Secrets (1985)
Page 13
The actors were all listed by name and number on the call sheet, and Jane checked it again after she read her lines. She was number three, and she appeared in two of the four scenes, once with Zack, and once with Sabina and Gabby. That would be the toughest scene, it called for a confrontation, establishing who the three women were. Everything they were shooting that day was for the three-hour special the first night, but as the weeks progressed they would be shooting scenes from different shows, and always out of sequence. It was so different from shooting Sorrows, which aired live. There everything made sense, everything was always in order, and after all her years on the show, even if she forgot her lines, she knew how to improvise, and somehow the improvisations worked out better sometimes. Here, everything had to be precise, and each take had to be reshot until it was perfect.
Outside, in a huge truck more coffee was brewing, and a gigantic buffet breakfast was laid out for everyone. But Jane hadn't been able to touch any of it. She was too nervous to eat, although she had seen Gabby and Mel go into the trailer along with some of the crew. The food was being catered by the best location caterers in New York. Mel spared nothing for his crew and cast. That much was obvious from the suite she had at the Carlyle, and the exquisite wardrobe by Fran+oois Brac. Jane slipped into the white coat that matched her dress and lit a cigarette, which she stubbed out almost immediately.
Ready, beautiful? Zack returned in a business suit and a raincoat, with a briefcase in his hand. They made a handsome pair as she followed him out of the trailer.
There were at least eighty people outside, milling around, everything from paramedics to light men to gaffers and grips. Directors' chairs had been set up, including five new ones with the stars' names stenciled on them. And as Jane saw them, she felt a thrill, and she grinned at Zack like a little girl. It was really happening, and suddenly she was so excited she could hardly stand still.
I feel like a kid on her first day of school. She giggled nervously, convinced she had forgotten her lines and feeling faintly nauseous. They walked through the revolving door, and stood in the lobby watching their stand-ins taking their places for the light men to set up for the scene. It seemed to take forever to get the lights set, and it was seven thirty when the director told them they were ready to get started. He was an Englishman Mel had worked with before, and he was extremely polite as he stood to one side, talking quietly with Zack and Jane.
You've rehearsed the scene before ' are you both comfortable with the lines? Now was the time to make any changes, not after five takes. Jane had heard that, with him, sometimes there were as many as twenty. They both nodded, and Zack smiled. Ready to go?
Yes. Jane spoke up hesitantly and Zack concurred.
Good. The director looked pleased. Let's try it. We'll rehearse it once and tape your marks. There were already strips of tape on the ground marking where the stand-ins had been, but he knew that once they ran through the scene, there would be subtle variations. The scene called for Zack to meet Jane outside the elevators, stop her, grab her arm, and ask her what she was doing there. I'm here to see my sister, Jane would say, it's about her daughter. Zack would try to convince her not to go upstairs, and she would slip through his fingers, into the elevator. The elevator doors would close, and the scene would end. They would have to shoot the next scene upstairs, where Jane was to be confronted by Bill, but that scene wasn't on the call sheet for today.
They ran through it once to the director's satisfaction, only two of the tapes were changed, and everyone was told to make room and be quiet. It was crowded in the lobby. It was cold outside, and many of the crew members had moved inside. Besides, everyone wanted to watch the action now. They were all wearing blue jeans and cowboy boots, or sneakers, and heavy jackets, and some wore knit watch caps, or baseball caps, and Zack and Jane stood out in their expensive clothes. It was easy to spot them as the stars.
A voice somewhere near the camera shouted, Quiet ' settle down! ' And then suddenly, Action! as Jane moved across the lobby gracefully, stopped at the elevators, saw Zack, and then turned away as he moved toward her and grabbed her arm. Jessica? he asked, on cue. What are you doing here?
Jane looked at him, as though uncertain what to say, and then defiantly, but not too, I'm here to see my sister, Adrian.
