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Impact (The Fight for Life #2)

Page 15

by K. A. Sterritt

  “I am,” I replied with a small smile.

  “Do you have anything in mind?”

  “I… um…” I hesitated, blushing like a fool. “I’m not sure.”

  She chuckled. “You don’t have to be embarrassed. Every girl needs sexy underwear.” She glanced over at the display cabinet, hidden from the front window by well-positioned lingerie racks. “Take a closer look.”

  I shuffled tentatively over to the backlit cabinet and gasped when I saw a pair of leather handcuffs with a yellow-gold chain, several dildos and a variety of products in boxes. The word lubricant made me blush again and I quickly looked the other way. I was no prude, but these kinds of things made me feel awkward. Thoughts of trying out a few things with Leo made me feel slightly weak at the knees though. Perhaps I’ll look online, I thought to myself. I realised I was now grinning like a naughty school girl.

  “See anything that tickles your fancy?”

  She must have seen my kind of reaction a million times—not knowing whether to be embarrassed or excited by what was on offer.

  “Maybe,” I replied slowly, smirking uncontrollably. “I’m really just here for some lingerie.”

  “Okay then. Let’s find you something smoking hot. What’s his name?”

  “Whose name?”

  “The man who’s going to benefit from my merchandise.” She raised her eyebrows and smiled seductively.

  “Leo.” Even the sound of his name rolling over my tongue made my libido stand to attention. “His name is Leo and I’m on a mission to blow his mind. Lingerie seemed like a good place to start.”

  “Ooh, my favourite kind of mission.” She clapped her hands gleefully. “I’m Nadeira, by the way.”

  “Juliette.” I blushed. I couldn’t believe I was now on a first name basis with the girl selling handcuffs and lubricant in downtown Melbourne.

  “Nice to meet you, Juliette. Okay. Let’s look around and see if anything stands out. Tell me something about hot Leo. What’s he into?”

  “How do you know he’s hot?”

  “Oh, I don’t. I have Leo Decaprio in The Great Gatsby in my head.” She fanned her face. “Phew. That man is hot.”

  I laughed. “Well I think my Leo is much hotter than DiCaprio.” My Leo.

  “Well, then. Sounds like I’m right, then.”

  “He’s into lots of things. He’s a fighter. He’s strong. Really strong. And he’s kind. He has the kindest heart I’ve ever known.” I paused, swallowing past the lump in my throat and briefly closing my eyes. “He rides a motorbike.”

  “Motorbike. Yes. That’s perfect. I just took delivery of a new line and I think it might just do the trick.” She pranced off towards the back of the store and I followed closely behind her, eager to see what she had in mind. “Here.” She waved her hand towards the sexiest lingerie I’d ever seen.

  “It’s perfect.”

  “This is our Ezy Rider suspender set.” She picked up the set on three different hangers and handed them to me.

  “Is that leather?” I asked, trying to imagine the look on Leo’s face when he saw me in this. Above the cup was a series of triangles with a small gold stud on every corner.

  “The leatherette triangles are laser cut to mould to the breast. It’s inspired by leather biker jackets.” She took the underwear from me and turned it around. “See. The same detailing sits over your butt cheeks. And you have to own it. No being shy and trying to cover yourself up. “Come on. Try it on.”

  She led me to a luxurious change room at the back of the store and gave me a quick explanation as to the easiest way to get the lingerie on. There were more straps and clasps than I was used to.

  A short time later, I stood staring at myself in the mirror.

  “How’s it going?” Nadeira asked.

  I pulled the heavy, velvet curtain back and allowed her to see for herself.

  “You flaunt that body of yours for this Leo and he won’t know what hit him. Sexiness isn’t about having the perfect body. Not that that’s a problem for you, but I don’t actually think physical appearance is the major factor. Sexiness comes from within. It’s how you feel and it’s how you convey those feelings to those around you. You’ve gotta ride it, honey.”

  I burst out laughing. “I certainly hope to.” A fierce blush heated my face when I realised I’d said that out loud.

