Until Forever (Women of Prayer)

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Until Forever (Women of Prayer) Page 24

by Shortridge, Darlene


  Olivia was transferred to the rehabilitation center after the results from the MRI were confirmed. There were no blood clots or anything else forming that would have to be surgically dealt with. Now was the time to watch and see just how much damage was done. Sometimes Mark and Jessi spent time with Olivia together, and sometimes they took turns, one going to read to her and one going to the chapel to pray. Already Jessi could tell what a difference God made in the waiting process. Even though there was sadness, she wasn’t without peace. It made all the difference.


  When Merry got home she saw the light on the new machine blinking on and off. She had tried to tell Jessi she didn’t need the thing. If something was that important, the person doing the calling would call back. But Jessi insisted, saying that every person should have one. So she had relented and let her pick one out and help her hook it up. Now the thing was blinking. She walked over to it and pressed the play button. After listening to Jessi’s message, she sat down in the chair, not trusting herself to stand up right without falling. “Olivia? In an accident? Oh, Lord, please help her now. Touch your daughter, Lord, and please give Jessi peace of mind, Lord. Lord, I don’t understand this, but I trust you and I believe your will, will be done.” Merry picked up the phone and dialed Jessi’s number. Mark answered the phone.


  “Hi, Mark. It’s Merry. I just got Jessi’s message. What is happening there?”

  “At the moment we’re just waiting. Apparently, when the bus rolled, the kids were thrown about pretty good, and one of them landed on top of Olivia. Of course, there is no way to tell exactly what happened, but the position she was in, along with the position of the child on top of her, indicates that the child was thrown with some force into Olivia’s back. Maybe an elbow or something strong hit first; that’s our best guess. Things could be much worse, Aunt Merry. A couple of children were Med flown out of here to the university hospital in Madison, and two of the children, along with the driver, died in the accident. We are very blessed. Things could be much worse.”

  “I doubt Jessi is seeing it that way, though.”

  “Actually, Jessi is holding better than you’d expect. She accepted Christ through all this. As a matter of fact, while we’ve been waiting, she has been offering to pray and talk with other parents who are in the same place as we are.”

  Merry instinctively understood that God, in all his wisdom, knew that Jessi would have to hit bottom before she would be able to look up. “My Jessi finally has a place in heaven. Oh thank you, Jesus.” Merry was quiet a moment before she remembered Mark was still on the line. “Mark, I’m calling the airline now and booking a flight as soon as I can. I will call you back with all the details.”

  Merry hung up the phone and called the airline. The next flight was for seven the next morning. She booked the flight and called Mabel and the others for two reasons—first, to see if Mabel could take her to the airport again, and second to see if she and the ladies could gather together tonight for an impromptu praise meeting. Her Jessi had given her heart to Jesus. If ever there was a time to celebrate, it was now. Jessi might not have understood how they could bring themselves to be happy at a time like this, but give her time and growth in their Lord, and she would eventually understand. She called Mabel first and then the others. Everyone was coming over at seven o’clock. She had just enough time to throw a casserole in the oven.

  Jessi went from person to person in the waiting room. She didn’t know all the parents yet wanted to encourage them as much as possible. There were as many different types of injuries for as many different children as there were in the accident. The initial assessment of the bus driver was penetration of a tree branch directly to his heart. They found him still strapped into his chair upside down with a piece of the tree protruding from his chest. He died quickly from rapid blood loss. One of the children who died was Olivia’s best friend, Sam. She and Olivia had been sharing a seat when the bus rolled over. Jessi was trying to console her mother, Kristy. She had arrived shortly after Jessi and Mark and was just told about her daughter. Her husband was on his way, and Jessi was sitting with her until Tad arrived.

