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Stormy Love (Wet & Wild Series, #1)

Page 5

by Lexy Timms

  “Oh, fun. Did you meet anyone to spend your time with?”

  “You mean a rebound for me to shove between my legs?” Kallie asked.

  “That’s the spirit!”

  Kallie wondered if she should tell her friend about the bartender. But Eris caught onto her pause before Kallie could answer.

  “Oh. Holy. Hell. Spill. Right now.”

  “There’s nothing to spill,” Kallie said.

  “I know that pause. You're debating on whether or not to tell me something. What happened? What am I missing? Please redeem yourself in my eyes.”

  “I have to redeem myself?”

  “For sleeping your first full day away? Yes!”

  Kallie sighed, relegating herself to whatever teasing was about to become of her story.

  “There was a bartender at the beachside cabana.”

  “Was he hot?” Eris asked. “Is he a native?”

  “He doesn’t look like one, but he seems comfortable on the island. He was working there, so I’m really not sure,” Kallie said.

  “Well, what happened? What does he look like?”

  “He’s cute. Tall. Lean muscles. Hazel eyes and thick mahogany hair. Got some cute freckles on his nose too.”

  “So ... nothing like James.”

  “Really. You’re going to mention his name?” Kallie asked.

  “Sorry. So ... nothing like the asshole?”

  Kallie groaned and it caused Eris to laugh.

  “Come on. Okay. I’ll stop. I’m sorry. But really, what happened? He obviously made an impression.”

  “I just wasn’t in the mood to talk with anyone. I wanted a drink and I ordered one, but he was dead set on cheering me up. It was cute,” Kallie said.

  “So he cared about your state of mind while he was serving you. Those guys are always good in bed.”


  “What? They are. If he’s attentive like that after first meeting you, he’ll definitely be attentive in bed. You should pursue it.”

  “I met him once,” Kallie said.

  “And he made a good enough impression for you to debate on whether or not to tell me.”

  “Because I knew you would start talking like this and I’m tired of listening to it.”

  “Kallie, there’s nothing wrong with striking up a little island romance. Especially after what you’ve been through. You’ve never gone through something like this, so you don’t know how you should cope with it yet. All I’m saying is keep your options open. A rebound will eventually be part of the process. There will be a guy that will swoop in and he will be the transition from James to the rest of your life.”

  “It doesn’t have to be that way. I can be a grown woman about this.”

  “It has nothing to do with being grown. It’s just a natural part of the coping process. Plus, a no-strings fling is exactly what you need.”

  “And how do you figure this, Eris?”

  “I know you were unhappy with your sex life with the asshole. Maybe this guy could open your eyes to something a little more ... exotic.”

  “At least you put it lightly,” Kallie said.

  “I just really want you to get your brains fucked out once.”

  “I hate you.”

  “Have a tongue shoved between your thighs early in the morning.”

  “Goodbye, Eris.”

  “Have a man grab your hair and—”

  Kallie hung up on her best friend, but she quickly decided her friend was right. St. Barts was supposed to be her new beginning, and if a rebound was part of the process, then she owed it to herself to get as much of the process out of the way as possible. She wanted to go back home after two weeks and be ready to pick up the rest of the pieces of her life. Deal with whatever fallout was waiting for her. And she couldn’t do that if she was still brokenhearted over James.

  It was time for her to erase that man from her legacy and keep trucking.

  Kallie cleaned herself up and strapped on her new red bikini. She was feeling a morning dip in the ocean, then she would make her way over to the beachside cabana. If she saw the cute bartender again, this time she would let him take her to dinner.

  Maybe she would even initiate it this time.

  Kallie swam until the sun was hanging high in the sky. She enjoyed the way the water felt along her skin. It made her feel whole again. Reborn. Baptized into a new life she was ushering in for herself. She grabbed her towel and wrapped it around her waist, then tousled her hair as she grabbed her purse and padded over to the bar. She walked over to one of the tables and sat down, trying to act as if she was simply gazing out into the ocean.

