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The Fall of Troy

Page 4

by Marilyn Lee

  Oh, man, was he a silver-tongued devil.

  He grinned. "Will you have dinner with me? Dance with me in the moonlight? Spend the night with me?"

  Her throat felt dry and there was this incredible knot of sheer joy in her heart. She nodded. "Yes."

  He tilted his head to one side and smiled at her. "To which question?"

  "All of them. Any of them."

  "Are you sure? I plan to do all sorts of wicked things to you."

  "Oh? Such as?"

  His eyebrows rose. "I plan to suck your breasts and your toes, kiss that big, beautiful rump of yours, nibble at your stomach, eat your pussy, and…boink you senseless."

  "Oh…lord. That sounds so delicious."

  He leaned over and kissed her. A rush of heat flashed through her body at the touch of his mouth. He kissed her like a man who hadn't kissed a woman in ages, biting and nibbling at her lips and tongue as if he couldn't get enough of her. She parted her lips and caressed his face.

  He rolled over and suddenly he was lying on top of her. She felt his cock hardening. Just the feel of it was enough to dampen the bottom of her swimsuit. She shifted her body, eager to feel him between her thighs.

  With the little bit of reason she had left, she knew she didn't want him to screw her there on the chair in broad daylight where everyone passing by could see her behaving like a nymphomaniac in heat. She suddenly understood why Corrie had let a virtual stranger screw her without a condom. Because she knew if Troy wanted to eat her cunt while she sucked his cock in full view of anyone who chanced to pass them, she'd be hard-pressed to refuse.

  To her relief, after a few heated kisses, he groaned and rolled back onto his lounger. He lay for several moments with his eyes briefly closed before he looked at her. He nodded at the book that had fallen onto the side of her lounger. "What are you reading?"

  She picked up the book and showed him the cover. "The latest Star Trek novel."

  He arched a brow. "Don't tell me you like sci-fi novels."

  She shook her head. "I don't really, but I'm a big fan of all the Trek series. And I enjoyed reading the books."

  "Small world, I'm a Trek fan myself. Which series is your favorite?"

  "The original. I fell madly in love with Captain Kirk the first time I saw him."

  He shook his head. "I prefer Deep Space Nine. I loved the continuing story lines and the great cast. It reminded me of Gunsmoke."

  She sat forward. "You like Gunsmoke too? That is my absolute all time favorite TV western."

  He grinned at her. "Let me guess why: you took one look at the big marshal and fell madly in love."

  She parted her lips and widened her eyes in feigned surprise, fanning herself with her fingers. "However did you guess?"

  "Male intuition. What did you like about him?"

  She touched the tip of her tongue to her top lip. "What was not to like? He was tall, dark, and gorgeous. "

  He grinned. "You like tall, dark men? I can do tall and dark."

  "And what do you know? I like you too," she admitted.

  He leaned over and rewarded her with a sweet, lingering kiss. He laughed. "Damn, Angie, I like you."

  She grinned. "I like you too."

  "I like you…lots."

  "Same here."

  He lowered his head and brushed his mouth against hers. "We have a couple of hours before the first dinner seating. What say we go back to my stateroom?” he said thickly. “And I’ll show you just how much I like you, Angie. I've been thinking about you and our night together all day."

  She pushed against his shoulder and stared at him. "You have?"

  "Yes. And now,” he murmured, “I need some pussy."

  "Oh, well, that's all right because I need some cock."

  He rolled over and lay on top of her. "How much?"

  She ran her fingers through his hair, raining kisses along his jaw. "Lots and lots of cock. My pussy's been burning and itching all day for your cock."

  "Shit. You keep this up and I'm going to have to get a quick taste right here and now."

  She shivered and pushed against his shoulders. "It's still daylight. I don't want people to see us…boinking each other."

  He lifted his head and grinned down at her. "Each other? You plan to boink me, do you?"

  A sudden vision of Corrie bouncing up and down on her lover's cock danced in her head. Why should skinny blondes have all the fun? "Oh, yeah—until your boinker goes limp."