The scene moved on, the elevator doors closed perfectly, and the same voice shouted Cut ' good! ' very good' The director looked pleased, the elevator doors opened, Jane stepped out with an excited smile, she was having fun. The director spoke to them again, and they shot the scene again. Four more times, and then finally, mercifully, Print it.
They took a break, while the stand-ins took their places again for a different scene, and Jane was surprised to notice that it was after eight o'clock. They had already been on the set for over an hour. And the time seemed to fly. She wasn't in the next scene, but she wanted to see Bill and Zack. She had never seen Bill work, and she was curious to see his style. She stood on the sidelines chatting with Zack, as they lit the scene, which took another half hour. She knew that in the studio it took twice that long sometimes, but on location things moved faster, with luck.
Coffee, Miss Adams? someone offered and she shook her head. And then she turned to Zack.
What do you think? She was anxious for his reaction.
It felt good. But it was impossible to tell. They both knew that in the next weeks it would feel alternately terrific and terrible, and that still didn't guarantee them the ratings. The only thing that did was Me's track record for hits. They were all counting on that, but they had to do their part too, and everyone was ready to pitch in.
Bill came into the lobby looking startlingly handsome in a gray suit, his blond hair shining golden in the bright lights. He looked handsome and young and very intense as Jane watched him. She hadn't realized just how handsome he was. He was gorgeous.
His eyes met Zack's, and Jane moved away as the two men conferred, and it was another half hour before the lighting men were pleased, then he and Zack rehearsed, the tapes were reset, they ran through it again, and a voice called out, Let's get quiet please ' very quiet ' next one is picture! ' Very quiet now ' stay very quiet please ' and ' roll camera ' light it up! ' Action! Jane felt the same thrill again. It was amazing what it did to her, just being there. She felt eighteen years old and incredibly happy. It was actually worth the price she had paid for it. She hadn't realized how unhappy she'd been before. The only thing that had kept her going was her part on the soap opera, but now her whole life had come alive. She missed the kids, but she was having such a good time, she missed Jack not at all, and she finally realized how unhappy she had been with him. She hadn't let herself think about it until then, but she marveled at it now. Here she was treated as a person. She was an important part of Manhattan, and Mel's confidence in the show's eventual success was contagious. They were all sure of it. Almost. They wanted it to be just as he said, the biggest show in the country the following season.
The scene between Bill and Zack was more complicated than Jane's had been, and the director had them do it eight times before he finally said the magic word, Print, and everyone heaved a sigh. It had been interesting watching Bill. He was so handsome and alive and intense, he was totally different than he was in real life, when he was so subdued and withdrawn, keeping his distance from everyone. She could see now why Mel had hired him, and why every woman was going to be drooling over him soon. He was terrific. But so was Zack, in a quiet, mature way. There was something for everyone. And Jane walked back to her trailer with a smile, to dress for her next scene. Her opening scene with Sabina. It was going to be shot upstairs. In the office they were paying a thousand dollars a day to rent. It was a fabulous place, hanging like a glass box on the corner, with a view of most of New York. But Jane wasn't thinking of the view as she was dressing. She was thinking of Sabina and Gabby, and her counterpoint to them. It was frightening thinking of working with a beautiful young girl, and a big, sexy star like Sabina. She felt like a n
obody in their midst, and almost as though he had guessed she would be thinking that, Zack appeared, just as her assistant zipped her dress. It was navy blue and subdued and set off her red hair. It also showed her full bust and tiny waist, and the smooth hips that led to her spectacular legs. Fran+oois Brac had done well by her after all.
You look fabulous, Jane. He had poked his head in the door and he whistled at her, which made her laugh. He didn't look the type to whistle in his elegant clothes.
I'm scared. And her eyes said she meant it.
You'll do great. Number one. He pointed his thumb upward and Jane smiled gratefully. She needed the encouragement desperately, and he knew it.
At moments like this, I wonder why Mel gave me the job.