  But she was disappointed when there was someone else besides that cute bartender working.

  Kallie turned out toward the ocean and figured she couldn’t take up space underneath the Cabana. She didn’t want any sort of afternoon drink again after what happened the previous day, so she grabbed her purse and headed out toward one of the beach umbrellas. They were all looking out toward the ocean and the lounge chairs were luxurious, breaking just slightly beneath her body before cradling her close. She reached into her purse and pulled out a book she was reading, then unwrapped her body to watch some sun while she lost herself between the pages.

  But just beyond her book, there was a surfer tackling a big wave.

  She was distracted by his languid movements. How he guided his board through the water. He was lost in a tunnel of crystal-clear mirrors before exiting the other side, and Kallie’s book slowly fell to her lap. She watched the surfer ride all the way to the shore before she furrowed her brow.

  That reddish hair.

  Those hazel eyes.

  Kallie was shocked to find the languid surfer was her bartender.

  His hazel eyes connected with hers and she held her breath. She watched recognition sweep over his face as he walked out of the ocean. His board was tucked underneath his long, lean arm, and her eyebrows hiked high on her head when she realized he was moving toward her.

  Walking to her.

  Approaching her as she sat in her bikini on the beach.

  Chapter 6


  That red bikini called to Ash even as he entered the tunnel of water. He could see it blaring through the crystal-clear waters as they caved in on him, and when he exited the pipe his eyes were still drawn to it. The color was distracting against the sandy white beaches and the muted bathing suit colors, but in all the best ways. He squinted his eyes as he stood to his feet, the waves almost knocking him over.

  Holy shit.

  “Pretty Kallie,” he whispered to himself.

  He wasn’t letting her get away this time. He shoved his board underneath his arm and held it close to his body, his eyes not letting up on hers. She saw him coming. He knew she recognized him. He walked up to her as she rested against the lounge chair and he couldn't take his eyes off her. The roundness of her hips or the thickness of her thighs. The way her breasts hung against her body and the way her waist dipped in at a salacious angle. He forced himself to keep a hold on her gaze while studying her body from the corners of his vision.

  How he wanted to get his hands on her.

  Just one.

  “Well hello, Pretty Kallie.”

  “Didn’t I tell you not to call me that?” she asked as she put her book down.

  “But it suits you, does it not?” Ash asked.

  “Depends on how you define ‘pretty.’”

  “How about I define it with one word?”

  “Take your best shot.”

  “You,” he said with a grin.

  The trickling heat of her red cheeks called to him. Her embarrassment matched her bathing suit in all the best ways. Ash grinned and walked up to her, then tossed his board to the ground before sitting on it.

  “Is that good for the board?” Kallie asked.

  “Do you surf?” Ash asked.

  “I never have, no. But I can’t imagine the sand would be good for the wax on your board.”

  “So you’re at least a little knowledgeable about it.”

  “Doesn’t everyone know that?”

  Smart and unaware of that fact. Fuck, Ash thought she was wonderful.

  “Want a lesson?”

  “In what?” Kallie asked.

  “Surfing,” Ash said. “Come on. I’ll give you a crash course.”

  He stood up from his board and offered her his hand, but she looked at it like he was crazy. He wiggled his fingers and beckoned to her, vowing to himself that she wasn’t getting away without spending some quality time with him. After picking up his board and dusting it off, he offered his hand to her one last time. His eyes communicating that he wasn’t taking no for an answer.

  And he smiled when Kallie slid her hands into his.

  “Do you have time to give a surfing lesson and tend the bar?” Kallie asked.

  Ash chuckled to himself before wrapping his fingers around her hand.

  “It’s my day off,” he said.

  She seemed hesitant to go with him. Or believe him. Or a combination of the two. But when Ash started walking toward the ocean, she followed.

  And he felt victory rush through his veins.

  “Okay,” he said as they stood on the wet sand. “First, I’m going to show you how to stand on the board. You have to balance yourself, so brace your abs and don’t lock your knees.”

