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Case of Desire

Page 9

by Jacquelin Thomas

  “I assure you it’s all work-related.” She couldn’t tell him that the real reason she declined had to do with her insecurities.

  Maxwell wore a look of disbelief, but he didn’t argue.

  Camille kissed him. “I’m going to miss you.”

  “It doesn’t have to be this way,” he said softly. “You could come with me.”

  “Maxwell, I have so much on my plate right now. I really can’t leave as much as I want to spend time with you.”

  “Your assistant can’t take over for you?” he asked. “It’s just a few days.”

  Camille shook her head. She felt terrible for lying to him like this, but it couldn’t be helped. She was just as disappointed, but felt she was doing the right thing.

  “Hey, why don’t I make dinner for you tonight?” Camille suggested. “We could stay in and watch a movie.”

  “Sounds nice,” he told her.


  “I’m sorry,” he said. “I’m just disappointed. I was really looking forward to showing you New York at Christmastime. I was looking forward to having you all to myself. Away from any distractions.”

  Camille almost gave in to his silent pleading. When he boarded his jet tomorrow, she would not see him for five days. To her heart, it sounded like an eternity.

  Maxwell did not believe for one minute that it was Camille’s job that was keeping her from joining him in New York. He didn’t know the real reason for her turning him down. Maybe she wasn’t ready to take their relationship to the next level. Maybe Camille wasn’t as attracted to him as she had led him to believe. For the first time in his life, he doubted his appeal.

  He was frustrated. Maxwell was used to women catering to him. He was the one who never lacked the attention of females. They were honored to be seen on his arm.

  What was wrong with Camille? Why didn’t she see him the same way other women did?

  Maxwell surprised himself with the way he was reacting to Camille’s denial. Maybe it was actually for the best that she had turned him down. His feelings were escalating too quickly.

  I need to take it slower, he decided. He vowed to take the next five days to rethink his relationship with Camille. The last thing he wanted to do was rush into another relationship like he did with Kendra. That mistake had taken several years to undo.

  Maxwell picked up the telephone and called Camille.

  “Hey, I’ve decided to fly out this evening, so I guess I’ll see you in five days.”

  “Do you really have to leave tonight?” she asked.

  “If I go ahead and leave from the hospital, I can get an early start tomorrow morning. I’ll call you when I get home.”

  “Maxwell, I’m going to miss you,” Camille told him. “It’s not going to be the same without you here.”

  He loved the sound of her voice. Surprisingly he was already missing her. There was some part of him that wanted to hang up and rush to her office, to wrap his arms around her and kiss her.

  His body ached for Camille. He wanted her badly, but it was pretty obvious that she did not feel the same way.

  Maxwell reminded himself that Camille was different from most women he dated in so many ways. She didn’t hang on his every word or cater to him as he was used to women doing. Camille hadn’t tried to seduce him or use her female wiles to manipulate him.

  It was refreshing.

  Camille was a breath of fresh air. He loved that he could just be himself around her. She had no expectations of expensive gifts, exotic vacations or anything like that. She wasn’t demanding of his time.

  Maxwell couldn’t deny it. Camille was perfect for him and he couldn’t see his life without her in it.

  I love her.

  He definitely needed to take some time to sort out his feelings. While he cared deeply for her, he wasn’t sure he was ready for a serious relationship with anyone.

  He thought about Kendra and shook his head. He had to be sure this time around. Life with his ex-girlfriend had been hell. He was too old to deal with more drama.

  The telephone rang, drawing him out of his turbulent thoughts.

  It was his father’s secretary.

  Maxwell confirmed his travel plans with her, and then hung up the phone. He felt instant regret over changing his flight plans. There’s no way I can get on the jet without seeing Camille.

  He pushed away from his desk. He was about to head to Camille’s office when she suddenly appeared in his doorway, surprising him.

  “I couldn’t let you leave without seeing you,” she said. “I felt like…I had to see you.”

  “I was on my way to your office,” he responded. “I needed to see you, too.”

  They laughed.

  Maxwell wished he could’ve gotten through to Camille and had been able to convince her to come with him. His body yearned to be close to hers.

  “So when do you plan to leave for the airport?” Camille inquired.

  “I’m leaving shortly,” he said.

  “I’m glad I came by,” she told him. “I didn’t know you were leaving so soon.”

  “I’m trying not to make it harder on myself,” Maxwell confessed. It was true.

  The thought of leaving Camille behind saddened him.

  He wondered if she was afraid to trust him. “Camille, I want you to know that I would never do anything to hurt you.”

  She smiled. “I know that, Maxwell.”

  Camille reached over and took him by the hand. “I have a lot of work that needs to be completed.”

  “Are you sure that’s all it is?”

  Smiling, she answered, “Yes. As far as I’m concerned, what we have together is perfect. I’m very happy with you, Maxwell.”

  He grinned. “Same here.”

  He wanted to believe that they were on the same page, but doubt continued to nag at him.

  “Camille, what is wrong with you, girl?” Jerome questioned when he spied her on the first floor the next morning. “You look like you’ve lost your best friend.”

