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Playing With Fire: Dragons Of The Darkblood Secret Society

Page 86

by Meg Ripley

  “We also expect that it will not take long,” Ny-len spoke. “Our species develops in a matter of weeks, and by our calculations of the genetic blending, we expect this offspring of yours to be ready in approximately eight weeks,” Ny-len continued. “We anticipate that your recovery will resemble that of a normal human birth, and you should be ready to bear more offspring approximately two months after that.”

  “Bear more offspring? You want me to get pregnant over and over again. To do...THIS...again and again?” Rachel whispered.

  “You, and a select few, will be recruited to become the bearers of a multitude of offspring who will bring victory and freedom to our tribe,” Rogue cut in.

  “You’re going to bring others here? You're going to do the same things to them?” Rachel asked. While she was slowly resigning herself to her apparent fate, she didn't want others to share the same one. And if she had to be here, she didn't relish the idea of sharing Ny-len and Rogue with a room full of women.

  “We have seen plenty of occasions where the females of your species enjoy other females. I can tell you that it is quite arousing to watch, actually. And, as the first and most compatible of the bearers, you are, of course, welcome to seek your own sexual gratification through these other bearers as well. You may help to select from the viable matches, if you like. And you are welcome to participate in each mating,” Rogue explained coolly.

  “Just think of it, Rachel. A multitude of beautiful, naked women who will feel the same innate arousal, the same compulsion you felt in our presence. You can touch them, taste them, penetrate them, and have each of them do the same for you.” Ny-len felt strongly for Rachel, and he wanted her here willingly. He would use whatever enticement he could.

  And it was something Rachel had never really considered. But now, with arousal coursing through her anew, the idea of a pussy at her disposal...a woman's mouth devouring her...the idea made her incredibly hot.

  Just then, she began to feel that same calming feeling spread throughout her body and it confused her...until, “You're doing that, aren't you?” she piped up, a little angry that this calmness was washing away some of the arousal stirring within her.

  Ny-len nodded. He had assumed the tension he felt from her was displeasure, and he sought to diffuse the situation by calming her. But he had definitely misinterpreted what she felt.

  “Take it off,” Rachel demanded. They may have abducted her; they may be stronger than her, but she was beginning to understand that they also needed her. And it was what she had wished for, wasn't it? To make a difference? Sure, it wasn't in any way she could have anticipated, but if she believed the alien men with the beautiful markings, her contribution could be world-changing. As ridiculous as it sounded, she would be the mother of an entire new species; a blending between human and alien, and that species would potentially be responsible for bringing peace to an entire planet. If nothing else, she could someday turn her fantastical story into one hell of a screenplay—starring her in the leading role. And with the knowledge that she was, indeed, a vital component in Ny-len and Rogue's plan, she felt more comfortable asserting herself.

  “As you wish,” Ny-len replied, and he lifted the shroud of calm that had come over her.

  Within seconds, she felt the primal arousal return. Rachel closed her eyes, enjoying it, and then turned to the alien men, “Well, shall we choose our next play mate then?”


  Story Description

  Lindsay couldn’t understand why she felt so drawn to the strange, alpha alien standing over her. She should be terrified, but instead, she was more aroused than ever before–so much so, that even when the beautiful woman in their company, Rachel, explains the reason for her waking up in this unfamiliar place, she doesn’t have the will to resist.

  It wasn’t the life she would have sought out, but when she discovers the odd and extraordinary talents the compelling alien men possess, she quickly becomes a willing participant in an unforgettable, lustful adventure.

  “You've got to be kidding, Rogue,” Rachel spoke drolly, rolling her eyes at Rogue's ridiculous choice in women. “It's become quite evident that your brother was the one responsible for selecting me, wasn't he?” she teased while Rogue continued to look downward from his celestial view at the voluptuous woman walking the street at two in the morning.

  Sure, she had a great body, but chances were also that body was infested with a multitude of diseases that she'd rather not have come within a hundred miles of her infant son.

