The Guardians Complete Series 1 Box Set: Contains Mercy, The Ferryman, Crossroads, Witchfinder, Infernum
Page 164
He kept close, not knowing what he was going to do, only knowing he couldn’t let her out of his sight. Her scent was getting stronger and he swallowed at the sudden rush of moisture in his mouth. His hands trembled and his vision narrowed. He could feel his heart pounding in his ears and hammering in his chest. He could not distinguish anything but his target.
He saw her turn a corner and he quickened his pace, matching his steps to hers. The street around them faded away until all he saw was her blonde hair and a flash of the red jacket she wore. Her pace quickened and she glanced anxiously behind her. She now knew she was being hunted, the prey sensing the predator nearby.
Nathaniel bared his teeth, and her fear notched up her adrenalin, which in turn, suddenly amped her enticing scent a thousand fold. He stalked her into a secluded alley. Stupid human he thought, they always ended up in a dead end alley. She was trying to run, but several strides and his hands closed around her throat, dragging her struggling body behind a dumpster. He pinned her to the filthy ground and breathed in the scent of her like he was starving.
He was vaguely aware that her mouth was moving, but no sound came out, not with his fist wrapped so tightly around her throat. Her skin pulsed and glowed beneath him. The pain deep inside him was excruciating, he’d never experienced anything like it. Driven by a desperation he didn’t understand, he ripped open her jacket and her shirt beneath it, exposing her naked torso. He watched her blue eyes widen in fear.
Suddenly he understood what the driving need inside him was. It was her soul, it was calling to him. After he had ingested Abigail West’s soul in the forests of Salem it had left him with a fierce craving. He had needed her soul at the time. There was nothing more powerful than a human soul and it was the only thing capable of breaking him out of the prison of flesh Isabel had trapped him in.
He was aware of the soul collector, Charun. He’d served as a cautionary tale to all demons of what happens when they broke the most scared rule. Don’t feed from a human soul.
He was so sure he could hold back, so certain he could resist the lure. He’d only needed one soul to break him out of Isabel’s meat suit. It wasn’t enough to make him into an addict and yet there he was on his knees in a filthy alley with a human pinned beneath him.
He wasn’t this weak.
His grip loosened slightly and he turned his face away in disgust. He wasn’t like that pathetic creature Charun, he would resist. He vaguely heard the woman beneath him suck in a deep desperate breath.
Then again…
His grip tightened once again, why shouldn’t he? It would make him stronger and more powerful than any other demon, he would need it if he was to challenge Hades. It would only be until he gained possession of the book. Once Infernum was his he would have no further use for the human souls but in the meantime, who was going to miss a few worthless mortals. Who was even going to know what he had done?
A cold smile curved his mouth as he looked down at the woman beneath him, her struggles grew weaker. He leaned in close, inhaling her delicious scent and whispering in her ear.
‘You’ll be pleased to know my dear, that your sacrifice is for the greater good.’
Her back arched as he plunged his hand into her torso and suddenly the only sound to be heard was the violent cracking of a ribcage being torn open.
Olivia looked down from the small podium and smiled at the sea of elegantly dressed people staring up at her, while applause echoed around the room. Carefully lifting the hem of her dress she stepped down and took Theo’s offered arm. He smiled and offered her a champagne flute which was filled with orange juice, before taking a flute of champagne for himself from a passing server.
‘You look so good,’ Olivia smiled as she sipped her drink, her gaze raking over his perfectly fitted Tux.
‘So do you,’ he lifted their joined hands and lightly brushed his lips across the back of her hand. ‘In fact I think you may actually be the most beautiful woman in the room.’
‘You’re so biased,’ she laughed, ‘but I have to admit Roni was right about this dress.’
Theo watched as she smoothed down the floaty fabric. The vintage pink was a good color, which contrasted with her dark hair beautifully. Although it was full length it was cut so expertly it almost hid her growing baby bump, rather than put it on blatant display. His gaze fixed on the swell of her stomach beneath the soft fabric and his chest clenched. He couldn’t even put a name to the feeling he experienced every time he looked at her. Just knowing that his children were growing in her womb filled him with wonder and if he were being truly honest, a tiny little curl of possessive lust.
