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Page 18

by Douglas, Sean

  We fuck for a good long time like that and I’m kind of drunk and kind of numb so it takes me a good long while. While we’re fucking we’re urging each other on, saying shit like, “Oh God!” and “Jesus Christ!” and it’s hilarious and blasphemous. I shout, “I think I’m gonna cum!” and she yells, “Do it! Fucking do it! Do it all over me!” and I pull out and jerk myself off and she watches my jizz spurt all over her torso then sits up and puts the head of my dick in her mouth and hums a little while sucking out the last few trickles.

  She lays on her back and I lay on my side and we’re both breathing heavy and she says, “Whew!” and I reach over into my pants pocket and fish out my pack of cigarettes and fish one out and put it in my mouth and cup the tip and flick the lighter in my hand, but before I can light it she sees me and shouts, “Hey! You can’t smoke in here!”, and we both pause and realize how fucking absurd what she just said was and laugh our asses off but I till put my cigarette back into the pack and we start fishing around for our clothes.

  We fix up the altar as best we can and grab our empties and go back the way we came and she turns off the lights and arms the alarm and locks the front door and outside she kisses me and says, “See you around.” and I laugh and say, “You too.” and we walk to our cars and get in them and drive away, drunk and spent.

  Maybe I should have fucked her in the ass while we were up there. Maybe it’s a missed opportunity. But even I’m not that sacrilegious.

  The next one was a real find.

  She was eighteen.

  Usually I don’t go for girls that young, but somehow she got onto my friends list and I probably sent her an introductory message during one of my recruitment campaigns and she bit so I followed up.

  We talked on the phone, but she didn’t have her own phone. She was staying with a friend because of some fucked up complications with her parents. I can’t remember what exactly, but who fucking cares.

  We arrange to meet at this strip mall outside of the state university and I drive down to pick her up.

  I get there and park in the parking lot and she doesn’t have a cell phone so I can’t call her to tell her I’m there, but I’m a few minutes early for the time we agreed to meet.

  There’s this couple that keeps walking by my car and peering in. Some nondescript guy with a girl with dark hair and glasses. I know she’s not the one. The one I’m picking up is a redhead.

  A girl in a white hoodie and a long white skirt comes from around the building and walks over.

  When she gets close enough I can tell it’s her so I get out of the car.

  We greet and the couple comes over. Turns out they’re friends of the girl and they were probably checking me out to make sure I didn’t roll with a crew planning on running a train on her ass.

  We make a little small talk and then the girl and I get into the car and head back to my place.

  The girl is pretty. She has a nice face, but kind of a big forehead. A fivehead.

  We talk about music and whatnot during the ride back up.

  We get back to my place and into the basement.

  She takes off her hoodie and it’s plain to see she’s got a nice big rack and frail little collarbone shoulders.

  I go upstairs and mix us up a couple mugs of amaretto sours.

  I go back down and hand her one of the glasses and I get out a movie for us to watch.

  Tonight’s selection? David Lynch’s ‘Lost Highway’. I figure it’s sexy enough to maybe get her in the mood. What with Patricia Arquette’s gunpoint strip scene and whatnot.

  She sits with her legs crossed in the middle of the bed with her drink in both hands in the tent of her dress in her lap.

  I lay sort of curled to the side and behind her.

  She has long orangey natural red hair and keeps tucking it behind her ears and sipping at her drink.

  I get half my drink in me and reach out and brush the back of the fingertips of my right hand against the outside of her left ear. She doesn’t flinch so I trace them down her neck.

  I put my drink down on the nightstand table and sit behind her with my inner thighs on either side of her ass.

  I sweep her hair from the left side back with my left hand and drag the fingertips of my left hand down the left side of her neck down to her collarbone, then back up her neck and along her jawline. I do the same thing with the right side, alternating.

  She starts to lean into my caresses and breathing a little heavy.

  I lean back a little and slip my fingertips under the bottom of the back of her shirt.

  I slide the fingers up on either side of her spine, lifting her shirt up to the band of her bra strap.

  She leans forward and I drag my fingers up and down her back and up over her bra strap under her shirt.

  I slide my fingers under the strap and she doesn’t react so I push the hooks open and the straps fall over to either side.

  I drag my fingers up and down her back some more, pushing her shirt up in the back so it’s up near her neck. This exposes her ribs and abdomen so I scrape my fingers along her ribs and down across her stomach. I slip my hands in under her stomach and smooth my hand up to the bottom of her bra and push the cups up over her breasts. They’re warm and smooth and her nipples are little rubbery points. I pinch her nipples between my fingertips and squeeze them and she gasps and moans.

  I keep my hand on her tits and pull her back up towards me and she turns her head and we start kissing. I pull her shirt and bra over her head and throw them off to the side. She’s got great tits.

  We’re making out and I slide my hands down to the waist of her skirt and slip my fingers in and slide them down to her groin. I expect to have to slip my fingers into her underpants, but she’s not wearing any. I rub her vag and she kisses my mouth and sucks on my tongue and lips. She gets moist and I slip a finger between her lips and slide it up to her clit and rub circles around it. She “Mmm”s appreciatively and I drag my slick finger up her abdomen, between her breasts, up the neck and into her mouth and she grabs my hand and sucks on my finger like it was a dick.