  He helped Kallie onto the board and watched as she teetered. A wave came up and swept the board off the sand and Kallie nearly fell on her ass. He reached out his hand and caught her, pulling her close to his body as his board stayed connected to the harness around his ankle.

  She had beautiful green eyes.

  “Sorry,” Kallie said.

  “Don’t be. It takes time to learn to balance. Come on. Let’s try again,” Ash said.

  Over and over again, Ash held her hands while she steadied herself on the board. And after a few times of the waves picking her up as she kept herself stable, the two of them made their way into the waves. He held the board for her and she practiced getting on and off, then straddled it as her feet dangled in the water.

  “The trick is to listen to the ocean. You don’t have to look behind you to know a wave is coming. You’ll feel it against your ankles. Close your eyes.”

  Kallie looked at him like he was crazy but followed his every order.

  “Now, pay attention to the water around you. Do you feel that?”

  “Feel what?” Kallie asked.

  A wave undulated beneath them and she looked defeated.

  “Don’t focus on my voice. Focus on the water.”

  “Then stop talking,” she said as she peeked out of one eye.

  Ash grinned but closed his lips and held the surfboard as he watched Kallie. Her face relaxed and she turned her head up toward the sky, allowing her copper waves to trickle between her shoulder blades. Her pale skin was tanned even more than he remembered and he couldn’t take his eyes off her. Off the rise and fall of her chest as she steadied her breathing. Off the wind blowing through her locks of salty hair. Off the wall her legs straddled his board and gave him the perfect view of the place where he wanted to be.


  Kallie was a beautiful creature.

  Suddenly, and ripping him from his trance, Kallie leaped up and stood on her board. A small wave came and ebbed beneath her, and he was shocked at how she managed to keep herself upright. Kallie opened her eyes and looked down at Ash, and there was a light there he hadn’t seen before.


  Kallie was proud of what she had accomplished.

  Ash reached up for her hand and helped her back down onto the board. But she slipped and fell against him into the water. His hands fell to her curves and locked around her back as water splashed around them, and Kallie let out the most beautiful sound he’d ever heard.

  A breathless giggle as a smile streamed across her cheeks.

  “Sorry,” she said. “Guess I got to work on getting down off the board.”

  “We all can’t be an expert in our first day,” he said.

  Ash loved the chance to touch her curves. To feel her soft skin underneath his fingertips. He’d used the surfer act on many hot tourists before her, but he’d never enjoyed it as much as he did with Kallie. She managed to stand up five more times and keep her balance before finally learning how to sit back down on the board without crashing into the water. And the excitement behind her eyes sparked a fire in Ash’s toes.

  “Ready to try for a real wave?” he asked.

  “I don’t think I’m ready for something like that,” Kallie said.

  “You’ve gotten a lot farther in two hours than I’ve ever seen anyone get. Come on. Humor me. Let’s try it.”

  He helped her set herself up before wrapping the board clasp around her ankle. She closed her eyes, he knew she felt the wave building underneath her, and Ash pushed her off. She paddled like he showed her and slowly went to stand, and soon she was on her feet as the wave pushed her toward the shore.

  “Yeah! Go Pretty Kallie! Keep your balance! Don’t lock your knees!”

  He watched as she made it all the way to the shore before jumping into the water. She turned around and gave him two thumbs-up and he laughed to himself. There was something about this girl that he enjoyed. More than he thought he would.

  He ran toward the shoreline as she was taking the band off her ankle.

  “That was incredible,” Ash said as he wrapped his arms around her. “You were spectacular, Pretty Kallie.”

  He grabbed her and spun her around as the waves knocked his board farther into the shoreline. Kallie was beaming. He could feel her smile against his shoulder. But before he could set her down, he felt her pushing at him. She scrambled out of his arms, her eyes wide with shock, and she pulled away from him as he furrowed his brow.

  “Are you okay?” Ash asked.

