Bodega Dreams
Page 19
“If Vera needs family there to support her, then I’m sorry, bee, but you just have to accept that she can’t say it—”
“She’s been with this guy for years!” he loudly hissed at me. “You think thass easy to forget? Wha’ you want, her to just say the magic—”
“If she really loved you, Willie, she wouldn’t need any help from you or anyone else,” I hissed back.
“Come on people now, smile on your brother.” Nene glided into the kitchen with a huge grin.
“ ’Tá todo bien,” Bodega assured Nene.
“It’s cool, then?” he asked Bodega, not me. “Because I like Chino and I would be like sad if I had to hurt him.”
“Don’t worry about it. No one is hurting no one,” Bodega said, and Nene patted me on the back. “I found out your real name is Julio,” he said as he headed back to the living room and the TV. “Thass a dope name, Julio. Meet me and Julio down by the schoolyard.”
“Why don’t you just get out?” I said to Bodega. “You have Vera, you have money. Just go away. Buy some beach property in San Juan and you and Vera can lie on the sand and watch the world go to hell.” I didn’t think he’d heard me. His face was blank. His eyes were focused on the closed bedroom door down the hall.
“Did you see that TV special on the Jewish immigrants?” Bodega’s eyes were still locked on the bedroom door.
“Nah, missed it.” This was hopeless.
“Yeah, well, I was thinkin’ that after this is all over, I should open up a school. You know, like the Jews did cuz their kids were like always bein’ discriminated and so they gave a lot of money to private schools that had no ties with any religious groups or anyone and so their kids went to these schools without bein’ scared. You know what I’m sayin’?”
“I know what you’re sayin’.”
“So, like, you in college and you hate law, so when you graduate you want to be in this?”
“In what?”
“My school, for our kids. Be a teacher since you hate lawyers.”
“Maybe,” I said, but I knew I didn’t mean it.
“Have you seen that old burnt-down school building on 100th and First? That shit has been abandoned for years. But Nazario got it for us from the city. I’m renovating it.”
“Sounds good,” I said. I took the ring out of my pocket.
“Look, if Vera wants this back,” I said, “you’ll know the truth.” His gaze fell on the ring in my palm. He nervously took it from me and read the inscription. He didn’t say anything. I was about to walk away.
“Need anything, Chino, you see me. Ask Sapo and see me.” He put the ring in his pocket. He smiled and then stared back at the bedroom where Vera was sleeping.
As I was heading out, I heard Nene singing, “Mama, I just killed a man.” His voice was strange, tense and tight. I turned toward him, saw the image on the television, saw it had nothing to do with the song. What was on was a shoe commercial. I stared at Nene for a little while, lost. I thought of Sapo. No, Sapo hadn’t killed Salazar. It wasn’t Sapo.
Nene saw me looking at him and smiled. I nodded and left. I took a shortcut through a huge vacant lot. I stopped for a minute and even though it was dark I studied the rubble of a building that once stood there. Scorched bricks with wild grass growing all around the lot. A toilet seat lay on its side, a sink and a bathtub too. Fireflies were flashing, lighting up the lot. Once people lived there, I thought. And some fire displaced them. The city did nothing, as if the problem would go away all by itself. In time the buildings eroded. Later, the city wrecking ball knocked them to the ground.
Bodega, I thought, was at least doing the opposite. He was renovating. And when Alberto Salazar discovered who—and what—was behind all the renovation, Bodega sent Nene to kill Salazar. It was hard to believe Nene was a killer. But Nene could be as imposing as a block of granite. It didn’t matter that he was slow, it doesn’t take much to kill. Nene must have gone with Sapo to do in Salazar together. With Nene and Sapo, you have a lot of brute strength on your side. Bodega did it to protect what was his. He did it to stop the vacant lots from multiplying. Didn’t he? True, Vera was his reason for dreaming all this up, but whatever evil deed had been committed, something good was coming out of it. I looked around the rubble-strewn lot and knew someone had to do something about it. Someone had to step forward and do something. Bodega had, because no one but one of its own residents was going to improve Spanish Harlem. No one.
I Liked the Way You
Stood Up for Us
THE next day when I got home from work, our apartment was still a mess. We’d be living out of boxes for at least another week or two. Somehow, though, a sofa had been installed in a corner and there, drinking coffee, were Blanca and Pastor Miguel Vasquez. After greeting me in Spanish, Pastor Vasquez suggested I join Blanca to hear Roberto’s sermon later that week. I politely declined, saying I had other things going on.
Blanca jumped on that. “With your friends? He has bad associations, Hermano Vasquez. He won’t tell me what he does with them but I know it’s things that Christians don’t do.” I was relieved when the pastor politely explained that since I wasn’t baptized in the Truth he wasn’t going to impose the ethics of a Christian on me. Of course, if I wanted some Bible guidance that was another matter entirely.
