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Case of Desire

Page 4

by Jacquelin Thomas

“Your office is set up and ready for you,” he told Maxwell. “We have a conference call scheduled with Matthews’s attorney at eleven.”

  “Sounds good,” Maxwell said. He was more than ready to get this lawsuit settled so that he could return to New York. As far as he was concerned, this particular case presented no challenge to him, and would be resolved quickly.

  Maxwell settled into his office.

  He set down at his desk and made a few phone calls. The first was to his secretary in New York and the second was to his father. They were working together on a case that was due to go to trial in the spring of next year.

  Maxwell made notes during his conversation with his father.

  “Thanks, Dad,” he said. “Fax me a copy of the interrogatories when you get them.”

  They talked for a few minutes more before hanging up.

  “Knock. Knock.”

  Maxwell glanced up from his notes. “Isabelle. Come in.” He remembered being introduced to her at the reception. He had to admit that Ray was right. She looked like she could be Jennifer Lopez’s twin.

  She walked inside, carrying a medium-size plant. “I thought your office could use some brightening up.”

  He smiled. “Thank you, Isabelle. That was very sweet of you.”

  “It needs lots of light, so I’ll put it over here,” she was saying.

  The scent of her perfume was distracting—mostly because it was the same scent that Kendra wore.

  “How are you enjoying our city?” Isabelle asked.

  “It’s nice,” he replied. “I’ve always liked Alexandria.”

  Isabelle gave him a sexy grin. “Really?”

  “It’s nice here and I love exploring the rich history, but I’m a New Yorker for life.” He noted a flash of disappointment in her eyes. Maxwell didn’t want to give her false hope.

  “Ray mentioned that you were thinking about going into pediatrics,” Maxwell stated.

  She nodded. “I love children.”

  He leaned back in his chair. “Since you’re here, I’d like to talk to you about Terrence Matthews.”

  “Okay,” she responded. “What do you want to know?”

  “Did you ever notice anything that you considered odd behavior?” Maxwell asked.

  “There were a couple of times that he didn’t seem quite himself, but I thought it was because he was tired. We work some pretty long hours from time to time. Oh yeah, he did miss a couple of staff meetings, but I’ve missed one before. Time can get away from you.”

  Maxwell played with his pen. “So you never suspected that he was abusing drugs?”

  “No, I didn’t. To be honest, I was shocked when I heard that he was stealing them from the hospital.”

  Maxwell silently noted that almost everyone had the same sentiment. He’d read many of the witness statements over the weekend. Terrence Matthews was apparently a functioning drug user.

  She ran her fingers through her hair. “Do you have any more questions for me?”

  He went over his notes. “This is it for now.”

  “Well, I’ve kept you from your work long enough,” Isabelle said with a short laugh. “I want you to know that we’re really glad you’re here. This hospital needs someone like you in our corner.”

  Maxwell pushed away from his desk and stood up. He knew that Isabelle was vying for his attention, but he was not attracted to her, although he considered her extremely beautiful.

  “Thank you for speaking with me, Isabelle. Everything we discussed will remain confidential.”

  “I’m not worried,” she told him. “I like Dr. Matthews, but what he’s doing to this hospital is wrong.”

  “Thank you for the plant as well.”

  She glanced up at him, smiling. “It was my pleasure, Mr. Wade.”

  “Call me Maxwell,” he told her.

  “Sure thing.”

  He laughed. “I’ll walk you out.”

  Maxwell wasn’t sure what happened next, but the next thing he realized she was falling. Reacting quickly, he reached out to grab her.

  Camille eyed the calendar and decided that since today was Maxwell Wade’s first official day at Hopewell General, she should do something nice for him. He had not only protected her from Dr. Dudley, but had gone out of his way to make sure that she was okay.

  She left her office before she could change her mind about asking him to have lunch with her.

  Camille’s pace halted at the presence of Isabelle Morales in Maxwell’s arms when she arrived at his office.

