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  As we explore, you will see three chambers: this lower one, the Queen’s chamber higher up, and beyond that, the King's chamber. This one, is called the Grand Gallery.”

  The Grand Gallery was striking in size and beauty, and also, in the perfection of how the blocks were cut, and placed together!

  “Pretty eyes, it’s hard to believe-we're actually standing inside an ancient wonder of the world”!

  “I know! It’s mind-boggling”!

  Being ever watchful, beauty of a unique sort was spotted: a short distance from the group, was a woman dressed as an Egyptian queen.

  She's beautiful! I think I'll go say hi! Guns thought.

  Walking over close to her, he held out his hand and softly spoke.

  “Hi! I'm Rafael.”

  For some reason, that terrified the woman and she ran down a different passageway-which then formed a brick wall behind her.

  Huh? Where'd she go? he wondered, totally confused about how the passage disappeared!

  Spots turned to speak to him, and was surprised that he was feeling a wall with his hands.

  “What are you doing, Rafael?” she inquired.

  “I'm looking for the hidden passageway”!

  “What? How do you know there's a hidden passageway”?

  “Can I help you, sir?” the tour guide asked.

  “I'm looking for the hidden passageway, that a woman ran down; she was dressed like an Egyptian queen.”

  “There are no hidden passages down here, sir. You must have seen another tourist, near the edge of the group! Let’s continue along the Gallery.

  A remarkable study, called Pyramidology, shows that the passages were constructed to a scale of a geometric inch to a year, and major landmarks in the pyramid-line up with major historical dates! Pyramidologists have also used this measuring system within the pyramid, to show the average density and weight and temperature of the earth, among many other things! Some people, even believe the timeline shows what some Christians refer to as-the second coming of Jesus! Many historical events can be pointed out, such as wars, and the September 11th disaster of the twin towers! Also, there's an amazing reference to the end of the Mayan calendar!”

  Within the silence of the captivated group, Kames put forth a fascinating theory.

  “If all these things are truly encoded within the measurements, then the builders had to be of a race much wiser and older than the ancient Egyptians! That's my own speculation, and many scientists would say otherwise, but it kind of makes you wonder-doesn’t it? On a side note, there is ancient Egyptian documentation-proving-that the leader had blonde hair, and blue eyes. No ancient Egyptians had blonde hair, and blue eyes, so, where did he come from? Any questions so far?”

  After several questions were answered, the tour advanced to the Queen’s chamber, then to the King’s, with Kames continuing to point out major milestones in Earth's history. After finishing with the King's chamber, there were more questions.

  “What influenced the Pharaohs dressing style?” a lady asked.

  “The Pharaohs went to considerable lengths to set themselves apart: to show their magnificent royalty. As signs of wealth, a lot of gold jewelry was displayed, and their linen clothing was more see through than what other Egyptians wore. Part of their clothing, was a royal apron called a Shendyt, which was pleated and had a small piece of cloth hanging in front of it; partially transparent robes, went over the apron. A striking, pleated head piece, called a Nemes, brought major attention to the face; the headdress often carried a cobra figure-to protect them from evil. Also as part of their distinctiveness, they wore decorated sandals, and false beards. Khol was worn around the eyes, to protect against infections and sun glare.”

  “I have a question,” Angel said. “Does Pyramidology, say anything about all the earthquakes and disasters happening now”?

  “Good question, babe”!

  “As a matter of fact, it does! Pyramidologists have uncoded information-telling of a very turbulent period of earthquakes and other disasters-at this period of time! The information doesn't say how long it will last-but that knowledge from the stars will protect us”!

  After answering a few more questions, Kames led them out into the unforgiving desert sun, which was almost unbearable after the steady 74° temperature.

  “For those who have tickets to the Sphinx, I am your guide there, as well. Normally, there is a different guide for each place, but today’s regular guide is sick. Let’s move over in front of the Royal Sphinx, and I will share with you, of its rich history!”

  “The Great Sphinx-has long been known-as the Ancient Guardian of the Plateau. It faces the rising sun, and was the focus of solar worship, so perhaps, that's why the king of lions is a symbol associated with the sun. This one of a kind marvel is 260 feet long, 65 feet high, and has a tail wrapped around its right hind leg. It’s the largest sculpted statue in the world, and is carved right out of the bedrock.

  No-one knows who built it, or why, but there are many ideas, and the speculations as to its age-are varied. In days of old, the Guardian was broken into by robbers, and its nose was supposedly used as target practice by some of Napoleon's troops. Various ideas exist, about who it resembles; many think its likeness is of the Pharaoh Khafre, while others think it bears a much closer resemblance-to an older brother of Khafre: Pharaoh Djedefre-Radjedef.

  There are those who believe, that secret passageways and chambers exist beneath the Guardian; one of the chambers-called the Hall of Records-is thought to be under the front right paw. This Hall of Records-is said to contain all the ancient knowledge of Earth! It also, supposedly, has a record of the lost civilization of Atlantis! Some people, believe the Sphinx was built in 10,500 BC-by survivors of Atlantis! According to legend, the opening to the Hall of Records can be found at the right shoulder; legend also says, that three people will one day come looking for a great treasure, during a time of trouble, and will enter the Hall of Records-by using their voices! One of the three will be a woman-born with the mark of a trident spear. Of course, these are only legends-not necessarily true-but are interesting possibilities! Any questions?”

