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Blue Knight

Page 10

by Tracy Cooper-Posey

  She smiled. “You did like it. Like this, you mean?” She walked her hands down the wall and pushed her ass back, bending from the hips. Her legs were already spread.

  Daniel thrust into her, all the way into her, in one hard, masterful stroke and came to rest buried to the hilt, just as she completed her push back. He sagged over her, his hand splayed against the wall by hers. “God,” he said, his voice ragged.

  Olivia could barely breathe. Her heart was thundering in her ears and her chest seemed to be locked tight by the swift possession. His cock was thick and hot inside her. It had been so long since she’d had a man inside her! She was trembling with the feeling of fullness.

  “You’re hot around me. Hot and soft, but yet….” He pulled almost all the way out of her, then rammed back in with the same hard thrust.

  Olivia rolled her head back. There was a tightening in her pussy that she recognized with amazement. “I’m not going to last,” she warned him, her voice throaty and rich with arousal.

  “Two of us,” Daniel muttered. His hands tightened on her hips and his cock slammed into her, the strokes shortening and deepening. “Come with me.”

  She knew what he was asking. She dropped her hand to her throbbing, excluded clit. It was soaked with her juices and at the first touch of her fingers, she knew it would take very little to push her climax over the top. She massaged the swollen nub gently and bucked as her climax rushed at her, shuddering at the glorious sensation of having Daniel’s cock inside her as she tightened up, her body clenching as she climaxed.

  It was powerful, beating at her temples and behind her eyes. Daniel kept thrusting until she felt him come in hard little thrusts and spasms, his breath stopping. Her own climax gripped her the entire time, washing through her in successive waves of pleasure that made her jerk and moan.

  When Daniel withdrew from her, she couldn’t prevent the little sound of disappointment that fell from her lips. She turned to find him stripping the used condom from his still erect cock. He twisted and sealed and tucked away the condom.

  He looked at her and raised a brow, then lifted her chin. “Don’t worry. I’m not done with you yet.”

  Chapter Six

  Daniel’s lips brushed Olivia’s. “Pick up your pants.”

  She pulled them off the pipe. “Why?”

  “So I can do this.” He lifted her up so that she fell over his shoulder, her ass up in the air. “Stay silent for a moment,” he murmured and stepped out of the cramped passageway.

  She froze. He was going to carry her around with her naked butt up in the air? She clutched at him, her pants against his back, as he strode down the corridor toward the deserted kitchen. She felt rather than saw him straight-arm the swinging doors open. Then she was laid upon cold steel. One of the prep tables.

  Daniel grabbed her hips and pulled her closer to the edge and her shoulders slid along the steel with the silk shirt beneath them. His eyes in the still dim light seemed too dark to give out anything but mystery. He spread her legs, his fingers stroking her thighs, which made them quiver. “Beautiful,” he declared.

  “You’re a leg man,” she decided.

  “I was speaking of all of you,” he said. “But your legs are absolutely a delight.” He lifted her knee and straightened her leg, resting his hand under the ankle. “Gorgeous, in fact.” He kissed the instep and she caught her breath, which made him smile. He slowly began to lick and nibble his way from her ankle to the top of her inner thigh, pausing to stroke with his tongue, tease and torture her as the mood struck him. Long before he reached her pussy, she was writhing on the table, panting and trying to clutch at his head and bring his mouth to where she wanted it.

  But Daniel evaded her grip and merely extended her other leg. For long minutes, he sucked and licked his way from her ankle to her inner lips. When he reached the top of her leg, he thrust his tongue inside her pussy.

  She cried out and gripped the edges of the table in a death grip as his tongue probed and swiped, stroking at her swollen, sensitive flesh, lifting higher and teasing at her clit, until finally he sucked the organ into his mouth and his teeth and tongue toyed with it in a medley of strokes and pressures that made Olivia squirm wildly on the tabletop. Her breath steepened and her heart zoomed. She was going to come again. Unbelievably so.

