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Seeking Scandal

Page 4

by Nadine Millard

  Caroline stared in surprise at Rebecca.

  "Whatever do you mean?"

  Rebecca glanced at the small army of suitors, interspersed with a few ladies who were probably hoping to achieve notice by association.

  "I mean that we're likely to be crushed in the stampede of people hoping to gain your attention."

  Caroline frowned in consternation at the sea of faces, now looking decidedly bored. Was that one at the back actually nodding off?

  "Surely not, Becca. I am well aware of the stir you cause at these things, having been a reluctant witness to them for years," she answered dryly.

  Rebecca merely shook her head.

  "Why Caroline, you goose. Don't you know I'm positively respectable now?"

  Caroline had to laugh at her sister's obvious disappointment at the fact.

  "Believe me, my dear," Rebecca continued, "this is all for you. There's not a debutante in the whole of London who can hold a candle to you this Season. If your fortune, father's and Edward's titles, and your impeccable reputation weren't enough to attract them, your looks certainly would be. You are, without a doubt, the most beautiful of them and I do not say that because you are my sister."

  Caroline still looked doubtful and more than a little put out about her 'impeccable reputation'. That was no fun.

  Rebecca reached up, for Caroline was quite a bit taller, and grasped her older sister's shoulders.

  "This is your time to shine, Caro," she said softly, "Enjoy it."


  CAROLINE STARED AT her sister for a moment before bracing her shoulders and smiling mischievously.

  "You are right. I will enjoy every moment of it. The sooner I can throw off this mantle of 'impeccable reputations' the sooner I can have some fun."

  "Er, yes, well perhaps do not throw it off altogether. Remember you still need someone to marry this Season or you'll end up with Father Time in Cork."

  Both sisters laughed at Rebecca's wicked description of Lord Doncastle before Rebecca turned to her husband. "That's quite enough, thank you darling. I believe you've sufficiently bored them to tears."

  "Thank God for that," whispered Edward, "I was running out of stories to tell and just started making things up. Thankfully nobody was listening by that time. Though, I wonder if I should warn Lord Woodford, just in case…"

  The orchestra signalled the start of the dancing.

  "Excellent idea, let us find him at once, since Caroline has already been claimed for this dance."

  Edward frowned and his eyes snapped to Caroline's dance card.

  "What? No, I won't allow that. In the absence of your father and brother, I am responsible for you, Caroline, and it should be I who dances with you first."

  Caroline looked to Rebecca for assistance. He was right, of course. She really should dance with him first. But how was one to create a stir when dancing with one's brother-in-law? And a duke at that! That was sickeningly proper.

  Rebecca just rolled her eyes and winked at Caroline.

  "Do not upset yourself, Edward. It is perfectly acceptable for her to dance with Viscount Hadley."

  Edward's frown deepened. He remembered how much Hadley had mooned after Rebecca in her first Season. Caroline too, for that matter. He was a determined flirt and was desperate for a woman with a large dowry and small brain to suit his own. The word about Town was that his pockets were well and truly to let, and the longer he remained single and without a rich fiancée, the worse his finances became. Clearly Caroline was far too good for him.

  "I do not like him."

  "You do not like anyone."

  "I like you," he countered and Caroline felt herself blush at the blatantly lustful look he threw to his wife.

  Really, these two were uncontrollable. It had been two years, for heaven's sake. Hadn't Caroline heard many a woman bemoan the fact that after a week or two a husband's attentions waned and, with luck, disappeared altogether?

  Rebecca appeared as if she was far from minding however and she leaned up to whisper into Edward's ear.

  Edward's eyes gleamed and the Viscount in question, who had been making steady progress toward them, had barely bowed to Caroline before Edward grabbed hold of Rebecca's waist and swept her away toward the open doors to the veranda.

  "Have fun," Rebecca called to Caroline as she was whisked away by her enthusiastic husband.

  "My lady."

  Caroline's attention was brought back to Viscount Hadley by his death grip on her hand. Was he trying to break her fingers?

