Papa’s Joy

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Papa’s Joy Page 8

by Sue Lyndon

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  Bloody hell! The girl would be the death of him. He wondered if he ought to chastise her for her less than discrete statements, first the one in front of the staff, and now this time. However, he decided it was not intentionally done and she simply did not know better. She knew words and phrases but had no real idea of their import or what they might mean in mixed company.

  Despite some of her quite forward comments, he had to admit his own eagerness to be alone with her as well. They came to his bedchamber, just a few steps away from Daisy’s own bedchamber, then he opened the door and carried her inside.

  “Papa,” she said, “this is a magnificent room.” Her eyes grew wide when she saw the bed. “Is that where you will put your cock in my kitty?” she asked, “and enjoy the sweet rapture of our joined love?”

  How such shocking words came out of such a sweet appearing mouth, he had no idea. “I will do my best,” Papa said, “to share with you the sweet rapture. Whatever that may be. I hope, my dear,” he said, feeling suddenly serious, “you will enjoy our intimate time as a married couple together. It is most important to me that we have marital relations, but it is even more important to me for you to enjoy it as well.”

  “Yes, Papa, I understand. Miss Wickersham and Nurse Lister explained to me about making love and how it is an important part of being married.” The girl puffed up with pride and spoke of these things with a level of bravado which was both endearing and shocking.

  “And what, if I may ask, did Miss Wickersham teach you about what happens when a papa and his little girl make love?”

  “Oh, Papa it is too embarrassing for me to say out loud, but I do believe Miss Wickersham gave me a very thorough explanation today and I am quite curious to experience it with you.”

  His cock was already hard and had been for most of the day. He was randy as a schoolboy and had the blue balls to prove it. After their interlude in the carriage, where he had touched her most intimate parts and she had been exceptionally responsive to his ministrations, not to mention obedient, it was all he could do to not toss her over his shoulder, barrel past the waiting staff and run to his bedchamber to deflower the girl immediately upon their arrival. Daisy's eagerness matched his own. He was quite pleased indeed, and not for the first time he marveled at the unexpected and peculiar circumstances that had brought them together. For as long as he lived, he would never forget the moment she fell from the ceiling and into his life, her large dark eyes staring up at him in surprise as he rushed to her aid.

  He set her upon her feet and watched as her gaze traveled slowly around the room and she took in the large four-poster bed piled high with pillows and blankets.

  He took her in his arms and kissed her properly, releasing all the tension that had been building in him for days as he craved to make her his.

  She melted against him and it was the most delightful sensation he had experienced in a very, very long time. He looked forward to spending hours and hours getting to know her body and training her to please him. He suspected she would be a most eager and obedient pupil.

  She wriggled against him and gasped. “Papa, help me. Oh, Papa there's something... I just... I-I am achy and twitchy and I need to do something, Papa. I do not know what to do.”

  “I shall teach you all the things you need to know, the pleasure of your body and my body, as well, little one. I know we will be very happy together.”

  “Papa,” she said looking up at him. Her soulful brown eyes captivated him. “I feel like—I feel like I need to take my gown off. Will you help me, Papa? Is that agreeable to you?”

  He smiled and his heart raced. “It is absolutely agreeable to me, little one. Now in the future, I want you to know that I will be the one directing all of our activities, not you, so it would be wrong for you to instruct me to undress you. Do you understand?”

  “I- I believe so, Papa,” she said.

  “What I mean to say is, I will be the one who determines the order of things in our marriage and in our bedchamber, no matter how achy and twitchy you are, it is important to remember my words. Your body belongs to me now, and you are not to touch your private parts without my permission.”

  “Yes, Papa,” she said and he could see she was moving from foot to foot, highly agitated.

  “Are you feeling achy in your kitty, little girl?”

  “Oh yes, Papa,” she said. “It is most intense. I cannot wait until we make love properly and you make the ache go away.”

