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Omega Society Auction [Book 2]

Page 8

by Eileen Glass

  “I’m inexperienced, you know. At this stuff. I haven’t done anything in… a long time.”

  “I know.” Zachri takes his hand away from his throat, kissing the back of it. If not for the huge hard on between them, he could be a very handsome prince, his form perfect and his gaze soft.

  “Uh. How would you know that?”

  Zachri guides his hand downward.

  “All omegas who have not had an alpha are virgins.”

  “Even if they’ve been with human men?”

  He steps closer, closing Rourke’s hand at the base. The tip points at Rourke’s mouth as if it wants to be sucked too. The head is wide, the slit wet. Rourke’s tongue presses against the back of his teeth. Zachri purposely curls his fingers around and under where the gland makes a tiny crease.

  “An omega that hasn’t been knotted has not been bred. Sex and breeding are different. Breeding is more meaningful. And you will only do it with me.”

  Rourke keeps his other hand still, feeling and watching the guided exploration. The skin is hot and velvet. But all this hardness is going to be shoved into him in a moment, and Rourke isn’t sure it’ll feel nice. Especially when that thing grows.

  “Do you know how this works?”


  “Tell me.”

  “Uh.” The language of those unsexy diagrams doesn’t seem appropriate. “You’ll swell. And we’ll be locked. And then, possibly… I’ll get pregnant.”

  Zachri huffs, tightening his hand over Rourke’s. “That isn’t very romantic at all.”

  “Well… It… didn’t seem like it was when I read it,” Rourke defends. He rubs his thumb underneath. A little show of confidence and curiosity might prove that he’s all for this, even if the alpha’s anatomy will take some getting used to. “Besides… It doesn’t have to be romantic. We stay together awhile. Your cum is sealed inside me. And maybe, hopefully…” He shrugs. “I make a baby.”

  He’s counting on his blunt words and lack of fear to move things along. He won’t mind so much once they get started. And after this, he’ll know what to expect.

  Zachri cards his fingers through Rourke’s hair, leaning over to kiss him. Then he says, his eyes burning into Rourke’s, “You make it sound as if the baby is the only purpose of the knot. And that I will discard you once I think the objective is finished.”

  “Um… We do come apart after ten minutes or so.” Rourke didn’t finish the sterilized, PowerPoint video, but he gleaned enough of the whole process. Once the narrator brought up secretions manufactured by his ovum tube and passed into the anal canal—yeah, he shut that shit off.

  The alpha lets his hand go and tugs him up to stand. “The knot is the most intimate part of sex.” He turns Rourke around, and Rourke has the sudden realization that this could be it. Bend over. Fuck. Done. Plus the knotting step in the middle. The alpha’s arms come tightly around him, pulling Rourke’s back against his chest. His cock nuzzles firmly against Rourke’s backside, and the alpha reaches underneath to part his ass a little.

  The alpha bites his neck, making Rourke squeak. It’s playful, unhurting. Only ticklish.

  “When I am inside of you, you will take me to the brim,” Zachri says into his ear. He pushes into Rourke with his hips. “You will have more of me than any other. Physically, we will be inseparable. Dependent on each other. Breathing with each other. We will join in a very literal sense of the word, and while it lasts, I will hold you, love you, and be affectionate.” His arms tighten around Rourke, the larger alpha encompassing him with warmth, flesh, and that sweet minty scent. He nibbles Rourke’s neck where it tickles, making him tilt his head and shudder. The alpha’s cock is hard and hot nestled against his ass, and slipping back and forth with the slight movement of Zachri’s hips. Like he can’t help himself.

  “It is true,” the alpha says against his neck, “Our babies will be conceived like this. But they are separate. I will knot in you just to have you like this. Do you understand now, Rourke? I will never knot just for the sake of reproduction. That is a benefit, but not the reason. I have to have you close like this. I want you to take all of me.”

  His grinding becomes more pronounced. Rourke finds himself pushing back, wanting to raise his ass, wishing he bend over the bed. But the alpha won’t let go of him. He smells so good.

  “Knotting sounds fucking lovely so long as it’s you.”

  Zachri makes a groan and bites his neck. This is firmer than before. The bite holds as he rocks his hips, bruising Rourke’s flesh. And it feels great. Rourke brings one hand up to cradle his head, to encourage him. And the other goes to grab himself down low.

