Papa’s Joy

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Papa’s Joy Page 9

by Sue Lyndon

  “Train me?” She blinked at him, looking at him expectantly. “Train me how?”

  He swallowed hard and started moving in and out of her cunny again, unable to hold still within her for a moment longer. His vision was beginning to blur and he realized he was close to spilling himself inside her, but he wished to give her the sweet rapture she had spoken of in the carriage. “I will explain all about it at a later time, little miss. Now, I want you to turn around and close your eyes and let the sensations of what I’m about to do wash over you.”

  Once she complied, he resumed pressing two fingers to her pucker, while reaching underneath her with his other hand to stroke her clit. He drew moisture from her core over the hardened nubbin, eliciting moans and the sweetest whimpers from her lips.

  She tensed beneath him, as if she’d gotten as tightly wound as she could possibly go, before a deep groan escaped her and she undulated her cunny against him, her hips moving up and down in a beautiful display of pleasure and wantonness. Oh, she really was the loveliest little creature he’d ever laid eyes on. And she was all his. His little bride forever and ever. His heart contracted at the thought.

  Moments later, his thighs clenched and his balls tightened as his climax rushed over him, violent and fierce. He gripped Daisy’s hips and pumped into her faster and deeper. Several seconds after the last wave of his pleasure began to recede, he gently pulled his length from her center. Her cunny lips were even more swollen than before, and he hoped she wasn’t too sore. He had, during the last minutes of their lovemaking, taken her more roughly than he had planned.

  He gathered her up in his arms and carried her to a large plush chair by the window. She sighed against his chest and wrapped her arms around his neck as she peered up at him, her face flushed and her eyes glazed over. A slight smile tugged at her lips. Her hair was in disarray around her shoulders, having come undone during their lovemaking from the twist she’d styled it in for the wedding. He rather liked the sight of her with her hair flowing around her shoulders, all messed up because she’d just been thoroughly and properly claimed.

  “My sweet little bride,” he murmured, stroking her hair behind her ears.

  “My sweet…er…big husband,” she replied with a saucy grin that left little doubt which part of him she had been referring to as big, particularly when she wiggled her bottom against his cock, which was already growing hard again.

  Would he ever have his fill of her? He thought not as he gazed down into her beautiful dark eyes. He was certain he would hunger for her during every second of every day for the rest of his life.

  Chapter 11

  Daisy very much enjoyed being held in Papa’s arms, particularly when he kept gazing down at her with adoration and stroking her hair and rubbing her back. She hadn’t contemplated what might happen after lovemaking, but she was glad her papa was still paying attention to her even though the pleasure appeared to be over. Though, now as she thought about it, his cock was starting to feel hard and huge beneath her bottom again.

  She bit her lip and peered up at him, wondering if he would claim her once more and shove his big hard length in her kitty. Oh, she hoped so. Especially if he rubbed her clitty and pressed on her bottom hole. When she’d thought he was about to put his cock in her secret hole, a spasm of heat had assailed her, and to her utter shock she had found herself almost wishing he had switched from claiming her kitty to claiming her pucker. How enjoyable it would be when he finally began her training, whatever that meant. She wondered if there was a book of instructions. Though she had often gotten into trouble for not paying attention in class at Talcott House, Daisy was an accomplished reader and felt certain that she could impress Papa with her training if only she had a manual to study.

  “You are blushing bright red, my little minx. Dare I ask what you are thinking about?”

  She opened her mouth to say, “Why, nothing at all, Papa,” but soon thought better of it. He had said he expected her to be honest when he’d used that big fancy word during the carriage ride. What was that word again? Abfew …something. Hmm. She would ask him later. For now, she supposed she ought to answer him with complete honesty, even if she was a tad embarrassed to admit the turn her thoughts had taken.

  “Well, Papa, if you must know, I was thinking about how I hope we make love again soon and that you touch my clitty and my bottom hole when we do.” She paused for a moment when he coughed. “Oh, and I was also wondering about the training you mentioned. You remember, the training I must receive before you put your cock in my bottom.”

