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An Alpha’s Second Chance (Shifters of Yellowstone Book 3)

Page 5

by Dominique Eastwick

“I know I have to bite you.”

  He drew back as if she had hit him. “Why would you need to bite me?”

  “Quinn said part of the mating ritual is I bite you. She made it sound like I won’t be able to stop from doing it.”

  “Quinn bit Brutus?” Shock didn’t begin to express his reaction to learning that bears bit each other.

  “And Morgan bit Grant.”

  “So all bears get bitten?”

  “Apparently, the men do. I even got to see the evidence. Brutus seems happy to show anyone who asks. But Quinn wasn’t as happy about him showing me.” She paused and cringed. “You don’t bite your mates?”

  “No, but I didn’t know the bears did, either.”

  “So no biting.”

  “If biting is your fetish, by all means bite me, but, no, it isn’t our thing.”

  She relaxed. “Oh thank god. The thought makes me queasy.”

  The king-sized bed lay a few feet away, under the picture window. Taking her hands, he encouraged her to sit on the edge of the mattress and squatted before her. “No blood no violence. The only thing required in our mating is for you to come to your alpha of your free will. To become my partner and equal. Once we are joined, we place our hands on each other’s hearts and declare we belong to one another.”

  “That’s all?”

  “Trust me, in the moment, it will be more than you believe you can take.” What all had Quinn told her? “Once we do, there will be no turning back. There isn’t divorce for our kind. And I don’t know how the mating will affect you.”

  “Quinn mentioned there might be some side effects.”

  Lars could imagine what else Quinn said, but this was foreign territory to him. “What did she say?”

  “She said they both need to be in contact with their mates. Morgan struggles with absences longer than a few hours. Grant needs to be within reach, or Morgan suffers from anxiety. It’s gotten better, but she struggles.”

  “I can’t say how you will deal with the mating. No human has ever mated with an elk, at least not here in the park. Perhaps elsewhere, but those I have reached out to didn’t know of any, either. Or they are keeping it quiet. The wolves first mated with humans. Brutus was the first in the park, but as you can see, not the last. And I think there might be a reason we are seeing more now.”

  “‘Quinn said you are considered the fairest of the alphas, levelheaded and highly respected. The bears would protect you and yours with their lives.”

  “Our people are not defenseless, but most of our resources go to protecting our young.”

  “Brutus didn’t mean you were weak. He assured me the women of your family are some of the strongest betas in the park. But I have to admit I lost the track when he talked about betas. I get the alpha and omega references…”

  “Betas are my strong seconds. They act in my stead when I’m not available. There are four herds I am alpha to in the park. You will meet all the betas in the next few days, I’m sure.”

  “I thought your sons would be your betas.”

  “No, we are led by our females.” He cupped her cheek. “I’m not sure I can assure you any more than I have, except to say I’ll be there with you every step of the way.”

  “My heart says you’re the one for me.” She leaned into his touch, reaching up to cover his hand with hers. “My soul’s been drawn to your people my whole life, and now my head says I need you to make love to me before I chicken out. When I overthink…”

  “No more thinking,” he muttered against her lips before claiming a kiss.

  With a groan, she leaned back onto the bed, never letting him break the kiss. One arm under her, he moved her to the center of the large mattress and followed her there. She ground her hips against him, effectively making it impossible for him to undress her until he said, “If you want me to make love to you, we have to get rid of these clothes.”

  No sooner were the words off his tongue than his shirt buttons flew across the room. Mating heat burned strong and bright in her eyes. If he didn’t get her undressed, he figured their clothes would end up shredded on the floor. He had clothes here; she did not. He placed his palm over her heart, and she stilled. “I will help you, but first I have to get you undressed.”

  This time, she stilled. Her heart beat faster as it prepared to take on his heart rhythm. Only after he stripped them both did he trust either of them with full contact. Lying over her, he ran a hand up her side from hip to under her breast. A hiss long and steady escaped her. When he repeated the action on the other side, she wrapped her limbs around him, bringing his cock into contact with the apex of her thighs, hot and wet, ready for him.

