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  “I've been most fortunate: I had rich parents, and never had to work a day in my life! My parents always told me though-that life is not just all about me; I’ve lived by that, and it has served me well”!

  Eyes of emerald glowed, as they reflected the vast expanse of winking sky.

  “This is breathtaking! So many stars! Makes me feel kind of small! You boys think there's life out there-on some of those planets?”

  “Well, sweetie, it'd be a pretty big waste of space-if there's not”!

  “I agree with him; it IS reasonable-to think that some of the many worlds out there-can, and do, support life”!

  “All these worlds, and the vastness of space-it all had to have been made by a pretty awesome supreme being! Do you boys think-there's a god?”

  “I think there's something supreme out there, pretty eyes, but I’m not sure what I'd call it. Maybe there are multiple gods: a different god-for each dimension. What do you think, my friend?”

  “Creation has been pretty well analyzed, by many top scientists-who have compelling arguments for evolution”!

  “Give us an example,” Angel requested.

  “There’s the cosmic dust cloud: scientists have explained how everything evolved out of the big bang, which came from a cosmic dust cloud.”

  “But,” she replied, “where did the cosmic dust cloud come from? Scientists could say it came from smaller particles, or another galaxy or alternate universe, but no matter the size or place, the particles couldn't be there unless made by someone! Happening to exist all on their own-is not logical! And, there's Jupiter!”

  “Huh? Sweetie”?

  “Jupiter?” Guns quizzed. “What do you mean”?

  “It spins the other way”!

  “I don't follow you, pretty one”!

  “Me either”!

  “Scientists that promote the big bang theory, say, that when the big bang happened, everything went spinning off into space in the same direction. Like people jumping off a quickly turning merry go round-everything should have continued to move in the same direction-but Jupiter doesn't spin like all the other planets: It spins the opposite way!”

  “Oh! I've heard of this!” Guns exclaimed. “A few scientists have speculated, that in Jupiter's distant past, it went through a geo-magnetic reversal of its poles, causing the planet to stop-and reverse direction. Many scientists believe we are experiencing a reversal right now-and the deadly process will be complete-in the near future!”

  “Possibly, that explanation is the correct one, but maybe a supreme being created everything and had Jupiter spin the opposite way, so people could disprove the big bang theory and know how things really came about! But, even if that is what happened with Jupiter, you've still got-the primordial soup”!

  “Primordial soup?” questioned Guns.

  “Ok, gorgeous-I'm intrigued”!

  “Scientists, that support the big bang theory and evolution, say, that life evolved after millions of years-of rain hitting against rocks. Supposedly, that caused some kind of reaction between the rocks and the water-which produced life. Neither rocks, nor water, have animal proteins in them, and water hitting against rocks-will not produce animal proteins-so there's no way that animals, or people, could have evolved from that! It just isn't logical!”

  “I hadn't thought of that!” Guns admitted.

  “Me either”!

  “And besides, everything works so perfectly together-from the grass and trees, to the animals, people, earth, and sky! Figure the odds of this being so-if not by creative design! Have you boys ever had the feeling-that you wanted to thank someone for all this?”

  “A time or two, love.”

  “Me too.”

  “I believe, those feelings are the sensing of the supreme being who created it all, and I think that supreme being put the sensing ability in us-to know he's there”!

  “Do you consider yourself to be-what some people would call a Christian?” Guns asked.

  “No, I wouldn't say that, but I'm leaning toward their beliefs. Right now, I'm just questioning everything, and trying to find my way. Their beliefs-make a lot of sense!”

  “Some pretty compelling thoughts, babe”!

  “He’s right-it’s compelling”!

  “I’ve been thinking about all this for years, and with all that's out there, I really hope we discover life on other planets! That would be-so fascinating! I wonder, how many solar systems and galaxies there are.”

  “More than your pretty peeps can count”!

  “Tell you one thing-counting stars is more fun than counting sheep, but I always lose track after a while and my eyes get tired. Speaking of sleep, I think I'll go get some; I’ll be right over there.”

  “Have a good one, my friend.”

  “Goodnight, Rafael. Don't forget to count stars!”

  “I'll let you know, what number I got up to.”

  Watching him leave, there were good feelings from the enjoyable time just shared, but the good feelings vaporized-replaced by knots in their stomachs-at the sight: a swirling fog, and a woman, appearing behind their friend!


  The call from his new buddy was full of alarm, and he hurried back.

  “A swirling fog and a woman, appeared behind you! She was young, slender and curvy, and had lots of spots coming out from her eyes! As soon as I called your name-the fog and woman vanished”!

  “Really! I wish I’d seen her! Perhaps, I should be on guard over here”!

  The suggestion was happily received, and three sleeping bags ended up in close proximity.

  “Guess I'll count stars from here”!

  The ghostly encounter was a catalyst for several uneasy hours of talking, and trying to see through the veil of night. The steadfast watch was finally given up around three in the morning, when it was determined-there was nothing more to see.


  Loving arms pulled the emerald beauty in for a kiss, and to say-four sensuous words.

  “Welcome, to the plateau”!