  While Kames was answering questions, the three of them had plenty to think about!

  “Thank you very much, for visiting the Great Pyramid and majestic Sphinx! Please, come again! Remember, to watch the Sound and Light show tonight. You’ll find brochures about that, on this side of the main gate. Please, come again!”

  An urgent announcement, highlighted the sudden look of a woman on a mission.

  “I’ve got to see Kames for a minute”!

  She darted off in mid-sentence, leaving a dust trail to follow.

  “Kames, your presentations were extraordinary! Somehow, it felt like I was supposed to be here for them! I know that sounds crazy”!

  “I’m glad you enjoyed them!” he answered, with a smile that said he knew something-she didn’t!

  “It’s good-to see all three of you! This is a time of times, and time of three! The Great Sphinx will protect you, on your journey of truth! Remember-the right path-is the path of the Sphinx”!

  After saying that, he shook their hands and walked away.

  “I wonder what that means!” she pondered.

  “He probably says that, to a lot of tourists!” Guns pointed out, swiftly moving on to a more important matter.

  “And now, to the next thing on the agenda! Anybody ready for a snack?”

  The always hungry tummy, was a source of amusement on the way out to the many colorful shops and cafes, that bordered the end of Pyramids road. A grand feast waited for them: all the cafes offered samples of the best of Egypt. Many of the foods were familiar-but some promised a strange, new experience-such as the exotic Scarab soup.

  She couldn’t resist the urge-to tease.

  “Hey, hungry one! Scarab soup! You want some beetle soup?”

  “Uh, thanks. Maybe another time. I just found an Egyptian style gyro sandwich, with my name on it!”

>   The rest of the afternoon was filled with sampling the fine foods, and searching for riches among the gem filled shops. Being completely intoxicated with the experiences of the plateau, made it hard to imagine how to end the perfect day, but the timeless wonders knew, and showed them later that night: at the Sound and Light show.

  As lasers lit up the side of the Great Pyramid with historical scenes, music played, and the Sphinx told them of the plateau’s history, and how it played a role in Egyptian history.

  As the lights danced, there was the sensation of living throughout time!

  “It's amazing-how rich the Egyptian culture and history is!” Muscles commented.

  “Egyptians have a lot to be proud of, my friend! Plus, some incredible artifacts have been found in Egypt, and I’ve been fortunate enough to have dug up a few of those myself”!

  By the time the hour-long show was over, their afternoon of snacking had worn off, and Rafael was invited for dinner. The balcony was the sight of a room service meal fit for royalty: gourmet seafood pasta, a large variety platter of Egypt’s tastiest morsels from the sea, and complimentary French wine. Even though the heat was still almost unbearable, the simmering desert night couldn't distract from the spellbinding view of the past.

  It sounded like a replay: once again-the breeze brought the whisper of a name-tugging, with irresistible enchantment!

  “What a day, boys”!

  “Fascinating, pretty one! Those legends the tour guide told us about-I wonder how much of it is true.”

  “Perhaps more than we could possibly know!” she replied.

  “Well, my friends, it’s logical to think-that just because we don't know of something-doesn't mean it doesn't exist! And, I know that woman in the pyramid ran down a hidden passage, and she wasn't part of the tour”!

  “We believe you, my friend”!

  “The Archeologist in me, says the Great Pyramid and Sphinx were built for a galaxy changing purpose”!

  “And,” Muscles added, “if the pyramid time-line of the earth is real, that civilization was far more advanced than us! With luck, some of them still exist, and we can find them”!

  “I’m sure you boys have noticed, that it feels as though an un-seen force is guiding and helping us these days; maybe that advanced civilization is pulling us to them, and, perhaps, are even the people behind the crystal”!

  “There have been a lot of strange coincidences!” acknowledged their protector.

  “Perhaps they haven't been coincidences! She may be right-an advanced civilization could be directing our path to certain discoveries”!

  “Speaking of finding things, boys-the search for the graveyard well tomorrow-sounds intriguing”!

  “That it does, my brave explorer! First thing after breakfast, we need to hire a guide and then buy camping supplies. Let's make a list of what to buy, and we should probably turn in after that: we’ve got a big day tomorrow!”



  It crept in during the night-soft and warm against her face; not really comfortable with finding out what was crawling on her, she raised a hand anyway, and peered at it through half opened eyes. The discovery, brought a sheepish relief: it was only the warming fingers of the sun!

  “Morning, gorgeous”!

  His call from the couch was a surprise.

  “Morning! Why didn't you wake me?”

  “You were sleeping so well, I didn’t have the heart to disturb you, and decided to sit here with coffee. Breakfast is on the way, and we can be munching in about 15 minutes.”

  “I’m up”!

  With uncanny timing, the source of perpetual hunger arrived at exactly the same time as the food-with a special offer: to help devour the tasty breakfast of eggs, ham, croissants, and a type of Egyptian black coffee.

