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Calling the Biker's Bluff (Dogs of Fire MC: Savannah Chapter Book 7)

Page 13

by Piper Davenport

  “Oh, we’ll find a way,” he vowed as he buried his face in my neck and kissed my pulse.

  I slid my hands in his hair. “Anything else you need to tell me?”

  “Just that I think you might be the perfect woman.”

  I sighed. “Don’t you forget it.”

  He rolled me onto my back and kissed my pulse again. “Never,” he promised, kissing his way down my body.

  “I haven’t showered,” I rasped as he slid my panties down my thighs and sucked gently on my clit. I couldn’t speak after that, as his tongue lapped at me.

  He tore my panties from my thighs, spreading my knees and covering my mound with his mouth, then he licked my already wet folds before crawling up my body and pressing the tip of his dick to my entrance. “Good morning, baby.”

  I smiled and his cock slid slowly into me. “Yes,” I hissed as he buried himself deep. I looped my arms around his neck, and gripped his shoulders as he thrust into me, the sensation overwhelming as my body molded to fit his.

  “This is gonna go quick, baby,” he warned, slamming harder and harder into me. One of his hands slid to my breast and he rolled my nipple between his fingers, continuing to bury himself deep.

  “Now, Easy,” I breathed out as my body exploded.

  He continued to slam into me, then let out a grunt and I felt his dick pulse as he rolled us onto our sides. I wrapped a leg around his hips to keep our connection.

  “Good morning, indeed,” I whispered, and Otter grinned. “You can wake me up like that any day.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “But now, my love, I have to pee.” I broke our connection and headed into the bathroom.

  He followed. “After all of this, I say we take a trip somewhere warm. I’d like to see you in nothing but bikinis for a week.”

  “Oh, I don’t wear bikinis since the Wild Wave incident of two-thousand-ten.”

  He chuckled. “Which part did you lose?”

  “The top,” I said, starting the shower. “And trying to walk out of the ‘surf’ while holding an arm across my ample bust was not easy.”

  He wrapped his arms around me and grinned. “Bet you gave everyone there a thrill.”

  “I bet I scared all of the small children and one angry dachshund.”

  “A dachshund?”

  “Some woman had snuck it in in her purse. It barked and jumped out at me as I ran past her to find my towel.”

  He laughed. “Jesus, that must have been a sight.”

  “It’s a memory I’d rather not visit, so let’s go ahead and shut this down.” I patted his chest. “Are you going to join me?”

  “Hell, yeah.”

  We stepped into the shower and I insisted on him getting me dirty one more time.

  For the rest of the day, we stayed huddled up in his apartment, watching movies and generally doing nothing but eating and fucking. It was the perfect day.

  * * *

  The next day, it was time for me to get back to reality, which meant, back to work. Otter was antsy, to the say the least, but I let him drive me to the hospital, walk me to my floor and wait for an hour while I worked.

  I had just set my phone into my locker when my brother called. Since I had a few minutes before shift, I answered it.

  “You better not be in trouble,” I said.

  He chuckled. “I swung by your place to drop off the gift card.”

  “I’m working.”

  “Figured. When are you off? I’ll come over then.”


  “What?” Beau asked.

  “I’m not really planning on being back there anytime soon.”

  “Why not?”

  I sighed, filling him in (sort of) on the break-in. I left key information out, but he still let out a growl of rage.

  “What the fuck, Shy?”

  “It’s okay, Beau. I’m okay.”

  “I always hated that place,” he said.

  “I know. But it’s a moot point. I’m moving out.”

  “Come stay at my place until you find something,” he suggested. “I’m almost never there anyway.”

  “I’m staying with Otter for the time being, but thanks.”

  “What time are you off?” he asked.


  “I’ll pick you up.”


  “I’m coming to get you, Shiloh.”

  I sighed. “I’ll talk to Otter and get back to you.”


  “I have to go, BoBo. I need to get on the floor.”

  “See you at midnight.”

  “Okay. Bye.”

