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Calling the Biker's Bluff (Dogs of Fire MC: Savannah Chapter Book 7)

Page 5

by Piper Davenport

  “Okay, take it down a notch,” I warned. “We’re gettin’ to know each other.”

  “What’d we miss?” Rabbit asked as he and Mouse walked into the great room.

  Doc stood and grinned. “Pre-promotion meetin’.”

  “Yeah? Who’s gettin’ promoted?” Mouse asked.


  “No shit?”

  Doc handed them each their patches and Mouse grinned like a kid who’d just gotten his first handy. Doom stood and pulled Rabbit in for a hug. Rabbit had been on the streets when Doom took him under his wing. The two were tight for obvious reasons, and they’d do anything for each other. The rest of us gathered around the younger members and congratulated them, then we grabbed more beer.

  I was distracted, however, my mind on Shiloh and wanting to be with her. That desire only grew deeper as the club wives started to file into the club and I felt like I was missing half of me.

  Doc’s wife, Olivia, flopped down beside me and smiled. “You’re not drinking your beer. Everything okay?”

  “It’s good, sweetheart. Just distracted.”

  “You really like her.”

  I said nothing, taking a swig of beer.

  “She’s awesome,” she continued. “I think you should make it permanent. I told Doc we needed a nurse in our ranks.”

  I chuckled. “I’ll keep that in mind, Liv, but don’t get your hopes up, yeah?”

  “Is it not going well?”

  “Babe, it’s been a couple o’ days. She wants to take it slow.”

  “Well, poo,” Olivia said, pouting.

  I laughed. “I’ll get her, Liv, don’t worry.”

  “I have no doubt.”

  My phone buzzed in my pocket and I slid it out. “Speak of the devil,” I said, and answered the phone. “Hey, baby, you miss me?”

  “Someone’s trying to break in,” she whispered.

  “Where are you?” I demanded, heading for my bike.

  “In my pantry. I put a chair against the door, and it’s slowed them down, but they won’t stop kicking it.”

  “Did you call the cops?”

  “Yes, but you’re bigger.”

  “I’m on my way, baby. Do you have mace or somethin’?”

  “No, why would I have mace?” she squeaked.

  “I’m gonna change that. Gotta hang up, so I can ride, but I’ll be there in a few.”


  I hung up, climbed on my bike and rode like a bat outta hell to get to Shiloh.


  I HEARD SIRENS and the banging on my door stopped, so I slipped out of the pantry and tiptoed to my door, peeking through the peephole to see two uniformed police officers walking up the stairs. I pulled open the door. “Did you catch him?”

  “There was no one here, ma’am,” the older man said.

  I heard the Harley pipes from not far away and started to relax, knowing Otter would be here soon.

  “Can you give us a description?” the other officer asked.

  “I saw him briefly through the peephole, so not really.”

  “Tall, short, black, white?” the older man prompted.

  “White, I think. He was wearing a ballcap, so I’m not sure.”

  Otter’s boots landed heavily on the concrete stairs as he rushed toward me.

  “Freeze!” the older officer snapped, his hand on his gun. The other man moved to shove Otter to the ground, but Otter was too big and too quick for him.

  “He’s with me,” I rushed to say as Otter scowled, moving around the officers.

  “You can deal with me now,” Otter growled.

  “Were you here?” the older man asked.

  “I’m here now,” Otter said, standing in front of me and crossing his arms. The man looked twice his size when he did that.

  I settled my hands on his giant back and dropped my forehead between his shoulder blades. “It’s okay, Easy. I need to answer their questions so they can find this guy.”

  “Did you see him?” Otter asked, continuing to block me from the officers.


  “I’ll deal with it,” he said.


  “If you don’t have a description and don’t know where the asshole went, can you honestly say you’re going to do anything about this?” Otter challenged. “You’ll maybe log a report, but that’s where it’ll end. I have more of a chance to find him and deal with him.”

  “It’s the ‘deal with him’ statement I have a problem with,” the older officer said.