  “Yeah, yeah. Just ... the twirling. Made me dizzy,” Kallie said.

  But he wasn’t buying it.

  “Why don’t we go grab some lunch then? I know a great place with the best fish tacos on the island. We can get you some Sprite to help with the dizziness.”

  Her eyes were hesitant, but Ash wasn’t giving up. He wasn’t ready to let her go yet. He wasn’t ready for his day with her to end. It had been two and a half hours, but he wanted more.

  Needed more.

  Craved more of her.

  “Surfing burns a lot of calories. Even if you don’t want to get lunch, you need to eat something. Otherwise you’ll pass out on the beach,” he said.

  “And your concerned about me passing out in the sun. Obviously,” Kallie said.

  “Obviously,” he said with a grin.

  A smile spread across her cheeks and he knew he had her. She nodded her head and it sent his heart fluttering in his chest. Yes. He’d done it. He’d gotten more time with the pretty girl from his dreams the night before. He couldn't get her off his mind, and now he wasn’t going to let her out of his sight. Not until she was absolutely ready to give him up.

  And he had a feeling she wasn’t yet.

  “Come on. Let’s get your stuff. My car’s just across the road.”

  Then he headed for her lounge chair before she could protest.

  Chapter 7


  Kallie was shocked when Ash pulled up in front of a swanky restaurant. She was expecting some sort of beachside taco stand with him, but instead he had brought her to a four-star restaurant. She was still dusted in sand and had nothing to cover herself with but the sheer dress she had shoved into her purse, and it wasn’t at all the kind of place she wanted to be at.

  “Are you sure we’re in the right place?” she asked.

  “This is it. But don’t let the outside fool you. The people inside are really laid-back,” he said.

  But Kallie wasn’t so sure.

  She stepped out of his Jeep and pulled her wide-brimmed hat down onto her head. She fixed up her sheer sundress and
knocked the excess sand off her ankles. Ash didn’t seem to be worried about what she was wearing, but she was. She knew how these kinds of places worked. How people talked and jeered and snickered. This was the exact lifestyle she was trying to get away from, and she wasn’t thrilled at all to be there.

  But when she got inside, she found that Ash was right.

  No one was staring at her or even looking oddly in her direction. The waitstaff wasn’t concerned about what she was wearing either. In fact, they were dressed much the same way. There were loads of people sitting in their wet swimsuits as they munched on tacos and appetizers, but it was Ash’s interaction with the waitstaff that had her curious.

  He was very friendly and knew all of them by name.

  “Can we get you anything, Ash?”

  “Claire! I didn’t know you were working today. Um, could we get some of that honey bread for our table? And two glasses of water. I’m not sure if we want anything to drink drink.”

  “I’ll let your server know. And Mike’s here. He’ll want to come by and say hello.”

  “Then tell him to drop on by! And get him a drink. Put it on my tab. Didn’t he just have a kid?” Ash asked.

  “Four days ago,” Claire said with a smile.

  “Then tell him it’s a congratulatory drink from me,” he said.

  “Will do. Someone will be right with you guys. Sit wherever you want, Ash.”

  Kallie figured he was friendly with the waitstaff because he was in the industry. After all, Ash did work at one of the only beachside cabanas allowed on the island. Or maybe he’d even worked in the restaurant before. The more she was around him, the more she figured he lived on the island, despite him obviously not being native.

  Maybe that was it.

  Kallie was guided to a table that overlooked the high street. They sat down on the balcony and her eyes were cast downward, watching as all the rich people walked by. She briefly wondered what it would’ve been like to actually marry James. To attach herself to a rich man for the rest of her life and be forced to talk around a tropical island paradise clicking around in heels.

  It wasn’t worth it, in her eyes. It wasn’t worth the lavish trips and the traveling around the world. She was labeled a gold digger. A prize. A trophy. And all because she didn’t come from money. Marrying a rich man had its benefits, but she found the cons greatly outweighed any of the positives.


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