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Devlin Dynasty 3: Mountain Moonlight

Page 7

by Jaci Burton

  Elena shot a worried glance toward Conner. “It’s his word against hers. And if the doctors examine her, they will agree she is no longer a virgin. It’s custom to do regular inspections of the princess. Saves embarrassment later should a mate be found, only to discover his bride is not the virgin she claimed to be.”

  Conner glanced toward Katya, who refused to look in his direction. Instead, she held her chin up and didn’t say a word. She wasn’t going to deny Peter’s claim!

  “Why isn’t she saying anything?” he asked Elena.

  Noah answered, instead. “She’s giving you your way out, you moron.”

  Conner’s gaze shot to Peter, who stood smugly and triumphantly at Katya’s side. No way. No fucking way! He couldn’t allow Katya to be mated to that bastard.

  Whether he liked it or not, whether it was planned or happened by circumstances, Katya was his woman. The thought of another man’s hands on her sent a painful shot to his gut.

  “Goddamit.” He strode through the crowd, oblivious to the whispers in Romanian. Katya shot him a wide-eyed look and shook her head as if to warn him off. He ignored her silent plea, stepped beside her and slid his hand in hers. “This is what you wanted, babe. Like it or not, I’m all yours.”

  Elena hurried beside him, obviously intending to translate.

  He turned to the crowd and said, “Peter lies. He tried to rape your princess. He beat her violently.” He waited for Elena to translate and until the gasps and murmurs died down. Then he looked over at Peter, who’d paled significantly.

  “She is mine!” Elena translated Peter’s words, but Conner shot him a smirk and said, “No, she is mine. Katya and I mated last night. The bloodstained evidence is on the sheets of my cottage.”

  A collective gasp went up, then shouts came from the crowd. They threw their hands up in the air, confusion written on their faces. Conner looked at Katya who looked white as a ghost. “Corroborate.”

  She looked up at him, shook her head, then back at the crowd, speaking so quietly it was difficult to hear.

  Elena leaned over and whispered in his ear. “Katya, Princess of Braslieu, has just claimed Conner Devlin as her life mate. Congratulations, Conner. You’re engaged.”

  Chapter Six

  All hell broke loose after Katya admitted that everything Conner had said was true. The crowd cheered, so he obviously wasn’t unwelcome. What followed was a blur of congratulations spoken in Romanian by hundreds of strangers. They shook his hand, kissed his cheeks, clapped him on the back and toasted with champagne.

  Peter, on the other hand, was furious. He said Conner and Katya were lying, but by the time Noah corroborated the claim and Elena relayed what she knew of the event, no one believed him. Katya still bore enough of the faint wounds of his attack that it was easy to see she hadn’t made up the story.

  After realizing that Peter had, in fact, attacked the princess, an emergency meeting of the council took place. It was behind closed doors and Conner wasn’t invited, but Elena filled him in on the results.

  Peter had been banished from the pack, from the castle, and from the Braslieu lands. Since he had no surviving family, he was cast out alone with only his personal belongings. Furious, he screamed at them, vowing revenge on Conner and Katya both.

  Whatever. If they hadn’t gotten rid of him, Conner would have arranged for his disposal. Peter was a threat to Katya and that he’d never allow.

  Some of this still didn’t make sense. If Katya was after his money and had tried to trap him into marriage, why would she stand there silently while Peter claimed her?

  Of course. She knew after last night that there was no way Conner would ever let Peter lay a hand on her again. She’d counted on his honor and once again he’d played right into her scheme. She was one sharp woman. He’d bet her people knew very little of Katya’s intent to use him and his family’s money to pour money into protecting the wolves.

  Though she didn’t have to trap him into marriage to get it. If their need had been valid, the Devlin Foundation would have been more than happy to provide the funding. So what was her scheme?

  Judging from the poor condition of the castle, it was obvious she wanted much more than just a refuge for the wolves. That was her plan. She didn’t just want some of his money. She wanted it all.