  He hung up and I headed out to the nurse’s desk. Once Otter saw I was protected, he left me, but reiterated that he’d be back when my shift was over and that he’d let Beau know. The day after tomorrow, we had plans to speak to a realtor and figure out what to do with my condo, but since I was working twelve hour shifts, I didn’t have time to think about it at the moment.

  Hazel walked up to the nurse’s desk just as Otter was leaving. She did a double take, but recovered quickly as he kissed me, then walked out the doors.

  “Is that your man?” she asked.

  I chuckled. “Yes.”

  “Lucky bitch,” she said, then gasped. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to call you a bitch.”

  I grinned. “Oh, I get it. I totally am.”

  She blushed. “Well, if he has any brothers, let me know.”

  About fifty.

  I kept that to myself, smiling as we continued our day.

  * * *


  My phone buzzed as I walked to my bike, and I scowled. “What do you want, Beau?”

  “I’m pickin’ my sister up after her shift.”

  “Yeah, brother, that’s not fuckin’ happening.”

  “I need to get eyes on her, Otter. You must understand that.”

  I pulled my helmet out of a saddlebag and frowned. “You wanna see her, you can come by the club tomorrow.”

  “You think it’s a good idea for me to walk into the lion’s den?”

  “Who’s gonna give a fuck?” I challenged.

  “Fine. I’ll be there at ten.”

  “I’ll let Shiloh know.”

  He hung up and I climbed onto my bike. Doc was back on his feet, sort of. He’d had to have surgery on his ankle but only spent a day in the hospital, insisting on heading home despite his surgeon’s advice to stay one more day. He was on crutches and would be required to wear a boot for a while which was gonna slow him down more than any of us liked.

  He called an officer all-hands, so I left Shiloh at work and headed back to the compound. Shadow was on Shiloh watch while she was on shift, watching from the parking lot, after Rabbit had hacked into the security system and given Shadow access to the cameras at all the entrances and exits.

  I didn’t expect anyone to come after her at work, but the fact they’d tried to get to her at home meant I wasn’t taking any chances. Walking into the barn, I grabbed a cup of coffee, then made my way back to the meeting room. Typically, we’d lock our phones up, but with the current threat level, I needed to keep my connection to Shiloh close at hand.

  I walked into the room and found I was the last to arrive. Doc, Alamo, Doom, Dash, Badger, Rabbit, and Mouse were already sitting around the table and laughing about something.

  “Any word on Caspar?” I asked, taking my seat.

  “Surgery went well,” Doc said. “We’re heading down to see him in a few if you want to join.”

  “Yeah,” I said. “It’ll give me an excuse to check on Shiloh.”

  “How’s Brooke?” Dash asked. “She totally freakin’?”

  “That’s an understatement,” Doc said.

  “Lyric and Quin are helping with the kids so that Brooke can concentrate on Caspar,” Doom said.

  Lyric was Doom’s woman, Quin was Badger’s, and they were both solid as they came. They were great in a crisis and I knew Brooke
was close to both of them.

  “Willow’s handling the food,” Dash said.

  I smiled. “Jesus, they’re gonna gain a hundred pounds.”

  Dash’s woman was a phenomenal cook and any time there was any kind of party or get-together… or Tuesday, we all wanted Willow to cook.

  An hour later, we headed out to the hospital in a convoy of sorts, pulling into the parking lot, then filing up to Caspar’s room using Doc as our ‘in.’

  We walked in to find Caspar grinning ear-to-ear and Brooke sitting on his lap looking exasperated. “This is not funny, Donny.”

  “Is this a bad time?” Doc asked.

  “Yes,” Brooke said, right as Caspar said, “No.”

  We didn’t really know how to proceed since we didn’t want to piss Brooke off, but we really wanted to make sure our brother was okay.

  “You doin’ okay?” Doc asked, hopping over to a chair and lowering himself into it, setting his crutches on the floor beside him.

  “Dumb fucks took my right hand. They didn’t know I was a lefty,” Caspar said, laughing.

  Brooke pushed herself off Caspar’s lap and glared at Doc. “I hold you personally responsible for this.”