  Satisfied, and ready for adventure, they bargained with one of the many taxi drivers waiting outside the hotel, and agreed on a price for a half days’ use. First stop, was to find a guide-which were plentiful in Giza. For a mere 500 Egyptian pounds, a young man of 35 agreed to drive them to the southern cemetery: a mile into the desert. The guide, Anhur, had typical features for an Egyptian man: dark brown hair that curled, light brown eyes, and a slender, muscular build. Not typical, was the huge scar on his left forearm, and his height of almost six feet.

  Setting things up, Jean-Leuc gave instructions to Anhur.

  “Anhur, meet us at the front desk of our hotel at 7 p.m. tonight. Here's 200 pounds-you’ll get the rest tonight!”

  After saying goodbye, the hunt began for camping supplies, and before long, backpacks were being filled at the hotel. A light lunch of salads and refreshing pyramid water, left plenty of time to relax by the pool.

  Even though only three other people were nearby, the watcher sat in a corner by the end of the pool-providing a soothing bubble of protection. Within such a safe environment, the padded loungers gave comfortable passage to another time and place.

  “Can I rub some oil, on your back”?

  The intimate words triggered sweet memories: of their first meeting.

  “Sure, handsome”!

  “You've got to be careful not to burn, pretty one! The sun is more vicious these days-especially, here in Egypt”!

  A wink of agreement, led to another 10 minutes on her stomach, 10 on her back, and then a dash into the rescuing pool. Playful splashes mingled with a vague awareness: a scene was being played out-in the time traveling movie of legends. Soon, another scene emerged: a steak and lobster candlelight dinner for two, in their room.


  “Babe?” he answered, with his grin of charm-lighting up-at the new nickname.

  “Why did you tell the guide to meet us at the front desk, instead of outside the hotel”?

  “I've heard stories, of how some guides take people out into the desert and other places, and don't return for them! I want him to see me pre-pay for a week, so he knows we have lots of money; as a result, he'll return and pick us up”!

  “Good thinking”!

  Right on time, Anhur was waiting for them in the lobby.

  “Hello, my friends! It's good to see you again”!

  “Hello, Anhur! We'll be ready to go, as soon as I pay for another week.”

  “Ok, take your time.”

  The wad of cash definitely got Anhur’s attention, warming his mind, as he loaded bags into the back of his jeep and guided a brave journey to the unknown.

  “I know of a side road, that is no longer used; it will take us to the back side of the southern cemetery, and it's not likely that anybody else will be out there.”

  The route was happily agreed to, but, unfortunately, the forgotten road ended up making the 10 minutes-tooth jarring.

  “I’ll unload your bags, but if you want a campfire-I can’t help you: that’s how I got this”!

  He pointed to the burn scar, on his left forearm.

  After the jeep was unloaded, Anhur was handed more than the agreed upon amount-which was obviously-the good luck of the Sphinx!

  “Here's the rest of what you asked for, plus 1000 pounds more! Return here in six days to pick us up, and I'll pay you another 1000 pounds”!

  He couldn’t believe the man had given him so much money, and the incredible good fortune, instantly created a face-size grin!

  “Yes, yes, my friends! I'll be here! Have a good time”!

  Driving away, the offer of big, easy money-kept the broad smile going.

  The desert sand was soft, and it didn’t take long to find a comfortable looking spot for the sleeping bags, with the watcher setting his up a short distance away. The moment he returned, he had an all-important question.

  “Anything to snack on”?

  “Always a hungry tummy, my new friend”!

  “Well, what can I say? It has a mind of its own!”

  Digging in a backpack, produced some tasty tidbits for his buddy.

  “We've got granola bars, jerky, nuts, and stuff for san

  “Jerky! I'll take some of that”!

  “And, we also have a special treat”!

  The backpack of snacks, stopped being the hiding place of a silver bottle.

  “I found a rare, French wine”!

  “That’s my guy”!

  “That'll go good with the jerky!” realized the hungry one.

  As they settled against the backpacks, streaks of amber softly painted the night with magic. Then, a presence began to emerge: entering their thoughts, with a promise of unfolding secrets!

  “How incredibly awesome, boys-a giant cat-guarding the plateau”!

  “You know, people used to worship cats!” informed Guns.

  “That's easy to believe!” she replied. “You watch a cat, and you can swear they remember this: when you talk to them, they're apt to walk away with their tail up-as if to say-’Talk to the butt’”!

  “That’s pretty funny, babe, and I’ve seen cats do that”!

  “And I have! Apparently, the memory IS there”!

  “This is nice, boys-to be able to afford expensive wine”!

  “It is,” Guns agreed. “Have you always been rich”?

  “I remember when I really had to struggle-even to buy food! Once the first book was published, that's when the money came in. I have a lot of respect, for people who are struggling to make ends meet! What about you? Have you always been well off?”

  “Not always. I was raised by an aunt, because my parents died when I was five; we lived comfortably, but were never wealthy. After I became an Archeologist, I began to acquire a lot of money. And you, my friend?”


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