His gaze slowly travelled upwards, pausing briefly on her swollen breasts before moving up to her face. Her skin was glowing as if she were flushed with happiness, which he hoped was the case and it was not just her expertly applied make-up. His eyes finally locked on her glossy lips as she pressed them against her glass and sipped her drink slowly.
‘Stop looking at me like that,’ she murmured, turning her clear gaze on him.
‘Like what?’ his mouth curved.
‘Like you want to take a bite out of me,’ she replied in amusement.
‘I do,’ he replied simply.
She chuckled lightly as she turned and gazed out into the polished crowd.
‘You want to sneak off, find a dark corner and make out?’ she whispered.
She turned back to find his dark eyes glittering with amusement and something else entirely.
She took his glass and placed it on a nearby table with hers, before taking his hand and letting him lead her away from the guests and further into the museum.
Slowly the sounds of the reception began to fall away until all they could hear was the muted sounds of the party and Olivia’s giggle of amusement. When they were far enough away Theo wrapped her into his arms, pulling her into a small alcove and pressing her up against the side of a glass display case.
‘Isn’t this a bit sacrilegious for you?’ Theo chuckled against her lips, ‘you know, desecrating your house of worship.’
She laughed in delight, reaching up on her toes to wrap her arms around his neck.
‘I’m sure I’ll be forgiven.’
She pressed her lips to his and was lost. Time seemed to slow and in the deep shadows of the room they held onto each other. The only light was the soft light of the historical displays around them. Olivia opened her mouth and let him taste her slowly. Their tongues tangled and danced, the way they had dozens of times before, but every time he kissed her it was like the first time all over again. She would never have enough of this man. Her heart pounded so loudly in her breast, she was sure he’d be able to feel it through the layers of clothes separating them.
‘Olivia,’ her name was an irreverent prayer on his lips as his hands traced up her arms to tangle in the soft silken locks of her hair. Her hands slid into his jacket and wrapped around his back, holding him close to her.
‘Olivia! Theo!’ came a kind of whispered shout into the dimly lit room.
Theo pulled back, resting his forehead against Olivia’s as they both breathed heavily.
‘Busted,’ Olivia whispered.
Theo mouth curved into a smile.
‘Olivia!’ the familiar voice came again, closer this time.
‘Okay we’re here Roni,’ Olivia stepped out with Theo close behind her.
‘What were you doing?’ Roni frowned.
‘I was just showing Theo some of the new exhibits,’ she replied easily.
‘Sure you were,’ Roni replied suspiciously. ‘Speaking of new exhibits, did you see the newest one we have on loan?’
‘I haven’t had the chance to yet,’ Olivia shook her head, wrapping her arm comfortably through Theo’s as they began to walk back toward the party. ‘You pretty much dragged me straight up to make a speech the second we got here.’
‘Yeah, sorry abou
t that,’ Roni smiled ruefully. ‘I guess the nerves were just getting the better of me. Thanks by the way, your speech was perfect.’
‘It was nothing,’ Olivia shook her head in amusement. ‘You know me, always happy to talk about history.’
‘So what’s the new exhibit?’ Theo asked Roni.
‘It’s fascinating,’ she beamed. ‘It’s a traveling exhibit which will be touring the country and we’re their first stop. It’s very exciting; it’s an exhibit on the religions and native magic of the Caribbean. The curator in charge, who will be traveling along with the tour, is really nice. Her name is Professor Cally Atlass and she’s from Barbados. In fact I’d love to introduce you, I think you’d get along well.’
They paused at the edge of the room and Roni scanned the sea of faces.
‘That’s funny,’ she frowned. ‘She was here a minute ago.’
‘I’m sure she’s around here somewhere,’ Olivia replied as she spotted Tommy and a very heavily pregnant Louisa making their way through the crowd toward them.
‘God I wish my guests would stop wandering off, it’s like herding sheep,’ Roni rolled her eyes. ‘I’ll be back once I’ve found her.’
Olivia watched Roni nod to Tommy and Louisa as she passed them.