  A little bit of this, and the alpha growls in his ear, “Are you ready?”

  Rourke nods.

  “Then get on the bed for me.”

  Rourke crawls onto the bed and doesn’t get far. The alpha takes hold of his hips, spreading his cheeks with his thumbs. Rourke lowers his head, open and not minding it. Finally, he thinks, but there’s a little worry for the upcoming pain. He hasn’t done this in so long.

  He gasps the sensation of warm wetness on his hole and looks frantically over his shoulder. Zachri’s beautiful face… is buried in his ass, his tongue delving into a secret, forbidden place.

  Rourke blushes. His ex-lover never did that.

  “You… you shouldn’t…” he whimpers. It’s not right for an alien lord of all things to be doing this! But he’s just not stopping. Rourke sinks slowly to the mattress, his ass only staying up because the alpha seems to demand it with his jabbing tongue, his relentless licking.

  He moans.

  Zachri stops, kissing a plump cheek. Getting his breath back, Rourke is grateful. But after a moment, he wonders what Zachri is doing back there, petting and squeezing his ass. Rourke lifts his head and looks back as Zachri is lowering over his hole, tongue dangling out, and Rourke feels him dabble on the rim. Their eyes meet, Zachri watching his reaction to it.

  Rourke faces forward, smothering a little sound. But Zachri’s strong hand flip him over.

  “You are very pretty. There is no need to be demure.”

  Then the alpha is crawling over him. His cock pushes against Rourke’s opening.

  “Ah!” Rourke grabs the alpha’s pretty hair, taking uncareful fistfuls of it. He hooks a leg on the alpha’s hip, opening himself further, and greedy cock fills his space. It’s uncomfortable. New. But Rourke is already slick and there isn’t pain. Only stretch and pressure. Especially as Zachri slides home and Rourke is forced to keep stretching around the thick base.

  Rourke keeps his face buried Zachri’s neck. Though entry was relentless, the alpha pauses, caressing him.

  “You will be my heart.” He pets across Rourke’s shoulders, holding him. “Our children will be beautiful.” A little movement, and all Rourke’s muscles contract. The next poke is easier though. He’s relaxing. “Will you make a child for me now?”

  I’ll do my best.


  “Good. I’m afraid my rut won’t settle until you’re carrying. The thought of another alpha stealing you to do the same…”

  Rourke can’t see him, but he can feel the alpha’s vicious expression against his collarbone.

  “Don’t worry. I’m yours.”

  The alpha growls and his hips jerk. “I like that. Say it again with my name.”

  Rourke settles into the mattress but keeps his hands in Zachri’s hair. The alpha’s hips keep moving, making little gentle circles to open him up. Gradually pushing deeper.

  “I’m your omega, Zachri. No one else’s. I’ll always be yours.”

  They continue at a small pace, Zachri kissing him. When he lifts away, Rourke’s mouth follows him, loving the taste of man and the scent of mint.

  “God, I love this,” he confesses and throws his hips at the man.

  That does it. The alpha pushes him back to the bed, falling over him, his hair making a sweet-smelling curtain that tickles. He thrusts deeper, lifting Rourk
e’s leg, hitting an inside wall that makes Rourke whine loudly.

  The alpha’s hair and lips are everywhere. Rourke shudders with pleasure. His hips lift off the mattress and encourage the rhythm. He clutches the blankets at first, then Zachri’s arms, dragging his fingernails down them.

  “Is it good, little omega?”

  “Don’t fucking ask me questions…” Rourke growls.

  His alpha chuckles. And fucks harder.

  The sensation of blankets disappears, and Rourke notices that he’s slightly above them, held by Zachri’s telekinesis. The new angle sets him fully on the alpha’s cock. Possibly, Zachri moves his body and his hips, giving Rourke nothing to do but lie relaxed and open to the ride.

  He squeezes his eyes shut from the intensity. He pulls Zachri closer to him and clutches him. Despite the frenzied pace, the alpha makes comforting strokes along his back.

  Then his cock pulses inside and he stills. He takes Rourke in hand, encircling him tight and warm and giving several fast pulls. It takes no time at all. He spills over, panting from the massive surge of energy leaving his body.

