Chasing Magic

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Chasing Magic Page 10

by Jessica Sorensen

  “I …” I blink a few times, realizing how dazed that kiss made me. I really need to focus. “It’s kind of a long story.” One I’m not sure I want to tell him. Well, at least not the part where Yellow tried to …

  I swallow down the lump in my throat. I’m not sure if I want to talk about what Yellow did to me aloud, but I do need to warn Asher about Yellow looking for him and him being part of Chasing Magic Industries—whatever that is.

  Asher softly tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. “I’ve got time.”

  He’s acting weird, too affectionate, like that time I woke up in bed after passing out in the compartment. And like that time, his gentle, caring mood feels awkward as fuck. I need the cold, snide, bossy Asher to come out so I can feel comfortable again.

  “You sure about that?” I point at the hologram where fans cover the streets and bang against the gates, chanting his name.

  “I’ve got time,” he repeats, moving his fingers back up my body and curling them around my hips. Then he picks me up, urges my legs around his waist, and strides toward the sofa.

  “Put me down,” I protest, wiggling to get down.

  He only tightens his grip and plops down on the sofa.

  I move to stand up, but he circles his arms around my waist.

  Grimacing, I twist sideways in his lap. “Look, I’ve had a really shitty day, and I’m not in the mood for your genie games.” As the memory of Yellow pinning me to the bed sears through my mind, I shift my weight, put my feet up on the cushion beside us, and cover my exposed legs with the tail of the stolen cloak.

  His pierced brows furrow. “What do you mean by my genie games?”

  I give him an unimpressed look. “The ditching Harlynn genie game.”

  His forehead creases. “I never ditched you.”

  I smooth my hand over the creases in my skirt, pretending like I don’t care about what I’m about to say. Though I do. Too much. And it’s terrifying the hell bats out of me. Not to mention it’s very risky for me to be emotionally attached to anyone, even a cocky genie, a flirty faerie, and a sweet cyborg.

  “But Arrow and East did,” I say then sigh. “It doesn’t really matter. I kind of get why they did it. And I was going to just go back to the vehicle and do my own thing so you guys could do yours, but something got in my way.”

  He gapes at me then shakes his head. “Do you seriously believe they ditched you?”

  I give a half-shrug. “It’s the only reason I can think of that explains why East and Arrow just took off and left me in the street.” I glance at the door as that twinge in my heart hits again.

  Maybe I should leave. I’m getting way too emotional.

  He cups my chin and turns my head toward him, his eyes sparking with spritz of sparks. “No one ditched you,” he says softly but firmly. “East and Arrow were walking down the street with you, and then, suddenly you weren’t there. They didn’t see you leave or anyone take you, so we assumed it had to be some sort of spell. But magic can’t transport you off the planet, so we knew you had to still be on Steel. East and Arrow notified me immediately, and I sent every creature I could trust to look for you. And Arrow and East have been going around the city, talking to every acquaintance Arrow has here, but no one had seen you.”

  He traces his fingers along my thigh where the scratches mark my skin. “I would’ve gone out to look for you myself, but since you knew we were going to be at the Arch, we decided it’d be better if I waited here in case you showed up. It was driving me crazy, though, just sitting around and doing nothing.” His gaze drifts to the glass covering the floor, and then he shakes his head, focusing on me. “I guess it was good that I stayed, since you’re here now.” He gives me a bizarre look that almost resembles being impressed. “I don’t know why I’m surprised. You’re clever. I should’ve known you’d find your way here.”

  I like the idea of what he’s saying, probably a bit too much, but still … “I never saw anyone looking for me.”

  “Well, it’s true. There’re a ton of paranormals that were—and probably still are—looking for you.” A crease forms between his brows. “If you couldn’t see any of them, though, then I’m going to assume whatever spell was put on you kept you from being spotted or maybe found. Magic can be tricky like that. We can probably find a witch who could run a tracing spell on you and find out exactly what happened so we can get to the why.”