‘Hey,’ Tommy nodded, stopping in front of them and taking a casual swig of the beer in his hand. As usual his tie was loosened, his top button undone and one hand was tucked comfortably in his pocket.
‘I didn’t know you’d be here,’ Theo replied. ‘I didn’t think it would be your sort of thing.’
‘His mom made him come,’ Louisa smirked, as she took a sip of her orange juice.
‘Your mom?’ Theo raised one eyebrow.
‘Yeah,’ Tommy grimaced, ‘she’s on the town council. She’s also a member of the Mercy Historical Preservation Society and the fund-raising committee or something,’ he shrugged. ‘I forget exactly.’
‘So why did she want you here?’ he asked in confusion.
‘She’s always dragged me to these things, ever since I was old enough. I think she always wanted me to take more of an interest in the running of the town. It’s like she had this weird picture in her head of me as the mayor or something equally stupid. She nearly had a coronary when I told her I was leaving Mercy to join the army. Trouble is, now I’m back she’s started on at me again.’
‘That’s rough,’ Olivia tilted her head slightly as she watched him, ‘nothing as fun as unreasonable parental expectations.’
‘Tell me about it,’ Tommy murmured, taking another gulp of his beer.
‘Don’t look now but she’s heading this way,’ Louisa whispered.
‘Damn it,’ he muttered under his breath before upending the bottle and draining his beer. ‘I don’t suppose you’d consider going into labor now would you?’ he looked hopefully at his wife.
Louisa laughed.
The crowd unconsciously parted like the Red Sea as Rosamund Linden swept through imperiously in Chanel. A paragon of ruthlessly styled perfection, from her perfectly sculpted hair to her pastel colored nails, she zeroed in on her only son and her daughter in law with all the finesse and precision of a heat seeking missile.
‘Thomas,’ she greeted him before she’d even come to a full stop, her eyes dropping to his unbuttoned collar, ‘for goodness sake, you look like a vagrant. Straighten yourself up will you.’
Tommy scowled as his mother turned to his wife.
‘Louisa darling,’ she air kissed either side of her face, ‘you’re glowing, although you should probably ease up on the appetizers. Your dress is rather snug.’
‘That’ll probably be your grandchild,’ Louisa replied dryly.
Rosamund laughed lightly, ‘oh Louisa you are so droll. Of course it’s only expected for you to gain weight during your pregnancy, I just didn’t expect you to gain so much. You should know better being a doctor yourself.’
As Louisa’s fingers tightened on her glass until her knuckles turned white Olivia prudently removed it from her grasp before it shattered.
‘I only gained ten pounds during my pregnancy,’ Rosamund continued.
‘Yeah on your face,’ Louisa muttered under her breath, and Olivia snorted out a rather unladylike laugh.
‘Olivia West,’ Rosamund turned her sharp speculatively gaze on Olivia.
‘Beckett-West,’ she corrected her.
‘Of course,’ she smiled faintly, ‘I’ve heard all about your wedding. I understand it was a rather wild, uncivilized affair.’
Tommy sniggered behind his mother.
‘That’s one way to describe it,’ he whispered to Theo. ‘Best damn night I’ve had in years.’
‘Well you know us uncivilized types, we thrive on the attention,’ Olivia smiled sweetly.
‘Indeed,’ Rosamund muttered. ‘Thomas, come, I’d like to introduce you to Simon Flores.’
‘Thomas,’ she sighed in exasperation, ‘he’s the Governor of Massachusetts.’
‘And I’m sure he’d have absolutely no interest in meeting me,’ Tommy snagged a glass of champagne from a passing server.
‘Stop being so difficult,’ she scolded, ‘he’s a very important man. It’s all very well you helping Eustacia Bailey since the passing of her husband, but you can’t continue to keep managing their little shop. You’re about to become a father, finally,’ she cast a quick look at Louisa as if to blame Louisa’s career choice for her lack of grandchildren. ‘It’s time to stop fooling around and think about your career.’
Tommy drained his glass and shuddered. Champagne wasn’t his poison, but anything would do when he was in the same vicinity as his mother.