  Papa’s eyes went wide and he stiffened. For a second, she worried she’d said something to displease him, but he soon gave her what she thought was intended to be a comforting smile, though it came across as more of a grimace—as if he were in physical pain. She noticed he shifted in his seat and his length felt even harder than moments ago. Feeling a little mischievous since he was taking so long to reply, she boldly wiggled her bare bottom over his hardening shaft.

  He sucked in a quick breath and put his hands on her shoulders, giving her a stern look that sent a quiver across her behind cheeks. “Little girl, if you squirm deliberately like that again, I shall turn you over my knee and give you a good smacking on your already sore bottom. I would very much like to claim you again today, however, it is best if you rest for a while. I don’t wish to cause you any harm.”

  “But Papa! You wouldn’t actually spank me, would you?” She unlaced her arms from around his neck and pouted up at him. “I’m a married lady and married ladies are quite grown-up and don’t get punished.” Her heart pounded. What if Lettie was right about some papas having naughty chairs? If some papas had naughty chairs, then it would reason that some papas also spanked their little wives. But she couldn’t possibly imagine the kind and gentlemanly Lord Kensington ever actually doling out a punishment. At least that’s what she told herself as she awaited his response.

  “Little girl,” he said, tapping her nose, “I will most certainly spank you when you have been naughty. I will not abide an errant wife. You’re my bride and my little girl, and I am your husband and your papa. It’s my responsibility to guide you and yes, even to punish you, when you have done something which warrants a smacked bottom.”

  She felt her eyes go wide. To say she was surprised would be an understatement. She was shocked to her core. Even if some papas might punish their little girls, she still could not fathom any circumstance in which her papa might turn her over his knee, even if she was particularly naughty. Though at the moment he was looking at her quite sternly, and she had never seen him with such a rigid expression on his face before. Despite her disappointment at his answer, she felt the quickening of her arousal in her core and had to fight the urge to squirm over his hard cock again.

  “But I don’t want any spankings, Papa,” she finally said in an increasingly grumpy tone. “It’s not fair. If fact, I insist that you refrain from punishing me even if I do happen to make a little mistake at some point. I’m a grown woman and you will not dare…” Before she could finish her sentence, she found herself turned over his knee. He draped his free leg atop hers and pressed on her lower back, holding her effectively in place. Panic raced through her. She struggled but it was no use—his strength surpassed hers and she could barely wiggle an inch let alone escape his lap.

  “I think perhaps a demonstration is in order, little girl.” He cupped her bottom.

  She peered over her shoulder at him, giving him her most pleading look. “No, Papa! No spanking. Please, I-I’ll be a good girl. I promise.” The confident speech she’d given but moments ago dried in her throat as her bravery fled.

  “You were just being quite bossy to your papa, Daisy. Such disrespectful behavior is a big no no.” He lifted his hand and brought his palm down smartly on her right cheek. Then he swatted her left cheek with equal vigor.

  She turned around and gasped, clutching at his leg for support. She kicked her feet, but it was still no use, she couldn’t escape
his lap. He could spend the rest of the day spanking her if he wanted and she wouldn’t be able to do anything about it.

  “Now,” he said, pausing to draw one of her cheeks to the side, spreading her until the cool air of the room wafted against her privates and her pucker, “I expect you to be an obedient little wife, Daisy. Humble, sweet, and obedient. You will not issue orders to me as you just did, nor will you speak to me in such a disrespectful tone. Do you understand?”

  She sniffled and was surprised to find herself tearing up. Papa had been nothing but kind to her thus far, and it broke her heart to think she had displeased him already. Sometimes though, when she got an idea in her head and started talking, she would often regret her words later.

  Now was one of those times. She deeply regretted being so bossy to her papa, even if she still disagreed with his insistence upon spanking her when she was naughty. After this punishment, she promised herself she would be very, very good from now on.

