Road to Peace
Page 16
“Nope. Says he’ll be celibate until the day he dies.”
“Wow,” I breathed out. “What about Cade?”
“Cade’s dealing with a crazy ex. She likes money and Devon’s in the way right now, so he’s staying with Cade. Cade’s going to try and get him permanently.”
“Is that why Hatch is so anti money?”
“It’s probably one of the reasons.” Cricket grimaced. “We’ve never really known a whole lot of people with money who weren’t assholes. Except Kim. But everyone else in her family are total dicks, so it’s kind of a miracle she’s not.”
“Well, I’m not a dick, so either your brother pulls his head out or he needs to keep his opinions to himself.” I sighed. “What’s with all the ‘C’ names?”
“Mom’s thing, I think.” Cricket smiled. “Dad said he’d give her anything she wanted and she wanted all her kids to have ‘C’ names, so that’s what we had.”
“Sweet,” I said. “How did your brother end up raising you?”
“My dad lost his mind when Mom died. He killed some guy at an underground, illegal open fist fight. He got caught. They used him as an example and we didn’t have the money for a decent defense, so he got the max. Dad died in jail a couple of years ago. CPS was gonna farm us out to foster homes, but Connor fought for us. He made it work.”
I forced back tears. “See? This is why he’s totally my guy.”
Cricket opened her mouth to say something… just as Hatch walked back in.
He didn’t say a word. Just dropped Little Fucker next to his sister, lifted my laptop off my lap, and pulled me gently from my chair. “Be back, Cricket.”
He wrapped an arm around my waist and guided me into my bedroom, closing the door behind us. I faced him, but didn’t speak, figuring he had something he needed to get off his chest, so I’d let him do it in his own time.
He studied me for a few seconds and then sighed.
“Spit it out, Hatch.”
“Just thinkin’, while we’re in London, maybe you should hang with your family and I should stick with the Dogs.”
I felt like I’d been slapped. “Meaning, you’re not going to come with me?”
“We got a chapter in London, Sunshine.”
I scowled. “So you’re going to come with me, but you’re going to “stick” with your friends while I “hang” with my family?”
“You can come hang at the club, babe.”
“And you can come hang with my family.”
He snorted and I realized pretty quickly what this was all about.
“No,” I snapped. “Unless you are going to come with us and stay with me and my family, Connor, then you’re uninvited.”
“I’m not staying with your family, Maisie.”
“Then you’re uninvited.”
His head dropped back and he stared at the ceiling. “Fuck me.”
“I would have done that in London, Connor. Several times. But you’re uninvited,” I said. “A whole month, darling… without me.” I bit my lip. “I guess you could partake of that club whore pussy I read about, but then I’d have to kill you.”
“Maisie.” His voice sounded irritated.
I forced a smile. “My family’s going to love you and if they don’t, then we’ll leave and never speak to them again.”
“I don’t really care one way or another what they think of me, but I don’t want them thinkin’ differently of you.”
“They won’t think differently of me. Don’t judge my family on what you saw of Beckett. Please,” I begged. “His over protective meter’s broken, and that’s something even my father says.”
Hatch slid his hand to my neck. “Unfamiliar territory here, baby.”
“Me too, baby,” I pointed out, and I dropped my head to his chest. “Will you just apologize already so we can make out a little and I can get back to work?” He stared down at me and I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him. “You know I see you, Connor Wallace.”
“Yeah,” I whispered. “You’re a good man. Even when you bury it under that thick skin of yours, your eyes show me what you’re feeling and I will always honor that.”
“God, you’re beautiful.”
“So are you.”
His arms clamped around me and he lifted me enough so I could wrap my legs around his waist. He carried me to my bed and settled me gently on the mattress.
“We don’t have time, darling,” I whispered.
He slid off his cut and unbuckled his belt. “We’ll be quick.”
Tugging off my yoga pants, panties and all, he buried his face between my thighs and I immediately lost my ability to breathe, let alone worry about time constraints. I slid my ankles over his shoulders and arched my hips as he sucked my clit and slid two fingers inside of me, but I lost my control when he was suddenly slamming into me and his mouth covered mine to stifle my scream.
One orgasm followed another and I somehow managed to whack my arm against my headboard, so my blissful climax was quickly followed by agonizing pain.
“Fuck, baby, I’m sorry,” he rasped as he yanked his jeans back up and rushed to the bathroom. He returned with water and pills and sat beside me on the bed. “Big ibuprofen or Oxy?”
“I’m going to start with the ibuprofen, I think. I really do have a lot of work to do.” I took the pill from him, his expression tortured. “Don’t worry about it, love, it’s my fault.”
“How’s it your fault?”
“Um, because you drive me crazy enough to flail my arms like a mental person,” I said.
“I should be more careful.”
I shook my head. “I don’t want you to be more careful. I like you just like this. Now, help me get dressed. I really hope your sister put headphones on or something.”
Hatch chuckled. “She’s been around bikers her whole life, Sunshine. None of this fazes her.”
“Well, it fazes me!” I hissed. “Good lord, I’ve never had sex with someone in the next room before.”