  Fuck it. He’d made the choice to stay on and it was too late to back out now. But this game wasn’t going to be played her way. Oh, no. Conner had his own plan for running things. Mating with Katya made him prime alpha of the pack.

  The prime alpha ran the pack and all the holdings. His way.

  Katya would find that she’d bitten off way more than she could chew. And the best place to start would be right here, right now.

  Now that the commotion of the day had passed, the crowds dispersed, leaving only Elena, Noah and Katya in the great room. Katya still hadn’t made eye contact with him, in fact seemed to be avoiding him completely.

  She could try. But he had plans for his new…fiancée.

  “We going to stand here all day or can we get unpacked?” Noah asked.

  Conner grinned. Great way to start.

  Katya nodded and motioned to one of the men standing in the doorway. “I’ll arrange to have your luggage brought up to your rooms.”

  Conner said, “Arrange to have my luggage taken to your room.”

  Her eyes widened, then narrowed. “I don’t think so.”

  “Oh, I do think so, princess. We’re mated. We’ve bonded. That means I sleep with you. Tonight, tomorrow night and every night after that.”

  She blanched, her gaze darting to Elena, who shrugged and stated, “He has the right as your life mate to sleep anywhere he pleases, including with you.”

  “Damn,” she muttered, more to herself than to anyone else. She looked up and nodded. “Very well. If that’s what you want.”

  “Oh, I want a lot more than that, princess.” She’d find out soon enough exactly what he wanted. And how often. She may have played her game well enough to trap him, but he didn’t behave well in a cage. Katya would find her pet wolf had sharp teeth, jagged claws and a fierce bite.

  She cast him a wary glance and led them up the stairs, asking Elena to show Noah to his room. Elena’s eyes glimmered with lust and Noah offered a lazy smile as he shut the door behind them. Katya continued down the long hallway, opening the double doors to the room at the end.

  Late afternoon sunlight streamed in through floor-to-ceiling windows covered only by sheer drapes. The floors were wood, hidden by the occasional ornamental rug, showing the same signs of wear as the carpeting outside the room.

  The bed was a magnificent, king-sized four-poster. A shorter person would need a stool to climb on top of the thick mattress. A golden coverlet in satin made the bed the focal point of the room.

  The rest consisted of seating areas, sofas, a small library and another door leading to the bathroom.

  Plenty of space for both of them. And the big bed had his mind straying to thoughts of sex. He may hate Katya for what she’d done to him, but he still wanted her with a primal lust that shook him. He adjusted his tight jeans, his mind already planning the evening’s activities.

  “It’s almost time for dinner. I’ll allow you to unpack. We meet in the dining room at seven.”

  She started to walk out but he grabbed her by the upper arm. She glared at him, trying to tug free, but he held her in place.

  God, she smelled good. Like wildflowers and an underlying scent of sex that drifted into his senses and hardened him completely.

  Her eyes widened. “Let go of me, Conner.”

  “Not a chance, princess. You had your chance to let me go last night. Now I’m never letting you go. I’m your alpha now. Your mate. You do what I say.”

  When she didn’t respond, he added, “Whatever I say. Whenever I say it. However I want it. You’re mine. Don’t ever forget that.”

  He loosened his hold on her arm and she jerked away from his grasp. “Like I said. D
inner is at seven. You miss it, you fend for yourself.” She shut the door behind her and Conner turned toward his luggage, feeling much more in control of his destiny now than he’d felt after finding out he’d mated the princess.

  This was going to be fun.

  * * * * *

  Katya paced the kitchens, ignoring the curious stares of the people putting the evening meal together.

  Living under the same roof with Conner was going to be torment. How would she manage to keep her aloof distance while craving him with a hunger that left her breathless?

  She was supposed to be furious with him for treating her like a conniving con artist, not lusting after him and hoping he’d throw her down on the nearest floor and fuck her the same way he had yesterday. Even his commands to her before she left the bedroom made her wet with anticipation. His claiming dominance over her, his not-so-subtle innuendos about her giving him exactly what he wanted. Part of her was enraged at this arrogance. The other part of her thrilled at the sensual promise in his words.