  She stops sucking off my fingers and turns around, looping one leg over me which I lean back to avoid catching a foot in the face. Now she’s sitting in my lap and humping up against me and we’re making out and I’m pausing every now and then to kiss down her neck to her tits and lick and suck her nipples.

  I’m so hard it hurts and I push her back to get my pants open and she moves back and lays on the bed in front of me with her knees up, legs open, watching what my hands are doing.

  I get the front open, but I can’t really get my junk to hang out so I get up on my knees and push my pants down to my knees and wriggle out of them and take my shirt off and throw it to the ground.

  I don’t say anything else to her, I just get on top of her and get my dick inside her.

  She’s young and tight but not so awkwardly tight that I can’t get in.

  She’s not really exciting as a fuck.

  She just kind of laid there and took it.

  I’m just fucking away and she’s kind of tranced out with her head hanging off the foot of the bed jostling whenever I thrust into her.

  It feels pretty good, but I don’t think I’m going to cum just fucking her missionary style.

  I pull out and grab my drink and drink off the other half in a draught.

  She opens her eyes and looks up at me to see what I’m up to.

  I tell her, “Sit up.” and she does.

  I stand in front of her with my erection in front of her face and she looks at it then looks up at me with a doubtful look on her face.

  “Well?” I say. She says, “I only do that with people I love.”

  Fucking ridiculous. She’ll let a total stranger fuck her, but blowjobs are for boyfriends?


  I step behind her and push her from the back so she lands with her face in the pillows.

  I get on her from behind with the inside of my thighs on the ou
tside of her thighs.

  I grab ahold of my dick and put it between her ass cheeks so it’s lined up with her asshole.

  I grab a big fistful of her long hair like a pony tail and I yank her head back and drive my dick into her ass. She makes an unhappy noise but she doesn’t try to get away and I sink it in till my hips are resting comfortably on her plump little ass.

  I fuck her at about the same rate that I was fucking her missionary style but she’s not trancing out this time. Pleased that I’m finally getting some kind of reaction out of this bitch I pick up the pace and fuck her ass harder. She makes more unhappy noises but just kind of lets me do whatever. I make it and I cum, pulsing, into her ass but it’s not as good as it could be because she’s not talking any shit. I mean she’s not really doing much of anything except being there and letting me fuck the shit out of her.

  I might as well just be jerking off.

  I get off her and reach for my cigarettes and light one up and she gets up naked and goes to the bathroom and turns the light off but doesn’t bother closing the door so the light makes an oblong shaft on the floor outside.

  I hear her piss into the toilet water, then I hear her flush and she comes back and climbs into bed beside me and asks, “Can I have one?” and I say, “Help yourself.” and she takes a cigarette out of the pack and uses my lighter to light it.

  We finish our cigarettes and the movie ends shortly after.

  I turn off the DVD player and TV and put the remotes on the nightstand.

  I put my right hand behind her head into her hair and I make a fist, grabbing a fistful of it.

  I wrench her head back and bite her on the trachea trying to bite hard enough to bite a fucking chunk out of her. She takes big sighing breaths and gulps and I can’t take a chunk out but when I take my mouth off of her there is an impression of my teeth in her throat.

  I reach down between her legs and push my hand up between her legs and put the tips of three fingers into the opening of her vagina and I punch them into her and try to spread them but she’s so tight around them I really can’t spread them very much and she arches her back and makes a crying sound.

  I take my hand out of her and get myself between her legs and grab my dick and shove it into her hard enough that it pushes her whole body up against the wall and she makes a “Guh!” sound and I grab her left ankle with my right hand and rotate her body so she’s laying on her side while I’m still inside her with her right leg up in the air and I start fucking nailing her hard like a porn star. She’s got her eyes closed and her mouth is slack open and she’s gasping her breaths and I switch her leg from my right hand to my left hand and I put the first three fingers of my right hand into my mouth and get them all slippery with spit.

  I reach down between her ass cheeks and ram the first two fingers into her ass.

  She makes an “Uh!” sound and she doesn’t look too fucking happy but she doesn’t say anything about it and I briefly think about putting the third finger in but her asshole is already stretching with the two fingers that are already palm deep in it.

  I can feel the tip of my dick pushing in against the roof of her vagina, bumping into the lump of her cervix and each time I thrust my dick into her pussy I thrust the fingers into her ass and I can feel my erection through the wall off tissue separating her vaginal canal from her rectum.

  I do this until it gets boring the I take the fingers out of her ass and I turn her so she’s laying on her back and I fuck her as hard as I can. I reach up with both hands and squeeze her tits and pinch her nipples so hard that both they and my fingertips go white and she winces and cries “Oh!” and whines, but fuck her. She fucking asked for it.