  I peeked out from behind Otter and said, “How about if he finds him, he’ll turn him over to you?”


  “Otter, hush,” I demanded, and he raised an eyebrow, but didn’t say anything further, so I focused back on the officers. “Will that work?”

  “Well, no. We’d rather find and deal with him through the right channels. I’m Officer Monroe, and my partner is Officer Fillion. You can call the sheriff’s office and reference one or both of us should he try this again.”

  “Thank you,” I said, and Otter closed my door and pulled out his phone.

  “Hey, Mouse. Grab one complete set of the surveillance shit from the storage room and bring it by Shiloh’s for me or have one of the prospects do it. Also grab the bag in my closet. Have it here in the next hour. Yeah. Okay, brother, thanks.” He slid his phone back in his pocket and cupped my cheek. “You okay?”

  I shook my head. “I thought for sure he was going to get in.”

  Tugging me forward, he wrapped his arms around me, and I slid mine up his back. “I’m gonna make it so it doesn’t happen again, Loh. But if it does happen again, call me first, yeah? Don’t call the cops. They’re useless.”

  I nodded into his chest. “Okay.”

  He gave me a gentle squeeze and stroked my back.

  “Can you stay for a bit?” I whispered.

  “Baby, I’m staying all night.”

  “You are?” I leaned back and met his eyes. “You don’t have—”

  “Shiloh, hush,” he said, throwing my words back at me with a gentle smile. “I’m stayin’.”

  I bit my lip. “Okay.”


  We glanced down and Sneezles wove his body between our legs. Otter released me, bending down and picking up my traitorous feline, cradling him to his chest. “I was enjoying a moment, Sneezles,” I accused as I scratched under his chin.

  “We’ll have more,” Otter promised, leaning down to kiss me quickly just as my doorbell pealed. Otter handed Sneezles back to me and answered it, thanking whoever was there, then closing the door and locking up again.

  He walked back into the living room with a paper bag in his arms.

  “What’s that?”

  “Your new security system,” he said, setting the bag on my table and pulling everything out.

  “That looks rather severe.”

  He shook his head. “Couple of cameras, sensors, and panel. Actually, not as severe as I’d like. But your place is small, so it should be adequate.”

  “Am I pulling you away from something?”

  “Like what?” he asked, opening up the doorbell camera.

  “You left here earlier pretty quickly, so if you’re busy.”

  He smiled. “I got a promotion, so it was all over when you called.”

  “Oh my god, congratulations.”

  “Thanks, baby.”

  “What does that mean?”

  He chuckled. “I’ve been Road Captain for about eight years now, been bumped up to treasurer.”

  “What does the Road Captain do?”

  “Road Captain plans all club runs and he’s the enforcer if members get out of line with the club rules while on said run, provided the president or VP aren’t there. And now, I’m the treasurer, so I handle the money.”

  “Wow, that’s great.”

  “Yeah,” he said, but he didn’t sound overly happy.

  “It’s not great?” I asked, fro

  “No, it is. I just didn’t really have a choice. And it’s not that I didn’t want it, it’s just a lot more responsibility and money’s a touchy subject with people.”

  “It can be,” I agreed. “But they wouldn’t have promoted you if they didn’t trust you, right?”

  He nodded.

  “Who was doing it before you?”

  “Badger. And he was fine, but he’s more suited to road captain.”

  “Why do I feel like there’s more?”

  He sighed, setting the box down and pulling me to the sofa. “I count cards, Loh. I have done it my entire life. Before I could walk, I was able to count, and my father exploited that. Poker, among other games, has been in my blood since I was born, and I almost went to prison for it.”

  I gasped. “What?”

  “It’s how I found the Dogs. Doc bailed me out, got me a kickass lawyer, folded me into the club. Was never a fan of the cops, but especially not after that.”

  I squeezed his hands. “I noticed.”

  “Never met a cop who wasn’t an egomaniac asshole with a chip on their shoulder.”

  “And you have a complicated relationship with money because you didn’t always get yours the legal route, and if people are expecting you to manage it, you don’t want anyone questioning your integrity.”