  “Atta girl.” She winked at me. “So you don’t want to look at anything else? I can show you plenty of other styles if you like.”

  “This is the one. I’ll take it.”

  “Leo won’t know what hit him,” she said, winking.

  When I’d paid, she handed me a stylish black bag with gold writing and trim. “Good luck, girlfriend. Come back and tell me how you go. Maybe bring Leo with you next time and he can help pick out a few other sets.”

  I shook my head and chuckled. “With all due respect, Leo wouldn’t be seen dead in here, but I will come back and let you know. Thanks for your help, Nadeira.”

  “You’re most welcome. We’re all about the happily-ever-afters in this shop, so I’m really hoping you get yours.”

  “Thank you,” I replied sincerely. I was feeling more confident than ever about my mission, and at the very least, I’d gotten a lesson in sexiness from my new friend.

  I hid my purchase under my desk when I returned to work. I had been told about the store by one of the other assistants who flirted with every man in the office. I didn’t need her recognising the bag and making a big deal of it in front of my colleagues.

  The afternoon passed quickly, and at five, instead of going out for work drinks, I went home and was relieved to see I’d beaten Leo. He had been going to the farm again today and had said he’d be home around seven, so I had plenty of time. I loved that he now considered anywhere I was home. It really didn’t matter where it was as long as we were together. I hid my new purchase and stripped off. It was time to relax and unwind.

  I tapped on my Spotify app and hit play. P!nk was still my go-to music for most moods, but I chose Enya instead. I decided a bubble bath was in order, so I turned the taps then went to the kitchen to pour a glass of red wine to get the party of one, soon to be two, started. As I reclined in the warm water, bubbles tickling my neck, I sipped on the wine and enjoyed the peace I felt knowing my life was really starting to come together. I’d carefully placed my Kindle next to the bath, so I switched it on and continued reading a beautiful romance novel I’d started the night before. I felt my eyes droop after about thirty minutes of reading, so I put the kindle down and allowed my eyes to close while I enjoyed the still warm water.

  I don’t know how long I dozed. Couldn’t have been long, as the water was still warm when I woke up to a set of beautiful blue eyes gazing at me.

  “Shit. You scared me.”

  “Sorry, gorgeous.” He didn’t look sorry as he picked up my Kindle and placed it out of harm’s way on the vanity. “Mind if I join you?”

  “Please do.”

  He had stripped naked already, so he stepped into my surprisingly large bathtub for an apartment. We manoeuvred so my back was to his front, and I lay my head back on his shoulder while he ran his hands over my soapy body.

  “I could get used to coming home to this every day,” he whispered in my ear.

  I closed my eyes and enjoyed his strong, calloused hands massaging me, his erection digging into my backside. I let out a groan as he cupped my breasts and turned my head so I could kiss him. When I couldn’t stand the overwhelming sensations any longer, I straddled him, not caring that a wave of water sloshed over the side of the tub and onto my bathroom floor. I smiled against his lips.

  “I need to be inside you, Jules.”

  I didn’t need any further discussion. I lined myself up and impaled myself on him. “Oh my God. That feels good.” I’d never had sex in a bath before, and it wouldn’t be the last time. The warm water felt like a soft blanket that moved with us as I rocked back and forth, building towards our mutual goal.
  “Harder, Jules.”

  I lifted myself up using my knees to support my weight then slammed back down. The impact of my body hitting his sent another wave of water over the side. At this rate, we weren’t going to have any left. His warm mouth sucking my breasts sent a different kind of wave through my body. I was set to explode any second, and Leo’s magic touch hovered over the detonator button.

  He gripped my waist as I fought to keep my mind lucid enough to focus on the beautiful man beneath me. The hard planes of his incredible body were an intoxicating contrast to his kind heart, and the combination was breathtaking. I hugged him to me, fearful I might just float away as the explosions went off behind my eyes. Sex with Leo was never just going through the motions. It was never dull or boring. Every single time was a unique and mind-blowing experience. Perhaps that’s what it’s like for everyone who’s found their perfect other half.