‘Actually,’ he dropped the glass on a nearby table, ‘Mrs Bailey has offered to sell me the store and I’ve agreed.’
‘WHAT?’ Rosamund gasped.
‘Way to break it to her gently,’ Louisa murmured.
‘Are you insane?’ Rosamund hissed, seemingly forgetting about Olivia and Theo and focusing on her son. ‘Have you signed anything?’
‘Not yet,’ he shrugged, ‘we’re in the process at the moment. We didn’t want to say anything until it was all finalized, so…surprise!’
‘So you can still tell her you’ve changed your mind,’ she relaxed slightly.
‘I could, but I won’t,’ he shrugged. ‘As you so aptly pointed out, I’m about to become a father,’ his fingers reached out and entwined with Louisa’s, pulling her in closer. ‘Louisa and I have discussed this and we’ve both agreed. It’s what I want.’
‘To be a shopkeeper?’ she replied scornfully.
‘To be a permanent part of the community,’ Tommy replied. ‘Mom, I know it’s not what you wanted for me, but it makes me happy.’
Rosamund stared at him, as if she couldn’t quite process what she was hearing.
‘Rosamund!’ a familiar voice interrupted.
‘Mayor,’ she cleared her throat and smoothed down her gown as Tammy stepped into their little circle.
‘I’m so glad you could make it,’ she took her hand. ‘I heard about Russell, I hope he’s alright.’
‘Yes,’ she nodded, ‘yes he’s fine. His blood pressure is a little high is all.’
‘Dad’s sick?’ Tommy frowned. ‘Why didn’t you say something?’
‘Because he’s fine,’ she replied, ‘they’ve adjusted his meds and he’s resting.’
‘You still should have told me,’ he scowled at her.
‘Olivia,’ Tammy interrupted to diffuse the argument brewing, ‘ you look wonderful and that was such a lovely speech you gave.’
‘Thank you,’ she smiled as the Mayor
embraced her warmly.
Tammy looked over Olivia’s shoulder to Theo, who was smiling down at her affectionately. She wanted desperately to wrap her arms around him and hug him too, but it would raise too many questions. After all, outside of their immediate circle, no one else in Mercy
had any idea that she was in fact his sister Temperance, born three hundred years in the past and pulled forward in time to present day Mercy.
‘Louisa,’ she turned to the other pregnant woman, ‘you look amazing too. Goodness, you must be about ready to pop.’
‘You’re not kidding,’ she chuckled, patting her belly fondly. ‘Not long to go now.’
‘Do you know what you’re having?’
‘A baby hopefully,’ she replied.
Tammy threw her head back and laughed delightedly.
‘I meant a boy or girl?’
‘No, we didn’t want to know,’ she looked up at Tommy and smiled. ‘We wanted it to be a surprise.’
His mother huffed quietly.
‘Rosamund,’ Tammy interjected, ‘did you know Alistair Mayberry is here? He’s writing an article on the fundraiser and I’ll bet he would love to talk to you.’
Her eyes suddenly brightened and she unconsciously patted her hair, although there was not a strand out of place.
‘Well I would be more than happy to speak with him, of course,’ she replied.
Tammy took her arm and steered her away, glancing back over her shoulder momentarily to see Louisa mouth a silent thank you, which she answered with a knowing smile.
‘So you’re going to buy the Bailey’s store?’ Theo asked Tommy curiously.
‘Yeah,’ he scratched the back of his neck thoughtfully. ‘Mrs Bailey is happy volunteering at the museum with Roni and the store was always more Mr Bailey’s than hers as it was passed down his family. But to be honest I think it just hurts her to be in there too much. She won’t say it but she really misses her husband.’
‘Poor Mrs Bailey,’ Olivia frowned. ‘I can only imagine how hard it is for her, being constantly reminded of him. Perhaps she is better off with a fresh start someplace else.’
‘Exactly,’ Tommy nodded. ‘Roni is so happy with her, she’s going to offer her a part time position at the museum, so at least she’ll have a small income as well as the proceeds from the sale of the store. We made sure we offered a good price.’