“He needs it, Hermano Vasquez,” Blanca implored. “He associates with that man Bodega.” Pastor Vasquez’s eyes grew big and he laughed nervously. He tried to change the subject, told me how the Lord had saved him at a time when he was one of the biggest junkies in the neighborhood, injecting anything and everything, even gasolina, he joked. I was enjoying hearing his saga of being thrown out of his home, living on the streets, and doing short stints in jail for petty theft. But then the Lord appeared to him and I lost interest. Yes, he informed me, he was a lost sheep and the Lord had saved him, gracias a Dios, and who knew, I was probably a lost sheep too. Blanca hung on his every word, nodding her head and taking sneak peeks at me as if to say, “Listen to this, this is for you.”
He was reaching into his fat briefcase, to retrieve his Bible so he could read me a text, when the doorbell rang. I excused myself to answer it, breathing a sigh of relief.
“Who is it?”
When I opened the door two detectives were standing with their badges out.
“Does a Julio Mercado live here?” one asked.
“Julio?” Blanca stood up and walked over to the door. “What do these gentlemen need to see you for?” she asked with artificial formality. Pastor Vasquez was right behind her.
“I’m Detective DeJesus and this is Detective Ortiz. We would like to ask you a few questions.” Both were tall and heavy, so heavy that if either were two inches shorter he’d have been considered fat.
“Concerning?” I said, as my stomach knotted.
“May we come in?”
Now, I know that cops love to get you to invite them in because then they won’t need a warrant and anything you have that’s illegal and in plain view they can arrest you for. It’s a trick they like to pull when they suspect someone but don’t have enough evidence. They invite themselves in and then look around. If you have so much as a half-smoked joint in an ashtray, they’ll haul your ass down for booking. Never let cops inside your house unless they got a warrant, that’s my philosophy.
“Of course!” Blanca said, because she didn’t know any better. To her, authority figures were always good. But I knew that it didn’t matter that these two cops were Hispanic, cops are a race unto themselves. It’s blue first, brown second.
“Would you like some coffee?” Blanca asked them.
They declined, and then looked at me. “Are you Julio Mercado?” It was more a statement than a question.
“That’s me,” I said.
“It looks as if you just moved in,” DeJesus said, stepping over a small box.
“We did,” I said.
“Do you know an Enrique
Guzman, goes by the name of Sapo?” That right there told me that although they were Hispanic they weren’t homegrown. They knew as much about East Harlem as Oscar Lewis. Only Blanca referred to Sapo as Enrique. Sapo was always Sapo. Just Sapo. Nothing else.
“We went to junior high together.”
The detective that wasn’t asking the questions started looking around. His head rotated like an owl’s. Blanca and Pastor Vasquez were whispering nervously to each other. At that moment all I wished was for Blanca not to be there. If I could only send her to buy groceries or something, because I intended to say as little as possible to avoid digging myself a hole.
“Do you still keep company?”
“It’s a small neighborhood,” I said. My distrust was palpable.
“Mr. Mercado, we are just here to ask you some questions about the murder of Alberto Salazar. Heard about it?” Another question disguised as a statement. Like welfare caseworkers, the ones that stare at you and your children and know full well what the answers to the questions are but still ask, “What is your sex? Do you have any children?”
“It was all over El Diario,” I answered, stealing a peek at Blanca, whose nostrils were flaring.
“Anything you can tell us would be beneficial.”
“Other than what I’ve read, I don’t know anything.”
“The woman at the botanica, Doña Ramonita, said you were Enrique Guzman’s best friend.”
Even when you’re bleeding you should cover up your wounds. Detectives are good at getting things from you. Like a friendly machete they clear a path through the grasslands for you and then lead you into a pit.
“Exactly, I was. Back in junior high.” I saw angry tears form in Blanca’s eyes.
“We have reports that you’ve been seen riding in Enrique Guzman’s car.”
“He gave me a lift to school once or twice.”
“Where do you go to school?”
“Hunter College.”
“Is that your girlfriend?” He motioned with his head toward Blanca.
“No,” I said, lifting my hand in a fist and showing him my wedding ring. “That’s my wife.” I could see that this upset DeJesus a bit, so in my most respectful voice I said, “Look, detective, that’s my wife and that’s Pastor Miguel Vasquez. We were having Bible study. So unless you need something else from me, could you excuse us?” They looked at each other for a second.
“Would you mind coming with us? We have a few pictures and documents we’d like to show you at the station. Take your time. We’ll wait in the car until your meeting with the pastor is over. You’re not under arrest or anything.”
Of course they wanted me to come down to the station; they could have brought those documents and pictures with them. But I couldn’t point that out to them.