  “It seems, my naughty little bride, that you are to receive two spankings on your wedding day, does it not?” he asked as he caressed her smarting globes. Though he’d only smacked her twice, each blow had packed an awful sting. “First one from your guardian at Talcott House, and now one from your new papa.”

  His words both shamed her and made her gasp with excitement of a nature she didn’t quite understand. The ache between her thighs deepened, pulsing in waves of tingling heat. Her ninnies once again felt heavy and uncomfortable. Oh, if she hadn’t been so bossy, perhaps Papa would already be making love to her again. She sniffed, worried that perhaps he would forgo claiming her a second time today because of her misbehavior.

  He took a deep breath and splayed her cheeks apart, this time touching her bottom hole. Then he drew moisture from her kitty overtop her pucker and breached her back entrance, pushing inside with one finger.

  “Oh! Papa, I…” She didn’t know what she’d been about to say. Her mind turned to mush as the fullness of his one digit in her tight hole overwhelmed her.

  “To answer your question about training, little girl,” he said, withdrawing his finger slightly only to drive straight back inside her snug passage, “I have a box of plugs in varying sizes which I will use to help you become used to having larger and larger intrusions in your bottom hole, until you are finally capable of accepting my cock.”

  A box of plugs? She pondered this and imagined him putting these strange objects into her bottom hole. Would he do it every day? Would he take her over his lap to insert the plugs, or would he ask her to bend over the bed? Her pulse skittered at the images her mind was painting of her and her papa engaging in such intimate activities.

  “I-I think I understand, Papa,” she said. “I-I am sorry I got bossy with you. Truly, I am. If I promise not to be bossy again, will you consider a warning sufficient? My bottom is still sore from Miss Wickersham taking the hairbrush to me and I fear I won’t be able to handle any further chastisement today.” She kept her voice calm and sweet as she spoke, a far cry from the harsh bossy tone she’d employed earlier in their conversation.

  “Daisy, the spanking you received from your guardian is nearly faded now. Compared to what your bottom looked like when I examined you in the carriage, I can hardly notice you had a spanking already today. However, I can’t help but wonder if perhaps that is the trick to getting you to behave—to always keep your bottom nice and red?”

  * * *

  Edward still found himself taken aback by how flippantly his little bride had spoken to him moments ago. Had she truly thought he would allow her to run roughshod over him? He decided he needed to be firm with her on this day, even though it was their wedding day, to nip this little attitude problem of hers in the bud—or bottom, he thought with an inward chuckle.

  He withdrew his finger from her behind hole, though he kept her cheeks spread wide for a few seconds, inspecting her smooth glistening cunny lips and the winking of her rosette. She hadn’t attempted to pull away from him in the least when he touched her secret hole, and he suspected she would not require a great deal of training before accepting his cock there, as she seemed almost as eager for it as she had been to experience the more traditional lovemaking they had recently enjoyed.

  Finally releasing her cheeks, he set about giving her five rapid swats to the lower curve of her behind, determined to truly get her attention. He would not abide any naughtiness from his little wife, and he needed her to understand how seriously he took this matter. If she did as she pleased…his mood darkened.

  All manner of horrible things might befall Daisy if he allowed her to do as she pleased. He couldn’t lose her, and he couldn’t bear to see her harmed in any way. The joyful mood he’d experienced while speaking with his new bride in the carriage and then at home as they prepared to make love fled in an instant. He suddenly felt serious and businesslike as he held her in place over his knee, cupping her bottom while she sniffled and occasionally uttered, “Please Papa, no more spanking.” He had only struck her cheeks seven times and they were hardly red yet.

  She appeared distressed but she wasn’t beside herself with remorse, and he believed in his heart it was his duty as her husband and papa to protect her always—even from herself and any poor decisions she might make in the future if she thought she could get away without facing any consequences for misbehavior. Inhaling deeply, he stared down at her, the gravity of his responsibilities to her prompting him to decide she needed to experience a true punishment at his hand, not a mere semi-playful demonstration.