  I’m still not sure if I’m buying his explanation. “But other creatures could see me. And I know for sure this elf, a cyborg, and weird-looking creature could.”

  Asher tilts his head to the side. “Do you know what the weird creature was?”

  “No, I’d never seen anything like it before.”

  “What features did it have?”

  “Dark, glowing eyes; silver lips; and pale skin …”

  As Asher pales, a bundle of nerves jolt through me.

  “What is it?”

  “What you’re describing … I think I know what it is.” The worry in his tone sends fear lashing through me.

  I almost don’t dare ask. Almost.

  “What is it?”

  He snakes his arm around my waist and draws me closer. “Amongst my kind, they’re known as Wishing Shadows.”

  “I’ve never heard of those.”

  “That’s because they’re rare.”

  I quirk a brow. “Rare like I’m supposed to be?”

  He shakes his head, his lips quirking. “You, little thief, are the rarest creature I’ve ever crossed paths with.”

  “Well, this Wishing Shadow seemed to know what I am, so—”

  I let out a squeak as he abruptly stands up with me in his arms.

  “Hey, I thought we discussed this whole carrying thing.”

  “Yeah, and it was a discussion you lost.” He starts to step forward with me in his arms, but then he freezes, as if conflicted whether to walk or stay put. Wisps of grey and blue smoke billow in his eyes as he stares off into empty space.

  “Why are your eyes doing that?” I ask.

  He doesn’t answer, appearing lost and terrified.

  A terrified genie? This has got to be bad.

  “What exactly is a Wishing Shadow?”

  He blinks, his gaze shifting to me. “They’re … genies without powers.”

  I relax a glitter drop. “Then I don’t think that’s what this thing was since he disappeared into a pile of ash.”

  He grinds his jaw from side to side. “That’s because they do have powers.”

  “But you just said they didn’t,” I gripe. “You’re being completely contradicting.”

  “Yeah … I should probably explain it better.” But he looks as if that’s the last thing he wants to do.

  I motion for him to go ahead. “So, get at it.”

  He chews on his bottom lip, hesitating. “I don’t want to frighten you.”

  “I never get scared.” Usually, that’s the truth, but not today when I was with Yellow.

  No, when he held me down, I thought … Well, I was scared things were going to end worse than they did.

  “Never say never, Harlynn. There’s always a first for everything.” He huffs out a stressed breath. “And maybe this won’t frighten you, but it’ll definitely upset you.”

  I ignore the ball of fear forming in the pit of my stomach. “Doesn’t matter. I still want to know. And you better hurry up because I’ve got my own important things to tell you.”

  Curiosity sparks in his eyes. “Like what?”

  I promptly shake my head. “Nope. You go first.”

  His gaze bores into mine, flames igniting and shadows casting over his face as he tries to intimidate me.

  “Stare me down all you want, but I’m not caving.” I flash him a haughty grin. “Your constipated, intimidating look has zero affect on me.”

  He shakes his head, mumbling, “You’re such a handful.” Then he exhales heavily. “Wishing Shadows are genies born without magic. They’re also servants in our world
, and usually get assigned to serve one genie during their lifetime.”

  “What is with you paranormals and having servants?” I interrupt. “Because today, I’ve met three cyborgs who said they couldn’t do certain things because their masters forbid it.”

  “About half the cyborgs on planet Steel are servants, and it’s like that on other planets as well. But planet Steel is the worst, mainly because cyborgs can be programmed to obey,” Asher explains with a hue of sadness in his eyes.

  “Is …? Was Arrow ever one?” I ask softly.

  Asher rubs his pale blue lips together then slightly nods. “He was, but it was a long time ago.”

  I recall something Arrow said to me. “Did you rescue him from being one?”

  His eyes spark in surprise. “Why would you think that?”

  I shrug. “Because Arrow mentioned you rescued him.”

  He studies me closely. “What else has he told you?”

  “Not too much. Just a little about this planet, and I can tell he doesn’t like it here very much. Oh yeah, and he told—or, well, let me feel—that he has a real heart.”

