doubt in her mind of that, but why deny all of them the pleasure that they could have if she accepted them as her lovers? Did wanting both of them make her a loose woman? Confusion filled her head as she tried to make sense of it all.

  The first touch of a hand on her hip sent sparks straight to her pussy. The seemingly innocent touch had her wet in less than a second. When another hand touched her upper arm, she gasped as tiny sparkles of electricity shot across to her breasts. Instantly her nipples hardened beneath the cotton pajama top that covered them.

  “Celina?” Russell’s voice snapped her eyes in his direction.

  Outlined by the fire, she could barely make out his face. The expression, though shadowed, appeared worried. Did he not feel the same things she was experiencing? That thought caused a sinking feeling in her stomach. If she were the only one having these hot delicious feelings, it would be worse than devastating. It would humiliate her to know that they didn’t see her as a desirable woman.

  “Celina?” He spoke again. “What’s wrong? You’re shaking.”

  “I–I…” She couldn’t finish the sentence.

  “She’s nervous with us not wearing shirts. I was right, Russell. She isn’t interested in us like that.” Abe’s body tensed beside her before leaving one side of her suddenly bare to the cold.

  “Is that true, sweetness? Do you want us to leave you alone?” Russell asked.

  His mouth hovered just above her ear. The wet heat of his breath there sent another wave of chills coursing through her body. She couldn’t think, but one thought did manage to break through. She didn’t want them leaving her alone. She needed their touch, needed to know that they were there. Her body craved their touch, and if she was honest with herself, her heart needed them as well.

  “Please. Don’t go.” Her voice sounded weak and breathy.

  The next thing she knew, Abe’s big, strong hand cupped her chin and turned her head toward him. Even in the dim light, Celina could see the vulnerable need in his dark eyes. He had never allowed her to see anything like this before. She recognized the gift bestowed in his eyes and accepted it for what it was—a miracle.

  As his head slowly lowered until his lips touched hers, she had a moment to wonder at what it all meant. Was this just for tonight, or would this be her future? Then all thoughts flew away as pure, raw arousal filled her senses when Abe’s tongue licked across her lower lip. When her mouth parted in a small gasp, he took quick advantage and slipped between her lips to probe her mouth with his wicked tongue.

  They slid alongside each other before he stroked it along the roof of her mouth and explored every crevice with a thoroughness that left her fighting to breathe. Even after they broke apart, Abe continued to nip and lick along her jawline before sucking in her earlobe and nipping it. The small bite of pain only heightened the pleasure that built deep in her womb.

  Russell’s mouth at her throat captured her attention when he licked a long, wet line down to where her pajama top allowed a peek of the cleavage between her breasts. Cool air followed his hot mouth, eliciting more shivers that did little to cool her ardor.

  “Let Russell have those beautiful breasts, baby. He wants to suck on your nipples. Can he love your breasts, Celina?” Abe’s thick voice caught at something inside of her that sent a rush of cream straight to her pussy.

  Even as Abe asked her, Russell was unbuttoning her top. She had no time to protest as suddenly she was open to him. The feel of his hands on her heated, sensitive breasts heated her blood to the boiling point. As if knowing that her nipples were sensitive with her pregnancy, he gently licked and sucked the hard nubs while carefully mounding the heavy orbs.

  “Fuck! That is so hot. Seeing his mouth on your breasts has my cock hard enough to pound nails.” Abe’s dark voice whispered into her ear. “I can’t wait to sink my dick deep inside your hot cunt.”

  “Oh, God! What are you doing to me?”

  “Loving you, sweetness. Giving you what you deserve. Open up and let us pleasure you.” Russell sounded as if he were just this side of pain.

  His mouth moved from one nipple to the other and then he licked a decadent path down her body as he rid her of her bottoms until he rested between her naked and trembling thighs. His heated breath wisped against her pussy lips.

  “Oh, hell, you smell so damn good, Celina. I want to suck every last drop of your sweet honey,” Russell said.

  She wanted him to, wanted to feel his tongue on her clit, making her come. It took all of her control to keep from grinding her pussy against him. All she wanted to do was roll her body all over these two men until their dark, rich scents covered her body. Never had she felt so primal. Was it because of her pregnancy? Was it just hormones, or did she truly want them like a woman wanted a man?

  The first swipe of Russell’s tongue across her pussy was pure heaven. Then he used the tip of the talented organ to delve between her folds and stab deep into her cunt. His low growl when she gushed her juices only released more. He lapped at her as if he couldn’t get enough. Then she felt Abe move quickly down her body and push Russell out of the way.

  “My turn. I can smell her cunt from here. It’s driving me crazy.”

  Russell didn’t seem to mind too much as he crawled up her body and shared her taste when he kissed her slow and deep. It awakened even more needs deep inside of her that she’d thought either no longer existed or were dead. In that instant, Celina realized that it wasn’t true. Her needs, her body was very much alive.

  Her body was burning up now. Even bare to the world and nothing covering her but the warm bodies of her lovers, Celina was no longer cold in the least. Her shivers were of pure desire and the realization that these two sexy men were actually interested in her. She had a rather rounded belly that actually poked out in front of her. What could they possibly see in her?

  Dark thoughts that they didn’t really see anything in her at all but were just looking for a fuck all but blindsided her. Instantly her need slipped away an
d her body cooled. The men seemed to notice, and immediately they pulled back to stare down into her eyes.

  “What is it, Celina?” Russell peered deep into her eyes.

  She stared up into his, searching for the truth of what he wanted. Then she gazed into Abe’s from where he leaned on his hands above her, his body still intimately cradled between her thighs.

  “What’s going on, baby?” he asked.

  “Why are you doing this now?”

  “We’ve been fighting this for weeks. You had just lost your husband and were trying to learn to trust two complete strangers. It just didn’t seem like the right time.” Russell’s eyes seemed to be pleading with her to understand.

  “What has changed?” she asked in a husky voice, tight with tears.

  “You’ve been more open to us and seemed to respond when we touched you. But if this isn’t what you want, we’ll back off.” Russell didn’t move away from her or appear to have any plans to. Neither did Abe, for that matter.

  “I want you both, but I’m scared.” She looked first at Abe and then at Russell.

  Did either of them truly care? Was she just a vessel for them to slack their lust? Somehow that hurt even more than she would have believed possible. She knew it wasn’t that way for her. She truly cared about them and craved their attention. Maybe it wasn’t love, but it was more than just a sexual itch she wanted scratched, wasn’t it? Now she doubted her own reasoning. She started to pull back, but Abe appeared to have decided that action was what was needed. He plunged two fingers deep inside of her cunt and sucked her clit between his teeth.

  She couldn’t have stopped the scream if she had wanted to. His name left her lips in a rush of air that she was sure had reached all the way to the river. Abe teased her mercilessly with his tongue before finally drawing fully on it until an orgasm slammed her full force, causing her to arch off the mattress.

  “Damn she’s beautiful, Abe.” Russell’s voice pierced the ringing in her ears as she settled down once again.


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