  “You’re my best friend,” she responded with a sigh. “But I may have lost Maxwell.”

  They walked over to an empty waiting area to talk without fear of being overheard.

  “Did you two have a fight?” Jerome inquired.

  Camille shook her head no. “He has to take care of some business in New York and he invited me to go with him.”

  “So when are you two leaving?”

  “That’s just it,” Camille stated. “He’s already gone. Jerome, I turned him down.”

  Jerome shook his head in disbelief.

  “What?” Camille asked.

  “You got the one man that half the women in this hospital are drooling over, wanting to spend some time with you and what do you do? You tell him no.”

  She gave a slight shrug. “It’s not like I have any real experience, Jerome. I am not about to go all the way to New York just to end up disappointing the man.”

  Frowning, Jerome questioned, “Girl, what are you talking about?”

  Camille met his gaze. “Jerome, I’m a… I’ve never…”

  Jerome’s mouth dropped open in surprise. “You’re a virgin?”

  She folded her arms across her chest. “You don’t have to make it sound like a bad thing. I’m not going to apologize for not jumping into bed with some man who will most likely forget my name twenty-four hours later.”

  “Honey, I didn’t mean it like that. I’m just shocked, that’s all.” He scratched his head. “I don’t think I’ve ever known a virgin.”

  Camille rolled her eyes at him. “See, this is why I didn’t go to New York. Most men would probably have your reaction.”

  Jerome shook his head. “I don’t believe you didn’t go just because you’re a virgin, Camille. C’mon, what’s the real reason?”

  She walked over to an empty chair near the window and sat down. “Jerome, I’m not sophisticated like the women Maxwell is used to dating. Hey, I sleep in a pair of old sweats and a T-shirt.�
�� Camille sat with her shoulders slumped.

  “Okay, this is what we’re going to do, Camille. We’re leaving work early today,” Jerome announced. “I’m taking you shopping.”

  “It’s too late,” she said. “Maxwell left yesterday.”

  “How long will he be gone?”

  “Five long days,” Camille responded. “I know it sounds crazy, but I really miss him.”

  “Well we’re going shopping and then I’m taking you to the airport on Friday. You are going to New York.”

  She shook her head. “I can’t do that, Jerome. I already told him that I wasn’t coming.”

  “You’re going to surprise him.”

  Camille had mixed feelings about traveling to New York without alerting Maxwell of her visit.

  “Are you sure about this?” she asked Jerome. “You really think I should go there without saying a word to Maxwell?”

  “That’s the whole purpose of it being a surprise.”

  Camille gave him a sharp jab in the arm. “Stop being such a smart mouth.”

  He laughed. “Smart mouth? See, that’s why people think you are such a goody-goody. Have you ever just broken down and given someone a good cussing out?”

  “No. Not really.”

  “Some people need to be cussed out,” Jerome pointed out. “Like Miss Thang. She won’t act right until I cuss her out.”

  Camille chuckled. “I’m going back to my office. I’ll see you around three-fifteen. We can head out then.”

  “See ya,” Jerome said. He walked in the direction of the outpatient surgery department. He was filling in for a nurse who was out sick and was getting off when his relief arrived at 3:00 p.m.

  Right on time they left work and headed to the mall.

  Camille drove her car and Jerome followed behind in his.

  At the first department store Camille held up a striped banded-style dress in black. “What do you think about this one, Jerome?”

  He eyed the skimpy outfit in her hand and said, “I like it, but not in black. You wear black all of the time. Get the red one. Be daring.”

  Camille laughed. “You’re trying to turn me into the type of women you date.”

  “Hey, that’s why I’m here. You want to know what men like seeing on their women. Well, the red one is it. I’m telling you that Maxwell will love that dress on you.”

  Camille wrinkled up her face. “You really think so?”

  He nodded. “Trust me, this was made for you.”

  She still wasn’t convinced. “Maybe I should get it in a bigger size, though. I think this one might be a little too tight for me.”

  Jerome stilled her hand. “This dress was made to hug your curves. Camille, this is the type of outfit your man wants to see on you.”

  “I don’t know about this, Jerome.” Camille chewed on her bottom lip. She wanted to look sexy for Maxwell, but she didn’t want to appear too easy or look like a tramp.

  “I’m going to pass on that one,” she finally decided. “It’s just not me.”

  After walking around and finding nothing to Camille’s taste, they moved on to another store that was one of her favorite places to shop.

  Camille removed a dress from a nearby rack. “Now this looks more like me.”

  Jerome had to agree.

  It was a beautiful raspberry color, and while understated, it was also sexy. Camille found her size and tried it on.

  When she strolled out of the dressing room, Jerome nodded in approval. “Perfect.”

  They continued shopping for other outfits. Camille slowed her pace, pausing to check the price of a shirt on one of the racks. “Jerome, I have to tell you something.”

  “What is it?” he said, eyeing the girl at the makeup counter.

  “I’m in love with Maxwell.”

  He broke into a smile. “I can tell. You have the look of a woman in love. That said, we need to head over here.”

  Camille followed Jerome into the lingerie department. She stopped at a rack of lacy, racy items. “This is gorgeous.”