  I’m fucking her so hard that even though she’s crammed up against the wall I’m still ramming her into the wall and it’s pushing the bad away from the wall and she starts to fall into the gap between the bed and the wall. It’s just fucking ridiculous. When I feel like I’m going to cum I roll her legs up and lean against her and I ram my cock into her ass and she tries to arch her back up away from it but I’ve got her knees pushed up against her chest so she doesn’t have any leverage to go anywhere. I keep pumping in rhythm with the pumping of my prick while I’m cumming and it feels even better than the first time I came in her ass.

  I tense up my body to let the last trickle dribble into her then I take my dick out of her ass and get up and go to the bathroom and splash some water on my face and wash my groin in the sink. I always feel kind of icky after putting my dick in a girl’s ass but it feels so fucking good while it’s in there it’s worth a couple seconds of feeling icky.

  I come back into the room and start picking up my clothes and I say, “Get dressed. I’m gonna drop you off.”. She doesn’t answer she just leans over the edge of the bed and starts picking up her clothes and we both get dressed without saying a word to each other.

  The car ride back is silent except for the car stereo and I drop her off at her friends house and she tells me to try to be quiet when I drive away but when she gets halfway up the walkway I rev the engine and give her a double-honk and she turns her head and shoots me an icy glare.

  I can be such a prick sometimes.

  The next day I’m at work and she IMs me, “I think you broke my ass. I took a poo this morning and when I wiped there was blood.” and I just laughed and blocked her. I thought, “I couldn’t care less.” And then wondered if I really couldn’t care less and wondered what that even meant.

  I make it a habit when trolling on MySpace to scroll down and check out the thumbnails in the girls’ “Top Friends”. If there’s a cute chick in there, I shift-click and open up their profile in a new window and check out their profile and pictures. If she’s cute and she seems cool I send her an add request then scroll down and check out her “Top Friends”. This works pretty well. Sometimes I have, like, a dozen tabs open at once.

  So I get a new crop of friends of friends of friends and I send out a random and vague invitation and a couple bite, but I pick this one black-Irish looking one, in her profile pictures she’s got pale white skin and brown eyes and pink cheeks and I think I like her because she looks like a girl I used to go out with in high school who never gave it up and I figure it would be cool to get drunk and make out with her.

  We IM back and forth and we make plans to hang out on a night we both don’t have to work the next morning. I IM her my address and phone number and that’s that.

  The night of she calls and says she got directions to my place off Mapquest and she’s just leaving the house so I know I’ve got, like half an hour to make a last minute sweep and spruce of the house and to set the ambiance.

  I open up the sex mood music playlist on my computer’s virtual jukebox so it will be ready to go if she wants to get into some S & M play. I light some incense and set it to smolder and pick up some laundry off the floor and put it into my laundry duffel bag and go upstairs to make sure that there aren’t any dishes in the drainboard or whatever.

  I hear her car pull into the driveway and crunch on the gravel.

  I go upstairs and look out the side door window. From a distance she looks just like she did in her pictures and she’s driving a little white compact sports car.

  She gets out of the car and I can tell she’s wicked fucking short and she’s got a half case of Miller Light.

  That’s not a good sign. Anyone that likes drinking that dogpiss can’t be that great.

  She gets to the bottom of the side steps and I open the door and lean the screen door open and smile and arch an eyebrow and say, “Velcome.” like Bela Lugosi does in Dracula.

  She’s wearing tight faded blue jeans and a black babydoll shirt with the word “BITCH” spelled out in rhinestones across her meager bosom. She looks at me and I can tell by the expression on her face that she’s not really impressed by her first impression, then I get to watch her try to hide it and see her make up her mind that she drove all the way out here and she has the fucking beer so she might a
s well see it through.

  She ducks in under me and the screen door hisses shut and I close the side door and she holds up the case of beer and says, “Where do I put this?” and I point at the fridge and say “In the fridge.”

  She shrugs and opens the fridge and I know that all that’s in there is ketchup, mustard, relish, a water filter carafe and a half-finished case of Sam Adams Cherry Wheat. She pulls a face and pulls a beer out of her case and says, “Want a beer?” and I say, “Sure.” so she dips back in gets me one of her Millers. And for a second I imagine slamming the fridge door on her then jamming her into the fucking fridge and suffocating the bitch.

  In person she’s not as cute as her profile pictures. Yes she does have pale white skin and red cheeks but her skin’s all leathery and creasy like she somehow spent a lot of time in the sun but managed to still stay pale. And her hair is black and it’s styled well, but it’s kind of wiry and it looks like it would snap in half if you tried to bend a strand.

  She grabs the bottle opener off the hook under the cabinets and opens a beer and hands it to me and then opens hers and takes a hit and she looks at me and says, “Okay. Where’re we going?”

  There’s no furniture in the kitchen because my parents took the kitchen set with them.

  There’s no furniture on the entire first floor actually, since I live in the basement.

  There are curtains in the windows that my parents left behind and some small appliances on the kitchen counter but that’s about it.

  I say, “The basement.” and I take a hit of the beer and suppress a wince and open the door and start down the stairs and she follows.

  I don’t have a couch in the basement. Just my desk with a comfortable sleek new computer chair and my bed which is where I watch TV. I sit on the bed and turn on the TV and DVD player and the DVD screensaver comes on and I point at my DVD rack and say, “Go ahead and pick something.”


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