  Zachri lowers him. Rourke writhes against the blankets, enjoying their texture on his sensitive skin.


  “Do not move while we knot. It will be difficult your first time.”

  Rourke nods and stills.

  “Are you alright so far?”

  “Oh yeah.”

  And it’s not over. Without moving, Zachri stretches Rourke further.

  The tiniest movement or muscle flex causes a twinge of ache. Rourke sees Zachri wince too, when he squirms to a bit of the alpha’s hair tickling his arm. The man sinks carefully over him, propping his weight on one elbow, a curtain of baby blue hair falling over Rourke. His eyes are a soft topaz glow, gazing at Rourke with fondness.

  Or is it satisfaction?

  “Do you think I’ll get pregnant after this?”

  Zachri nuzzles his cheek and pets a hand down Rourke’s stomach. “Yes. I will knot you many, many times. You will make beautiful children for me.”

  It could be the pheromones, which are positively swimming through Rourke’s head, but he doesn’t mind the thought of being knotted over and over. The alpha’s words seem callous if judged by themselves, as if Rourke is just a receptacle to spit out babies. A breeder bitch, they’d say where he’s from. But knotting is nothing like he expected it to be.

  Rourke has only had one other sexual partner, a slightly older boy Cory got jealous of because he didn’t know the truth of their ‘hanging out’. Rourke tried top and bottom with him, and experience after orgasm was hardly pleasant. It wasn’t this.

  He never held his first boyfriend and gazed at him the way Zachri is now. He never felt this purpose with his partner, nor this wanted. Human sex was like getting a personal itch scratched in his experience. They had affectionate moments after, but this is more intense. He has to stay relaxed for Zachri, to let the knot fill him up and be patient. Zachri has to look after him while they’re connected. He nuzzles and kisses continuously, his hand rubbing circles on his stomach. As if he’s helping with the baby making beyond providing the seed.

  “I like this,” Rourke admits. “I didn’t think I would. I thought it’d hurt.”

  “I am probably the reason it doesn’t. Arousal blocks pain.”

  “You should keep me aroused then. All the time. God, I love it. You smell like mint, did you know that? Do you like mints?”

  Zachri kisses his nipple, making Rourke suck in a quick breath.

  “Ah! Sensitive! Don’t…” he whines, squeezing himself on the knot as his body unexpectedly moves. He cries with sudden, tearing pain, moving the other way to get away from, his muscles tightening to push out the thing that’s hurting him.

  Zachri grabs his neck, pinning it to the bed. He makes a snarl that shows his teeth. With his eyes lit up, he looks like a demon rather than an affectionate lover just then. Rourke freezes instinctually. By the time his thought processes catch up, wondering what the hell happened, the alpha has removed his hand and kisses his neck.

  “I am sorry. I should not have you touched you there. Later, I will explore these quite a bit.” His thumb hovers over a nipple and Rourke skin prickles. “But not now. You must be still for me.”

  “Y-yeah. Okay.” He swallows, appreciating that he can breathe. I’ll just shut up now.

  The alpha sniffs near his neck, then lifts his head, his eyes wide with alarm. “Do not be frightened! I only needed you to stop hurting us. You cannot separate from knotting, Rourke. Neither can I. We are locked like this until it passes.”

  He’s right, of course. Rourke can see the logic in it.

  “Forgive me.” The alpha kisses him chastely. A complete one-eighty from the aggression before.

  “I understand. No problem,” Rourke whispers.

  “Do not just say the words, Rourke. Forgive me. Please. I will never hurt you. Much. Not on purpose, anyway.”

  “That’s comforting…”

  “You can test me. Rip my hair out. Try to choke me.”

  “No! I’m not doing that! What is wrong with you?!” He’s talking crazy and the alpha looks far too serious. “Why would I hurt you? I don’t want to do that.”

  Zachri looks sad. “Good. You will say no to me, at least. So you are not completely afraid.”

  “I’m not afraid.” Rourke is uncertain if he’s lying or not. The alpha’s scent has him relaxed again. “I just don’t like being choked to death by big, dumb aliens.”