  “But, I don't understand what's wrong with her. Perhaps she’s a little lost; she's done nothing to offend you but pace up and down this street for the past hour,” he replied, confused by Rachel's objection.

  “Um, she's not lost, Rogue. She's a prostitute,” Rachel waited for awareness to dawn in Rogue's eyes, “...a woman who has sex in exchange for money,” she continued when his eyes remained just as confused in spite of her simple explanation.

  “Oh. Is that necessarily a bad thing, given our current search?” he asked.

  “ would be fine, except...I don't know how it works with you, but for humans, a whole lot of sex partners means a ton of opportunity for really gross diseases. Just think about things oozing from all the parts you don't want associated with that word,” Rachel tried to explain, adding a little humor to the conversation.

  Rogue considered Rachel's words for a moment and then nodded, accepting her objection easily.

  Ny-len walked in the room then, carrying his and Rachel's son, and Rogue returned his attention to his perusal of the streets far below. The infant was a perfect blend of their two species, with Rachel's fair complexion rather than Ny-len's pale skin. The beautiful, intricate tattoos adorned his neck, arms and feet, but the few markings on his head were nearly covered by his downy, auburn hair.

  “Still at it, are you?” he teased his brother as he passed their child into Rachel's outstretched arms.

  Before she met Ny-len and Rogue, she'd never even considered having children. But from the moment she felt her unborn child stir within her, she knew without a doubt that she'd found her purpose. And she'd loved every moment since. Her son, now five weeks old, occupied the vast majority of her days and nights, but she'd also grown quite fond of the two men with whom she spent the remainder of her time. She felt closer to Ny-len than Rogue, but still there was a bond even there that became more deeply rooted each day.

  The two humanoid men had not taken another woman since Rachel, afraid to introduce anything that might jeopardize the health or well-being of her unborn child.

  But it could not remain just the three of them forever; the underlying purpose of their being here was to forge a new species between their kind and the humans below. And she could not possibly be responsible for giving birth to the entire blended species. When it finally came time to bring another woman into the fold, she expected jealousy to flare within her, but somehow the expansion of their small group seemed entirely natural. In fact, it had been at Rachel's urging that the search resume for the next most suitable match.

  And it was easier for her right now because even though both men would participate in the new woman's sexual initiation, they were currently searching for the mate that Rogue felt most drawn to, not Ny-len.

  She was actually looking forward to the new addition, and while her body still healed from childbirth, she also relished the idea of watching the upcoming scene, living vicariously through the new woman's experience while looking forward to the near future when Rachel would be able to do more than watch.

  “How was this such an easy task for you, Ny-len?” Rogue broke into Rachel's silent contemplation.

  “If you recall, Rachel had made it easy. And we were not the only ones looking for something at the time,” Ny-len replied, smiling at the mother of his child.

  “You are going about this all wrong, Rogue,” Ny-len explained. “You are only looking with your eyes. Don't you remember the first time we saw Rachel? She was
absolutely beautiful, but I was not only looking with my eyes, but with the physical draw I felt as well. That is how you know she will be a good match.”

  Rogue took a deep breath and focused his attention once again, trying to employ more than his sense of sight in the task. No one could ignore Ny-len's advice, given the ideal choice he had made, and so he would try to do the same. Rachel and Ny-len moved to stand next to Rogue, scouting for the one who would make the best match for him.

  “Oh!” Rachel exclaimed aloud, feeling the sudden arousal radiating from Rogue's body. And she knew even before he was aware himself that the woman who would bear the next of the new blended species had been found. It was the same heat that radiated from Ny-len's body every time he was around Rachel. Ny-len nodded, surprised that Rachel had recognized the connection there so quickly. And finally, Rogue nodded, too, a smile spreading across his face in anticipation.

  The young woman who had caught Rogue's attention sat hugging her knees to her chest on the worn out sofa in her small living room. She held a piece of paper in one hand, and written on it was a rejection for a student loan. The way her knees pressed hard against her chest forced her ample breasts upward, and it was impossible not to notice, despite the dejected look she wore on her face.

