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Down to the Creek- Book 1 of the Colvin Series

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by Heather Morris

  Down to the Creek

  Heather Morris

  Copyright © 2013 Heather Morris

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN: 978-1310036866


  First and foremost I want to thank God for fabricating these characters and story lines and allowing me the creativity to get them done. Thank you to my family and friends for being so patient with me while I was immersed into these storylines. And a very special thank you to those family and friends that helped me proof the books by reading them and giving such good information back! Couldn’t get them published without you!.


  Lying back on this creek bank looking up at the clouds moving above, hearing the creek water rush by and listening to the birds chirping in the trees is one of my favorite past times. Ever since I was about five years old, my father has been bringing me here to fish and take pictures. He taught me how to use the camera and lit the fire I now have blazing inside of me for photography.

  I just graduated from Colvin High School here in Colvin, Oklahoma and I leave tomorrow for Los Angeles where I am enrolled at UCLA. I am so excited to get out of this small town in the middle of nowhere and move to a place full of life. I want so badly to get out of this town that I will be leaving earlier than most college students.

  My only hang up about leaving would be leaving my best friend Aiden. My father has been the head foreman on Aiden’s family’s ranch for around many, many years and once I was old enough he brought me around and I instantly fell into a close friendship with one of the owner’s sons that was the same age as I was. We have been to this creek so many times that I have a hard time picturing him not being here too. I’m going to miss him terribly but can’t wait to get out of here at the same time.

  That would be why I am chilling out by myself on the bank today. I’m struggling with how to say goodbye to Aiden. Just seeing his face when I leave is going to kill me. I want him to be more than my best friend, but he doesn’t feel the same. Maybe I should ask him to come with me, but he’s going to college in Tulsa at the end of the summer. It would be the perfect scenario for me to have Aiden and LA at the same time. If only.

  We r going tubing at 5. U in?

  Text from Savannah. She has been my next door neighbor since 4th grade. She is really the only girlfriend that I have been close to. Tubing? Who goes tubing? Why would you want to sit on a tube with your butt in the water and creep down the river when you can sit here on the bank and fish?

  Not sure.

  I have never really done much with friends because of the studying I have had to do to get my full ride scholarship to UCLA. I knew I had to work extra hard to leave here.

  Come on. Everyone is going. Last time all 2gether.

  Should I go? I guess it will be the last time to see everyone before I leave… Oh why not? Please tell me I won’t regret this.

  Sure, meet you at your house in 30. At the 6AB.


  “Hey Karlie, you ready?” asks Savannah as she opens the front door. “Just need my sunscreen.”

  “Yep. Let’s get this over with.” I say as I let out a long sigh. She looks at me and rolls her eyes.

  “You will love it, I promise.” Savannah says and gives me a big hug with a huge smile on her face. Her smiles always seem to help her get whatever she wants. She is a force to be reckoned with.

  I hope I don’t regret this. I did wear my favorite black bikini that I have never let anyone see me in. Goodness maybe I shouldn’t be doing this… When I get to LA everyone will be wearing these so I better get used to it. Savannah has on a skimpy pink one so I won’t be alone with not much on. But everyone is going to be staring at me. Too late to change my mind and turn back?

  Too late now. This is going to be horrible. What was I thinking? Was I thinking?

  Just as I predicted everyone is staring at us as we walk towards the group. That group includes Aiden and his older brothers Austin, Aaron and little sister Audrey. Audrey’s best friend Tracey, along with a bunch of others I know from school, are also here. I realize I am standing here alone while Savannah is making out with her boyfriend Jordan. Great. I probably look dumb and out of place. Everyone is looking at me as if they have seen a ghost. Maybe I do look ridiculous. Why did I decide to do this?


  “Hey Aiden, did you invite Karlie?” asks Austin from across the pickup. “You two are attached at the hip most of the time.”

  “Funny, brother. She is always studying and never has time to do anything fun like this. So, no I didn’t.” I say quickly as I grab our tubes and head for the water.

  “Well little brother, maybe you should have, look at that.” Austin says as he and the rest of the crowd turn toward a car that pulled up. I look knowing it is Savannah’s car and start to turn away when I spot a second girl that seems familiar but new.

  Out comes Savannah and oh my, is that Karlie? Can’t be. I have never seen her in anything except a one piece bathing suit with shorts. This girl has on a black bikini and her hair is down and whirling around her shoulders in the breeze. Holy cow she is gorgeous. That can’t be the Karlie Mae that I have known and loved my whole life. But it is…. Whoa!!! I look around and see how everyone is also stunned by her. To change the awkward silence I walk towards her.

  “Karlie Mae, is that you?” I ask with a whisper. “I can’t believe you’re here!”

  “Yep, it’s me. Hi, Aiden. Savannah thought I should come and have one last bit of fun before I leave for LA.” Karlie says a little shakily. “I didn’t know you were going to be here but I’m glad you are so I won’t have to do this alone.” She looks so uncomfortable.

  “Well, you look great and I’m glad you’re here. Let’s go. You can use one of my tubes.” I say trying not to show the uneasiness in my voice. I want to get her in the water so that the rest of the guys can’t look at her in that tiny piece of material any longer.


