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Billionaire's Second Chance (An Alpha Billionaire Second Chance Romance Love Story)

Page 14

by Claire Adams

  “As soon as you can. It will be a series of flights to get there, and there are threats of them dropping the entire deal.” His delivery was soft, and I saw the worry in his eyes.

  “Fuck,” I cursed and dropped my head in my hands. “There’s no other way?”

  “It gets worse. You might be there for weeks, if not longer.”

  I groaned, and he looked at me with sympathy. “Damn it,” I said. “I can’t lose this deal, Preston.” I felt anger at feeling helpless again. I knew I needed to make the right choice.

  “I don’t want to intrude in your business, Austin. You have a lot going on right now, though. Perhaps you should drop this deal and stay in Texas with your family. There will always be another deal.”

  I raised my head to glare at him, anger flaring inside me. I stood and paced around the room.

  “I worked my ass off for this deal, Preston. I put my heart and soul into it. Nobody in the company cares about this like I do, nor would they drop everything for it.”

  He raised an eyebrow at me. “Exactly,” he said as I stared at him. “They might have the right idea, Austin. It’s Christmas.”

  “This deal is the biggest one in the investment world, Preston. It was on the local news, for fuck's sake. I don’t want someone else to get it. Think about what I can make and all of the change I can bring about with that money.” He just kept looking at me. “I can change the world with that money, Preston.”

  “Do you have to do that, Austin?”

  He didn’t see my point at all, and I needed him to. “Nobody else would bail on a holiday, but there aren’t any holidays in the world of business.”

  “There’s more to life than business and money, Austin. Your father is in the hospital, and your mom is there alone with him. You’re all she’s got right now. Why do you have to leave them for this damn deal?” Even Preston looked disappointed in me today.

  I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose. “I can’t help him, Preston. I have the doctor from New York coming. You know, the one we supported a while back. He’s going to look over everything in my father’s file. That’s all I can do for him. And I can at least control this fucking deal and save that.”

  He sat down in front of his computer. “I just don’t want you to regret this choice, Austin. I think that your family needs you.” He didn’t look at me.

  I sighed. Didn’t he know that I knew that? I didn’t want to leave my parents or Rebecca, but this was my job. I did everything I could here with the doctor, but they should understand that I needed to handle this situation.

  “I want you to set a flight up immediately for me. Have my jet pick me up tomorrow morning at eight, and I’ll use the time tonight to tie up any loose ends.”

  Preston stared at me before nodding, picking up his phone, and dialing.

  While he was on the phone, my own cell rang, and I saw a strange number on the screen. I knew that it might be Mom calling from the hospital, so I stepped outside and answered it. “Hello.”

  “Austin, honey. I wanted to let you know that your dad is awake.” Mom’s voice shook with emotion.

  “I’m done with Preston for now,” I said. “So, I’ll head right over.” I heard her sniffle at the other end. “I’ll see you soon, Mom.” I thought for a second before texting Rebecca that he was awake and that I was going to see him. I glanced at the door to Preston’s hotel room, but we were finished here. I strode to the car and got inside, pulling out of the parking lot to go to the hospital.

  I was shaking as I got out of the car and walked through the main doors. I got on the elevator, seeing a nurse look at me with wide eyes and a sensual smile, but I glared at her until she looked away. I wasn’t Austin the billionaire right now walking into this building. I was a son worried about his father. She got off on the floor before me and darted away. I leaned against the wall of the car with a sigh. Once the doors opened again, I walked out and made the left turn to get to his room and walked through the door slowly. Mom was sitting beside him, leaning close and holding his hand as they spoke.

  “Dad.” My voice was soft. He looked at me, his eyes tired and red. I stepped forward and took the spot on the other side of the bed, reaching for his hand. “How are you feeling?”

  “I’m a little tired, but I’ll be fine. You two need to stop fussing over me.” Dad tried to smile, but I could see how uncomfortable he was. He looked weaker than I’d ever seen him, and a hint of guilt rushed through me as I thought about leaving for an undetermined amount of time.