  Jessi took Kristy’s hand in hers and held on to it. From experience, Jessi knew there wasn’t much you could say to a grieving mother that would do any good. It was best to let them cry and not offer any excuses or explanations. In time there would be closure and the healing would begin; for some sooner than others. It wasn’t too long before a man walked in and called out Kristy’s name. Jessi wrongfully assumed he was her husband. She’d only met the man once and couldn’t remember what he looked like. Kristy stood up and hugged him. “Oh, Pastor Dave, what am I going to do?”

  “God will strengthen you, just like he strengthened Linda and me when Jeremy was taken from us in that car accident. You will be with her sooner than you can imagine, and then you will have eternity to spend together.” He pulled away from her and addressed her lovingly. “I’m not saying it’s going to be easy. It will be anything but easy. God will not let go of you. He will be walking along side of you the whole way. Where is Tad?”

  “He’s on his way. He should be here any moment.”

  Pastor Dave looked from Kristy to Jessi. “And who is this?”

  Jessi extended her hand to shake his and introduced herself. “I’m Jessi Jensen; my daughter, Olivia, was involved in the accident as well.”

  Pastor Dave covered her hand with his. “How is Olivia doing?”

  “She’s going to have a tough road ahead of her. Her spinal cord was damaged and the doctors are not sure if she’ll ever walk again.”

  Kristy’s reaction to Olivia’s condition surprised Jessi. “Oh, Jessi. I’m so sorry. If there’s anything I can do, please let me know. We will be praying for you and Olivia.”

  Tad walked in at that moment, and Kristy turned to him, explaining what had happened to Sam. Pastor Dave listened in, but Jessi wanted to give them her privacy, so she walked around the room, watching the reactions of the parents around her. Kristy amazed her. If that had been her and her daughter had just died, she never would have even thought about anyone else’s problems and here Kristy was offering her kindness and compassion. She looked around the room and saw Mark watching her. She started to walk toward him. She had so much to learn. He stood and wrapped his arms around her.

  “Have I told you how much I love you lately?”

  “Yep, but I could stand to hear it again. Mark, Olivia is going to be just fine. Even if she never walks again, she’ll be fine.”

  “Hey, while you were talking to Sam’s mom, the nurse let me know that Olivia is all tucked into her new room. She’s ready and waiting for us to get there. And Aunt Merry called. She’ll be on a plane first thing in the morning, and everyone at church is praying, along with all her friends. There is nothing greater than the prayers of the saints, Jess. And we’ve got a whole lot of them praying right now. I wouldn’t be surprised if she were up walking when we get to her room.”

  “Knowing Olivia, she’ll be walking soon enough. I don’t think there is anything that will keep that girl down.”

  Mark and Jessi walked hand in hand to room 223 in the rehabilitation center of the hospital to remind a certain little girl of the strength that was in her, an all-powerful force that nothing could keep down: the God of the universe, her very own wonderful and loving God.

  Chapter 38

  Merry had just hung up the phone with Jessi when the doorbell rang. The ladies started coming in twos and threes until everyone was there, talking at once. It was a happy group because there was so much to celebrate. Jessi, after much prayer, had finally given her heart to Jesus. Tonight was going to be a praise and worship night. Merry had the piano and the sheet music ready to go, and after eating the bounty of the Lord, they would praise him for his wonderful faithfulness. Tonight’s celebration was what she had been looking forward to for a long time. True to tradition, Merry had to tell the whole
story while everyone else ate. She snuck in a bite here and there while telling everyone about Olivia’s bus accident, resulting in Jessi needing to rely on God for her strength. “I just talked with the girl myself, and I’m telling you this is not the same Jessi that I just spent Christmas with. She’s a changed woman. She has a peace she says about Olivia and her walking; that means whatever happens, she’s trusting God for his will to be done.” Merry looked toward heaven. “I don’t know what you did with the old Jessi, Lord, but thank you for this new one. I sure appreciate it.” Everyone started laughing. Things were a little more solemn when she spoke of Olivia, and she asked them to all consider her in their prayers when praying at home.