  Fighting her eager hands, he flipped her to her stomach. “Behave.”

  “Help me,” she begged as her skin heated to his touch. The more he tried to control the situation, the more she squirmed. “It burns.”

  Ah hell. He should have talked with Brutus. “What burns?”

  She attempted to turn in his arms, but his hand on her hips prohibited it. “Everything. Your touch.”

  He pulled back.

  “No, worse.” She panted, frantic. “Ready. Please, now.”

  He could but interpret her words as she was ready for him now. He positioned himself at her opening and leaned over her so they connected from shoulder to foot. Nuzzling her neck, he inched in slowly and gently. She hissed then calmed under him. Without leaving her body, he maneuvered her to face him, one leg resting on his shoulder for deeper strokes. When he judged her to be at the edge, he stopped, placing a hand on her heart.

  She mirrored his actions. “My heart is yours.”

  “As mine is yours. My soul claims yours.”

  She threw her head back and moaned. Her inner walls tightened around his cock, pushing him over the edge. Together they crested, hearts beating as one and soul living together. Coming down, Jenny panted, lids closed. But as his heart raced, so did hers. He placed his palm over her heart. “Calm.”

  She glanced at him and nodded, but her breathing didn’t ease one bit. She scurried to the edge of the bed and leaned over her knees, hyperventilating. Lars rushed to the kitchenette, fetched a glass of water, and returned to place it in her shaking hands.

  “Heart too fast,” she managed between sips.

  Her heart fought the new cadence. She lay down again, clutching her chest. “Hurts.”

  For a man used to being in control and the calming force in the park, the ineffectiveness he experienced left him uncertain. Grabbing the phone that connected all the shifters in the park, he rang the bears.

  “This is Will.” The gruff, bored voice of the grizzly buzzed through the phone.

  “Will, it’s Lars. Is your healer in the den?”

  “She is. Hold on.”

  The phone clattered to the desk, A few seconds later, he could hear voices again. “Who could be calling me… Hello, this is Shauna.”

  “Shauna, it’s Lars.”


  He eased his mate’s head into his lap and ran fingers through her hair. “My mate is struggling with the bonding.”


  “Yes.” Good lord, would there be another?

  “I’m not sure how much I can help. You understand, your mating is different than ours.” Her voice held empathy.

  “I have no one else I can call.”

  “Tell me what’s going on, and I’ll see if I can help.”

  He made a mental list before sharing it with her. “Jenny’s heart is racing but seems to be in rhythm with mine. She complains it hurts. She’s sweating.”

  “Her breathing.”

  “More like pants.”

  “She needs time to acclimate. Run a warm bath to help her relax. Some lavender in the water might help. Chamomile tea couldn’t hurt.”

  “Okay.” He placed a gentle hand on Jenny’s forehead as she arched in agony.

  “Hold on.” Shauna covered the mouthpiece. He heard unintelligible mumbles. A minute later, sh
e returned. “Brutus is heading up your way to assist with the security search tonight. Would you like me to come as well?”

  “Yes.” Any other time he would have said no, his people would handle this, but his herd didn’t have healers. And although there might be great differences between the bears and the elk, the bears had experience with human mating. Leaving Jenny in the fetal position on the bed, he made his way into the small bathroom. The last thing he would have in his cabin would be lavender, and the elk rarely drank tea, so he would send someone to get both later. But he could run a warm bath.

  Five minutes later, he eased Jenny into the water, shaking and sweat drenched. After an excruciating couple of minutes, the shaking eased and her breathing calmed. She fell into, if not, a peaceful sleep, a slumber. He didn’t move her until the water cooled. Tucking her under the sheet and coverlet, he watched her sleep. He left the door open so Shauna wouldn’t have to knock and wake Jenny. He hadn’t moved from his position holding up the wall when Sauna arrived a few hours later, holding a bag of supplies.

