Page 8
Press a button, selecting from a menu. Boop.
Press another button selecting from another menu. Boop.
The evidence was all there. Stupid cow. Right there in chronological order.
I read a couple just to make sure that it wasn’t innocuous banter.
Maybe something like his advances and her protestations of her love for me.
It wasn’t.
I said, “What have we here?”, and I went down the list reading the chronological progression of the evidence.
“Dinner and a movie?”
I clicked through to the next message.
“ ‘Make sure you buy some more condoms?’ Well, at least you’re having safe sex.”
While I read down the list, I fucked her ass. Steadily. I wasn’t in any rush.
“ ‘I can’t wait to suck your dick tonight.’ ”, I paused.
I put on an angry tone, “What’s wrong with my dick, huh? My dick not good enough for you?”
I wasn’t angry with her. I just wanted her to think I was angry with her. That way she’d struggle, and her writhing would make the sodomy that much more dynamic. This was more exciting than a donkey punch.
Usually when I fucked her in the ass, she would just take it like a corpse, mooing plaintitively with her mouth taped shut. Her wrists loosely bound with duct tape. She could have shimmied free whenever she wanted to, and when we were done she had all of the tape off in under ten seconds, and then strutted off to the bathroom to administer to her throbbing asshole. Maybe to sit down on the toilet and take a minute to recompose herself and poop out my semen, so it didn’t come oozing out of her swollen butthole while we were laying around in bed afterwards. I never really fucked her very hard. Not like you see in anal porn. I didn’t want to tear her anus. I wanted her to come back. It was fun fucking her, and I wanted her to come back for more. So I didn’t fuck her in the ass every time she came by or I figured she’d get tired of that shit and she wouldn’t come over any more. It wasn’t really very exciting that way, so I usually just focused and tried to come so I could have it over with. I didn’t really enjoy fucking her in the ass. I mostly just did it, because I know she didn’t like it.
I grabbed a fistful of her peroxide blond hair in my right fist and pulled her head back.
I leaned forward and whispered in her ear, “Or maybe I should choke the life right out of you right now, huh?” I gave her a few hard rams in the ass. Leaning in closely I could hear her swallow and hear the air whooshing in and out of her nose in short panic breaths.
I leaned back on my haunches and extended my hand to the side of her face.
When my hand brushed the side of her face, she jerked her head away, and I had to use my right hand to pin her head sideways against the stack of pillows, while I fumbled for the edge of the tape with my left thumb and forefinger.
“Quit struggling.”, I said, exasperatedly. “I’m just trying to take the tape off.”
I managed to pinch the edge of the grey duct tape between my thumb and forefinger and picked a little finger-tab free, then ripped the length of tape off of her mouth. Like you do with a band-aid when you don’t want it to hurt, but I’m sure it stung a little. The area where the tape had been was pale for a second, in comparison to her flushed cheeks, but then the blood rushed in.
She breathed out from her mouth, and it made a “Puh” sound as her lips unstuck. She snorked back the spit and snot that had built up at the back of her throat and I heard her gulp it down, then she started breathing through her mouth.
I waited for her to get a few breaths in, then I resumed sodomizing her at a steady pace.
“Well?”, I said, “What have you got to say for yourself?”
The first thing she said was my name.
Like the parent of a serial killer saying the name of the missing to humanize them.
“Yes?”, I replied.
“Please.”, she said.
“What? I’m not hurting you or anything. It’s not like you haven’t been fucked in the ass before. By me. On several occasions.”
“Untie me.”, she said.
“Nope.” I continued my steady rhythm. “I figure we have something we have to talk about.”
I waited to see if she had anything else to say.
I could practically see her mind racing, trying to figure out all of the angles. Trying to think ahead to what I might say. What I might do.
You see, I had thought everything out already, and had planned this out, and everything was going according to plan. Whereas she had to think on her feet. Or hogtied on her stomach more to the point.
We had wrestled around before, and she knew that I had her pinned and she wasn’t going anywhere unless I decided to let her. So she just put her head down and her whole body relaxed a few degrees.
“I’m not going to hurt you. Not unless you make me.” I paused verbally, but not physically.
“The way I figure it the whole thing boils down to one question, and that question is, ‘Him or me?’ ”
I slapped her across the back of her head on the right side with my right hand, open-palmed, and it made a smack and a thud sound simultaneously. Her body clenched for a second in reaction and stayed a little more tense than it had been before I slapped her upside the head.
“You know I hate repeating myself. And you know I know that you’re not stupid so don’t play dumb with me. I asked you a question. ‘Him or me?’ ”
I kept fucking her ass steadily. She didn’t answer.
She was thinking. She was being willful. She was being stubborn.
Maybe she was trying to think of the right things to say to influence my behavior, but I wasn’t in the mood for head games. I figured we had enough of prevarication and subterfuge and dissembling already. It was time for plain talk. But since she was being willful I had to break her will.
I swept my right hand across the back of her head, gathering her hair into a pony-tail in my fist.