  Doc nodded. “We’re gonna take care of you, Brooke. Swear to Christ.”

  “How’s he gonna ride with one hand, Doc?” she snapped.

  “We’re gonna figure it out.”

  “Baby, go get somethin’ to eat,” Caspar suggested. “I could use a shake.”

  “I’ll walk with you,” Alamo offered, and Brooke stomped out the door.

  “How’s your pain?” Doc asked Caspar, his tone all business now.

  “Nonexistent. They got me on good shit,” Caspar said.

  “If that changes, don’t be a hero,” Doc said.

  “They’re takin’ good care o’ me, brother,” Caspar said.

  Doc nodded just as a pretty nurse walked into the room.

  “Andi Moore?” Doc said, and the nurse grinned.

  “Hey, Doc.”

  “What the fuck are you doin’ here?” he asked, hopping up and pulling her in for a hug.

  “You know I’ve never been good sitting at home and eating bon-bons. Dalton’s working on a case stateside, so I’m floating for a few months. Keeps me sharp.”

  “Andi’s Dalton’s wife,” Doc explained to those of us who didn’t know her.

  Dalton Moore was a special agent for the FBI who worked mostly with Scotland Yard in London, even though he lived part time in Scotland and part time here. He and Andi had been married for a while now, and his brother-in-law ran a huge pharmaceutical company in Scotland that focused on all manner of research. Not just drugs.

  “Thought he was in Scotland,” I said.

  “We were,” Andi said. “But he’s knee-deep into something big in the States at the moment.”

  “I’m Otter,” I said, holding my hand out. “Nice to meet ya.”

  “You too,” she said, washing her hands. “I’m going to check on your wound, Mr. Crosby.”

  “Okay, y’all can go,” Brooke said, walking back in the room.

  “Baby, settle,” Caspar warned, and I saw a woman give a man a look that no man would ever wish upon another. If looks could kill didn’t begin to explain her expression.

  “We’re gonna head out,” I said. “Brooke, you need anything, you let me know. Good to see you, Andi. I’ll reach out to Dalt and get a beer on the books.”

  She nodded, and we left the room.

  “Jesus Christ,” I whispered. “Remind me never to piss Brooke off.”

  “Yeah, brother,” Alamo agreed. “You shoulda heard the earful I got as I walked her to the cafeteria. Once Caspar’s off the drugs, we’re gonna have to do some damage control.”

  Doc sighed, his crutches slapping over the tile floor. “Once Caspar’s shock and medication wear off, he’s gonna lose his shit. We need to be ready to support them in ways we may not see right now.”

  We concurred as we walked out of the hospital and headed our separate ways. I went back to my apartment for a few hours until it was time to pick Shiloh up, grabbing a few things on the way home.


  BY THE TIME my shift ended, I was pretty much dead on my feet. I headed to my locker to grab my purse so I could meet Otter as soon as he arrived. He’d called the desk phone to let me know he was ten minutes away, and I couldn’t wait to crawl into bed with him.

  As I pulled my purse out of my locker, I felt my phone buzzing, reaching in and answering it before looking at the screen. “Hello?”


  I squeezed my eyes closed. “Darci.”

  “I need a favor.”


  “I need a job, Shiloh. I think it’s the least you can do.”

  “How do you figure?”

  “You could have given me a warning. I told you it wasn’t mine and you didn’t believe me.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Are you seriously trying to insult my intelligence with that old chestnut?”

  “Okay, fine. You could have given me a chance to go to rehab or something.”

  “There’s a no tolerance policy here, Darci, you know that.”

  “You were my best friend. You said you had my back.”

  “I did have your back,” I said. “I offered to help you get into rehab and pay some of it if you needed. But you threw that offer back in my face.”

  “You should have done more.”

  “How, Darci? I got you the job, I trained you personally and covered for more than one mistake.”

  “What mistakes?”

  “Pushing twice the amount of heparin the doctor ordered.”

  “His writing was bad,” she whined.

  “It was electronic!” I snapped. “If I hadn’t caught it, you could have killed the patient.”