  "It takes a lot to satisfy me. Every time I think of you, my…boinker gets hard. I wouldn't count on it going limp anytime soon."

  She gave him a sassy smile. "I'll bet you say that to all the girls."

  He ground his groin against her, making them both shudder. "Only to the ones with big butts that I can't wait to fondle."

  She knew she had no right to ask, but the question popped out. "And how many big behind lovers have you had?"

  "None. Maybe that's why I find you so enticing."


  "Enticing, fascinating, alluring…call it what you want. God, you turn me on." He rolled off of her and extended a hand to help her to her feet. "Come on. I need some pussy."

  She pulled back, his unabashed desire for her giving her courage. "You need some pussy as in any pussy will do?"

  He pulled her to her feet and slipped his arms around her. "Isn't it obvious by now that the only pussy I'm interested in on this ship belongs to you?"

  "You like my pussy?"

  "I love your pussy. Now you want to stop talking so much and give me some?"

  "Oh, God, Troy,” she smiled. “I'll give you as much as you want."

  He grinned, that sexy dimple of his popping back out. "Then you'd better get ready for another long night. As long as I'm awake, I'm going to want to be inside you."

  "Promises, sweet promises," she teased and meekly allowed him to lead her back to his cabin.

  Chapter Five

  Troy studied Angie’s face in the moonlight as she sat across the small table from him on the private balcony of his stateroom. She had such lovely hair—thick, dark, and lustrous. Her dark eyes were intriguing. Her lips, although not particularly full or sensual, were warm and very sweet. All in all, she was not a pretty woman. So why did he find her so attractive? So desirable? To the exclusion of every other woman on the ship?

  After making love twice, they’d showered and dressed, then come out here to the balcony to dance before having dinner. He'd suggested that they spend time in one of the nightclubs aboard ship or visit the casino. He'd been secretly pleased when she'd smiled shyly and told him she'd rather be alone with him.

  He'd been pleasantly surprised to find that she shared his love of country music. Now as one of his many Hank Williams tapes played in the background, he found himself wanting to take her to the annual all day country music show he went to every year. There they could don cowboy hats and boots and do country line dances. After the show ended, they could walk hand in hand in the moonlight to the ferry that would take them back across the river. Of course, they would stop frequently to kiss.

  He sighed. Okay, Troy, try and get a grip on reality, here. This is about sex, not a relationship. You’re fantasizing about a relationship. Worse yet you’re fantasizing about a relationship like a sixteen-year-old girl would.

  "Troy, what are you thinking about?"

  He grunted. Pushing the remnants of their meal aside, he smiled at her. "That I want to know more about you."

  "What do you want to know?"

  "Everything. Start by telling me about your husband.”

  A serene smile curved her lips. “He was a wonderful man. Warm, sweet, handsome, kind, considerate, and funny."

  "Okay. So tell me about his good points."

  Her smile widened. "I know he sounds too good to be true, but that's how he was. Oh, Troy, he was wonderful. We met our last year in college. He pursued me from the start. Which was so incredible."

  "Why incredible?"

  She shru
gged, not particularly wanting to remind him of her weight if he didn’t have a problem with it. But he’d asked the question, so she figured he deserved the answer. "I come from a family of large women. My mother, grandmother, great grandmother—they were all large." She paused and bit her lip. "I've been overweight my whole life."

  He sensed weariness and hurt behind the words. Something in his heart twisted. "Angie, some men like their women with a little meat on their bones," he murmured.

  "Yeah? Well, before Dan and I met, I had a very limited social life. All the guys I knew kept telling me what a wonderful personality I had, but none of them wanted to go out with me. I tried all the usual venues—church, bars, parties, you name it. No one was interested in me because of my weight.” She grinned, shaking her head. “I couldn't buy a date, let alone get one. Then I met Dan. He changed everything for me. He made me feel as if I was the most desirable woman he’d ever met.”

  Troy nodded. Although she sounded surprised, he could totally understand her husband having felt that way about her. Hell, he already felt the same way about her. There was a pleasing, uninhibited quality about Angie that drew him to her almost against his will.