I pressed my body down onto hers. My front to her back, and I pulled her head back, craning her neck.
I switched up the pace, pulling my dick out till just the head was inside. When I felt the head bump against her sphincter I’d ram it back in, balls deep, accentuating the end of my sentences.
Pull out. “Well?” Ram!
Slowly pull back. “What’s it gonna be?” Ram!
Pull back. “Him?” Ram!
Pull back. “Or me?” Ram!
She didn’t say anything, but the expression on her face was a mix between a wince and a grimace.
Pull back. “Him?” Ram!
Pull back. “Or me?” Ram!
Stubborn bitch. I picked up the pace.
“Him?” Ram! “Or me?” Ram!
“Him?” Ram! “Or me?” Ram! “Him?” Ram! “Or me?” Ram! “Him?” Ram! “Or me?” Ram!
I wasn’t railing her hard enough to break anything. I wasn’t trying to do any permanent damage, but it must have felt like it to her. I’ve never had anyone make hate to my ass, but I’m sure it felt a lot worse for her than it did for me, and I could do this shit for hours. Her lips were pressed into a thin white line and under the tape over her eyes she was probably squinting as the eye part of wincing.
Ram! “Him?” Ram! “Or me?” Ram!
Finally she let out a blast of air and a sob without the crying she sucked in a gasp of air and yelled, “You! Okay? You! You fucking asshole!”
Several subtle beautiful things happened in simultaneity. I pushed myself up into a straddle again and unclenched my fist. Her head hit the pillow with a “flumph” sound and her hair spread in tousled strands across her shoulders and face and the pillows. I felt a fleeting sadness, nostalgic for when I thought that the way her hair strewn across my pillow was beautiful. I’d wake up in my bed and I’d find one of her stray hairs left behind on my pillow or on the sheets or on the floor and I’d think of her and smile to myself nostalgically. That was then. This is now. Nothing wo
uld ever be the same.
“There. That was easy wasn’t it?”
I had won. I had broken her. I wasn’t unnecessarily cruel. I only hit her once, and even then not anywhere it would really hurt. The only places she would feel it were her asshole and her pride. She did what anyone does when they find themselves in an inescapable situation. They struggle for a while, but then they give up and resign themselves to it. Like monkeys in cages that masturbate themselves until they’re raw or dogs in kennels that lick themselves or gnaw on their legs until they’re a danger to themselves. I had won.
I had stopped fucking her when I sat up. Now I resumed the steady rhythm that I had started with.
She put her forehead down on the pillow. Even though her eyes had duct tape covering them she didn’t want to look in my direction.
I kept moving my hips back and forth, fucking her ass.
I said, “Say you like it.”
She said, “I like it.” in a dull flat voice.
She didn’t like it, but she said it anyway.
It was the definition of irony.
The next time you think about the definition of irony, I hope you’ll think about this.
Maybe you will. And maybe you’ll press your lips tight to avoid a bitter smile. And maybe you won’t.
I said, “Say you love it when I fuck your ass.”
She said, “I love it when you fuck my ass.”
If she was in a humorous mood, she could have said, “You love it when I fuck your ass.”, but she wasn’t in a humorous mood.
Then it became like it always was.
Her resigned. Just taking it. The moment had passed.
I closed my eyes and concentrated, thinking up a more arousing scenario in my head to compliment the physical sensations of my body. I made it. I came. I groaned. I clenched my dick muscles to milk out the last of my jism while I was still inside her and I pulled out.
She clenched her ass to keep my semen inside her like she always did.
I cut the tape binding her wrists to her opposite forearms behind her back, and sat at the foot of the bed, facing the doorway, watching her out of the corner of my eye.
She rolled onto her side, swung her legs out over the side of the bed and sat up in one fluid motion. She ripped the patch of duct tape from across her eyes and stood up without looking at me. She crumpled the tape into a ball and walked out of the room naked, dropping the crumpled ball of duct tape into the waste basket by the door.
I heard her walk to the bathroom and heard the bathroom ventilation fan go on which happened every time anyone turned on the light.
She came back into the room and sat on the bed and gathered up her clothes.
While she was gone I had lit a cigarette and I just smoked and watched.
She put her clothes on and gathered up the few possessions of hers that she brought with her without saying a word.
When she got her shoes on she made for the door. I said, “Call me.” in an affectedly chipper voice.
She grabbed the knob, opened the door and turned and shot me an icy glare in one lithe motion.
She stepped through the door and slammed it closed behind her.
I didn’t expect to hear from her ever again and I didn’t.
I got a job as a vendor for a major corporation.
It was pretty sweet work.
I only had to work a couple hours a day to get done everything that was expected of me.
I’d fuck off of work and go see a movie to kill the time.
I watched a lot of matinees.
When I started the job they had a group orientation for all of the new hires.
One of them was a short redhead with curly hair and freckles and glasses.
She was cute and flirty and I’ve always had a weakness for both redheads and girls with glasses.
All of the new hires had to attend a week long training the next state over.