  Everyone looked as if they were finished with their meal, so Merry started in to the living room and sat at the piano. She took out the prayer journal and attached Jessi’s picture and the day’s date. She placed the journal on the piano and then started to play songs of praise and continued on to energetic songs of high praise. The ladies were dancing around the living room giving thanks and praise to their God for yet another answer to prayer. It looked as if Merry Duvall was having the party of a lifetime in her living room. In her haste to get to praise, she forgot to close the living room window curtains.

  Jeff and Debbie had just moved into the neighborhood and enjoyed walking in the evening with their lab, Smooches. They didn’t have children yet, and with both of them working, this was their time to unwind and spend a little quiet time together. They had been enjoying the same walking route now for the past two weeks. It was a nice neighborhood with nice people. They were only a few houses down from their own when they couldn’t help but stop and stare at the events happening inside their new neighbor Merry’s house. Jeff spoke first. “What in the world?”

  Debbie just shook her head and then cocked it to one side. There were a bunch of old, gray-haired women dancing around the living room like wild banshees waving their arms all around.

  Jeff looked at his wife. “Did she remind you of someone who might do drugs when she brought that cake over the other day to welcome us to the neighborhood?”

  Debbie still couldn’t believe her eyes. She shook her head no.

  What Jeff and Debbie didn’t realize was the celebration had started much earlier in the day. As a matter of fact, it started right after God and Jesus watched and heard Jessi call out the name of Jesus and confess him as her Lord. When Jesus took up the pen and wrote her name in the Lamb’s Book of Life, a host of angels started the party. If for some reason God opened their eyes and they could see at that very moment into heaven, they would witness angels dancing and singing and blowing on horns, praising and celebrating right along with the older ladies in the house, and Jeff and Debbie would be the only ones standing out in the whole scene playing out before them.

  As it were, they continued on their walk, wondering what that was all about. Within the next six months they would know. Merry had just lost her last loved one’s soul to pray over and she would need a new one to take its place. Any guesses as to whom she chose?

  Chapter 39

  Merry’s flight arrived right on time, and Julia was there to pick her up. O’Hare wasn’t nearly as frightening the second time around. Julia filled her in on Olivia as they drove toward Wisconsin. Mark and Jessi had taken turns sitting with her during the night so if she woke up she wouldn’t be scared. They took turns sleeping, each in a room reserved just for parent use, for two hours at a time. Merry was going to insist both of them go home and get some rest when she arrived at the hospital. She would stay and keep Olivia company. She brought Olivia a new book and a new doll, another of the American Dolls, with matching sets of pajamas. She was sure to love them. Olivia mentioned the fact that she would like to have them someday. Maybe the doll would be an inspiration to her to start trying to move her hands and feet.

  Julia pulled into one of the overhead rest stops on the highway, and they both got some lunch to go. When they entered Olivia’s room, they found Mark and Jessi both looking terrible, sitting in chairs half falling asleep. Merry looked to Julia. “Would you look at this?”

  Jessi was the first to look up at her aunt. She got up and hugged her tightly. “Thank you for coming.”

  “You couldn’t have kept me away if you had tried.”

  Mark followed suit and gave Merry a hug. He smiled a thankful smile and offered her his chair.

  “Actually, Mark, Jessi. I want to spend some time with my niece. She and I have some things to discuss. I want you both to go home and get some sleep.” She looked at Mark. “And maybe a shave. Then come back this evening after you’ve gotten some rest. That will give Olivia and me some time to talk about what’s going on here.” She picked up their jackets and helped them put them on. “Julia, would you drop these two off at home and make sure they get some rest.” Jessi started to object, and Merry interjected before she could barely start. “No, you don’t need your car. You will fall asleep driving, and then I’ll have another accident victim on my hands to be praying for. I mean, I know you accepted Jesus, but I don’t want you to be going home to him quite so soon. Julia will come back for you later on. Get going, both of you.”

  Merry turned her back on the three of them and gave her entire attention to Olivia. “Well, my dear. Here we are. So how are you today?”