  Jerome nodded. “I need to get one of these for my honey.”

  “Wow, it costs a pretty penny, too,” Camille murmured.

  “You put that on and you’re going to blow Maxwell’s mind. He will forget all about your being a virgin.”

  She smiled.

  It was nice, but it left nothing to the imagination.

  Jerome removed it off the rack and stuck it in Camille’s hand. “Maxwell is going to love it!”

  She picked up another item and ran her fingers across the delicate braiding and velvet trimming. “I’m going to get this one, too,” she told Jerome.

  When she and Jerome finished, Camille marched up to the cashier and paid for her purchases. In all, she had spent her paycheck for the month, but didn’t feel any regret.

  Nor did she when Jerome surprised her the next afternoon by treating her to a facial and makeover.

  “I feel like a whole new person,” she told him afterward.

  “You look good, girl,” Jerome complimented. “Don’t get me wrong, you always look good, but you have this glow about you now.”

  “I can’t believe that I’m doing this.”

  “You are,” Jerome confirmed. “While I was waiting on you, I booked your flight to New York and arranged to have a car waiting for you when you land. Camille, you’re all set.”

  She met his gaze. “This is really happening, huh?”

  He nodded.

  Camille was ecstatic. In less than ten hours, she would be on a plane heading to New York.

  Camille eyed her reflection in the mirror.

  She had to admit she liked the new mineral makeup and the way it felt on her skin. She ran her hand down the side of the formfitting dress, loving the feel of the soft fabric. It wasn’t tight; instead the garment hugged her curves lovingly.

  Camille checked her watch. It was time to head to the airport.

  She slipped on her calf-length leather coat, which matched the boots she was wearing, and grabbed her purse and overnight bag.

  I’m on my way to you, Maxwell.

  Camille prayed that he would be happy to see her. They had talked last night for almost two hours. She had been tempted to tell him about her trip, but changed her mind.

  She arrived at the airport and within the hour was boarding the plane. She was pretty sure traveling by private jet was much more comfortable than a commercial flight, but Camille would’ve flown by carrier pigeon if she had to. She couldn’t wait to see Maxwell.

  On the plane, she pulled a book out of her tote and began reading. She was relieved that there had been no delays and that they would be taking off soon.

  She fell asleep midway, but woke just as the plane was preparing to land. A wave of apprehension swept through her, but she shook it off. She had come too far to chicken out now.

  Chapter 11

  Maxwell was frustrated beyond measure.

  He had called Camille three times in the last couple of hours. He thought maybe she was working late, but when he called the office, he found out that she had not come in at all.

  She had lied to him.

  Maxwell didn’t want to believe it, but could come up with no other reason. He had called her home and her cell phone. Each time, there was no answer—just an automated voice instructing him to leave a message.

  “What is going on with her?” he whispered in the empty room.

  When they talked last night, Maxwell did not detect that anything was wrong between them. Another thought he hadn’t considered until now struck him.

  Maybe she was seeing another man.

  The thought of Camille with another man disturbed Maxwell deeply.

  She wouldn’t do that to me, he kept telling himself.

  Would she?

  Maxwell’s mood shifted and veered toward anger when he called her again. She was still not picking up. He and Camille needed to have a serious conversation as soon as he returned to Virginia, he decided.
r />   It was not a conversation he wanted to have over the phone. Maxwell wanted to see her face. He would know if she was telling the truth. After all, he had been trained to discern if he was being lied to. He had trusted Camille up until this point.

  She had never given him any reason not to do so.

  A thread of guilt slid down his back.

  There could be a number of reasons why Camille wasn’t answering her phone that didn’t have to do with another man. She was nothing like Kendra and he was wrong for assuming that she would go running out on him while he was out of town.

  Maxwell wasn’t sure he could handle the pressures of a long-distance relationship. This was the first time Camille had been out of contact, and he was already accusing her of cheating on him.

  What was love without trust?

  “This is it,” the driver said to Camille. They were parked in front of an impressive building made of contoured steel that seemed to dominate the skyline.

  “Thank you,” she murmured. Camille eyed the building with a mixture of awe and trepidation.

  The chauffer got out and walked around the car to open the door for her. Camille paid him and thanked him a second time.

  As she walked toward Maxwell’s condo, Camille whispered, “Why did I let Jerome talk me into coming here?”

  Gathering her courage, she walked up to the building, pausing for a moment to inhale the night air.

  I might as well get this over with, she thought to herself.

  As she neared the door, Camille took a step forward, and then hesitated. She glanced around, her heart racing. “I don’t think I can do this.”

  For a split second, she felt like running off, but reality took over. Camille didn’t know much about Manhattan, so she had no choice but to dispel all discomfort. She had come all the way here to see Maxwell, and she was going through with it.

  What if he was not home?

  Fear welled up in her and tears sprang in her eyes. She had no place to go. What was I thinking by coming to New York without telling Maxwell?

  “Miss, can I help you?” a man in uniform asked.

  Camille swallowed her apprehension. “I’m here to see Maxwell Wade,” she managed to get out.


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