  “They’re going to take good care of you here,” I assured him. I glanced at my mom. She was smiling, but I could see the worry in her eyes. We made some small talk for a while. I asked him what his doctor said and listened to him and my mom. I learned that he was going to be there for a while, making me glad that the other cardiologist would have time to review his chart.

  After a while, I asked Mom to go get some coffee with me. She frowned as she glanced at Dad before standing to follow me into the hall. “Is everything okay, Austin?”

  “Yeah. I have to fly out tomorrow for some business, Mom. Something has come up.”

  Her eyes narrowed with shock and anger. She’d never looked at me like this in my entire life.

  “Is this that business you’ve been so obsessed with this entire trip, Austin? Is that why you’re leaving?” She crossed her arms over her chest. “How can you leave with this going on? How can you leave on Christmas? People don’t work on the holiday.” Her eyes begged me to tell her I would stay, but I merely shrugged.

  “I have a doctor coming for him, Mom. That’s all I can do.” I clenched my fists at my sides.

  “There’s a lot more you can do here, Austin. You could stay and support your family. You could put the business aside for the time. Until your father is home, at the very least.” Mom shook her head wearily. “I don’t want to do this alone. I need my son.”

  “Mom, I have a business that I need to take care of. It’s critical, or else I wouldn’t leave. I’ll come back as soon as I can.” I was lying, but I couldn’t tell her the truth. She’d never understand.

  My heart broke as a tear slid down her cheek. “Mom, I’m staying all through tonight. I am not leaving until tomorrow morning. You’ll have so much help from everyone in town. You know that everyone already knows about this.” I cracked a smile as I made the light joke, seeing her face fall even further. “Mom.”

  “Every time there was a new story out about you, people talked. They gossiped about your life over there, and I remained quiet. You know why? I thought I knew my son. I am your mother, and I know that you’re kind and generous, and you love your family. I didn’t have any doubt in all those years, even when you didn’t come back for your father’s first health scare. Now you’re here to support me, and you tell me that you’re leaving?” Another tear slid down her cheek. “I don’t feel like I know you at all. You care about your damn money more than you care about your family or your father.”

  “Mom,” I said, searching for the right words to make her understand.

  “Just go,” she said and turned her back on me.

  Mom walked back into the room, and I slumped against the wall. She really laid into me, but I wouldn’t argue with her. Not right now when I was turning around and leaving in the morning.

  She told me that she didn’t know me.

  As I turned to leave the hospital, I didn’t feel like I knew myself. I wanted to go and see my dad, but I couldn’t stand the idea of seeing the look on Mom’s face again. I’d try to come by later, after she was home, if I could. Dad worked hard his entire life. He’d understand the spot I was in.

  Hell, I didn’t even understand the spot I was in. I walked out to the car and started the engine, feeling a sickening lump in my stomach. I pulled out of the lot and headed back to my parents’ house to get my things packed and wait for Mom to get home. I wanted to see Dad again before I left since I didn’t know when I would be back.

  I had
to see Dad again. I needed someone to understand what my business meant to my life; what it had always meant.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  I stopped by the hospital on my own to check on Mel since I hadn’t heard from Austin since he dropped me off. I was so worried, and Kim told me that she was going to get us some dinner and would meet me at my house later. I knew that Christmas was not going to happen, other than the necklace that was secured around my neck.

  A quick look around told me that Austin wasn’t parked anywhere near me, making me feel sad. I sighed and got out to go back up to the ICU, greeting a few acquaintances along the way who asked about Austin’s dad. I told them that last time I checked, he was doing well. I assured them that I was going to check again. Hugs were exchanged, along with murmurs of how good it was to see us together again, which balanced out the dirty looks from the local girls who I was not friends with. For as many who supported whatever it was we were doing, there were an equal amount who were jealous. I wouldn’t be surprised if they got the news that he was back and hoped for the chance to leave this town. Austin had a lot of money and influence, and in their eyes, he could make all their dreams come true.