  Camille was astounded. He had been in the hospital for less than a day and already had one of the interns in his arms.

  She sent Isabelle a sharp look. Camille couldn’t believe that her coworker would behave so blatantly.

  Without a word, she returned to her office in a huff.

  The thought of Maxwell getting involved with Isabelle bothered Camille to the core, as much as she hated to admit it. She had to sheathe her inner feelings as a sense of inadequacy swept over her.

  A few minutes later, Maxwell appeared in her doorway.

  “You ran off before I could explain.”

  “You don’t owe me any explanation,” Camille responded stiffly.

  “What you saw back there…it’s not what it looked like.”

  She met his gaze. “You really don’t have to explain anything to me. Who or what you do in this hospital is not my concern. However, you should at least close the door. Especially after the conversation we had this morning about sexual harassment. I can’t believe you would place yourself and Dr. Morales in a position to be gossiped about.”

  “Isabelle…Dr. Morales was about to fall. There—”

  Camille interrupted him by saying, “We need to block out some time to discuss the legal issues the hospital is dealing with. If it’s okay with you, I’ll email you with a time to meet.”

  “That’s fine,” Maxwell said. “Is that why you were coming to see me?”

  “Yes,” she lied.

  Camille picked up her phone, silently dismissing him. She was aware of Maxwell watching her, but pretended not to notice that his presence had overtaken her office.

  He stood there for a moment in silence, then turned on his heel and left.

  Camille waited until she was positive that Maxwell was gone before hanging up. She wasn’t really planning to make a call; she just wanted him to leave her office.

  “Isabelle was right,” she whispered. “She said he wouldn’t be alone for long.”

  She really liked Isabelle, but for some reason, Camille did not like the idea of her friend getting involved with Maxwell. After all, Maxwell seemed to enjoy his life as a bachelor. He was often linked with actresses or socialites when he and Kendra weren’t involved. Camille didn’t want to see Isabelle get her heart broken.

  She didn’t want to consider that there could be another reason why she didn’t want to see Isabelle with Maxwell.

  Chapter 4

  Maxwell found his little exchange with Camille humorous.

  He was delighted at the thought of her being jealous. He wasn’t sure why the thought pleased him, but it did. It thrilled him that Camille wasn’t immune to him like he had originally assumed.

  He spotted his friend Thomas and another doctor, Lucien De Winter, talking in an office. Thomas gestured for Maxwell to join them.

  “Lucien was just telling me about Dudley and how he’s trying to make life difficult for him and Jaclyn since their engagement.”

  “He’s also harassing Victor Aguilar and Tamara St. John,” Lucien stated. “They just recently got engaged.”

  “I’m not a fan of non-fraternization policies,” Maxwell interjected. “I think the workplace is one of the logical locations for people to meet and fall in love, as long as the employees engaged in the relationship follow common-sense guidelines.”

  “I agree,” Lucien said. “The employees have asked him to remove the ban on fraternization for years, but Dudley refuses. He and his watchdog, Nurse Tsan
g, are making everyone miserable.”

  “The only thing I’ve agreed with Dudley on is how he handled Terrence,” Thomas confessed. “Although I appreciate all he did for me and Lia.”

  “Lucien, I’d like to speak with you about Dr. Matthews,” Maxwell said. “If you have another minute, I want to ask you some questions.”


  Thomas made his way to the door. “I need to make my rounds, so I’ll call you later, Maxwell.”

  “What can you tell me about Dr. Matthews, Lucien?”

  “He was a promising doctor with a bedside manner that all of his patients appreciated.” Lucien shook his head sadly. “If only we could have found a way to help him.”

  “Did you notice anything?”

  Lucien nodded. “He was no longer as reliable. For example, he used to be the first one to arrive at staff meetings, but then he was either late or a no-show. He was also the doctor who gave that patient the wrong medication. Because of his family, Dudley made sure that was never made public.”

  “What steps did you take at that point?” Maxwell questioned.