  She tried to remove her hand from his but unbelievably, his grip only tightened.

  "I cannot tell you how pleased I am to see you returned to Town. Your beauty, if I may be so bold, has only increased."

  Caroline smiled politely, but her teeth were on edge. The odious man was not letting go and was far too loud. Several people were watching his dramatics and the attention was painfully embarrassing.

  Caroline tried reminding herself that this was what she had wanted, more attention, more eventful evenings.

  However, she had hoped that it would be at least somewhat enjoyable.

  After an excruciating few seconds of struggling, she finally managed to free her hand from his. Her face flushed scarlet at the titters surrounding them as they made their way to the dance floor.

  Hadley was now staring intently at her, in a way Caroline presumed was meant to show his regard for her, but which in actuality made her feel rather alarmed.

  Mercifully, the dance began and Caroline used the opportunity to scan the room. A signal had been previously decided upon that would immediately warn Rebecca that Caroline needed saving.

  However, her traitor of a sister appeared to still be missing with her even bigger traitor of a husband, so Caroline would have to endure as best she could.

  The couples parted and Caroline's eyes made another tour of the room. Her heart stopped dead and she stumbled forward. There! At the edge of the dance floor, partially hidden by the ostentatious plants Mrs. Smithson had had dotted about the room. It was he. It had to be.

  Her heart restarted with a thud and began to gallop frantically as Tom Crawdon looked up and his deep blue eyes met hers. He too was staring intently and unsmilingly at her. But where Hadley's regard made her want to bathe herself or slap his cheek, Tom's reawakened emotions so strong they took Caroline's breath away.

  He gave no indication that he recognised her. Made no bow, no gesture. Yet still he stared.

  Caroline wasn't sure what she should do. Her first instinct, to run to his arms and throw herself into them, would probably be a little unwelcome.

  Hadley had returned to face her and Caroline felt her feet take her through the steps of the dance, though her mind was fixated on the man by the ridiculous plant.

  At that moment Rebecca and Edward re-entered the room. Caroline willed Rebecca to look her way, and thankfully she did. Caroline nodded as discreetly as she could toward Tom, widening her eyes to signal to Rebecca to look that way.

  Rebecca's head made to turn and look but just then Edward leaned down and whispered to her and Rebecca's gaze was caught by her husband's. For God's sake! Caroline was tempted to remove her shoe and fling it at the pair of them.

  Hadley was now at Caroline's side and was mumbling something longwinded to her. She did not even pretend to listen.

  Her eyes turned once more toward Tom and she sighed in relief that he was still there. Still watching. Now, however, his mouth was curled up in sardonic amusement. No doubt he found Hadley's efforts to secure Caroline's attentions funny. She remembered his smile, since she saw it almost nightly in her dreams. The cynical slant to it, however, and the ice in his eyes — they were new.

  Swallowing hard, Caroline looked back toward Rebecca who was swatting at Edward's arm playfully with her fan.

  The music went on and on and Caroline wondered desperately if the orchestra were deliberately lengthening the song. She had broken from the ridiculously enthusiastic Viscount
Hadley again to circle the other dancers and used the opportunity to once again gain Rebecca's attention.

  Her cough was about as subtle as screeching Rebecca's name but she was past caring.

  This time she caught the attention of both Edward and Rebecca. She subtly nodded her head in Tom's direction once again but could tell immediately from their frowns of confusion that the gesture was not big enough.

  Hadley was back by her side and was rambling on in much the same fashion. He sounded rather breathless to her half-listening ear but it wasn't surprising since he'd been jumping about since the beginning of the dance, in between droning on about some matter that she wasn't aware of.

  Caroline knew subtle gestures just weren't going to convey her predicament so in desperation, she nodded again, this time making no effort to keep the gesture small.