“You’ll get used to it.” He helped me back into my clothes and kissed me gently.
“Don’t think I will.”
“I’ll get you there, baby, ’cause the alternative is abstainin’ and that ain’t happenin’.”
I bit my lip. “Well, there is that. Abstaining would suck.”
He kissed me again and I shook my head, pushing him away. “No. You will not get me riled up again.”
Hatch chuckled, advancing on me. “But I like gettin’ you riled up.
“I’m figuring that out,” I said. “And when this arm is healed and I don’t need a modern day scribe, I will match your riling with some of my own. But right now, I have work to do.”
He grinned, leaning down to kiss me gently. “I’m sorry I stormed off.”
“Thank you. Please trust that you’re perfect just the way you are and I don’t expect you to be anything different, okay? You might get some looks and pushback from the “crowd” I’m forced to associate with on occasion, but it won’t be from my family, and it sure as hell won’t be from me or Poppy.”
“Looks and pushback I’m used to, Sunshine.”
“Don’t like that,” I admitted.
He cupped my face. “Like that you don’t like that.”
I let out a frustrated groan. “You need to stop looking at me like that. I have work to do.”
He chuckled, kissing me again and then pulling the door open. “Have a good day, honey.”
I giggled and headed back out to the family room. Cricket wasn’t there so Hatch followed me into the kitchen and we went about making another pot of coffee, making out as we waited for it to brew. I picked up the mail and found a card from Lonnie, my hairdresser. “What the heck?”
I opened it and a Visa gift card fell out of an apology card.
Maisie, I’m so sorry that I didn’t assist you with your car. I hope this gift card will compensate you for any inconvenience I may have caused. I hop
e you’ll give me another chance. I’ll be happy to give you fifty percent off. Sincerely, Lonnie.
I glanced at Hatch who sipped his coffee, his expression entirely too innocent to not know something about the card. “What did you do?”
“I didn’t do anything.”
“I may have deflated her tires and when she came in for help, explained the correct way to treat my woman.”
“You threatened her?”
“Would never threaten a woman, Sunshine,” he said. “I just explained I didn’t appreciate her leaving you stranded. I helped her with her car and she went on her way.”
I picked up the gift card. “This is twice what I paid for the hair appointment.”
“You promise you didn’t make her feel like crap?”
“Babe, it was all good.”
I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him gently. “Well, thank you for defending my honor, even if it was a little overkill.”
“You gonna take your man to dinner with your newfound wealth?”
The doorbell pealed and Hatch went to answer the door, leading Cricket in a few seconds later. Hatch held the puppy who appeared just as happy to see him as I did every time the man walked into a room.
“I took Little Fucker out for a walk,” Cricket explained. “I figured you needed some privacy.”
Heat infused my face. “Thanks.”
Hatch chuckled. “I’m gonna head to the shop. Am I taking the dog?”
“No,” Cricket and I said in stereo.
Hatch handed the puppy to his sister and then kissed me thoroughly. I patted his chest. “No riling,” I ordered.
He smiled against my lips. “No promises.”
“Save it for later.”
“That I can do.” He kissed me again. “I’ll plan on picking Poppy up after school.”
“Thanks, love.”
Hatch walked out the door and I glanced at Cricket to find her staring at me with open interest. “What?”
“What the hell have you done to my brother?”
I frowned. “What do you mean?”
“He’s being nice.”
“He is?”
“Yes,” she said. “He actually thanked me for taking Little Fucker for a walk and for helping you out.”
I chuckled. We really need to change the dog’s name… pronto.
“And he smiles. Smiles, Maisie! My brother doesn’t smile.”
My heart felt squishy. “I like that, Cricket. Your brother deserves to smile. He makes me really happy.”
She kissed the dog. “Well, you’re doing everything right, so keep doing it. I like him this way.”
“Me too.”
Cricket and I got to work and by the time Cricket had to leave for class, we’d caught up on everything I’d missed since the accident. I finally felt like I could breathe and I didn’t dread the phone call to my parents… which went surprisingly well.
Hatch and Poppy walked in just as I hung up and, since Hatch had to get back to the shop, Poppy and I hung out and watched a movie after her homework was done while we waited for Hatch to get home with dinner. All in all, it was a pretty perfect first day back at work.
THREE WEEKS LATER, life had settled into a regular routine. I had returned to the office, although, on a part-time basis since I still couldn’t use my hand for long periods of time. I was slowly getting back to normal, but it was frustrating at times. I was now the owner of a shiny new Volvo. I loved it and since Hatch knew how to fix them, I felt safer knowing he could check for cut brake lines and disabled airbags.
Cricket had walked into the job and owned it in less than a week. I had never seen anyone pick up a job so quickly, and I don’t think I could have eased back into my day-to-day so seamlessly without her.
Alison was keeping her distance, which I fully understood and appreciated, but through Ryan she relayed that she didn’t want her actions to affect Grace and Poppy’s relationship and I agreed. So, the girls got together on a regular basis, but always at my place or somewhere public I took them. Poppy was never allowed at their house or somewhere Alison would be. I don’t think the girls really cared one way or the other, so long as they got to hang out.