  Aiden is acting weird today. Maybe I look as ridiculous in this bikini as I feel. I should have worn a shirt and shorts over it. What was I thinking? Although, floating on this river is pretty fun. I should have come and done this with them long before now.

  Aiden has always asked me to come with him but I was too busy studying that I passed up everything fun. Until now I never really thought I was missing out on anything.

  Aiden looks so hot though with only swimming trunks on. His muscles from working on the ranch, oh my. What would it feel like to have those arms wrapped around me or those lips touching mine? I will never know. Snap out of it! Daydreaming about your best friend is uncalled for.

  After about an hour I say, “Aiden how far do we go? This is really fun. Wish I would have come before now.” Feeling relaxed and content, I lay my head back and look up at the clouds. I really should have come and done this years ago.

  “We go to the bridge on the far side of old man Ryder’s farm. Usually takes a couple of hours. I always asked you to come with me, you were too busy shoving your nose in a book!” he says and splashes me right on the front of my body soaking me to the core.

  I squeal and splash him back and of course upset my tube, dumping myself fully under the water. Getting over the shock of the cold water on my bare skin I feel arms wrapping around me and pulling me to the surface. I gasp for a breath as I surface and frantically reach for my tube which of course has floated on without me. I look around for somewhere that I can touch the bottom. I never have been good at the whole treading water thing.

  Luckily, Aiden has kept a hold of his tube and I realize it was his strong arms wrapped around me. My face had to have turned bright red
with the embarrassment of what just happened. From dumping myself in the creek to knowing his arms were wrapped around me. Skin to skin. I have always wondered what it would be like to have them around me, but never under these ridiculous circumstances. How embarrassing. He must think I am a nit wit.

  I allow him to help me to the creek bank and hear him yell to the others to go on ahead. I get out of the water fully aware that all I have on is this wet skimpy suit. Thank goodness the top stayed on during my plunge. I try to cover myself and turn to see him staring at my body in a very strange way. That look makes me try to cover myself even more.

  “Why are you looking at me like that? Do I have mud on my face or what?” I ask fully annoyed at this point. And very uncomfortable again.

  “Um not on your face no.” he says and comes nearer and tries to wipe off the mud that is on my hip and stomach. Having his hands on my skin is driving me slowly insane. I can’t take any more and push his hands away and walk towards the vehicles we had left behind. I have to put some space between us before I make a complete fool of myself, even though it’s a long walk. Why didn’t I wear my shorts and t-shirt?


  Oh my goodness Karlie is so hot. I couldn’t help but try to brush the mud off of her body. Just being able to touch her is such a rush. It took all I had not to let my hands wander any farther. Then she pushed me away and rushed off. I shouldn’t have done that. She must think I am a creep now. Way to go Aiden. Your chance to touch her and you scare her away like a creep.

  “Karlie, what’s wrong? Are you okay? Did you swallow too much water?” I ask as I walk towards her at a quicker pace to catch up seeing her shake her head no but hearing no words. I continue to walk behind her trying to understand what just happened.

  “Karlie Mae, what is wrong? Talk to me.” At this point I step in front of her forcing her to look at me. “What’s wrong?” We have made it back to the vehicles and I see mine in the distance. I don’t want this day to end but I know she is mad at me.

  “Nothing Aiden, when will everyone else be back?”

  “Not sure but I have some water in the cooler if you want some. And I probably have jerky in there too if Audrey hasn’t eaten it all.” I say and head to my pickup to give us a little distance that she obviously thinks we need. It would be so easy for me to just wrap my arms around her and show her just how I feel about her but just touching her to rub off mud sent her on a dead run the other way.

  “Thanks.” She says as I hand her a water bottle and a piece of jerky. I know it’s her favorite kind and I hope it scores a few points back into her good graces.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” I ask hoping to actually get her to speak to me. “I didn’t mean to make you tip over. I was just goofing around.”

  “I know it was my own dumb fault. Don’t worry about it. I just need to get home as soon as Savannah gets back. Have a lot of packing left to do.” She says and turns her back to me again and watches for the others. I let my tailgate down and offer her a spot on the other end.

  “So, you’re leaving tomorrow huh?” I ask trying to make small talk but knowing the answer is yes.


  “I’m going to miss you. The creek won’t be the same without you.” I say turning away because I know the emotion is too close on this subject. As I do I see the group running towards us.

  As the group reaches us, Savannah yells out, “Hey Karlie, can you get a ride home? I think I’m going to stay awhile with Jordan. Do you mind?”

  “She can go with me Savannah, no worries” I say handing my siblings their towels and taking their tubes from them. “I’m going by her house anyway.”

  “Thanks Aiden, see you later Karlie! Don’t forget to stop by and say goodbye before you leave tomorrow.” Savannah yells as she runs to Jordan.


  Great. I told him I have a ton of packing to do but I really don’t want to go home where my parents are so upset about my leaving. They make me feel guilty for having dreams away from here even though I tell them I will come and visit as often as I can.