  Unfortunately, at the same moment, Viscount Hadley leaned forward to whisper something in her ear. Their heads met with a sickening crunch. The poor man staggered back from Caroline clutching his head and landed unceremoniously on his backside. Not being privy to the fact that Caroline had been trying to capture Rebecca's attention, he obviously thought that Caroline had gone mad and decided to assault him in the middle of the ballroom.

  Caroline had staggered too and clutching her head, she noticed that the room had begun to spin alarmingly.

  Rebecca hurried over, followed by Edward who thankfully grabbed hold of Caroline's elbow and steadied her before she fell.

  Caroline had once again drawn a crowd.

  Hadley was being helped off the floor.

  "Good heavens Caro, are you alright?" Rebecca tried to sound concerned but Caroline could tell she was trying desperately not to laugh.

  "It's not funny, Rebecca. Everyone is staring!" Caroline admonished with a fierce whisper. Thankfully, the room had stopped spinning but Edward's hand remained fixed on her elbow, ensuring that nobody got too close. Not even Viscount Hadley, who had thankfully given up trying to gain back her attention and wobbled miserably toward the refreshment table.

  People were enquiring as to whether or not Caroline was well, all politeness and concern. But Caroline had no time for their pity and brushed it off with as much graciousness as she could muster.

  "What are you about anyway?" asked Rebecca, completely unfazed by Caroline's set down and still grinning in obvious amusement.

  Caroline pressed a hand to her head and felt, to her dismay, a rather large bump forming on her forehead.

  The amusement disappeared at once from Rebecca's expression and she placed a hand on Caroline's arm.

  "Are you hurt?"

  Caroline smiled weakly.

  "Only my pride."

  Rebecca smiled. "I must say, it's rather nice not being the one creating a scene."

  Caroline stuck her tongue out as Edward led her toward the veranda to get some air. Rebecca kept pace with them and asked again, "So, what were you doing? Aside from trying to shut Hadley up, of course."

  "I was trying to tell you that Tom is here. I saw him again."

  Edward stopped and stared at Caroline in disbelief.

  "Tom? Here? That's impossible. He's still in America and has no plans to return. I'm sure of it."

  Caroline was already shaking her head but stopped immediately as a pain began to form at the back of her eyes.

  "He is here and I did see him."

  "Caroline," Rebecca spoke gently now, "do you not think that Edward would know of it? Why on earth would Tom move back to England without informing Edward or the dowager, or anyone?"

  Caroline stayed quiet. She had no answer. Of course Tom would not return without informing his family.

  Could it be that she was so desperate to see him her mind had conjured him up? That seemed a little far-fetched. And she didn't feel insane. But then, how would she know really?

  After a tense moment of silence, Caroline shrugged her shoulders as casually as she could.

  "I must have been mistaken then. You are right, of course. Why would he come back and not tell anyone?"

  "Surely you don't think I would pass up the opportunity to have a little fun with my own family, Edward?"

  The deep, masculine voice sounded behind the trio and they all whipped around in amazement.

  There he stood, Tom Crawdon. The man who had stolen her heart two years ago.

  Caroline's eyes raked greedily over the man of whom she had thought every single day for the past two years.

  He was still so handsome he made her knees weak. His dark blond hair was longer than before, a little wilder.

  He still towered over her but he was broader now, his shoulders bigger than before.

  His eyes were still the same deep, sparkling blue. But they were filled now, not with amusement and joviality, but with an emotion that Caroline could not name. Whatever it was, it made her shiver and an icy feeling of dread filled her stomach.

  This was Tom, whom she knew so well and yet, he seemed a stranger. Tom, who before had looked at her like she was a precious jewel and now watched her with disdain.

  "Tom!" Rebecca's happy cry awoke Caroline from her intense study of his features.

  Caroline watched as Rebecca launched herself at Tom, and was rewarded with a grin so like his old one, and a giant hug that lifted her from her feet.

  Caroline felt herself release a sigh of relief. So the old Tom was still there. She had been worried for a moment but that grin — it hadn't changed a bit.

  "Good God, man," Edward spoke next, "this is a surprise."

  "A pleasant one, I hope," answered Tom.