  It had to be lupine mating frenzy. There was no other explanation for it. She’d had a taste of her mate and it wasn’t nearly enough to satisfy her. Wolves mating for the first time were known to go for weeks having nonstop sex, until the crazed lust was satisfied. She’d only had a glimpse of what it was like to mate with Conner.

  She hated how he felt about her, but she needed him inside her.

  The sounds of people gathering in the dining room signaled it was time for her to go into dinner. She prayed for the strength to make it through without any altercations. Despite the fact Conner didn’t want to be prime alpha of the pack, he’d accepted the position. Now it was time for him to show whether he could lead her people or not.

  He and Noah were already present and seated when she walked through the door. He’d taken her normal place at the head of the table, deliberately no doubt. His arched brow indicated he was prepared for her to battle him on this point. He was baiting her.

  Katya wasn’t stupid. She knew to choose her battles wisely. A chair in the dining room wasn’t worth a ruckus. Besides, it was important her people accept him as the wolf who would rule beside her. If she didn’t accept him, they never would. Putting her personal feelings aside for the good of the pack, she sat next to him and across from Noah.

  Her people relaxed and began to eat. Conversation was kept at a minimum, especially considering Conner and Noah didn’t speak their language. While many of them had a good command of English, some didn’t. Interpreting was necessary throughout the meal.

  Elena began to teach Conner and Noah a few words and phrases in Romanian. They seemed eager to learn and adept at picking up the language.

  “I’d like to begin daily lessons in your language, starting tomorrow,” Conner said to Elena.

  She nodded and said, “Of course. I am available whenever you are ready to begin.”

  It irked her that her cousin didn’t even look over at her for approval. While Conner would rule by her side, Katya didn’t want everyone to think he’d taken over her duties. He would be her mate, but didn’t possess royal blood. She was the sole Braslieu royal survivor, and as such occupied the prime alpha spot in the pack. She made a mental note to speak with Elena about this tomorrow.

  Conner ignored her throughout dinner. At least verbally. But he glanced her way often, his gaze hot, intense, searing through her cool reserve. A clear challenge to her ability to remain impervious to him.

  He had much to learn. She was a Braslieu. Made of strong Romanian and Carpathian stock. She could handle whatever game he played with her. If he thought her a coldhearted bitch now, she’d show him exactly how frigid she could be. Her ridiculous lupine mating hormones be damned.

  When dinner was over, she stood, intending to hide out somewhere. Anywhere but wherever Conner was. She turned to walk out.


  She stopped at the sound of Conner’s voice, turning and offering an icy smile. “Yes?”

  “I’d like to spend the evening alone with you in the house.”

  Not a chance. “Other people live in this house, Conner. Not possible.”

  Elena said, “I’m sure we could arrange some alone time for the two of you. Nice night for a run outside in the woods, anyway.”

  She cast a glare at her cousin, who smiled and shrugged, then hurried from the room, stating she’d alert the rest of the household to vacate for the evening.

  “Your people think you are desperate to be alone with me.”

  He walked toward her. She skirted around him and smoothed the tablecloth along the table. “My people are misinformed.”

  “We’re mated now, Katya. You wanted me last night. I assume that hasn’t changed.”

  The egotism of the man! She turned and stormed toward him. “You assume wrong. Everyone assumes wrong. After accusing me of deliberately trapping you into a marriage you don’t want, do you really believe I’d be interested in having anything to do with you?”

  “I think you’re more than interested,” he said, stepping forward to lift a lock of hair from her shoulder. “You want me.”

  Her breath stuttered but she reached up and yanked her hair from his grasp. “I don’t want you.”

  “I can smell you, Katya. Your pussy juice smells like nectar to me. You make that scent just for me.”

  He lied. He couldn’t smell anything, despite the fact her panties were wet and her breasts felt swollen and achy. Ignoring the wants of her body, she threw her shoulders back. “Let me make this perfectly clear, Conner. I will never want you. What happened between us was a mistake. I gave you the chance to back out, but you chose to acknowledge we had mated. That means we’re stuck with each other, like it or not.”