  Then Daniel thrust his fingers into her cunt, far inside. He worked them deep and thrust them hard against her G-spot as his mouth and tongue tortured her clit.

  Olivia’s world exploded. Her breath locked in her chest as her climax ripped through her and it seemed like minutes on end before she could draw breath. And then, when she could, she screamed.

  Daniel’s hand covered her mouth almost instantly, but it was too late. She had made a sound that could be mistaken for nothing other than a woman enjoying herself.

  The last of her orgasm shuddered through her as Daniel watched the door. Then he lifted his hand away and shook his head, with a smile.

  She grinned back. “All your fault,” she said.

  Then they heard the voices. Near and coming nearer. Spanish.

  “I told you I heard something down here,” came one voice. Male.

  “And there is not a thing here at all,” came the second.

  Daniel’s arm came around her waist. He lifted her up off the table, hauled her over the edge of it and down onto the floor behind it. There was a big stainless steel cabinet there and he pushed her behind. She crawled into the space between the cabinet, the wall and the big solid side of the commercial steel table.

  Daniel crowded in behind her as the two voices stepped into the kitchen.

  “Nothing, see?”

  “Out in the corridor?”

  “The door is closed.”

  “It is a swing door. They might have gone that way.”

  “It would still be swinging.”

  “Look, you want to chase after ghosts, or you want to go watch Serrano scare the shit out of the silly prisoners? We are supposed to line them up at six for inspection. It could be fun.”

  “More fun than this place has been the last month. All right. We should go back.”

  There was a soft shuffle of boots, then silence.

  Daniel looked down at his illuminated watch face.

  “How long until six?” Olivia asked.

  “Forty minutes.” He backed out of the squeeze and helped her out.

  She shook out her linen trousers.

  “We have to get back to our rooms and shower,” Daniel said. “Fresh clothes. Fresh everything. But don’t wash your hair.”

  She hesitated, staring at him. “They’ll inspect me that closely?”

  “Serrano is looking for any leverage now. The inspection is only forty minutes away. You’ll reek of sex and they’ll use it to get at me and they’ll use me to make you break.” He cupped her cheek. “You’re too soft. Most people are too soft.”

  She thrust her leg into her pants. “Are you detouring into your standard security lecture for the morning after, Daniel?”

  When he didn’t answer, she looked up at him. He grimaced, the expression making his mouth twist savagely. There wasn’t enough light to see the expression in his eyes. “The words are practiced, but it’s still the truth.”

  “No, it’s not. I’m stronger than you think.” She thrust the other leg inside and fastened her trousers. “You keep making that mistake.”

  “You keep making bad decisions. I can’t see it any other way.”

  “I keep making bad decisions about you,” she corrected gently. “For everything else I do just fine.”

  “Ouch.” He handed her the hairclip she thought she had left behind in the narrow passageway. “Can you get your hair up without a mirror?”

  “Of course.” She took the clip. “It’s not the first time I’ve had to dress in the dark in a hurry.”

  She wished it was light enough to see Daniel’s expression, because for once he was speechless.
  * * * * *

  Twenty-four hours after the wedding, Téra wasn’t any closer to learning why Lucas wouldn’t touch her, even though he clearly wanted her. The more remarkable thing was that the whole camp wasn’t buzzing with the fact that Captain De la Cruz had the hots for Colonel Peña’s sister. Somehow, astonishingly, Lucas had managed to hide his obsession.

  And obsession it was. No man could secretly gather and brood over such a collection of photos and materials like Lucas had of her and not call it an obsession. Was it an unhealthy one though? Not if she reciprocated, Téra had decided. She was of age. Even Duardo had tacitly approved.

  She just couldn’t figure out what was stopping Lucas.