  An odd insect buzz woke them at six; still in a snuggle, they peered into the dim light and recognized the insect: the alarm clock! Although it was pre-dawn, and only three hours of sleep had been claimed, a pastry was going through a rigorous taste test.

  “Time for you guys to get up”!

  “Morning, Guns,” yawned a waking beauty.

  “Didn't take you long to find the food, hungry buddy”!

  “You know me: I love to eat! Hey, you guys better get up! We want to hurry and find the well-in case any tourists head this way”!

  “Right! Come on, my spotted one; time to get off the sleeping bags.”

  “By the way, I got up to 80 stars”!

  “That's amazing! I think I’d get lost in the stars-by 20”!

  “You and me both, gorgeous! Ok, let’s see if Munch left us any food.”

  “Hey, that’s a new one, and I like it! I’ve also been called Vittles”!

  An uproar followed the mention of Vittles, with the amusement lingering through a breakfast of croissants and water, and into the dim light of the unknown-and a search for clues.

  “Ok, boys, if people wanted to put a well in a cemetery-where would it go”?

  “The well could have been here first,” Munch offered.

  “That's true,” she replied, “but let's assume the sleepers were here first: to narrow the search.”

  “Good thinking, pretty one! If the well was added later, then I guess it would have been put along the edge.”

  “That makes sense,” she replied.

  Walking along the edge of the cemetery, luck found them in only five minutes, with a spotted arm accurately pointing out a barely visible circle. The discovery quickened their pace, and curious eyes soaked in the flashlight view-a view, that pulled disappointment from the protector.

  “Some well! There's not a bit of water, and it looks like it’s never been used! I don’t see how this-could possibly be important

  “We've come this far-we might as well check it out! I'll go down first.”

  “How are you going to get down, handsome”?

  “I could use a rope, or hang and drop, since it doesn’t appear to be much deeper than seven feet, but some bricks are missing, so I’ll use the holes to climb down.”

  Easing over the side, he descended remarkably fast.

  “Piece a cake! The holes are good all the way! Come on down, sweetie”!

  Joining him at the bottom, she thought about the weirdness: of being in Egypt-at the bottom of a cemetery well. An echo to her thoughts-was not at all unexpected.

  “Pretty weird place we find ourselves, wouldn't you say”?

  “Yes, and I have no idea what to look for”!

  “I suppose-anything out of place.”


  At first-nothing appeared out of place; moments later, he spotted them.

  “Here! I'd say these are different”!

  He was pointing, at two exceptionally rounded plate size rocks-a foot apart-at chest level.

  “The builders must’ve been short on bricks,” he explained.

  “Maybe, but if that’s true, then I think the rocks would’ve been added to the end of their work-at the top-not-in the middle.”

  “Good reasoning”!


  Resting her hands on the out-of-place rocks, she added a bit more.

  “Decorations, with a purpose”!

  As though triggered by the words, things took a dangerous turn: an ominous rumbling surged under their feet.

  “Hold on down there! We’re having another quake”!

  Holding his love close, he wondered if they were safe in the well, and the answer, unfortunately, spoke in the form of a cave-in! They could only watch helplessly, hoping the bricks would somehow-miss them!

  “Baby! It's not a cave-in! A doorway opened”!

  The rumbling ceased, and astonishment took over.

  “What do you guys see”?

  “It’s incredible, my friend! There are stairs, going down into a large space”!

  “So, there was something to find after all! It’s amazing-you guys opened it”!

  “Buddy! Help us check it out! You see any tourists yet?”

  “No, it’s only 7:30; the attractions don't open until eight. I'll lower our bags by rope-then climb down.”

  Passing through the doorway to join his friends, was not without incident.

  “Uh oh, I got snagged”!

  Pulling to get loose resulted in a ripping sound, and then he was clear.

  “Don't know what I was snagged on, but my shirt is torn.”

  A mysterious tunnel, awaited their excited steps into new adventure; the excitement flowed, until a familiar rumble brought the theft of a jewel most precious: freedom!

  “Oh no! Boys-here we go again”!

  As the prophetic journey began, they admired the technology of the perfectly round, twelve-foot-wide tunnel, and noticed, the thick layer of cushioning sand was revealing a secret: it likely, hadn’t been disturbed for countless thousands of years!

  “It’s odd, how fresh the air is”!

  “It is odd, sweetie, and so is the light from the silver domes above us.”

  Eyes trained to find the smallest detail-found a new one.

  “You two see those flickering lights ahead”?

  Their curiosity grew with each step, until a minute later, when the tunnel curved into a cube shaped chamber-bringing them to the ancient riddle: of what was, and is not, but yet is!

  Among the stares, the passage of time was unobserved-then-a hand-a touch.

  Her hand jerked: as though bitten.


  “It’s really warm, but I couldn’t touch it”!

  In a flurry, emotions blended into a mixed state of astonishment and confusion-at the flaming star hovering in mid-air. What happened next, took their surprise to a whole new level: it began to speak and move! As the strange words flowed, the star spun in every direction.


  “I don’t understand the language, but it resembles ancient Egyptian, and my gut tells me we’re missing information we need! Probably, we are looking at advanced holographics, and I wonder what civilization it’s from.”