  “Oh, I like it just fine.” Undaunted, he stepped toward her and ran his knuckles across her cheek.

  Fire blazed a trail after his touch, her body quaking with the need to touch him, taste him, beg him to do what he’d done to her last night. But she was stronger than her needs. Her pride would never allow acquiescence to him. “Don’t touch me.”

  He arched a brow. “Are you certain? Your choice, of course, but I can make you want me.”

  She laughed at him. “No, Conner. You can’t.”

  “Is that a challenge?”

  Don’t do it. Don’t say the words. This game is stupid and you’re playing right into his hands. But damn if she was just as eager to show him she could withstand his charm as he was to prove her wrong. “Give it your best shot.”

  Conner’s lips curled in a smile, anticipation filling him with desire for the Romanian beauty.

  He’d never found innocence particularly attractive. But seeing it reflected in the wary eyes of the woman before him, it aroused him more than he ever thought possible.

  He was struck by the sheer liquid softness of her skin. Her lips parted and she breathed heavily, her breasts rising against her sweater, outlining their shape and the rigid nipples he recalled so clearly.

  “Relax,” he whispered, taking a step closer and cupping the nape of her neck to draw her toward him.

  Her body tensed and she stiffened.

  “Calm down, Katya. This won’t hurt a bit.”

  He almost saw her lips curl into a smile. Almost. She still stood like a stone statue, rigid and immobile.

  Frankly, her acceptance of his challenge surprised him. And aroused him. Tiptoeing around her wasn’t going to ease the tension. Desire wavered between them like an impenetrable wall—a wall they both wanted down but neither would make the first move.

  He might not be happy about the situation she’d forced him into, but he’d be damned if he’d leave her untouched. Katya was his mate now and he wanted to fuck his woman. Deciding the best way was to knock the wall down was simply to plunge right in, he pulled her close and covered her lips with his.

  Absorbing her gasp by fitting his mouth over hers, he slid his tongue inside and tasted her unique flavor. Warm, spicy, like brandy. Sensuous, full bodied and
rich, like the lush woman under his hands.

  He reached around and ran his hands up and down her spine, gently pressing in at the small of her back and forcing her hips forward.

  Her sex brushed his rapidly growing hard-on and he inhaled sharply.

  She tensed again, and he pulled back. “This would be a lot easier if you relaxed a bit.”

  Defiance sparked in her eyes. “I’m not going to make it easy for you.”

  He knew the challenge wasn’t the only reason for her tension. Like him, she didn’t like giving in. She was as alpha as he. That’s why they made a good match.

  Hell, what was he saying? He didn’t want this match any more than she did. So why was he here, his cock hard as steel and twitching to slide inside her heat?

  Besides, he liked her this way. A little spunk, a little fire. The last thing he wanted was a pliant rag doll in his arms. No, his tastes ran more toward the wild and untamed. He’d wager she was full of pent-up sexuality just dying for the right man to let it loose.

  He was one lucky man. Now he needed to be a shrewd one, because if he lost this battle of wills with her, he’d lose the respect of the pack.

  He reached behind her and pulled the clasp holding her hair up, letting it spill over her shoulders. Dark as midnight and soft as her skin, it floated over his fingertips as he threaded his hand through the mass of curls.

  “You’re beautiful,” he said, dipping down to steal a taste of her lips. He rimmed her bottom lip with his tongue, coaxing entrance into the heated recesses of her mouth. Her body trembled and she tensed as if she’d fight back, but he refused to yield, licking at her teeth, sliding his lips over hers until, with a sigh, she opened her mouth, tangling her tongue with his.

  Remembering to keep her relaxed, he massaged her back again in slow circles, starting at her mid-spine and working his way down. When he splayed his hands over her buttocks and drew her against his erection, she moaned, a clear signal that she was responding without thinking.

  Exactly the way he wanted her.

  Conner pulled away from her delectable mouth and pressed his lips against her jawline, moving downward over her throat with his tongue. She tasted earthy, elemental, arousing. He glanced through the open drapes at the partial moon, the beast within him raging to be free.


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