  “Daisy, my sweet girl.” Despite his dour mood, he did feel genuine affection for her as he spoke. “I do not believe you understand how serious I am about your proper behavior. But you will. Soon. You will not speak to me with disrespect and you will not do as you please—at least not without enduring the sting of my palm on your backside.”

  “Papa?” She peered back at him, an uncertain look in her tearful gaze. “Papa, I don’t always think before I speak, and I’m sorry. I honestly believed there would be no more naughty chairs or punishments once I got married. Some of the girls at Talcott House told me otherwise, though I thought they must be making it all up. I realize I was wrong now, and even if you weren’t planning to punish me when I was naughty, that is still no excuse for the rude way I spoke to you.” She blinked and a tear cascaded down her cheek. “I-I am afraid now, Papa. Please don’t spank me very hard.”

  Her words helped to thaw some of the coldness which had taken over. He didn’t want her to be frightened of him. Not truly. But he couldn’t simply allow her to stand up and be on her merry way. No, that would not do at all. He had to finish her spanking. He suspected the punishments she’d received at Talcott House had been much too lenient, otherwise she would not have been so naughty this morning when she snuck off to the fair and then now, when she tried to order him not to chastise her.

  “Daisy,” he said gently, “Though I might be firm with you at times, I will never cause you any lasting harm during a punishment. But you will receive this spanking in its entirety, and afterward you will understand what it means to be grown-up.”

  A look of confusion spread across her lovely face, but she soon turned around and clutched onto his leg again as he resumed swatting her bottom, alternating between her left and right cheeks with increasing speed. A hard, fast spanking would do her a world of good, even if she hated him for it. This thought almost stilled his hand, because one of the last things he wanted was for his sweet little girl to end up despising him. But even worse than her hating him, or just saying it or momentarily thinking it, as a young lady might do in the heat of the moment when displeased, was some sort of dreadful unnamed harm coming to her.

  If he knew where she was at all times and who she was with, there was a good chance nothing awful and unexpected would happen to her. For a moment, he heard the sound of horses’ hooves pounding on the drive, but thankfully, the phantom noise soon faded. He’d once lost someone very important to him, and while he would nev
er stop blaming himself for his sister’s untimely death, he would make sure to never repeat the mistakes of the past.

  Nothing bad would happen to Daisy. Not ever.

  Her bottom turned a bright shade of pink as he chastised her. She was openly crying now, her shoulders heaving under her steady sobs and whimpers. It grieved him to cause her pain, but he wouldn’t fail as her papa. Sometimes papas had to be firm with their little girls, he reminded himself. Once he was finished spanking her, he would offer her comfort and forgiveness. He only hoped she didn’t push him away in anger.

  “Papa, I didn’t know…Papa, I-I am sorry. Papa please!” She went limp over his lap, no longer kicking her feet back and forth, as she fully surrendered herself to his discipline. He gave her two more smacks before spreading her bottom cheeks apart as wide as possible.

  Then he centered the tips of two fingers over her rosebud. “Five more swats, Daisy, and then this will all be over. I’m going to apply them directly onto your little bottom hole, as a reminder that I am your papa and every little part of you belongs to me, and sometimes when you are naughty, you will receive more than a simple spanking over my knee. There will be times I may decide to punish your bottom hole, your cunny, or even your breasts, depending on the severity of your misbehavior.”

  “I-I un-understand, Pa-Papa.”

  He landed the first swat, making it a light one, and her hiney hole immediately clenched up. He noticed her clit was growing larger and larger, and between her thighs she was soaking wet despite having just been spanked like a naughty little girl over her papa’s knee.

  * * *

  Papa was spanking her bottom hole.

  Daisy could scarcely believe it. He swatted her twice more, directly atop her pucker, though these slaps with his fingers came nearly as light as the first one had. At least he wasn’t hitting this particularly sensitive area of her bottom very hard. She suspected it was more about him driving his lesson home with a bit of humiliation. And she indeed felt shamed. Thoroughly so. She would never, ever speak so boldly to her papa again. Now that she understood he had a stern, no-nonsense side to him, she planned to be on her best behavior for the rest of her life.


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