  “We had Terrence take a drug test, although we had a witness to him stealing the drugs. His test came back positive. Terrence maintains that we faked the results, however. He has had some independent tests done and the results show that he’s clean.”

  “Do you think he paid someone to change the results?”

  “Or take the test for him,” Lucien offered. “When I asked Terrence about the charges, he never denied them. He didn’t feel the need to deny them as his family was the hospital’s biggest benefactor.”

  “He was offered the chance to go into rehab?”

  Lucien nodded. “He flat-out refused. He would probably still have his job if he had taken a medical leave and gone into rehab. When he didn’t, we had no choice but to let him go.”

  Maxwell opened his mouth to speak, but before he could get the words out, Lucien’s pager went off.

  “I’m sorry but I have to leave.”

  Maxwell opened the door to the office. “Thanks for your time.”

  He walked out after Lucien and returned to his own office. For a split second, Maxwell considered going back to Camille’s office.

  She was right.

  Although he and Isabelle were innocent of any wrongdoing, had someone walked by his office, they could have easily drawn the wrong conclusions. Worse, Isabelle could accuse him of sexual harassment, although he doubted she would make such a claim.

  Seated at his desk, Maxwell went through his list of witnesses. There were still several he wanted to speak with. He preferred doing his own interviews and not just relying on statements. Body language often presented the real story.

  He tried to keep his mind on his work, but an image of Camille kept popping up in his head.

  She was jealous.

  It surprised and pleased him that she was attracted to him. However, Maxwell felt like he had been doused with a bucket of ice water when he realized that the attraction was mutual.

  Camille tried to concentrate on her work, but couldn’t. She was furious with herself for allowing Maxwell Wade to get under her skin.

  She picked up the apple on her desk and bit into it.

  “Hey, there you are,” a woman’s voice called. “I came by here earlier and you were gone. I wanted to see if you had time to have lunch with me.”

  Camille looked up and saw Tamara St. John walking into her office. “I didn’t know you were working today, Tamara,” she said. She tossed the apple into the trash. “Sure. This apple really wasn’t doing it for me.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” Camille responded. “Why do you ask?”

  “Something’s bothering you,” Tamara said. “You look upset.”

  “I’m fine. I just need to get away from this place for a little while.” Camille rose to her feet and grabbed her purse.

  They left the hospital.

  Camille and Tamara walked across the street to the restaurant frequented by most of the hospital staff.

  “So, you’re still not going to tell me what’s got you so preoccupied?” Tamara asked after they were seated.

  Camille smiled at her friend. “I’m fine, really.”

  “I hear we have the renowned Maxwell Wade helping the legal department. Have you met him?”

  She nodded.

  “So what do you think of him?” Tamara inquired.

  “I don’t really have an opinion of Mr. Wade,” Camille lied. “I guess we’ll really have to wait and see if he’s as good as everyone says he is.”

  “He’s very handsome from what I understand.”

  “That seems to be the consensus,” Camille muttered. The last thing she wanted to do was spend her lunch hour discussing the arrogant Maxwell Wade. Changing the subject, she asked, “So have you and Victor decided on a wedding date?”

  “We’re still narrowing down dates.”

  Camille picked up her menu. “Just so you know…I don’t do pastels.”

  Tamara laughed.

  While waiting for their food, Camille scanned the dining area. The restaurant was a favorite of hospital employees and as usual it was filled with interns, doctors, nurses and other hospital staff. There were only a few people that she did not recognize.

  The restaurant was not only convenient, it was warm and inviting. The soft lighting and beautiful artwork in vivid hues added to its charm. Fresh flowers on the tables welcomed every diner.

  “Have you spoken to Terrence since the lawsuit?” Tamara asked in a low voice.

  Camille shook her head no. “I thought he would contact me at some point, but he hasn’t.”

  When their food arrived, Camille stabbed a fried shrimp and stuck it in her mouth. She loved shrimp.