I hated it. I missed my best friend. I’d see her from a distance while I was picking up Poppy from school on occasion and she’d give me a sad smile and wave. I’d wave back then I’d go home and cry privately, unless Hatch was with me, then I’d cry in his shirt.
I wanted everything back the way it was. I knew it never would be, but it didn’t make me wish for it any less.
Jaxon had alerted Child Protective Services to the volatile nature of the Clark home and they did a full investigation, but with Ryan being a decorated police officer, and Alison never having threatened her children (or anyone before me), there was no evidence to warrant them stepping in. Hatch wasn’t happy with this answer and neither was Jaxon, so the Dogs and Jaxon’s team were watching at a distance for any red flags. So far things were calm, and Poppy promised she’d let me know if Grace said anything to the contrary.
A little before three on Friday afternoon, my cell phone pealed on my desk. “Maisie Mann.”
“Mrs. Mann, it’s Anthony Miller.”
Anthony Miller was the lead prosecutor on Alison’s case. I really had no desire to speak with him, but I’d stupidly answered the phone. “Hello, Mr. Miller.”
“I need to run something by you. Is now a good time?”
“Ah… sure.”
“Mrs. Clark has indicated she may be willing to take a plea to avoid trial.”
“Well, considering I don’t think she should go to trial at all, you should let her.”
“Even after what she did?”
“Look, Alison has some issues with mental health, but she needs help, not jail,” I said. “If there’s a way she can be treated instead of doing time, I’d like that to be the priority.”
“Okay, Mrs. Mann I’ll see what we can do,” he said.
“Thanks, Mr. Miller.”
I hung up and immediately called Hatch. “Hey, Sunshine.”
“What’s wrong?”
I groaned and filled him in on my conversation with the D.A.
“Wow,” he said.
“Yeah.” I squeezed my eyes shut trying to ward off a headache. “I can’t believe they’re even going there. I’m not pressing charges, why am I even involved?”
“I know, I know. She totally single-white-female’d my life.”
“Technically, she married-white-female’d it.”
I snorted on a reluctant giggle. “Don’t make me laugh. I’m too frustrated.”
“It’s the State versus now, Maisie, so it’s really out of your hands. But be prepared for them to subpoena you to testify.”
“I might be conveniently out of the country.”
“Rebel,” he said.
“That’s me. Badass to the core.”
Hatch chuckled. “Got a club get together tomorrow night. Family only. You and Poppy in?”
“Um, sure.” I dropped my head to the desk and stared at the carpet. “What happens at a Club get together?”
“Food, drink, communing with the brothers and their families,” he explained. “Showing you off.”
I smiled. “So this is the equivalent of meeting the parents for me?”
“Pretty much.”
“I like that, darling.”
“Me too, Sunshine.”
I sat up and turned my chair to look out the window. “I miss you today. I kind of want to blow this joint and find somewhere private where we can get naked.”
“Your place or mine?”
“I can’t just up and leave.”
“You’re the boss, Maisie. That kind of ensures you can just up and leave.”
He had a point.
“You got a meetin’?�
�� he asked.
“Well, no. But, didn’t you drop Poppy at my place?”
“Right,” he said. “Why don’t you meet me at the shop? We can swing by the compound.”
“I can’t leave Poppy at the condo, love. It’s fine for an hour or two, but not forever.”
“Susie’s with her.”
“Who’s Susie?”
“Prez’s old lady. She’s cool. You’ll love her.”
“Okay, we need to have a conversation about not leaving my daughter with people I’ve never met before.”
Hatch sighed. “I get it, baby, but it was either Susie or Flea, and I know you’ve met Flea, but he’s young, and from what I’ve been told, considered hot, so I figured you’d feel better havin’ the fifty-six-year-old wife of our Club president hangin’ with her, rather than the twenty-two-year-old horny-as-hell recruit. Not that he’d touch her, just to be clear, but I wanted to make sure she was covered and I made a judgment call in the moment.”
“You have a point.”
“I know I do, Sunshine.”
“I feel weird about making Susie stay with my daughter for us to go off for an illicit sex hour.”
He laughed. “Babe, believe me, she’d be all for it.”
“Yeah, seriously. So, compound, yes or no?”
I bit my lip. “Will we be alone?”
“In the sense that I have a private room there, yeah. People are in and out all the time, baby, but think of it as a hotel.”
I wrinkled my nose. “This isn’t what I had in mind for a private—”
“I know, Maisie, and I’ve got somethin’ planned, but that somethin’ isn’t gonna get me access to your pussy in the next twenty minutes, so… meet me here?”
I shivered. Yes, I absolutely wanted him to have access to my pussy in the next twenty minutes.
“Oh, sorry. Yes. I’ll meet you at the shop in twenty minutes.”
He chuckled. “Okay, baby.”
I hung up, grabbed my laptop, and packed up. “Cricket,” I called, and she peeked her head into my office. “I’m heading out for the weekend. If you want to finish up whatever you’re working on and do the same, go for it.”