  Edward shook hands with Tom and slapped his back in reply.

  "Good to have you home."

  Tom smiled again.

  "Tis good to be home, cousin."

  Caroline willed the pounding of her heart to cease as she waited for Tom to turn his deep blue gaze to her. However, he was studiously ignoring her and Caroline was not the only one to notice.

  Rebecca looked between the two, a frown marring her brow.

  "Tom," she interrupted the two cousins impolitely but Rebecca had never been one to be overly concerned with politeness when she wanted something. "You remember of course my sister, Caroline?"

  Her tone hinted at her unhappiness that Tom had not immediately acknowledged Caroline.

  He turned to her now and the warmth in his eyes cooled considerably. Caroline swallowed nervously.

  "It is good to see you again, Tom." She did not even notice that her mouth had formed his Christian name of its own accord.

  A flash of some undefinable emotion gleamed in Tom's eyes before they returned once again to their cool regard.

  Tom stepped forward and made the barest of bows. Caroline heard Rebecca's gasp of indignation but her eyes were locked with Tom's as the iciness in her stomach increased tenfold.

  "Lady Caroline," he bit out his tone barely civil.

  Caroline could not move. Could not curtsy. Could not speak. Her heart, which was nowhere near healed from two years ago, stuttered painfully in her chest at this most obvious of set downs.

  Her eyes began to fill alarmingly. Do not cry, she instructed herself severely.

  There was another moment of tense silence, this time tinged with Caroline's embarrassment. She glanced quickly at Rebecca and Edward.

  Edward was frowning in displeased confusion at his cousin's manner. Rebecca's eyes glinted menacingly and she looked as though she were about to hit Tom squarely in the face.

  Tom, too, had sensed the mood and garnered from their expressions that they were less than pleased with him.

  His mouth twisted in a cynical smile.

  "My cue to leave, I think," he said dryly before turning, and with one final, insolent glance at Caroline, he swept from the veranda without saying goodbye to any of them.

  The silence was broken by a string of expletives, issued not from Edward but from Rebecca who looked ready to kill.

  "What on earth was that about?" she demanded of nobody in partic

  Edward and Caroline shared a look over Rebecca's head and Caroline knew that Edward must be aware of what had happened between her and Tom.

  But he still did not look pleased with Tom's conduct.

  Caroline smiled a little wanly, to try to reassure him that she was all right. But she wasn't. And right now, she wanted more than anything to be alone.

  "I think perhaps it is time that we took our leave," Edward said softly, his tone hardened by his barely concealed anger towards his cousin.

  Caroline nodded mutely and Rebecca looked suspiciously between them both as if realising she was the only one missing something here.

  The look on her sister's face however, convinced her that now was not the time to ask questions.

  And so it was that barely a word was spoken between the three during the short carriage ride home, each of them locked in their own thoughts.


  THE NEXT DAY dawned bright and clear. Caroline was awoken by Sally bustling in and throwing back the curtains, allowing the glaring sun to light up the room.

  "Top of the mornin', my lady," Sally uttered jovially, retrieving a tray from outside the door and setting it down beside Caroline's bed. "Tis a grand and lovely day. I'm sure you and her grace have plenty you'll want to be doing so I'll take your morning dress off to be pressed now. What were you thinking of for today? Perhaps the sprigged muslin…"

  Sally chattered on, either oblivious to or uncaring of the fact that Caroline was yet to respond to any of it.

  Caroline groaned and buried her head under the soft, downy pillow. She had no intentions of leaving that bed and facing her family yet. In fact, staying there permanently began to seem hugely appealing.

  There was no doubt in Caroline's mind that she would be overwhelmed with a barrage of questions from Rebecca. That, however, she could handle. Sympathy or pity from Edward, she could not.

  Her heart stuttered in her chest as she once again recalled the events of last night.

  Her emotions had not been in so much turmoil since she last saw Tom two years ago. And even then, for the most part they'd been good. Until that fateful night at least.


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