  “All my girl friends are engaged,” she said. “I hope when you and Jaclyn get married, we will still be able to have our monthly girls’ night out.”

  “For sure,” Tamara said. “We’re just getting married—not going to prison.”

  The two women shared a laugh.

  “Seriously, though,” Camille said. “I’m going to be the only single one left.”

  “Not for long,” Tamara predicted. She wiped her mouth on the edge of her napkin.

  “I don’t know,” Camille responded. “I want a man who will treat me like a queen. I want a man who will adore me, and most of the men I’ve met seem to be lacking in those areas.”

  Laughing, Tamara sliced off a piece of grilled catfish, piercing it with her fork.

  Camille glanced across the room just as Maxwell and Thomas entered the restaurant.

  Tamara turned, following Camille’s gaze. “He’s very handsome.”

  She didn’t respond.

  “You have to be blind not to notice that man,” Tamara said as she turned her attention back to her meal. “I noticed that he couldn’t seem to take his eyes off you.”

  “What are you talking about?” she asked.

  Tamara eyed her. “You didn’t notice the way he kept staring at you as he walked to his table?”

  Camille shook her head. “He was most likely looking at you. You are more his type than I am.”

  “No, I’m pretty sure he was looking at you.”

  Shrugging, Camille responded, “It really doesn’t matter. Maxwell and I live in two very different worlds.”

  “The thing that bothers me the most about the non-fraternization policy is that Dr. Dudley is a hypocrite,” Thomas was saying.

  “What do you mean by that?” Maxwell picked up his menu and began scanning the entrées. He stole a peek over to where Camille was sitting with her friend.

  “Dudley is sleeping with one of the staff nurses,” Thomas announced in a low voice. “Kayla Tsang to be exact.”

  Maxwell stiffened in shock. “Do you know this for sure, or is this just another hospital rumor?”

  “This is no rumor,” Thomas responded. “I saw them myself one night in his office.”
/>   “Apparently he’s not just having an affair,” Maxwell stated. “I know for a fact that he has been harassing some of the female staff. Just before lunch, an intern came to me upset. She asked me if she could pursue a legal case for harassment against Dudley.” He didn’t mention that the chief had practically attacked Camille the night of Thomas and Lia’s wedding reception.

  “Are you serious?”

  He nodded. “Yeah. I’m going to have a talk with Dudley this afternoon. It’s time to put a stop to this nonsense.”

  Thomas agreed.

  As he scanned the menu, Maxwell couldn’t help but glance over at Camille.

  “She’s looking for donations for the silent auction,” Thomas told him. “It’s always a huge hit at the hospital charity ball.”

  Maxwell smiled. “I might have something to donate.”

  “I thought you would,” Thomas responded, a grin on his face. “I have to admit, I’m really surprised that you’d be attracted to Camille. She’s nothing like the other women you’ve dated.”

  “I’m a little surprised myself,” Maxwell confessed.

  Chapter 5

  “I hear that you are looking for donations for the silent auction,” Maxwell stated as he strolled into her office.

  Camille tried to keep her pleasure at seeing him from her voice. “I am,” she simply said.

  “Well, I’m here to give a donation,” he announced.

  She reached for her pen and notebook. “Are you donating your legal expertise?”

  “No,” Maxwell responded. “I was actually thinking of donating a cottage in Paris for a week.”

  Camille’s eyes registered her surprise. “Really?”

  “Yes, but please list it from an anonymous donor.”

  “Maxwell… Wow, thank you.” She was stunned by his generosity. “No one has ever donated something so extravagant.”

  “I hope it brings in a lot of money.”

  She smiled. “I’m sure it will. This is really very generous, Maxwell.”

  Their gaze met and held. Neither of them spoke for a moment.

  “I’m sorry,” Camille murmured, breaking the silence. “Did you want something else?” She had expected him to leave her office right after his generous donation, but he was still standing there, looking at her expectantly.


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