  If only I thought that, this might work out for us.

  I walked up to the station to make sure he was still in the same room. They told me he was. Mel was a well-loved man in North Reed, and the concern for him warmed my heart, reminding me why I wanted to stay here. I couldn’t stand the idea of living in a city where I was just another face and a stranger to most people.

  I knew that everyone made friends eventually if they moved, but I didn’t think that I would care for Austin’s friends. The girls who he’d been photographed with in the past were beautiful, but in a cold way, as if they weren’t genuine or nice to anybody. The pictures looked staged and nothing like the pictures I had on my walls of times with friends around town.

  I made my way to the room and pushed the door open slowly. I only saw Sally and Ned, the police chief, sitting by the bed, but the sight of Mel’s eyes open made me smile. “Hello there. How are you feeling?” I asked. He met my eyes and tried to adjust himself. “No, you stay right where you are. I’ll come to you.” I hugged him from the side of the bed where Sally sat, kissing his cheek warmly. I felt how difficult it was for him to sit up. Looking at him, Mel seemed weak and tired. Was he better at all?

  “I am a bit worn out, but nothing a good night’s sleep can’t fix. I think they want to keep me here for a few days. No faith.”

  Sally shot him a dark glance before smiling too brightly at me. “He needs a little observation is all. They know what they’re doing.” Sally patted Mel’s hand, and I saw something in her face that showed how upset she was. “He’s much better than I thought he would be this morning.”

  We made some small talk, and she apologized for not being able to serve Christmas dinner tonight.

  I smiled at her. “It’s fine. This is much that is more important than that. We’ll make up for it.” I didn’t add that it would be without Austin, more than likely. I didn’t even want to think about that.

  “Is it?” Sally asked in a low voice. “I’m glad that some people feel that way.” Ned was talking to Mel at that moment, and the men missed it, but I shared a long look with her.

  “Where is he?” I asked softly.

  She narrowed her eyes. “I have no idea, but maybe you can find him and knock some sense into him,” Sally told me.

  She stood up and told Mel she’d be right back. I followed her into the hallway, and Sally explained that Austin had some crazy idea that he was going to fly off to save some business deal. She went on to say that she felt like Austin was a stranger. She didn’t even know who this man was who was staying in her house. I calmed her down as we walked, causing her to lower her voice until we were outside.

  “What do you mean, Austin is leaving?” I asked as she stood beside me, shivering in the cool but welcome air. “Where is he going?”

  “He didn’t say, but what does it matter? He’s not staying here to support any of his family.” Her drawl was thick when Sally was angry.

  I frowned. “You know that there are so many people here for you and that Mel is going to be just fine. Didn’t Austin have a doctor coming to see him? Have you met him?”

  She shook her head bitterly. “No, I haven’t. Is he some kind of magician, just because he’s from New York? That’s not enough, Rebecca.”

  I hugged Sally and calmed her down as she cried against my shoulder. My feelings toward Austin were all mixed up right now. He should be here, not me. Or at least, he should be here with me. I had some things to tell him once I was out of here, but I’d take care of his mom and dad first.

  She calmed down and got a fresh cup of coffee before going back to the room, where I spent some real time with Mel. I could see by the look in his eyes that he knew something was up, but he didn’t ask before I left. I told him I’d be back in the morning and left to go over to Austin’s house. I was keyed up by this time and had a lot to say. I parked in the driveway and grabbed my phone to send Kim a text that I was going to be a little late.

  Getting out of the car, I stomped up to the door and pounded on it. It took a minute for Austin to open the door, and when he did, I noticed how tired and disturbed he looked. It was no wonder with what he was trying to pull, but I waited for him to invite me in before I entered the house. It felt so empty without his family here, mostly dark apart from the kitchen and a room down the hallway.

  “What are you doing here?” Austin asked me, running a hand through his messy hair.