Don't. The man knows what he's doing. The women will love you, and the men will go weak at the knees just watching you. Sabina is something else. She's a power trip, but you his eyes looked wistful as he looked at her, and his voice was soft when he went on you're all woman, Jane.
Thank you, Zack. Will you come upstairs and watch?
I think I'll leave you alone. It'll be crowded enough. And I have to change for my next scene with Sabina anyway. It was supposed to be on a different day, and he'd be wearing another suit. The wardrobes Mel had paid for were enormous. But he knew it was a good investment. No other show had had wardrobes like this, and it gave the show a look that no other series had, of quality and class, and expensive, important people. There was nothing cheap about Mel Wechsler, or his shows.
And Zack was right, when Jane got upstairs, the office they were using was jammed, with people and cameras and equipment. Her makeup woman and hairdresser were waiting for her, and they freshened her up as the stand-ins took their marks, and the camera angles were changed several times. Jane saw Gabby quietly standing in a corner in a beautiful gray wool dress Fran+oois Brac had designed for her. It looked young, and at the same time chic and expensive. Sabina was nowhere in sight, and it was almost another hour before she appeared. A man on a walkie-talkie told them downstairs when they were ready and she shot upstairs, looking incredible in a bright red wool dress with a jacket. There was no question who was the star, as she emerged from the elevator with a style and a punch and a panache that was reminiscent of being shot from a cannon. And from the moment she arrived, everything was action everywhere.
Quiet! ' The voice shouted more loudly this time. Quiet! ' stay very still please ' markers ' Jane pressed forward through the crowd to take her place. There had been no rehearsal this time. Sabina felt she didn't need it. And the director respected that. Gabby moved to her mark and stood quietly, waiting, her face expectant and young, and Jane smiled at her briefly. She felt like a horse in a stall, waiting for the race, wondering who would win, or if in fact all of them. Sabina had never looked more lovely. The heavy makeup seemed to strip years from her face, and her hair looked remarkable. She wore large gold earrings and a heavy strand of pearls, and on her right hand was a huge diamond ring. All of it had been borrowed for the shoot from Harry Winston. Mel didn't even want to use fake jewelry. Quiet please ' light it up! ' Action! And as though she had been born to the role, Sabina took her place behind the desk and then stood up regally, and stared at Jane, as Gabby came in slowly behind her.
What are you doing here? And I mean both of you. ' Her eyes were green diamonds, her voice was a snarl, and as though the lines had become part of her, Jane found herself responding, with the empassioned speech she had rehearsed and rehearsed again, and Gabby spoke her lines as though she were truly Tamara Martin and not Gabby Smith. It was incredible what had happened to them, they were suddenly suffused with the life of Manhattan, and Sabina's eyes blazed as she told them to get out and walked around the desk, pressing a button as she went. It was a button that was to call Zack, but that was in the next scene. And Jane was stunned as she heard the voice of the director.
Terrific! ' Terrific, all of you! ' one more time please' . They shot the scene three times, and on the last one he beamed. My God, you're good. That's a print. There was a cheer, and it was impossible to tell which of them they were cheering. Jane wanted to jump up and down and scream with excitement and in the distance she saw Zack, and she felt tears in her eyes. She wondered if she would ever get used to the excitement of the show. Even Sabina was pleased, and Gabby was beaming. It was good. It was better than good. It was great. And they all knew it instinctively.
It took another hour to light the next scene, and people from the office they had rented were crowded in at the edges, to watch the stars and try to see a little of the action too. But there was nothing to see now except lighting men and gaffers and grips, and lunch was called at exactly twelve thirty. They had to satisfy the unions and there was no point running into overtime that early. They all went back to their trailers for lunch. They only had an hour. And the afternoon flew by as they went through the next scene, and the call sheets were distributed for the following day. Mel appeared on the set in the afternoon, and he looked as pleased as they all felt. He left before they finished shooting, and Sabina went back to the Pierre alone in her limousine, and Zack left in another. He wanted to stop and see a friend before going back to the hotel, and Jane piled into the third one with Bill and Gabby.