  Her eagerness pleased him to no end. He opened the fastenings on her dress, slid it slowly down her shoulders to reveal the delicate flesh of her décolletage, then pushed the bodice down her arms and loosened the whole thing, allowing her to finally step out of the garment. His breath caught in his throat at the first glimpses of her without the layers of her dress. She was an exquisite creature with creamy skin and a womanly figure.

  Once her dress had been removed, he was glad to see she was not wearing a corset. Though aware of the latest fashions for young ladies to try to conform their bodies to particular standards, he cared not for such things. In his mind the female body was beautiful exactly the way it was, particularly the body of his little bride. The constraints and contortions which young ladies endured to measure up to the whims of society's expectations frustrated him and for good reason. However, he shoved many of those thoughts out of his head, for today was his wedding day and he was about to claim his sweet young bride.

  He stroked his hands down the length of her body, still covered by the thin fabric of her chemise. She quivered beneath his touch and looked up at him, her eyes full of trust and affection. He had never experienced such devotion and he found he liked it very, very much indeed.

  He drew her close again and engaged her mouth with his in another soul-searching kiss. She wrapped her arms around his waist and held him tightly. When the kiss ended, she looked up at him, eyes sparkling. “Papa,” she said, “I believe I'm ready for you to claim me. But it is a little bit embarrassing for me, the preparations I need to do. Would you mind so terribly much giving me a few minutes to get ready and then you could return to the room?”

  He tilted his head and gazed upon her, intrigued. He was not a man to frequent the bawdy houses of London, but he was, or so he thought, familiar with most of the methods of making love. However, he also did not wish to dampen her enthusiasm. Truth be told, he needed a few moments to gather himself so he did not rut into the young woman with such abandon as to harm or frighten her.

  “Very well, my dear. I shall be on the balcony. Call out to me when you are ready.”

  “Yes, Papa,” she said. “Thank you.”

  Reluctantly, he disengaged from her arms and took a step away. “Do not be too long, little wife,” he said, “or I shall come in and claim you in my own way.”

  He opened the door to the balcony outside his bedchamber and stepped into the warm air of the afternoon. He took a few deep breaths and had to admit he was grateful for the slight reprieve, for again he feared he might combust and move at a pace which would be disturbing to his virginal bride. He gazed out over the gardens of his home and those of the neighborhood in London. It had been much too long since he had taken the opportunity to enjoy this view. His life had been too caught up in duty and obligation, but now that he had wed, he expected to spend much more time at pleasure.

  When he heard his sweet wife call him he hurried to return to her side.

  As soon as he re-entered the bedchamber he glanced toward the pillows on the bed, which was where he expected young Daisy to be, most likely with the covers pulled up to her chin. When she was not laying upon the mound of pillows, he became somewhat concerned and hoped she was not hiding or playing some other type of trick on him.

  Then he glanced at the foot of the bed and promptly stopped in his tracks.

  Chapter 10

  Arse perched up high, his little Daisy had propped herself over the footboard of the bed, womanly charms on full display as were the rou
nded curves of her backside. He gasped and then nearly burst out laughing because it was a rather ridiculous position for her to be in, though based upon the stirring in his trousers it was not unappealing by any stretch of the imagination. But where on Earth had she gotten such an idea?

  The height of the footboard forced his little bride up onto her tiptoes. She had placed a pillow over the hard wood which gave her a bit more comfort as the rail pressed against the spread of her hips.

  She turned her head and smiled at him, seemingly unaware of just how provocative her position was—not that he was about to complain about the sight of her offering herself to him so innocently and submissively.

  “I am ready for you, Papa. Is this the way you would like me? I had at first considered crawling under the covers, like couples tend to do in Miss Wickersham’s romance novels before they kiss and hug and experience the sweet rapture, but this is how Nurse Lister and Miss Wickersham examined me this morning, when they told me about making love, so I feel I'm ready and in the right spot. I believe you will find this most pleasing, is that right, Papa? And I do so hope you approve of my smooth shaven privates. My kitty was shaved after my examination was finished, and I must admit the feel of my bare lips against my drawers has been most enjoyable.”