  “Our domination methods are always safe and nonpainful. I promise. Even if I’m angry. Omegas learn this slowly because you start off as humans. I will suppress most of my urges when I can catch them, but when you hurt yourself just now… all thought ceased for me. I took the most effective action necessary. I am sorry it scared you. It scares me as I’m thinking of it.”

  That makes him feel better, and Rourke curls an arm across the alpha’s back, holding him. “You go into robot-mode when you’re nervous.”


  “Just an observation. When you’re feeling something, you always explain it.”

  “I must. You cannot sense emotion like I can, and I don’t want you to be afraid. I am told omegas used to understand alphas. That they used to toy with us. Now we must be careful not to terrify you, and it happens so easily in the first several months. That is why the courting period is allowed.” Zachri kisses his forehead and nuzzles his hair. “I have taken a great risk with you. The girl was right. If I ‘fuck it up’ I will destroy your dreams with me.”

  Rourke cradles the back of his head, splaying his fingers through the soft strands. There’s so much of it. He can push it back behind the alpha’s ear, and more of it will fall forward. He can’t imagine ripping out this lovely stuff. Or harming Zachri in any way for that matter.

  “That was pretty stupid of me. I was just reacting, but I could have hurt us. I’m glad you stopped me quickly.” And took control, his mind supplies. This submission to Zachri isn’t slavery. It’s trust.

  Rourke wakes up feeling clear-headed for once. Like coming home from work to an extra-long weekend, his mind sleepy but at ease. A total reset.

  Zachri knotted him three times yesterday. Rourke’s fever burned hot through all of it. They cuddled and spoke a few words after, Zachri mostly telling him he was beautiful and making sure he wasn’t freaked out by any of the alpha shit he did. Grabbing Rourke’s hair, his neck, and manhandling him all sorts of ways. The first time was the scariest because he wasn’t expecting it. He’s slowly getting used to it.

  And when Zachri is giving him what he wants in other ways, Rourke isn’t sure the alpha is dominating. Rourke has initiated everything so far.

  Nothing hurt in the acts, but Rourke definitely notices parts of his internal anatomy now. It’s good, in a way. He moves Zachri’s arm off of him so he can sit up, and looks down at his stomach.

  It’d be too easy to just pregnant right away. But that
’s what heat is for, right? He certainly feels different, but not in the womb region.

  Knotting might be his favorite part. The moments after, spent, caressed by Zachri and having hot things whispered in his ear. The sex is frenzied, and the after is nice.

  His mouth tastes like crap though. He doesn’t want Zachri waking up to kiss him right away, so Rourke heads to the bathroom. He picks up his phone on the way, and since tapping the home button brings up the battery icon, he takes the charger with him too.

  What to tell Mom… he thinks as he sets it on the counter. Certainly nothing about knotting. Or heat. Or the fact that he feels like Zachri just fucked him healthy again.

  He has time to ponder it as he does his business and gets his toothbrush. After his first spit, the phone dings with delayed messages. Rourke’s good thoughts are put on pause as his notification screen comes up. Cory’s name and a little highlighted number 7 are waiting for him.

  It could be one of two things. He has bad news. Or he’s just being a dick.

  It’s not a friendly, Hey, how’s the moon? Rourke knows Cory.

  Putting the toilet lid down, he takes a seat just in case and unlocks the screen.

  It would be my shitty luck to have her pass now.

  But I still have Zachri.

  Zachri is a good thing.

  The message screen comes up. There’s nothing from his mother since yesterday. She’s gone into a recipe phase, where she’s sending him instructions to healthy meals. It’s her way of imparting care on him from this distance.

  Cory wrote him a book. Rourke scans the paragraphs first for foreboding phrases like passed on, we’re so sorry, and no longer with us. Instead he sees phrases like ass cunt breeder, too busy doing anal, and spitting babies out your ass.

  Rourke smiles and hangs his head with relief.

  With that out of his way, Cory’s rant can’t touch him. Zachri makes him so happy. He loves that candy smell and how powerful it makes him feel. If he didn’t like Zachri already, he might feel different, as if his body was betraying him or Zachri was too controlling. He learned the horror of the harem towers and the alpha invasion very well in school. But he only loves it, and he loves just looking at Zachri from a distance, so he knows his attraction isn’t chemical-induced.


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