The company was going to put us up and we had to go to a conference room each day and watch presentations about the miscellany of products our company merchandised.
I asked the redhead if she wanted to car pool.
She smiled and agreed, so I figured I was in.
She drove out to pick me up in her boyfriend’s s.u.v.
During the drive up there she kept on talking about him and how they lived together.
I figured I was out.
We get to the hotel and we attend the presentations.
I sat near the girl but I ignored her all day long except for passing a silly note making fun of the presenters every now and then. More to amuse myself than anything else.
At the end of the day I didn’t bother saying anything.
I went to the hotel bar and ordered a tall glass of beer.
I figured if I wasn’t going to get laid I might as well have a few drinks.
Then in walks the redhead.
She was still wearing her work clothes but it was obvious that she had gone up to her room and put on make up and come looking for me.
We had a few drinks. Conversation.
I close my tab. She closes her.
We get on the same elevator.
She looks at me and she’s got that funny glint in her eye.
My friend Doggy calls it “the buffalo eye”.
She licks her lips, they glisten.
We start full-on making out.
The elevator opens on the floor we’re all staying on and we go back to her room.
There’s a variety of girly stuff strewn about the room.
We stagger over to the bed while still full-on making out.
She undoes my belt and feels my cock through my pants.
I grab a fistful of the hair on the back of her head and I stick my tongue down her throat.
She pants through her nose.
I grab the bottom of her shirt and I pull it up over her head and look at her chest.
She’s wearing a cream colored lacy underwire bra and although her skin is creamy and pale she’s spattered with freckles all over her chest and shoulders.
I pull my shirt over my head throw it on the floor.
She admires my chest tattoos and starts kissing my chest, pausing to flick each nipple with her tongue.
I push her back onto the bad and I start undoing my pants.
She starts undoing hers.
We finish at the same time.
I hook my thumbs into my underpants and push them down, hooking my socks on the way down. I step out of my shoes and leave everything behind in a heap.
She shimmies out of her pants at the same time and I notice she’s not wearing any panties.
We pause for a second to admire each other’s nakedness then I jump up onto the bed and we’re all over each other. We’re rubbing our hands all over each other’s bodies.
Mostly she’s underneath me and I put my right hand behind her left shoulder.
She gets the drift and twists her torso and I unhook her bra, which she slips off and throws off to the side and she lets me look at her breasts.
They’re large and creamy white with jellybean nipples and rose pink areoles which are semi-rigid.
I get back on top of her and after kissing her for a few seconds I work my way down either side of her neck down to her tits.
I kiss and suck spirals around the mounds until I reach the nipples and I suck and flick them with my tongue and bite them, causing her to moan and sigh and suck in air through her clenched teeth.
I kiss down the center of her stomach and I put my mouth on the mound at the top of her vagina.
Her pubic hair is slight and light red and looks like a little spit-curl.
She thrusts her abdomen towards me and spreads her legs wide so I have enough room to work.
I move her clit around with the flat of my tongue and hum.
She gasps and I flick her clit with the tip of my tongue.
I part her outer and inner vaginal lips with my tongue and slide my tongue inside of her vaginal canal
I fuck her with my tongue while she fucks my tongue.
She tastes tangy and hot and sharp like when you touch your tongue to a nine volt battery.
I lift myself up and put my hips between her legs.
I look her in the eyes and say “Condom?” while raising an eyebrow.
She smiles and grabs my ass and pulls me closer towards her and I slide into her.
She’s well-lubricated but not too loose.
I do the fucking and she moves with me, rocking back and forth.
Sweat comes up on my brow and my back and she licks the sweat from my neck while a bead trickles down my spine.
I catch my breath and say, “Switch?”
She smiles and nods and I get off of her and she shifts over from the center of the bed.
I lay on my back and the hotel bedspread is refreshing against my back.
She gets on her hands and knees to my side, and crosses over me.
First she places her left arm for balance, then she crosses her left leg over and perches up on her knees.
She takes my cock and puts the head between her pussy lips and settles down on it, looking up at the ceiling and smiling in contentment with her eyes closed.
She rides me, rocking my erection back and forth inside her, bumping rhythmically against the back wall, then the front.
Back and forth. Back and forth.
She does this for a while and then she takes a deep breath and exhales, saying “Whew!”
I say “Switch?” and she responds with nodding and a wide grin.
She lifts her left leg again and I pop out of her and slap against my stomach.
I do a roll off to the side and she gets on her hands and knees and crawls up towards the pillows.
She rests the upper half of her body on the pillows and I get behind her on my knees.
I slap her ass and since it’s plump but firm the surface barely shimmers.
I position myself to put myself inside her and I see she has a shamrock tattoo in her ass, colored in with the flags of the Irish flag.
“Kiss my Irish ass.” Ha!
I ram myself inside her and I push her up against the wall.
Her left shoulder and the left side of her head are up against the wall and I use her waist as a handhold as I thrust and withdraw moving my hips back and forth in a varying rhythm.