Wow, I'm pooped. She was amazed at how exhausted she was, but at the same time she felt great. What did you guys think?
I think I need a lot more work, Gabrielle said humbly, and Bill looked at her, warming for the first time.
You were good. Very good. That scene with the three of you is a killer. Jane thought so too, and she smiled at him.
Thanks. You looked fantastic in that scene with Zack. They chatted about the day's takes, and glanced at the call sheets together. They were shooting six scenes the next day, three of them big ones, and they had the scripts to take back to their hotel rooms.
Want to work on it together tonight? Gabby looked at Bill hopefully, but he shook his head.
I work better alone. He sounded curt, and Gabby looked disappointed again.
I'll work with you, if you want. Jane offered to fill the gap, but they only had one scene together, and it was a small one.
Thanks. I always need help. Gabby seemed so anxious to do well, and Jane was anxious to help her. She seemed only slightly older than her own girls, although she knew that Gabby was ten years older than Alyssa, Jane's youngest child. But it was hard to believe. She looked like a little girl once she was back in her jeans and sneakers, with her shining black hair hanging in two pigtails. Bill didn't seem impressed with her, and he avoided her gaze on the drive back to the hotel, speaking mostly to Jane. And once back at the Carlyle, he seemed in a hurry to leave them and go upstairs. And Jane invited Gabby to her room later on, to order room service and rehearse.
I want to jump into a tub of hot water first, and just lie there.
Me too. Gabby smiled. Bill had disappeared with a handful of message slips, and the two women rode up in the elevator together, and it was only as they walked down the hall that Gabby turned to Jane with a discouraged sigh. Bill's so goddam unfriendly. He makes it really hard to work with him.
I know. He's probably just nervous.
So who isn't? Gabby shrugged. We all are. It's a big show, a big break for all of us, except Zachary and Sabina, who're probably used to it. But Christ, he doesn't have to snarl all the time. He acts like he has a burr up his ass. Jane laughed, and was reminded again of her daughters.
Give him time. We haven't gotten used to each other yet. Eventually we'll be one big family. That's how it was on my old show.
Gabrielle looked intrigued. Which one were you on again?
Our Secret Sorrows.
Gabrielle laughed. My grandmother was addicted to it.
Jane looked at her with a rueful smile. That was the trouble. They wanted a new look, and younger viewers. So they canned me.
Are you sorry now? Gabrielle was smiling at her. She liked her.
Hell, no. Jane threw out both hands philo
sophically. After all, all I lost was a part on soap, and my marriage.
Gabby's eyes grew wide. Are you serious? Over this?
It's a long story. I'll tell you about it, sometime.
When we have about ten hours to spare and a bottle of brandy in hand. The two women laughed and Gabrielle let herself into her room with a promise to rejoin Jane in a hour. It was a little like going to boarding school and staying up at night to work together on an assignment.
The two women met again later on, and chatted until midnight, although they knew they had to get up at four thirty. They completely forgot about the rest of the cast and concentrated on their lines. And as they were intent on their work, Bill was getting hysterical, calling his agent. He had tried to get through for hours and it was as though the better the show went, the guiltier he felt about Sandy. He finally got through to Harry, as he held a cigarette in trembling fingers.
How's it going?
That's all? Fine? You're in the biggest show of your life, on location in New York with Sabina Quarles and Zachary Taylor, working for Mel Wechsler, and all you say is fine?
Wonderful then. Look, Harry, can you do me a favor? He was lying on his bed, his leather jacket still on, with a worried look. Thinking about her was driving him crazy. What if she died now and Wechsler found out they were married? He had realized since getting to New York that he had to get her to clean up now. He had to. He had even called her parents and they didn't know where she was, nor did her friends when he called them. Will you check around for me and see if you can find anything out about Sandy?
Harry was beginning to think Bill was obsessed with her, but he didn't understand the fear or the sense of obligation that drove him. Look, why don't you just forget her?