  His lips part in astonishment. “Arrow let you feel his heart beating?”

  I nod in puzzlement. “Yeah … Was he not supposed to?”

  Asher shakes his head in disbelief. “No, he can tell whoever he thinks he can trust with the secret. It’s just that he’s only ever told East and I.”

  Arrow trusts me? I smile at that.

  “I like that he trusts me. And don’t worry; I won’t tell anyone. I like Arrow. Kind of always have. Well, except for when I thought he ditched me.”

  He slips his tongue out to wet his lips. “I’m not worried about you telling anyone. I know you’re trustworthy enough. You’ve more than proven that.”

  His words send the stupidest warmth through my body.

  Stupid, traitor body. Seriously, it needs to stop reacting this way over Asher, East, and Arrow. I mean, for starters, they’re paranormals, but I guess I am too, so …

  I mentally shake my head at myself. None of this matters. Even if I decided to get past the fact that they’re paranormals, I still can’t let myself feel too much for them.

  “Then, what’re you worried about?” I ask, shoving the warmth in my body aside.

  “Hmm …” He sucks on his lip ring. “I think I might need to talk to Arrow before I say anything else.”

  “Sounds like you’re keeping a secret from me,” I speculate.

  “I’m keeping as many secrets from you as you are from us,” he challenges, carrying my gaze. “Do you want to exchange one of yours for mine?”

  I shake my head. “No, not really.” Which is mostly the truth. The only main thing I haven’t told Asher is about Yellow, but I plan on getting to that just as soon as he tells me more about this Wishing Shadow. Well, minus the part about what happened in the bed.

  “Okay then,” Asher says simply.

  “Okay,” I reply, a bit confused.

  Why is he being so agreeable?

  He shifts my weight then sinks back down onto the couch. “So, are you going to tell me how you got those scratches?”

  I instinctively cover the scratches with my hand. “I will when you tell me more about this Wishing Shadow thing and why it seemed to know what I am.”

  A sigh puffs from his lips. “Fine, since you’re clearly not going to listen to my warning and drop this, I’ll tell you.” He gives a short pause, giving me another chance to back out, and I make a great show of pressing my lips together. He sighs again. “There’s really not that much to tell, other than they mostly become servants and can sometimes channel their master’s power if the master permits it.”

  “No wonder he was able to wither away,” I mumble. “And come to think of it, I lost track of East and Arrow when he popped up in front of me, so maybe he’s the one who casted a spell on me. That is, if genies can do those kinds of spells.” I eyeball Asher over. “From what I understand, you can basically cast any spell you want as long as it’s in the form of a wish or curse.”

  “That’s not quite how it works,” he tells me stiffly. “Each genie has their own unique abilities, which means that the Wishing Shadow you crossed paths with must belong to a genie who has an ability to make a creature untraceable to others.”

  “What’s your ability?” I wonder, loathing how curious I sound.

  Since when am I curious about genies?

  His eyes darken as he slants toward me and puts his lips beside my ear. “I can do many things, little thief, and one of these days, I’ll show you.”

  I slant back to meet his gaze. “No thanks. I’m not a fan of curses or wishes.”

  He leans closer again, his lips brushing my ear. “I can do a lot more than just cast spells and curses … Lots and lots of amazing things that’ll ruin you in the best way possible.” He traces his teeth along my earlobe, and my shoulder shudders upward.

  “Stop … Stop trying to distract me,” I warn, the breathlessness in my tone completely cringe-worthy.

  He chuckles huskily then drags his teeth along the sensitive speck of flesh again. “I’m not trying to distract you.” He bites down on my earlobe, and a cry fumbles from my lips.

  Not a painful cry. No, the noise that leaves my lips is needy and desperate and crammed with desire.

  Fucking tricky genies. He’s definitely up to something.

  But two can play this game.

  “I know you’re trying to distract me,” I snap, shifting around and swinging my leg over to the other side so I’m straddling his lap. “Now fess up and tell me more about this Wishing Shadow.” I place my hands on his shoulders and push him back, pinning him against the couch.