  “Water’s getting cold,” Leo whispered in my ear some time later.

  We both dried off threw on some loose clothes then grabbed a quick dinner at a Mexican restaurant on Southbank. Leo told me he’d set up a tent for us at the farmhouse and was going to be far better prepared than the last time we’d been there together. I couldn’t wait.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  The next morning, we drove directly to Bea’s café for the best coffee in the world and for Jules to see Bea. It had been ages since they’d seen each other in person, but they had kept in touch over the phone.

  “Well look what the cat dragged in,” she said as the bell above the door signalled our arrival.

  “Are you going to say that every time I come here?” I asked, shaking my head.

  “Sure am. Got a problem with that, tough guy?”

  Jules laughed at the two of us and I just rolled my eyes. I was being ganged up on by my two favourite girls and didn’t mind one bit.

  When she brought our coffees over to the table by the window, she sat down with us. There was only a few customers and they were all happy.

  “So, camping, huh?” Bea scrunched up her nose. “Crazy.”

  “I love sleeping outside,” Jules declared.

  “Give me a warm bed and a hot shower any day of the week.”

  Jules took a sip of her coffee. “Not me. I’ll take the great outdoors, thanks.”

  “You really weren’t cut out to be a society princess, were you?” Bea’s rhetorical question made the two girls laugh and it was music to my ears.

  “Before my grandparents moved to Queensland,” Juliette said, “I used to go and stay at their farm for a few nights every school holidays. I spent the whole time digging in the garden, riding horses and helping Gran with her epic vegetable patch.” She stared into space for a moment before coming back to us. “I miss that. I miss them.”

  “When was the last time you saw them?” I asked.

  “Too long. Their relationship with my mother was unbearable and she had a meltdown whenever I visited them. They moved to Queensland and travel a lot so it became even harder. They call me on my birthday each year and I send them a Christmas card.” She patted the table with her palm. “I’m going to visit them soon. It is ridiculous I haven’t in so long.”

  “Jules quit her job in the city,” I told Bea.

  “Really? That’s great.” She appeared uncertain. “I think it’s great at least.”

  I smiled. “It is great, but I haven’t worked out what I’m going to do yet,” Jules said.

  “Would you consider moving out here?” she asked casually. My jaw dropped.

  “Oh. Um…” She looked at me but quickly returned her gaze to Bea. “I don’t know. Maybe?”

  “Well you know Angus works for a financial planning firm in Lilydale, so I can let him know you’re job hunting if you like?” Bea said, standing up and moving back to the counter where a customer was ready to order.

  “Seriously?” I asked, reaching for her hand. “You’d move out here?”

  She met my eyes and her expression was warm. “I’ve never hidden the fact I love it out here. I love the countryside, the fresh air, the space.” She inhaled as if she were smelling something she couldn’t get enough of. “When I first stumbled across this area on my way to that god-awful charity event, I felt drawn to it. I feel at home here, which is weird, I know, but it’s true.”

  “Babe.” I didn’t know what to say.

  “It’s worth thinking about, right? I mean, I’ve resigned from my city job and you’re going to be at the fight club a lot. It makes sense, doesn’t it?”

  “Let’s talk about it some more out at the farm. Okay?”

  “I just think things are going to work out for us one way or another,” she said, sincerely. “Everything feels like it’s falling into place.”

  “I think you’re right.” I focused on the coffee swirling in my cup rather than meeting her gaze. I still had to tell her about what had happened five years ago and how that was probably going to negatively impact the rest of my life. The time was right and I was going to trust her. Perhaps then she would know why I left it in the past.

  “You’re about to find out every last thing about your messed up boyfriend. Do you think you’re ready for that?”

  She nodded and smiled then accepted the hand I offered her. “Let’s go.”