  Just then, she stood, looking around. She moved to the window and pushed the curtains further aside, peering outside as if she had heard something. But given that there had been no sound, and there was nothing around the small house, Rachel couldn't help but wonder if the woman was cognizant of something else—their perusal of her, perhaps.

  The woman looked up, staring into the night's sky, and suddenly Rachel recognized the scene, so reminiscent of herself just a few short months ago. She knew without a doubt that the woman would see the bright star in the sky, so much more luminous than the rest. As if on cue, the woman's eyes found the bright light. Her eyes were held there, and Rachel felt Rogue's arousal grow exponentially. Heat began to course through her own veins, and she cursed her body for its slow healing.

  “Wait for it, boys,” Rachel teased with a smile, knowing what was coming next.

  And then the woman's lips began to move. “I wanted this so much,” she began. “It was law school...I was going to make a difference. But even with two jobs, I can't afford it on my own,” she spoke aloud with a catch in her throat. She turned then, to a picture on the end table next to her. The man and woman in the photograph bore a strong resemblance to the woman on the sofa, but they were older; they must have been her mother and father.

  “I'm so sorry, Dad. I know you had such hopes for me,” she choked out, a tear rolling down her cheek. “But I guess that's it...” she whispered resignedly. “I just wanted to be someone who made a difference. I wish I could make a difference,” she continued emphatically.

  It was uncanny. This woman already seemed so much like Rachel that she couldn't help but look forward to this meeting…though she wasn't entirely sure where she factored in, given that she couldn't participate in this particular mating.

  “So, Rogue? Do I need to ask you what you think? This is the one, right?” Rachel probed.

  “You seem to approve,” Ny-len commented contentedly to her.

  Rogue nodded, his arousal continuing to rise. “OK. Tonight then.”

  The woman left the window, making her way down the hall to her bedroom. Once inside, she grabbed the hem of her dress and yanked it over her head. She was naked beneath, her body instantly on display. She wasn't as thin as Rachel, and she stood maybe a few inches shorter, but her massive tits more than compensated. In fact, her breasts would have seemed awkward and out of place on a skinnier frame. Her long, fiery red hair trailed down her back, covering it with straight, silken tresses.

  She moved to her bed, sprawling out above the covers. She turned her head to gaze out the window a few feet away from her bed, and her eyes locked onto the luminous star in the sky once again. She continued to stare at the bright light as her eyes became heavy. Rachel was quite certain a calmness was winding its way through the woman's body, spurring her toward blissful slumber. And sure enough, less than a minute later, the woman's eyes closed. Rachel waited, realizing she had no idea how exactly the next step worked. Were they going to beam her up like she'd seen on television? Rachel had never thought about it again since she'd found herself in the middle of that stark room.

  And then she watched as Rogue's brightness, and then Ny-len's, grew. It extended outward, radiating out of the ship and downward. A stream of brightness traveled all the way to the woman's house and then in through the bedroom window. It was erotic, the way it wrapped around her naked body. In the blink of an eye, the bright extension through the sky was gone. It had retracted back to the ship and in its grasp was the woman from far below. The brightness deposited her gently onto the ground before them and Rogue bent down to pick her up gently. He carried her out of the room and down the ship's hall to the room Rachel was all too familiar with.

  She followed Rogue, curious about the process that had likely been the same for her. As she walked, she noticed how her own arousal had increased in the short time since the woman arrived, and she silently willed her body to recover faster, anxious to be able to mate once again.

  Once in the room, Rogue laid her down gently on the same odd table Rachel had awoken upon months before. Ny-len stood at the entrance, perusing the naked woman and observing the restraint that Rogue was using to avoid delving in right then and there. He succeeded, and withdrew from the room, obviously forcing himself to be patient in the same way Ny-len had been patient with her.