  A voice whispers in the back of my mind that I’m being awfully ballsy right now, being this demanding to a genie. He could very well turn the tables around on me at any cursed second. But, for some reason, I’m not worried. Why? Who the crazy vampires knows, other than maybe I’m starting to trust him.

  Trust. What a dangerous word. It makes me uncomfortable just thinking about it.

  His eyes darken with smoke. “Little thief,” a warning rings in his tone. “You’re playing with fire right now.”

  “Actually, it looks like I’m playing with a genie.” I dazzle him with a cocky smirk as I push on his shoulders harder. “And you’re currently losing.”

  His eyes crackle, sparks showering in the pupils. “I’m letting you win,” he says in a low tone.

  “That’s what I’d say, too, if I was getting my ass kicked—”

  I gasp in surprise as he snags ahold of my hips, lifts me up, and flips me around, lying me down on the sofa.

  I start to get back up, but he lines his body over mine, moving his fingers quickly to unfasten the tie of the cloak.

  “Hey,” I whine as he tugs the cloak off and tosses it aside, leaving me feeling very vulnerable in my torn skirt.

  “Now, what was it you were saying about me getting my ass kicked?” A smug grin tugs at his lips as he positions his hands beside my head and lowers his lips toward mine.

  My breath gets caught in my chest as his mouth nears mine. After what just happened with Yellow, all sorts of conflictions are coiling through me. Want and desire. Fear and nervousness.

  I should push him off me. Should stop this. There’s a reason I haven’t kissed a ton of guys.

  Think about the curse, Harlynn. Get your emotions in check.

  I open my mouth to tell him to back off, but he pauses on his own, his lips a sliver of an inch away from mine.

  “I want you to tell me where those scratches came from and why your skirt’s torn,” he says, his breath dusting across my lips.

  When I shake my head, he swallows audibly.

  “Was it …? Did the Wishing Shadow touch you?”

  “What? No.” I shake my head for added emphasis. “He didn’t do anything really. Just said my kind were usually submissive, and that I wasn’t. He also said his master would be so pleased to
hear that I’m clueless about what I am. Then he puffed away into a cloud of ash … Oh, and he smelled familiar, which I thought was pretty weird, since I’m almost positive I’ve never met one of his kind before.”

  “What did he smell like?” Asher asks, but he doesn’t sound that interested, as if he already knows.

  “Darkness. Which honestly, I didn’t even realize I knew what darkness smelled like until then.” I pause, assessing him. “You know this Wishing Shadow, don’t you?”


  “How do you expect me to tell you where the scratches came from when you won’t tell me the truth about this?” I cut him off.

  He sinks into silence as he either absorbs my words or tries to conjure up a good lie. “I’m afraid you’ll try to run if I tell you,” he finally admits.

  “If I did, I’d die, since I’d be backing out on our bargain,” I remind him with a hint of bitterness.

  Sure, Asher and I are getting along better, but when it all comes down to it, I’m being forced to be here with him, Arrow, and East.


  Always controlled.

  Like earlier today …

  His eyes suddenly widen. “Little thief, calm down.”

  I realize I’m shaking and try to get my body to chill the frosted demons out, but it has taken on a mind of its own apparently.

  “You’re shaking so badly,” Asher mumbles, rotating to the side so he’s no longer hovering over me. Then he places two fingers to my pulse while searching my eyes. “You’re scared.”

  “I already told you, I never get scared,” I grit out through the chattering of my teeth.

  What’s wrong with me? It’s like someone has pushed a button in my head that powered off my ability to remain calm even when I’m not.

  “I know what fear looks like. And you’re afraid.”

  “I’m j-just cold.”

  He splays his fingers across the side of my neck. “No, you’re beyond warm.”

  I shake my head in denial, wrapping my arms around myself.

  “What happened to you?” he demands in the softest tone.

  I smash my lips together as tears burn my eyes.

  For reals, Harlynn. You’re going to start fucking becoming a crier now of all times?


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