  “Hello, Leo.” I snapped my head around to my best mate Angus’s mum standing behind me. Growing up, she’d been my mother’s best friend and like a second mother to me. I hadn’t seen her for years. Her skin appeared grey and pasty and the lines around her mouth made her look like a chain smoker. Similar to my mother, time hadn’t been kind.

  “Hello, Sandra.”

  It was awkward how uncomfortable she seemed around me. She turned her attention to Jules. “I’m Beatrix’s mother-in-law, Sandra. You must be Juliette.” She held out her hand and Jules shook it warmly.

  “It’s really nice to meet you,” Jules said. She had no idea about the connection to my mother or the problem she had with me.

  Sandra returned her gaze to me, rubbing both sides of her head with two fingers as if she were itching to say something. We stared at each other in silence for what felt like an awkwardly long time.

  “I saw your mother yesterday,” she said with bitterness dripping from every syllable.

  “We were just leaving. It was lovely to see you again, Sandra,” I lied, ushering Juliette towards the door ahead of me.

  “Bye, Bea,” Jules called out over her shoulder.

  Sandra grabbed my arm. “You’re a bastard, you know that, Leo.” She narrowed her eyes. “It’s bad enough you cut her out of your life, but she’s finally come home and you’re forcing her to move away again.”

  Juliette stopped in her tracks then turned around, wide eyed.

  “Sandra!” Bea exclaimed. She’d obviously heard the bastard comment. “You can’t say that to him.”

  “It’s true.” She addressed Bea. “You know as well as I do that it’s true. His sweet mother doesn’t deserve the way he treats her.”

  She crossed her arms. “Leo is my best friend and I won’t have you talking to him like that in here.”

  Huffing, Sandra strode to the counter.

  “Sorry about that,” Bea said. “She rarely stops by, so it’s an unfortunate coincidence you were here.” She turned to Juliette. “Ignore my mother-in-law. She’s not usually like that.”

  “Okay,” Juliette said, drawing out the first syllable.

  I shrugged. “I don’t give a shit what Sandra thinks.” I took the basket and cooler Bea had packed for us. It was no doubt filled with enough food to feed an army. She also handed me a bunch of flowers. “Thanks, Bea,” I whispered.

  When we were outside, Juliette scrunched up her nose. “Sandra was… intense.”

  “She and my mother were best friends. Still are I guess.”

  She reached across and touched my arm. “You okay?”

  “I’m fine.” Sandra’s outburst had had very little impac
t on me, I was happy to acknowledge. “Do you mind if we take another quick detour on the way?” I asked when we were back in my Jeep.

  “Of course not.” Jules smiled and my heart clenched. She was so incredibly beautiful. Ever since she’d quit her job and I’d suggested coming out here, she seemed happier. Her navy eyes appeared bright and full of life.

  The Anglican church I grew up near had stood the test of time. Despite it being built back in the early 1900s, it was extremely well maintained by the community. My mother was a fierce atheist, but my father had had a quiet faith. Whilst my father had regularly attended the Sunday church service, my mother had flat out refused.

  When I pulled up in front of the church, Jules peered out the window then back at me. “You brought me to church?”

  “Come on.” I reached over to the back seat and grabbed the flowers then placed my hand on the door handle. “I want to share something with you.”

  We walked down the narrow dirt pathway that ran along the church boundary and turned into the cemetery behind. It was approaching midday and the sun felt warm on my back when I knelt down in front of my father’s grave. Juliette knelt down beside me and I felt her comforting hand on my shoulder.

  “Five fucking years today, Dad.” I paused, shaking my head as I carefully placed the flowers on the ground in front of me. “Five fucking years.”

  “Today?” Jules asked in a whispered voice.

  I nodded.

  “Wow,” she whispered. “Thank you for bringing me here.”

  I looked at her angelic face and knew she was meant to be there with me. I sat back on my heels and stared at the inscription.

  Jules leaned forward and traced her finger over his name. William James Ashlar.

  “I should’ve personalised it more, but at the time, I didn’t know which way was up.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Perhaps I’ll make him a new headstone one day.”

  “I think that would be an amazing thing to do.”


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