  God's teeth, she would be his undoing.

  So sweet, so beguiling, so innocent and so eager.

  He glanced to the heavens and wondered what he had done to deserve such a delightful little bride.

  In his imaginings of this moment when he would finally make her his, her sweet little cunny impaled upon his hard cock, he had envisioned a rather traditional approach, at least initially, where she would be lying prone on the bed probably mostly covered up to protect her modesty while he claimed her in the traditional position of the missionaries.

  Instead he was greeted with a most eager young lady who seemed not at all shy about her own nudity. He took in the delicate slope of her back, rounded curves of her bottom and her shapely legs all the way down to the tips of her toes on which she was balanced. Her legs were spread wide in just the right position for him to take his pleasure. The sight of her bare kitty lips, already pink and swollen despite not having been thoroughly claimed yet, heated his blood until he felt positively feverish in his longing for her, and he couldn’t help but wonder what her bare cunny would look like after a long, proper session of lovemaking, particularly a rough one.

  He stepped to the bed and stroked his hand over her. He laid his head on the mattress next to hers so he could look into her face. “Are you comfortable, my Daisy?” he asked.

  “Well, yes and no, Papa,” she said. “I am most comfortable in my position here over the footboard. The pillows on your bed are wonderfully cushiony and so this feels quite good to me to have a pillow under my head and one under my hips. However, my kitty is most uncomfortable as it is continuing to drip with moisture and it is warm and achy there. But you can help me find relief, Papa, can you not?”

  “Yes, my little one, I most certainly can. Is that what you would like?”

  “Papa,” Daisy said, with a saucy look on her face, “did you not moments ago say you were the one who would direct matters and not me? I am in position and I am waiting.”

  He reached back and gave her a swat on her already punished bottom. “Impertinent little minx,” he said, and his heart filled with joy—he had found the perfect bride.

  He quickly stood and stripped off his clothes, leaving them in an uncharacteristic pile in the middle of the floor. He moved into position behind her, stroked his hands along the length of her back, over her hips and down her thighs. He pressed with his thumbs and moved her thighs slightly further apart so he could have a better view of her bare, glistening sex.

  “You know, little Daisy, there may be some pain in this for you, this first time. There's nothing I can do about that, but I will endeavor to be as gentle as I can.”

  “I know, Papa. ‘Tis time for you to put your hard cock in my kitty. It is required for us to feel the sweet rapture of our joined love, if I am understanding the intimacies of marriage correctly. I know it will be wonderful. Please, Papa. Please hurry. I feel all achy everywhere now, even my ninnies feel hard and throbby.”

  “Your ninnies?” he asked somewhat confused. Thereupon she pushed up from the bed, flattened her feet on the floor and turned to face him, her hands cupping the undersides of her delectable breasts.

  “Yes, my ninnies. Look how hard they are. What is happening to me, Papa?”

  His breath caught in his throat and he glanced at his little wife standing before him fully nude. Her hands displaying her breasts for him, the hardened tips poking between her fingers. At the same instant she paused and glanced down the length of his body, taking in the size of his cock—rigid and ready to plunge into her. Her eyes went wide and her hands dropped to her sides.

  “Is that your-your cock, Papa? Are you sure it will fit inside my kitty? It looks much larger than I could have ever imagined.”

  “Yes, it is, and I assure you it will fit inside your kitty, little miss.” He took her hand in his and stroked it up his length. The exquisite touch of her delicate hand gripping his hardness made him momentarily dizzy. He felt nearly crazed with lust for her, and he had a sudden vision of himself shoving her down on the bed, gripping her hips, and thrusting home into her virginal tightness in one quick drive. He forced himself to take a few deep breaths as she continued stroking his cock. No, he could not be so brutish and rough with her. At least not this first time.