  Rachel stopped him at the door. “A blanket, Rogue. Trust me. You'll have to use a whole lot less of that calming thing you guys have if you let the poor woman wake up with a little modesty.”

  It didn't look like Rogue relished the thought of covering her up, but he conceded quickly, left and returned to the door a moment later. He entered the room and draped the thin, lightweight blanket over her body, starting at her toes and covering her body slowly.

  And that was it; nothing more to do than wait or the woman to awake.


  Lindsay stretched, awaking slowly from the most restful night's sleep she'd had in years. She reached out to find her covers, remembering that she'd fallen asleep without them, but her hands came up empty. Her eyes fluttered open, confused when her fingers made contact with a smooth, hard surface instead. It certainly didn't feel anything like her mattress. Her blurry-eyed vision couldn't find anything familiar in her surroundings, so she rubbed her eyes vigorously, trying to clear away the vestiges of sleep.

  Her confusion deepened and she began to panic as her unveiled eyes took in the stark décor of the walls and floor around her—so different from the warm colors and the myriad of paintings hanging on her walls. She sat up slowly, looking for some explanation. But her fear grew as she found her ascent hampered, unable to sit up more than half way. She struggled to sit up further, but there was no point.

  She worried for a moment that something had happened to her, but her surroundings didn't resemble a hospital room, nor were there any signs of other patients or personnel anywhere. Wherever she was, it wasn't a hospital, and whatever invisible force held her there, she was helpless to free herself from at the moment.

  The only thing she could do was plead for help, though she already worried that whoever might come in response to her call wouldn't be there to help. Why else would she have been taken from her bed and now held captive in some foreign place? But regardless, it seemed like an almost innate response; she couldn't help but try to seek out freedom in any way possible.

  “Hello? Is anyone there? What's going on?” she called out, anxiety clear in her voice.

  She happened to look down, and her fear grew exponentially. She was covered only by a thin blanket, and in her struggles, she'd managed to jostle it down so it now only covered her from the waist down. Her upper body was fully exposed, her breasts just as bare as when she'd fallen asleep
in her bed the night prior.

  Her fear increased, but she forced herself to refrain from flying into a panic. Lindsay had always been the type of person to stay cool under pressure; or at least she'd been forced to learn to stay cool in tough times. She'd lost her parents the year she'd started college. On top of the emotional trauma, she'd become the sole full-time guardian to her fifteen-year-old brother and the benefactor to an immense amount of her parents' debt.

  She'd taken on two part-time jobs, full-time college studies and still managed to make sure her brother, Adam, stayed on the straight and narrow, finished high school and enrolled in college. Every minute of free time she could muster was put toward spending quality time with Adam, trying to compensate for the loss of their parents in his life the best that she could.

  So, while fear coursed through Lindsay's body, she forced her logical mind into action. Her eyes surveyed the room for any possible exit, should she have the opportunity to escape. Meanwhile, her hands traveled down to her hips where the invisible force seemed to be holding her in place, hoping to find some sort of restraint she could work to free herself from. But her eyes found no method of escape and her hands found no physical object holding her against the smooth, hard surface beneath her.

  She leaned upward then as much as she could, surveying her body for injuries, but she found no bruises or cuts on her torso or her arms. She laid back and moved her hands to her head, searching for a bruise or contusion that might account for the odd scenario she found herself in; perhaps she had hit her head really hard and this was all just a dream. Maybe she was unconscious and imagining the whole thing.

  But then again, if I'm unconscious and imagining all of this, it isn't likely I'll find a bump on my head, is it? Lindsay reasoned silently, ceasing her search for injuries.

  Just then, a door opened and a man walked through; though he was unlike any man she'd ever seen before. Pale skin, intricate red tattoos covering his body and a strange luminescence radiating from him; he was both beautiful and terrifying. He looked at her and his orange eyes held her captive. He approached slowly, and Lindsay struggled against the invisible confines restricting her. But the closer he got, the more she felt a strange calmness shroud her fear.


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