  Olivia looked at her aunt. “I’m not doing so good, Aunt Merry. Did you hear I was in a bus accident?”

  “I heard about that. I am sorry to hear that you were hurt. Your mom and dad are pretty worried about you, do you know that?”

  “I’m sorry I’m making them so sad. I try to be happy, but I can’t make my mouth smile. I’m just too sad inside.”

  “I can understand being sad inside. Maybe you need something else to think about that will make you happy inside.”

  “I could try that. Do you have something for me to think about?”

  “I think I do. That is, if you think you could handle it. It is going to be some hard work, but I think together we could make you think of something else besides yourself. What do you say? Do you want to give it a try?”

  “What is it?”

  “Do you want to do something to make your mom and dad really happy and very proud of you?”


  “Then let’s you and me try to help you move your fingers.”

  Tears filled Olivia’s eyes. “I already tried. I really did, and I can’t.”

  Merry was moved with compassion for the child but couldn’t give up the goal. “I know you tried your hardest. You always try your hardest. But do you remember who is stronger than you are? Jesus, right?”

  Olivia nodded.

  “Did you pray to Jesus to help you move your fingers? Did you ask anyone else to pray so that you could move your fingers?”

  “No, I just tried by myself.”

  “Well, how about this time we pray first and we ask some other people to pray too, and let’s see if Jesus will help you move your fingers, okay?”

  “Can we pray right now?”

  “We can, and let’s call some friends and have them pray too.”

  Merry used her new cell phone to call the ladies in Oklahoma and get them praying. Then she and Olivia closed their eyes and asked God to begin to heal Olivia. They prayed for few minutes—as much as a five-year-old would stand for—and then they began to work on Olivia’s hands. Merry began to massage each hand, one at a time. She used herbal lotion and worked it into the muscles, praying as she went.


  Jessi fell into her bed, exhausted. She didn’t remember ever being this bone weary. If it weren’t for Aunt Merry coming to the hospital and taking over, she would still be there, trying to do something when there just wasn’t much of anything she could do. She prayed for Olivia’s healing and her acceptance of God’s will no matter what that came to before she completely passed out.


  Mark looked at the clock one more time to make sure he had set the alarm. If he didn’t s
et it he was afraid he wouldn’t wake for at least a good ten to twelve hours, maybe more, and Julia would be back to pick him up at seven. He read his Bible before he laid his head down and prayed one more time, not just for Olivia, but for all the injured children and their parents. He slept peacefully and without remembering any dreams. When his alarm went off at six thirty he felt as if he’d been hit by a Mack truck, totally out of it and not ready to get up. Julia had offered to spend the night at the hospital tonight so he and Jessi could get a good night’s rest. At first he didn’t want to accept, but realizing the shape he was in, and knowing Jessi was the same, made him give in to her offer.

  He took a quick shower, put on some clean clothes, and had just finished brushing his teeth when Julia pulled in the driveway.

  “Hey, you’re up. I thought I would have to throw a cold bucket of water on you to get you out of bed.”

  “If it wasn’t for Olivia, not even cold ice would have done the trick. I’m so tired. The nap helped, but you’re right, we need to get some real sleep. We’ll need to be clearheaded to keep up with everything that’s going on and make good, solid decisions. I think I’m going to talk to Jessi about your offer. Then, once we get caught up on some sleep, we can start taking turns sleeping with Olivia in her room.”

  “I can sleep in that recliner in her room, no problem. You guys can relieve me in the morning so I can go and get cleaned up. It will work just fine.”

  Julia and Mark pulled into Jessi’s driveway at seven fifteen. She was dressed and ready to get in the car. “I talked to Aunt Merry a little while ago, and she said she and Olivia have a surprise for us. I hope she found a way to put a smile on that little girl’s face. If she is going to improve at all, it has to start with her attitude. She was so depressed earlier, and I don’t know what to do to bring her out of it.”


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