  She sighed, clearly lost in happy memories.

  He was silent for a while, not wanting to intrude. And, stupid as it was, he felt a tinge of jealousy shoot through him. “And?”

  She looked up. “It was hard for me to believe that this tall, dark, adorable man could really love me. But he did. He said he knew right away that we were soul mates who were meant to spend the rest of our lives together.” She smiled at the memory. “We got married a year after graduation and we had four and a half glorious years together.”

  Her eyes suddenly filled with tears, but the tears never fell. “Then one day I got a call at work telling me he’d been in a car accident. I had to drive past the accident scene to get to the hospital. It was awful. And I think I knew then that he wasn't going to make it. Still, I expected to be able to tell him one last time how much I loved him. But he was dead by the time I arrived at the hospital,” she whispered.

  She looked up at Troy, her dark eyes full of pain and unmistakable anguish. He reached across the table and clasped her hands in his. “I’m sorry. How long ago?”

  “Three years.” She smiled without humor. “The last three years have been the most miserable of my whole life.” One tear finally rolled down her cheek. “He was my life. It’s been so hard trying to go on without him. Sometimes I still wake up at night and expect to find him in bed beside me. And when I realize he’s not there and he's never going to be again…” She shrugged. “There’s this awful, aching emptiness that I can’t explain or bear. It eats at me and sometimes I just want to curl up into a ball and disappear,” she quietly finished.

  Angie felt the need to cry in truth, so she looked away, embarrassed and wishing she’d never discussed Dan with him. Troy released her hands and moved around the small table. He urged her to her feet and took her in his arms, burying his face against her neck. “Oh sweet. I’m so sorry. Don’t cry. Please.” He rubbed her back, feeling like a jerk. “I didn’t mean to make you relive painful memories.”

  She clung to him, comforted by the warmth of him, her cheek pressed against his shoulder. “I loved him so much,” she whispered. “And I miss him and need him still.”

  He kissed her hair. “I’m so sorry,” he murmured. Even as Troy whispered the words against her ear, he realized they weren’t altogether true and felt like an even bigger jerk because of it. But if Angie’s husband hadn’t died, she wouldn’t have come on this cruise. And he would never have met her. How could he regret meeting her?

  Much to Angie’s embarrassment, Troy’s comforting words and embrace were the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back. When her bottom lip began to quiver against her volition, she knew she was a goner. Worse yet, once the tears came, she couldn’t seem to stop crying. She cried quietly, never the type to make a big show.

  "Oh sweet,” he rasped out. “Please don't cry." The need to comfort her twisted his heart again, guided his motions. She reminded him of a brave, wounded soldier. Taking her hand, Troy led her into the stateroom. She continued to quietly cry as he undressed her and urged her into bed. He then removed his clothes and climbed into bed with her. He pushed her gently onto her back and lay on top of her. He caressed her, kissing her face and neck. “It’s all right, sweet,” he murmured. “It’s all right.”

  Although his cock hardened at the feel of her nude body under his and he longed to make love to her again, he realized what she needed then was comfort, not sex. But if he kept lying on her, that’s all he’d want. He rolled off of her, slipped his body behind her, and held her. “It’s all right, Angie.”

  She turned in his arms, clinging to him. He clenched his jaw in an effort to steel himself as he felt her hair-covered crotch pressing against his cock. "It's all right," he whispered. "Cry if you need to."

  Troy held her like that until she quieted down, until he felt no more tears. Then he eased away from her and lay on his back, staring up at the ceiling, his cock throbbing with need. What a jerk he was. Here she was, wounded and hurting, and all he could think about was mounting her. Damn, but he wanted to make love to her again.

  He woke in the middle of the night to find her soft hands caressing his cock and his balls. “Angie?” he said thickly.

  “Troy, I need you,” she whispered. “Please.”

  She rubbed her body against his and he felt her dampness. She was wet, ready for him and his cock. "Yes, sweet."