  I frowned. “Am I totally off-base?”

  “No, baby, you’re right on it. I just didn’t think anyone would understand.”

  “What do you do now for legitimate income?”

  He studied me for a few tense minutes. “Not all my income is legit, Shiloh. The game the other night, for example. I got paid a shit-ton to make sure no one cheated, so when I discovered what your brother and Tuck were doing, I let Jordy know. Regardless of the outcome, I still got the forty-grand.”

  “He paid you forty thousand dollars to do that?”

  “Technically, he paid me forty, and the club ten.”

  “Holy crap, really?”

  “Yes. I do a few of those a year, which funds my art, then I also get an income from the club.”

  “Wait. Back up,” I said. “Art?”

  “Metal work is my current focus, sculptures and shit, but I also paint.”

  “Stop. Really?”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, Loh, really.”

  “So, now that you’ve been promoted, you’ll get more of a share of the club dues, right?”


  “Well…” I smiled. “I know Doc a little, and if he gave you the responsibility, then he trusts you. He’s known you for a long time, Easy, he’s not making a rash decision.”

  Before I registered what was happening, Otter had pulled me onto his lap and shifted me, so I was straddling his hips, and he kissed me like his life depended on it.

  He broke the kiss way too soon for my liking, dropping his forehead to mine. “You’re so fuckin’ beautiful,” he rasped.

  I wove my fingers into his hair. “So are you.”

  “You scared of me?”

  “Not even a little bit,” I said. “Why? Should I be?”

  He smiled, stroking my cheek. “No. But I’ve never been here before, so I’m takin’ the temperature of the room.”

  “Been where?”

  “Fallin’ for a girl.”

  “Easton,” I breathed out.

  “I don’t wanna freak you out, baby, but I also don’t ever want to be accused of not tellin’ you how I feel.” He smiled. “I’ve watched my brothers fight for their women, some of them have had to wait years for them to come around, and I’m hopin’ that doesn’t happen with us.”

  I slid my fingers into his beard. “Who had to wait?”

  “Doc. Rabbit. Mouse is still waitin’, and Kennedy’s makin’ him crazy.”

  “Well, this, whatever this ends up being, has been going for less than three days, so I think we’re good.”

  He nodded, kissing me again.

  I tugged his beard gently and he broke the kiss, meeting my eyes. “Are you really falling for me?”

  He grinned. “Hard, Loh.”

  I leaned forward and kissed him again. “I won’t take that for granted, Easy. Promise.”

  He nodded. “Appreciate that, baby. Now, you need to get off me or take me to bed, because I’m hard as a fuckin’ rock and your pussy pressed against my dick isn’t helping.”

  I bit my lip, but in the end, decided getting off him was the smart move. “To be continued at a later date.”

  He nodded. “Can’t wait.”


  “Yeah, Loh, that’d be great, thanks,” he said as he went back to the security system.

  I grabbed him a bottle of beer, then flopped onto the sofa with Sneezles while Otter installed the doorbell camera and helped me set up the app on my phone. He also added himself to the app, so he could keep an eye on everything, but promised me he wouldn’t spy on me… much.

  By eleven, I could barely keep my eyes open, so I let Otter know I was going to get ready for bed.

  “Okay,” he said distractedly while he was up on a step stool installing a camera by the front door.

  “Are you coming with me?”

  He paused, looking down at me. “Are you inviting me to sleep with you?”

  “Would it make me a cock tease if I said yes, but just to sleep?”

  “No, baby, that does not make you a cock tease.” He chuckled. “I’ll be there in a bit.”

  I grinned and headed back to my bedroom, rushing through my nightly routine, then trying to find something cute but conservative to sleep in. It’s not like I could sleep in panties and nothing else, which was my norm. I mean, I could, but that would just be mean.

  I found an old Blink-182 concert T-shirt and pulled it on. It had Travis’s face prominently portrayed on the front and it was my most comfortable shirt. Plus, say what you want about the band, but no one could step to Travis Barker’s drumming prowess.