  She stared down at his stiff length, mesmerized, then said, “The ache and wetness in my kitty are getting worse. Are you sure this is how it is supposed to be? It felt similar this morning during my medical exam, but not nearly so much as now. I feel almost feverish.”

  “That is how it ought to be. I should hope you are most aroused when with your papa. Your desire for me makes me very happy, little girl.”

  She smiled at his praise and reassurance. He released her hand but she continued to stroke up and down his cock, a smile tilting the corners of her lips. It pleased him that she enjoyed touching him and exploring his body, this sweet little virgin who was now his bride.

  He slipped his hand between her thighs and then put one finger followed by another into the slick passage he found there. She gasped and squeezed his cock. “Papa,” she said, “is that what it will feel like when you put your cock in there?”

  “It will feel even better.” He stroked in and out a couple of times and then removed his hand and returned her to her original position across the foot of the bed, bent over with her arse once again high in the air, her thighs spread to reveal her feminine wiles. The swollen pink folds of her bare cunny gleamed with her arousal, the erotic sight stoking the flames of his need to claim her. “Are you ready?” he asked, unable to keep the growl from his voice.

  “Oh yes, Papa. The ache is nearly more than I can stand. Please claim me. Claim me now. Make me yours.”

  He moved behind her and touched the head of his cock to her opening. He had to pause before emotions overwhelmed him. It was the most delightful pleasure he had ever experienced. His little virgin wife was about to give him a great treasure. He pressed forward and paused to make sure she was comfortable. When she began to move her hips against him, eagerly so, he echoed her rhythm, driving further and further into her. Breaking the barrier of her innocence and claiming her as his wife.

  She gasped and stilled for a moment, and he waited until her breathing was no longer as labored and she started to once again push back against him, inviting his continued claiming.

  “Are you well, my little bride?”

  “Oh yes, Papa. Please, please don’t stop.”

  He resumed driving in and out of her, increasing his pace with each deep stroke into her exquisite tightness. He pushed her bottom cheeks apart wide as he plunged into her sweetness, delighting in the sight of her rosy little pucker. Not slowing in his movements as he claimed her, he circled on
e thumb around her most private hole. She mewled louder but didn’t protest his intimate touch. He began to probe this part of her more insistently, applying pressure to her tiny rosette as he thrust steadily into her cunny.

  “Papa?” she gasped breathlessly.

  “Yes, my little bride?”

  “Are-are you going to put your cock in my bottom hole now?”

  He paused in his thrusting. The things she said never failed to shock him and he had to wonder what she might say next, his little minx. She peered over her shoulder at him, staring at him in question, her expressive dark eyes holding him strangely captive, as if she’d put a spell on him. He took a deep, calming breath and gazed down at her pucker, his cock throbbing inside her harder at the sight of her rosette clenching and unclenching, so responsive to his touch.

  “Where, pray tell, did you get the idea that I might put my cock your bottom hole, little girl?” he asked the question slowly, doubting the books she’d swiped from Miss Wickersham had depicted that type of naughtiness. So where had she heard of such a bawdy thing?

  She emitted a dreamy moan and arched her back, forcing her center to press more insistently against his cock, but still he held her firmly in his grasp and didn’t resume his claiming of her yet. First, he wanted answers. It seemed he would also have to have a talk with her at some point in the near future, instructing her in what was proper to speak about in public and what wasn’t. Given some of the things she said and her apparent naivety despite knowing more than the average bride ought to know, he worried she might say something completely brazen and inappropriate in polite company.

  “Well, Papa,” she finally answered, “Miss Wickersham told me.”

  He fought to keep his shock from his voice. He had no desire to diminish her curiosity, despite the unladylike statements passing her lips. “My sweet Daisy, it is true that I will one day claim your bottom hole, but not during our first time together in the marriage bed. Before I put my cock into this tight little pucker of yours, I will have to properly train you.”


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