  “I went to the hospital and didn’t see you there. I wanted to stop by and see how you were doing.” I looked closely at him. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “I talked to Mel. He looked like he was doing better.” It was a bit of a white lie, but my anger was fading at the sight of his handsome, distressed face. “Why are you here alone?”

  “I just don’t like seeing him like that. I needed a break.”

  “You don’t look like you’re taking a break,” I said.

  He stepped toward me and pulled me against him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and breathed Austin in as I closed my eyes. God, I loved him.

  “I need you,” Austin murmured.

  He reached for my hand to lead me to his room. I went willingly, putting aside my frustration with him. Desire flowed through my body. Austin led me to his room and pulled me inside before he kissed me hard. I felt all his emotions in the kiss. His tongue plunged into my mouth.

  “God, I needed to feel your kiss right now,” he said, before claiming my lips again and pushing me against the door as it closed.

  I moaned into him, wrapping my arms around him to pull him closer to me. My nipples ached for his touch. I knew I was going to give in to him tonight. He kissed me and slid his hands into the waistband of my jeans.

  Austin unbuttoned them and slid the zipper down in a fluid motion. I felt the cool air hit my bare legs.

  “I need to feel you around me,” he said. “I need you to ground me, Rebecca.” There was a desperation to his tone, and in the way his mouth tasted mine. He needed this as much as I did, no matter how it might break our hearts.

  He eased me away from the door, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I kissed him, trying to soothe his racing heart. Austin dropped me down to the bed. He hovered over me, and his hands tugged at my sweater. I arched my back to let him slide it off me.

  He kissed my neck, pressing his lips hard against my skin. It felt so good to feel him against me, wearing only a pair of fitness shorts. His hands unclasped my bra easily. His mouth wrapped around my nipple, sucking it deep into his mouth. I cried out and felt the warmth between my legs.

  He continued to assault my body with his mouth, doing more to me than anyone had before. I knew I was close to release. His teeth dragged against my skin, and his erection pressed into me through our clothes, right where I needed him most.

sp; “Austin, don’t stop,” I begged him shamelessly. “I need you.”

  He moved to the other nipple and gave it the same rough treatment. “I never stopped needing you,” he assured me, breathing hot air against my skin before sucking me back into his mouth. I clenched my lips together, dragging my nails down his back and jerking against him.

  I could remember so many other times that we were together. When we first started, there was an innocence to us. It felt like we were learning about our bodies. He guided me to discover my needs and the things that stirred the desire in me the most. I did the same for him. It all flashed through my mind, and I cried out his name, desperate to feel him inside of me.

  Austin pulled back to look at my face. I slid my hands down his incredible body to tug at his shorts. “I need you. Inside,” I grunted.

  He leaned down to kiss my lips. Austin made my mind a scrambled mess before he knelt and stood, leaving me breathless.

  He gave me a wicked look before he eased the shorts off, exposing his thick cock. I raised my hips and slid my cotton underwear down. He licked his lips with a strained expression. “I am going to fuck you hard tonight, Rebecca. I need that.”

  I shivered at his words, not sure whether to take them as a threat or a promise. Either way, I wanted it, and I nodded. I pushed back against the pillows and spread my legs wide. I reached one hand up to cup my breast and the other down my stomach to tease my wet pussy. He drew his lower lip into his mouth, his eyes smoldering when he raised them to meet my gaze.

  Oh, God. I was so wrapped up in this moment. I flicked my finger against my hard clit and moaned. Austin dropped against the mattress, stroking himself slow and hard. He crawled over me, kissing any part of my skin that he could find with his mouth.

  Then, he slid inside of me. I gasped.

  It was hard and rough, but I was wet enough to allow him easy entrance. Austin bottomed out inside of me, and I rocked against him. He groaned at the feeling. I needed more. He pulled back and took me again with a hard thrust, continuing to do so with rising speed. I moved with him. Our bodies slapped together, and sounds left my mouth, impulsive and inarticulate. I felt exhaustion flood me at the same time as the adrenaline of another orgasm shook me, making me scream his name.


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