  The next evening, around sunset, she gave up the mental puzzle and went for a run. Grounds security gave her clearance for up to two miles along the cove. She gratefully slipped on her running shoes at the edge of the high tide line and eased into the first mile at a slow jog. Then she pushed up to her normal running pace, feeling her breathing settle in and her mind drop down to neutral. This had been a good idea. The waves were a perfect accompaniment, with their constant noise and rhythm.

  Toward the end of the second mile, she could see a figure ahead, standing on the hard sand. She was going to have to run around them.

  As she got closer she could see the person was going through ritual movements for some sort of martial arts program as they faced into the sunset. Well, they’d picked a great place to do it. They had to be Vistarian military, which was why grounds security had said she was safe anywhere up to two miles from the house. There was obviously some personnel operating this far away.

  Then details began to register as she got closer. The height of the figure. The way he was moving.


  Clearly, he had thought he would never be disturbed here, especially by her. He was wearing old sweat pants that hung low on his hips and nothing else. His olive skin shone in the last of the day’s light, highlighting the muscles beneath.

  She was a quarter of a mile away when he turned and spotted her. Téra slowed to a jog. Then a walk. She finally halted several hundred yards away from him, but even from that distance, she could see his fury.

  “I didn’t know you were here,” she called. “They didn’t tell me.” But even as she was apologizing, she was absorbing his appearance, the details. He was lean, with hard-packed muscle that came from honest work, not hours in the gym. Her hands itched to run all over his body. Especially, she wanted to slide them under the band of those low-slung sweats.

  But Lucas was just staring at her, not giving an inch.

  She spread her hands. “Fine. I’ll go.” She turned and began to jog slowly back the way she had come, following the line of her footprints. But she had barely traveled a hundred yards before she became aware of the fall of running steps behind her. She glanced over her shoulder. Lucas was running after her and he was gaining.

  Irrationally, she abruptly didn’t want him to catch her. Even though he had longer legs, she could probably outlast him over distance. She began to run—not an all-out sprint, not yet.

  He gained ground steadily to the point where she could hear him pounding the sand behind her. It gave her a spurt of speed and a dose of adrenaline.

  With a roar, Lucas lunged for her. His arms wrapped around her middle and she tripped and fell in a flurry of sand and limbs. Lucas’ dead weight stopped her from rolling across the dry, white sand. She came to a halt on her side, fine sand covering her, her chest heaving from the hard sprint.

  He didn’t leave her there. With a growl, he threw her on her back and pinned her arms above her head. His knee rammed between her thighs and pushed them apart, the rough cotton of his sweats scraping over her sweaty skin. The front of his sweats was tented, showing he was fully erect.

  Téra looked up at him. The odd look in his eyes made him seem a little like a stranger to her, but at the same time the black eyes and sharp planes of his face she had spent so many weeks studying had become so familiar to her, she almost wept with the comfort they brought her. This was Lucas. She knew him, even though she knew so little about him.

  His strong masculine scent seemed to settle over her like a blanket, even as his thigh pushed up high between her legs. It jammed up against her pussy and she gasped at the rough contact.

  “Scream,” Lucas growled. “I know that hurt.”

  “Is that what you want?” she asked. “You want me to scream?” She was already breathless from the running and the adrenaline spike. But now the adrenaline overload was converting to a languorous, far more pleasurable reaction.

  Her pussy lips swelled and moistened and began to pulse with need. It emphasized how empty her pussy was. How close Lucas was. Lucas and his cock.

  Téra shifted on the sand, her body rippling as the images of what Lucas might do to her, here on this lonely beach, flittered through her mind.

  “Make me scream, Lucas,” she told him. Her voice was still breathless, but raw with lust.

  He was watching her every move. He’d seen the change in her, seen the lust take her. His eyes, already black, seemed to darken further. They narrowed. He licked his lips. “You should be afraid. You should not invite such things.”

  She lifted her thigh, the one between his. She pushed it up against his groin. Her knee pressed against the soft skin of his testicles, covered by the cotton of the sweats. She moved her knee so she could apply a gentle pressure. “Make me scream,” she repeated. “And I will do the same to you.”