  “It’s anybody’s guess, my friend; perhaps the answer, lies down one of those tunnels”!

  Attention shifted to three new tunnels, where familiar stones, as in the well-were embedded in the entrances. One entrance had one, the next had two, and the third-showed three.

  The possible explanation the protector thought of-was alarming!

  “It’s likely, only one of them is safe to go down, and the others are booby trapped”!

  “I think the safe bet-is for my spotted one to decide which way to go.”

  “Only agreement here! She would be the safe bet”!

  The choice was made, when the passage of three made her scratch.

  “It's this one! This is the safe one! Oddly, the number three has been everywhere the last few years! It's got to be-this way”!

  For a few minutes, the new tunnel was a mirror image of the previous one; then came the interesting twist: it turned into a giant corkscrew!

  “Buddy, have you found anything like this in your digs”?

  “There’s never been anything found, that even hinted of this kind of technology”!

  The descent was monotonous, and after a while, the emerald beauty was ready for a change.

  “My feet are killing me! I wonder how much farther this coil goes”!

  “If it goes much farther, pretty one, we'll reach the molten core”!

  That provided a bit of amusement for a few minutes, until the protector stopped, with a concerned look on his face.

  “You guys feel that vibration”?

  “I don't feel anything, buddy.”

  “The bottoms of my feet are buzzing”!

  Soon, the vibrations were unmistakable and mixed with faint thunder, and the voice of protection gave a solemn warning.

  “Stay alert”!

  Continuing down the corkscrew, the vibration and thunder got more intense with each step! Whatever was down there-was getting very close!

  “So that's what we've been feeling, and hearing!” Guns announced-his words dripping with awe-upon entering an enormous cone shaped chamber, which narrowed to the breathtaking source of concern.

  With senses gone wild, and amazement running deep, they slowly approached the unearthly hues and refreshing mist.

  “How can that be? A waterfall-of gold and silver? Boys”?

  “I bet, sweetie-it’s a result of certain minerals in the water.”

  “Or, my friends, there’s a supernatural force behind it”!

  Sometimes, things just have to take precedence, and her sudden alarm raced to the forefront of everything else.

  “I don’t see another way out”!

  “Not to worry, Emerald Eyes. We can always backtrack.”

  Closing in on the spectacular waterfall, Guns noticed it first.

  “Look! There’s a ledge to the waterfall”!

  Looking down below the chamber floor, he also noticed a dark green pool-swirling with more than just water! In a split second, the hair on the back of his neck stood up, when a fish creature raised its head-and stared at them!

  Thick moss blanketed the foot-wide ledge, that didn’t look like a promising path to anywhere, but, perhaps, something would turn up. The first imprints were made by superior strength-strength, that smartly relied on the safety tie of a rope.

  The decision was made, to not mention the fish creature, and avoid foot slipping fear of what was lurking in the water beneath their feet!

  The dangerous combination of vibrations and slimy moss, made the 10-foot walk feel like 50; at the waterfall, a search for another way revealed the only thing left to do: look behind.

  “A hotel”?

  The words couldn’t help but slip ou
t, at the warm sight. He decided to let the others enjoy discovering it for themselves, and simply told them-he’d found another way.

  “There’s a cave behind it, so we can continue this way! I'll come get my pack, and after I’m behind the waterfall and my hand is out, then you follow next, love. It’s a bit slippery, so hang onto the rope-tight!”

  Safely forming a puddle behind the waterfall, they stared at the wonders, while bathing in soothing reflections from a bubbling pool. Intricately carved pieces of stone furniture sat near the pool: a table and lamp, three chairs, three beds, and two couches.

  The boyish grin got very big, with the joy of sharing what he’d found.

  “Welcome, to the underground hotel”!

  Speaking with astonishment, Guns offered the only explanation he could think of.

  “Somebody was expecting us”!

  “It does appear that way, my friend, but how could all this have been placed in here”?

  “It’s good to have a nice place to relax, boys! And now, to change into dry clothes.”

  She picked up a backpack, and headed off to the darkened recesses of the cave-also packing along a troubling thought.

  I hope there aren’t any spiders, or other creepies in here!

  “Ok, pretty one, we’ll change here while you’re gone.”

  Less than 60 seconds after she left-she was standing next to them again!

  “And now, to change into dry clothes.”

  She picked up a backpack, and headed off to the darkened recesses of the cave.

  “That was strange!” Guns observed.

  “Agreed, but there has to be an explanation for it”!

  Soon, a dry explorer came walking back with a big smile on her face.

  “Much better! Now for a water”!

  “Love, why did you come back and tell us a second time-that you were going to change”?

  “What do you mean? I didn't come back until now!”

  “We saw you here, and you told us again-that you were going to change! You then picked up a backpack, and walked away!” said a confused protector.

  “I don't understand! This is my first time back”!

  “There must be logic behind this!” her other half reasoned.

  “Let's figure it out while we eat! I'm starved!” Vittles announced.

  “It's only been a couple of hours at the most, since we came inside the well! How can you be starved?” the emerald beauty asked.


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