  “Thank you for coming.”

  “I would have been pacing the den with concern had I stayed there. Convincing Quinn to stay behind wasn’t easy.” Tying her gray braids behind her, she placed a weathered hand on Jenny’s forehead. “She’s warm, but that is to be expected. Her heart is working hard while her systems are slowing down.”

  “How long do you think she’ll need to acclimate?”

  “Hard to say. You bond but do not intertwine life forces, correct?”

  “Correct. Our rhythms mesh, but we don’t die if our mate does.”

  “So this is a ‘rhythm’ adjustment.” She tapped her chin. “Bear mates are up and about the next morning, no problem, but it is our men who endure the brunt of the mating. Wolves can take days to heal. My knowledge of the mating of elk or bison is very limited, so I don’t know. My normal prescription would be lots of rest and extra protein.”

  “So, it’s a wait-and-see.”

  “I am afraid so. Bears’ and Wolves’ matings are rough and can be violent. Not the case with elk? I see no marks on her.” She lifted the blanket to reveal the perfect alabaster skin of his mate; she then turned her focus to him. “And I see nothing on you.”

  “We don’t mark.”

  “Perhaps…” The healer touched his mate again, this time closing her eyes and humming. As her eyes opened, her brow furrowed. Shauna repeated the action with both hands.

  “What’s wrong?” he demanded, unable to stay quiet.

  “Are you sure she has no shifter in her?”

  “She’s mundane.”

  Shauna stared down at a sleeping Jenny. “Something in her isn’t all human, but I’m not sure it’s shifter. Something long repressed in her DNA.”

  “Don’t you think if she could shift she would have known, or I would have sensed it in her?”

  “Perhaps you tapped something when you mated?”

  “I sense nothing.”

  “You are not exactly in the best state of mind, either.” Shrugging it off, she crossed the room and picked up the bag she had dropped at the door. “I brought some teas and items Quinn found helpful. Erin offered me the use of one of the cabins. She assured me I would not be imposing.”

  “It would be a great relief to have you near. And all the young are bunking together in a safe location. Perhaps, while you are here, you won’t mind checking one of the girls. She is complaining of stomachaches.” The children didn’t leave the protections of their mothers until they were teens. It gave the illusion there were more babies born to this herd than there were.

  “I would be happy to.”

  “Is Brutus out there?”

  Shaking her head, she headed for the door. “Brutus and Darius have brought out their sentinels to check the park’s northern borders. Can I get you anything before I leave?”

  “No, thank you.”

  “Might I make one more suggestion?”

  At this point, any thoughts would be welcome. “I would be pleased if you would.”

  “Instead of being across the room from your mate, climb in next to her. Place your chest against her back so her heart can sense yours. Learn to beat together. And sleep.”

  Such a simple answer. He thanked the healer and a few of his female herd lingering outside before closing the door. For a moment, she tensed under his touch, but as his body melded against hers, she pulled his arms tighter around her.

  Chapter Five

  The sun had yet to rise over the park when Jenny awoke with a burning desire to run. Run as fast and far as she could. As she had never been a runner nor had any interest in the activity, her need to do so shocked her. She eased out from under the covers so she wouldn’t wake Lars but sat on the edge, fighting the urge to ask him to join her.

  Memories of the evening before lay hazy in her brain. Some moments came to the front like vivid mini movies, and others remained in cavernous pits in her brain. Memories of his lovemaking heated her flesh even now.

  “Good morning.” His husky voice washed over her, easing a tightness inside her. He touched her shoulder and followed it with a kiss. “How are you feeling?”

  “Claustrophobic?” It didn’t seem the correct term but close enough to get her point across. “I need space—movement.”

  He froze behind her. “Space from me?”

  “No, this cabin. I need fresh air.”