  He shut his eyes. “Usted es una bruja,” he muttered.

  “If I am a witch, then I’m a crappy one. My spells don’t work on anyone.”

  With his free hand, he yanked at the waist of his sweats, pulling them down his hips in two sharp tugs. He wore nothing beneath them. His cock reared against his stomach.

  Lucas De la Cruz was well-endowed. Téra had suspected he was large from her brief exploration through his trousers on the night of the wedding, but she had not realized the true extent of his size. The girth of his shaft was nearly that of her wrist. The length of it looked to be as long as her hand, before the head pulsed and throbbed.

  She swallowed.

  Lucas ran a finger the length of his cock. “I have only to see you from a distance and I am instantly hard and aching. My mind fills with thoughts of fucking you. Taking you in ways that would have me arrested in Mexico and probably in Vistaria, too. Your brother would shoot me in the back of the head if he knew of the ways I have fucked you in my dreams, Téra.”

  She couldn’t take her gaze away from his fingers as they trailed up and down his cock.

  “Do it,” she whispered.

  “Do what?”

  “All of it,” she said simply.

  For a moment he was silent. If a silence could be said to be full of astonishment, this one was. He stared at her. For the first time, Téra knew she had genuinely surprised him.

  The grip he had on her wrists loosened. He sat up on his heels, his gaze still taking her in, as if he was reassessing her.

  Téra reached for the band of her sports bra and pulled the garment up and off over her head as she lay there. She dropped it to the sand next to her and lay naked from the waist up, calmly staring back at Lucas.

  He was anything but calm. She could see it in the way his chest was lifting as he drew in more and more air. His pulse was throbbing in the base of his neck.

  For the first time in their dealings together, she realized that they were close to an equal footing. The balances were tipping. She could feel it.

  If she was very careful, she could win. She could have her way.

  Téra slowly sat up, pulling her leg out from between his. Then she got to her knees so that she was facing Lucas. Moving carefully, feeling as if she must not startle him, she laid her hands on his chest. When he did not flinch or throw her hands off, she let out her breath.


  She r
ealized she was trembling. The stakes here were high. The next few minutes would decide many things.

  His skin was so warm! So surprisingly soft, too. She had not expected that. Lucas seemed to be made up of harsh planes and solids, except for his lips. She had expected the solidness to extend to his flesh, but it was soft and pliant.

  Téra smoothed her hands over his chest and felt the tattoo of his heartbeat under her right hand. Lucas stayed silent and still, even though his breath whooshed out from between his lips as she leaned forward and kissed his throat.

  She let her fingers trail up to his neck, to curl around his throat and circle around to the back of his neck. A shudder ran through him.

  He was either ticklish or highly sensitive. Either fact delighted Téra. She thrust her fingers into his hair and used the leverage on his head to bring his face down to hers so that she could kiss him.

  At the first touch of his lips, she knew she could kiss Lucas forever. The soft lips tasted faintly of something cinnamon and something sweet, beneath the unique taste of Lucas himself. She found herself thrusting her tongue into his mouth, moaning with delight.

  His tongue touched hers. Tentatively. He was meeting her halfway, but not committing himself yet. But that was okay. That was enough for now.

  She realized that she was rubbing her breasts against him, so that the nipples brushed his upper stomach. The friction was delicious, supplying another small source of pleasure that spilled into the others and added to the mix.

  Téra spread the fingers of her other hand against his bare hip. Her little finger bumped against the lowered sweats. With deliberate slowness, she moved the hand across to his groin, then lower, between his thighs, to cup his balls. They were heavy, swollen glands, filling her hand. As she took them, Lucas tore his mouth from hers and sucked in a deep breath.

  And for the first time, he touched her. His hand gripped her hip, curling over the satin of her running shorts, the nails digging in.

  His eyes had a haunted look that made her hesitate. Why would this put such an expression on his face?


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