  He put on a condom before guiding her onto her back. He spent several moments, kissing her breasts and caressing her. The sound of her sighs and the feel of her soft, warm flesh under his hands excited his passions. Giving into his increasing hunger for her, he slipped between her thighs. She widened her legs and he slowly pressed his cock into her tight, heated passage.

  She moaned and lifted her hips to meet his downward thrust. “Oh, Troy. Yes. Yes, Troy!”

  Curling his fingers in her hair so he could immobilize her head, which she’d began twisting from side to side, he took her sweet lips in a series of slow, sensuous kisses. “God, Angie, you are so sweet,” he groaned against her mouth. He rotated his hips and sent his cock surging back within the warm confines of her moist tunnel. “Oh God, I can’t get enough of you.”

  Their lovemaking was unhurried and totally satisfying. They each took the time to discover what pleased and turned the other on. He found that she really got off when he sucked on her breasts, running his tongue around her nipples as he thrust his cock as deep into her as he could. And he let her know he liked being touched and having his nipples and balls massaged.

  When she began to suck on his nipples, a lightning-hot surge of passion flared in him. Feeling her soft hands on his rump sent an extra charge of desire down his body and into his cock. He shuddered and exploded in her.

  She clutched onto him, holding him close as he strained to pump the last drop of cum out of his cock. Then she kissed his neck and shoulders and stroked his body as he collapsed on top of her.

  “Oh shit,” he panted. “Making love to you is getting better all the time.”

  She laughed, sounding satisfied. “One does the best one can.”

  “Shit,” he muttered again.

  "What's the matter, big boy? You gotta go?" she teased.

  He laughed and buried his face in her hair. "Oh, damn, Angie. Angie, you are so sweet."

  She held him, her body cradling and accepting his weight, her soft warm hands caressing him. "Troy. My sweet, sweet, Troy," she whispered, kissing his hair.

  Her sweet Troy? Damn, he liked the sound of that. He buried his face against her neck. What he felt for her transcended the great sex they'd just had. He felt a sudden, disturbing need to try and fill the void her husband's death had created in her life. He suspected, that if he weren't very careful, he could easily lose his perspective and fall hard for her.

  And what
would be so bad about that, Troy Boy? You could do a lot worse than to fall for a woman who makes you feel protective and who ignites and fulfills your sexual desires.

  If he'd met her a year or two later, he would have willingly surrendered to the feelings she invoked in him. But not now. Not until he was ready to get serious. Nevertheless, one question reverberated in his mind: How the hell was he supposed to walk away from her after the cruise and never see her again?

  The thought sent a shiver through him.

  "Troy? What's the matter?"

  "Nothing." He pressed closed to her. He smiled hesitantly. "Nothing."

  "You're shivering."

  "Just touch me…hold me…"

  "Gladly," she whispered.

  Her lips touched his and a sense of warmth and belonging enveloped him. He closed his eyes. How could he give this up? How could he give Angie up?

  Chapter Six

  Troy was annoyed to find Angie gone when he woke the next morning. Before heading to the shower, he ordered a dozen red roses sent to her cabin. After he dressed, he decided to call her. The phone rang several times before it was answered.

  "I'm kind of busy now. Can't this wait?"

  Although the voice was feminine, it did not belong to Angie. "Is Angie there?"

  "The last time I checked, there was only me and this absolutely gorgeous ebony hunk who's fucking me. As soon as he pulls his big cock out of me, I might check. Until then, fuck off!"

  The receiver was slammed in his ear. Troy blinked. "Nice talking to you too," he muttered and put his own receiver down.

  Eager to see Angie, he went in search of her. The first spot he checked was the lower deck where he'd found her the day before. She wasn't there. He made a circuit of the whole deck without finding her. Where the hell was she?

  He came across Rick lounging by one of the pools on the lower decks. "Hey, Troy, haven't seen you since we set sail. Take a load off and tell me what you've been up to. How many blonde bimbos have you fucked?”

  He paused by Rick's lounger, but didn't sit. "None."


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