  I grabbed a brand-new toothbrush from my pantry and set it on the counter, then stepped back in my room and straightened my bed, so it was habitable for another human. Especially, one so large. I climbed into bed, and sat up, scrolling through my phone to make sure I hadn’t missed anything. Sneezles jumped up and burrowed into the pillow that was earmarked for Otter, but I figured Otter could deal with that on his own.

  Otter walked in a few minutes later, glanced at Sneezles, and laughed. “My pillow, I presume?”

  “Yep. Good luck with that.” I grinned. “There’s a fresh toothbrush in the bathroom.”


  He stepped into the bathroom, returning to the bedroom practically naked. “Oh, god.”

  “You okay?”

  “Nope,” I admitted. “You’re even better looking without clothes.”

  He chuckled, climbing in beside me. “That’s good you think that, Loh. Wearin’ you down.”

  “Oh, I’m worn down, Easy. Trust me,” I grumbled. “How do you stay looking like that? Metal work?”

  He grinned. “Mixed martial arts. Jiu jitsu and shit, and we have a weight room at the club.”

  I bit my lip. “It’s working for you.”

  “Thanks, baby.” He lifted Sneezles off his pillow, stretched out under the covers, then pulled me over his chest. “Night, Loh.”

  “Night,” I whispered, kissing his chest and closing my eyes, feeling safe and secure, and quickly falling asleep.

  * * *

  I awoke to an empty bed, rolling over and smiling. Otter’s side of the bed still smelled like him, and I liked that he was in my space.

  “Otter?” I called.

  “Yeah?” he returned, walking out of the bathroom.

  “What time is it?”


  “Crap,” I rasped. “Are you an early bird?”

  He grinned, climbing in beside me again. “Yeah.”

  “This might be a problem,” I said, yawning and burrowing against him. His arm snaked aroun
d me and held me tight. “Why are you up?” I asked.

  “Phone was buzzin’, but it was just your doorbell app registering your neighbor heading out for a run, then back again.”

  “That’s Pete. You can set your watch by him,” I said, biting back another yawn. “He runs at the same time every day, rain or shine.”

  “Go back to sleep, Loh, I got shit to do.”

  “You’re leaving?”

  “No. We gotta take Sneezles to the vet and I have to finish this security system.”

  I smiled. “If I fall back to sleep, make sure I’m up by ten, okay?”


  He kissed me gently, then left me to sleep.


  FRIDAY AFTERNOON, I crawled home after three twelves, ready to die, but needing to get ready for girls’ night. I had two hours before I had to start getting ready, so my plan was to get in a quick power nap so I didn’t totally pass out in the middle of what would be my first night out in ages.

  I unlocked my door, entered my alarm code, then locked up and headed to my bedroom after calling Sneezles to follow me… just as my doorbell rang. I checked my app, saw it was Otter, so I walked back out and pulled open the door. “You know I have girls’ night, right?”

  “Yeah, figured you’d want a ride.”

  “I want a nap.”

  “Go nap,” he said, walking in and locking up again.

  “But you’re here and you’ll distract me,” I whined.

  He chuckled. “You want chocolate with that whine?”

  “Exhausted, bud. You get what you get. Unless you brought some?” I asked hopefully.

  “No, but I’ll remember next time you work three days in a row.” He leaned down and kissed me. “Go sleep.”

  “Come with me.”

  “Not a good idea, baby. Had to jack off twice yesterday, so if we’re in the same bed, it might kill me.”

  I bit my lip. “What if I make it so you never have to jack off again?”

  “Baby, you’re exhausted, go sleep.”

  I wrinkled my nose. “You’re turning down sex?”

  “I want you to go sleep, then I’ll fuck you ’til you can’t walk straight.”

  My heart raced. “Promise?”

  He kissed me again. “Promise.”

  “Wake me in two hours, okay?”

  “Okay, baby.”

  “Thanks,” I said, and headed back to my room, stripping down and taking a quick shower, then pulling on a pair of panties and falling into bed.


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