  “You ready Karlie? Let me put these tubes in the back of Austin’s pickup and then I will take you home in mine.” Aiden declares as he lifts the tubes into the back. Once again I am struck with how hot he is.

  “I really don’t want to go home though Aiden. Mom has been sad and weepy all day about me leaving.”

  “Well, let’s go to the creek. Poles are in the bed of the pickup and a blanket in the backseat.” He says and smiles broadly knowing I won’t argue with that.

  “It will be getting dark before long though, Aiden. We’ve never been out there after dark.” I say slowly, knowing that I want nothing more than to spend more time with him.

  “I have kerosene lamps in the toolbox still from Austin and I having to camp out in the pasture with a sick calf yesterday.” He says with a big smile. “We can stop and get the stuff to make S’mores. I know you love them.”

  “Fine. Let’s go.” I say reluctantly. This might be fun though I won’t let Aiden know that. This may be the last time I see him. I guess this will be our way of saying goodbye. How do I do that? How do I tell the best person in my life goodbye?

  “Karlie, are you ok?” Aiden asks with concern. “You zoned out. What’s going on in that pretty head of yours? Are you still freaking out about earlier?”

  “Nothing, let’s go.” I say quickly not wanting to get back into all that mess.


  Once we pull up to our spot at the creek I start to get butterflies in my stomach and see that it is getting dark. I have never thought I could be out here like this with Karlie.

  My brothers have brought girls here all the time, but I never have because it’s mine and Karlie’s special spot. I couldn’t bring anyone but her here. Now is my chance.

  I get out and gather up the blanket, lamps, and poles. I hand the blanket to Karlie and watch her slowly spread it out and make sure it’s perfect. She seems nervous to be here. I wonder if it’s me she is nervous to be around. I lay down and pat the spot next to me watching her reluctantly lay down too. I put my arm under her head like we have done since we were little and feel her roll towards me.

  Lying on this blanket looking at the stars with Karlie has got to be heaven. How do I say goodbye to her? She is my best friend and the love of my life. I just wish I were brave enough to tell her. But she leaves in the morning. What a mess. I have to do something to get my mind off of all this. So I retrieve my arm and stand.

  “I’m going for a swim, wanna join?” I ask hoping for a yes and start undressing...

  “It’s going to be chilly, Aiden.” She says with a look on her face showing just how crazy she thinks I am.

  “Oh come on Karlie Mae, live a little.” I say knowing she hates me calling her by her middle name.

  “Don’t call me that!” she says. “Let’s go, you talk too much.” And with that she follows me into the water.

  We don’t get in very far I start to think I am as crazy as she thought. The water is pretty cold. She was right. Bad idea. She is shivering and I believe I am too. “Ok Karlie you win, it’s too cold!” I say quickly and start for the bank.

  She has already started up the bank when she stumbles and falls back towards the water. I instinctively reach out and catch her. Before I know it I have my arms wrapped around her tiny waist and she has her hands on my chest. She feels so good in this position. Her skin is so soft. I wish I could keep her just like this forever. She fits so naturally. I want to kiss her more than I have wanted anything in my life. As I look down at her, she is looking up at me with those gorgeous green eyes that melt my heart.

  She is looking at me and licking her lips. I have got to taste those lips. This may be my last chance before she leaves tomorrow. I bend my head with the intent to kiss Karlie but I can’t help pause just before touching her lips. As I do she rises up and meets my lips with hers.

  It’s like fireworks are going off around us as our kiss c
ontinues and my feelings begin to surface. I love this girl with all that I am and this is the last chance I have to show her that.

  I wrap my arms tighter around her waist and she goes up on tip toes to put her arms around my neck. I try to deepen the kiss and run my tongue over her bottom lip. She opens her mouth and we lose all track of where we are and I even forget who I am. I have wanted to do this for as long as I can remember.

  Karlie presses herself against my body and I feel even more fireworks. Her body is so soft where mine is strong and hard. She fits against me as if we were made for each other. This is the best feeling in the world. Kissing her is the best thing I have ever experienced. I love her so much.

  I walk her backwards towards the blanket and slowly lay her down while she looks up at me with all the trust and love I am trying to convey to her. Could she really feel the same for me? Why have I waited so long for this moment? Are we really ready for this?

  I hope we know what we are doing. This can’t be undone. But I can’t stop touching her either. And the noises she is making. I hope she knows how much I love her.


  “Karlie, are you okay?” I hear Aiden ask as I lay here looking at the stars wondering what we just did. “Karlie talk to me please.”

  “Aiden, I have to go. Please take me home.” I say with too much emotion and quickly get up and search for my clothes.

  I stand up and start dressing. I can’t believe I just slept with my best friend. The one person I have always been able to count on. The one man I will love for eternity. What have I done? He looked at me with so much love and I have waited forever to see that from Aiden but what about LA? If I let this go any further, will I be stuck here in Colvin? I can’t be stuck here. And Aiden isn’t LA material… Oh goodness what have I done? How could I let this happen? It was amazing and the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me but maybe the worst thing to happen to my future. I have to get out of here. But no car. Great. He is my only chance of escape.


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