  “It’s not like you’re perfect.”

  “I never said I was, Darci. That’s why we have checks and balances. It’s why I had to turn you in.”

  “Why do you always get everything? I work just as hard as you and you get all the breaks. You’re such a bitch.”

  “Wow,” I breathed out. “You’re really good at playing the victim, Darci. But while you were leaning into your martyrdom, I was taking classes and working to expand my knowledge base.”

  “School’s harder for me.”

  “Whatever, Darci. I’m gonna go ahead and hang up now. Please don’t contact me again.”

  I hung up and immediately blocked her number, heading out to the desk where Otter was waiting for me. He smiled and I walked into him, wrapping my arms around his waist.

  “Hey, baby, you okay?”

  “Darci just called. And once again, I’m the bitch who won’t save her from herself.” I filled him in on the brief conversation as we walked down to my car.

  “Water off a duck’s back, Loh. She’s a cunt.”

  “Yeah,” I breathed out. “I’ve blocked her number.”

  “Good.” He kissed me gently. “Let’s get you home.”

  “Oh, shit, I think Beau was coming to meet me.”

  “No, he’s coming to the barn tomorrow at ten.”

  “You talked to him?”

  “Yeah. He called me earlier sayin’ he was gonna pick you up. I told him it wasn’t gonna happen, and suggested he meet you at the compound instead.”

  “Are we staying at the barn tonight?” I asked.

  “Yeah, figured you wouldn’t want to get up early tomorrow.”

  I smiled. “Sounds good.”

  “Sneezles is already there, and I packed you a bag.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Did you pack more than just panties?”

  “I plead the fifth.”

  I chuckled, biting back a yawn. “I’m going to text him and tell him eleven.”


  I nodded. “I want enough time to fuck you properly tomorrow morning.”

  “Jesus, baby, you gotta warn me when you’re gonna talk dirty.”
br />   I slid my hand between his legs and cupped him over his jeans. I could feel his dick swelling against his zipper. “Maybe we’re not going to wait until the morning.”

  “We most definitely are not gonna wait until mornin’,” he avowed as we drove through the gates of the compound, pulling my car to a screeching halt and jumping out.

  I grinned, sliding out of the car and following him into the barn.

  “Otter!” Doc bellowed.

  “Can it wait?” Otter responded. “Gotta hit the hay. Shiloh’s exhausted.”

  I’m pretty sure my face was fifteen shades of red as Otter tugged me toward the stairs.

  “Yeah, brother, it’s all good.”

  Otter nodded and we kept moving up to his room. Once he’d unlocked the door, he stepped back and I preceded him inside, flipping the light on as he locked us in.

  “Meet you in the shower?” I asked, and Otter grunted as he pulled off his cut and T-shirt.

  I stripped as I walked toward the bathroom, turning on the water just as Otter wrapped his arms around me from behind, lifting me and setting me under the showerhead.

  “Cold!” I squeaked, pressing my body against the wall to avoid the water.

  “I’m gonna warm you,” he promised, kneeling in front of me and pressing his face against my mound.

  The water finally started to warm up as I slid my fingers into his wet hair, gripping his scalp as his tongue lapped at my clit. “Spread, baby,” he ordered, and I spread my legs.

  His tongue continued to press against my clit as he slid one, then two fingers inside of me. I whimpered as he pumped his digits inside of me, sweeping my walls as his mouth sucked gently.

  “Now, baby,” I breathed out as my body climaxed.

  He stood, turning me and giving my bottom a smack. “Trust me?”


  “Hands on the bench, ass in the air.”

  I complied immediately, and he slid his giant dick into me. Slowly. Deliciously.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  “Yes,” I rasped. I had to raise on my tiptoes to get high enough, but it felt incredible.

  I heard the water splash a little, then his finger pressed against the entrance of my ass. I swallowed, pressing against him and he slid further into me. “Good?”

  “God, yes,” I hissed. “More, Easy.”

  “Hold tight, Loh,” he warned, and I braced myself as he began to move.


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