  “Then let’s get out of here.” He opened the drawers and pulled on running pants and a T-shirt. He grabbed a bag from the table and placed it next to her. “Quinn sent over some clothes for you. She wanted you to be comfortable this morning.”

  “Very thoughtful of her, but how would she know where to find me?”

  “I might have called the bear healer in a panic when you were at the worst of it last night.”

  “I don’t remember much past us making love. Beyond sex, it’s pretty hazy.” Inside the bag lay some running shoes, sweatpants, and a T-shirt from the gift shop printed in big block letters I heart bears.

  “Absolutely not.” He threw a plain white T-shirt at her.

  She giggled as she put it on. “Is this normal, this need to run after you mate?”

  “Are you asking as in did I need to after my first mating?”

  She didn’t know what she meant, but if they didn’t get out soon, she would pull off her skin. “I guess.”

  “I don’t remember.” Then, as if reconsidering his answer, he said, “It was a long time ago. And we had known each other our whole lives. But if my mate needs to run, then I will run with her.”

  “I hate running,” she said as they exited the cabin and started to stretch.

  “Then why are we out here instead of in there making love again?”

  “I feel if I don’t run, I will go insane. Something inside needs to be set free.”

  He paused, bent at the waist, one leg straight out behind him. “What needs to be set free?”

  She didn’t know, but her skin itched, almost as if it were too tight. One second she stood on the porch, the next she ran for her life through the dark forest. She sensed him hot on her heels, but she didn’t stop. In the predawn darkness, she should have been struggling to see the trees coming up on her, or stumps, or even the rocks, but she could sense the objects before she came across them.

  When she came out into the opening and the moon shone down on her, a burn took over. She turned to Lars, confused and frightened. “What is happening to me?”

  “You’re shifting.” He cocked his head. “Relax and let it happen.”

  He stood before her, and the glow covered him before he shifted into a large bull with huge antlers. He raised his head and called out to the night.

  At the call, she doubled over, fighting the need to drop to her knees. He called again, and she fell to the ground, and with the third call, she opened her eyes to see it through an elk’s viewpoint. Her mate grunted, and she ran, not out of fear or panic, but because she could. Free for the fir
st time in her life.

  On the top of a hill, as the sun crested over the landscape, the human in her forced its way back out. On weak knees, she stumbled. But her mate remained in elk form. Standing proud and strong. She waited, and he came to her. Magnificent didn’t start to describe him in this form. “Can you understand me?”

  He nodded, dropping into the tall grass. She sat next to him with her back against his muscular trunk. She had so many questions, but they had plenty of time to deal with her issues. But as she lay, watching the dark sky above her head transform its morning light from pink to light blue, peace covered her. The part of her she had been searching for came to the surface, making her whole, body and soul.

  A flash of light from the corner of her eye had her sitting up. Lars got to his feet before she could make out what happened. He ran full speed towards the light. An earth-shattering bang broke the silence of the morning. Birds squawked and flew in all directions. She realized she had seen the light reflecting off the scope of a gun. The second shot rang out, and Lars faltered but still ran. The hunter moved into the opening. As he leveled a rifle, a gigantic grizzly bear rose to his full height behind the hunter. She knew without being told the beast had to be Brutus. She turned away, covering her ears against the screams she couldn’t block out.

  Screams turned to deafening silence and fear of what she would find when she opened her eyes. A hand touched her back, and she flinched. “Jenny.”

  Her head shot up, and she found her mate standing over her, concern etched into his handsome face. She threw herself into his arms. “You’re okay?”

  “Relatively,” he assured, but she sensed something in his forced word.

  Stepping back, she noticed his white shirt turning red above his hip. “You’re shot.”

  “Grazed,” he said, but a second later stumbled and fell to the ground.

  “Help us,” she yelled to the hills, knowing at least one bear had to be within shouting distance. She ripped at his shift-shirt, pulling it over his head and pressing it against the bleeding wound. “Why the hell was he shooting at you?”

  “He liked my rack.”

  “You aren’t funny.”


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