Instead I said, “Sure, anything to help.”
“Pleasure.” They both nodded to Blanca and the pastor as they made their way out the door. I now had to look Blanca in the face and explain myself. I wasn’t ready, I had no idea what to say to her. In fact I was shaking with nerves. I had promised to let her know the truth but I had kept things from her.
“I’ll be at my mother’s,” she said, standing. “I need to study. I have an exam tomorrow and I think I’ll stay at my mother’s. Please excuse me, Pastor.” She was crying, and moving around the room with a heavy grace, collecting her books.
I followed her around the living room as she started putting her things in her bag. “It’s nothing. You heard them, no one is arresting anyone.”
“That’s good, because when I see you tomorrow, we’ll need to talk.”
“Blanca, it’s nothing.”
“Nothing! It might be nothing to you, but do you know what just happened? The police were in my house! What do you think you’re doing?” She turned and headed into the bedroom.
I heard her ripping open boxes. She gathered her vitamins, her schoolbooks, and a few items of clothing. She returned to the living room with a duffel bag. Pastor Vasquez obviously felt uncomfortable. He didn’t say anything, just looked down at the floor as if he had mistakenly opened a women’s bathroom door while someone was in the stall.
Blanca was embarrassed too. She knew the congregation would hear about this. “Bueno. Que Cristo te proteja,” Pastor Vasquez said to me as he took Blanca’s bag. Blanca didn’t say anything. They just walked out. I knew they’d talk about me as they walked to Blanca’s mother’s house.
I didn’t know which I dreaded more, dealing with Blanca later or with the police now. I waited a minute before going down to meet the detectives.
They weren’t waiting for me inside the car like they had said. DeJesus was in the lobby, but the other one was missing.
“Where’s your partner?”
“He went to get some coffee,” DeJesus said. We headed out to the car.
A minute later, Ortiz walked out of the building and joined us. He must have been on the roof, looking down. They had made sure I wasn’t going to escape by going out the window and down the fire escape.
The last thing I wanted to do was let on that I had caught them in a lie, so I didn’t ask Ortiz what happened to his coffee.
“This won’t take long, Mr. Mercado.” Ortiz drove.
“Where you from?” I asked them but neither answered. I didn’t bother to ask again, and we rode the rest of the way in silence.
At the 23rd Precinct on 102nd between Lexington and Third, they ushered me inside. It was hot and dimly lit. Hanging from the ceiling were those yellow energy-saving lights from the seventies. It also smelled musty, like old papers, old books, old newspapers with pale brown edges and little bugs crawling everywhere.
They sat me down on a bench and told me to wait. DeJesus and Ortiz went over to a desk across the hall and started to joke around with the cop that sat there. It was busy, cops typing reports, taking complaints, talking on the phone, and I sat there totally unnoticed until DeJesus and Ortiz came back and waited with me.
“The captain has a few things to run by you.”
“What’s the captain’s name?” I asked. They didn’t answer me.
After about ten minutes being sandwiched by the two, I asked, “Will he be long?” Again they didn’t answer me.
“Look,” I said, standing up. “I am here on my own time. If you want me to cooperate with you, then answer my question. Out of common courtesy, one Latino to another.”
DeJesus, the shorter and therefore fatter of the two, showed his nails.
“You and me have nothing in common,” he sneered. “I’m Cuban, you’re Puerto Rican.” I decided not to point out that I was only half Puerto Rican.
“Take it easy,” Ortiz told his partner.
“Well, this ain’t Miami,” I said. “You’re in my backyard, so don’t disrespect me.”
“You better watch your back, Mercado,” DeJesus muttered, sneering.
“Take it easy, DeJesus,” Ortiz repeated.
“You’re so into it you smell like Boricua!” DeJesus didn’t seem to have heard his partner. “If it was up to me I’d send you all back to that monkey island of yours.” That did it, I had to say something.
“You’re from a monkey island yourself. At least Puerto Ricans leave of their own free will. Castro kicked your ass out!”
“What did you say!” DeJesus rose and got up in my face.
Ortiz stepped between us and sat me down. He didn’t say anything to his partner. Just then a door a few feet in front of the bench opened and DeJesus shut his trap.
The detectives led me into the office, where the captain sat behind a desk. I was seated in front of him and the two detectives sat on a little couch by the window. I thought about the first time I had met Bodega. It had been a similar set-up, Bodega sitting behind a desk and me sitting in front on some cheap-ass chair. Somehow even then I knew that meeting would lead me here, to the precinct. But the damage was already done. I was here and all I could do now was try never to come back. The hard part was doing that with
out ratting on anyone.
“Mr. Mercaydo, I’m Captain Leary,” he said, mispronouncing my name. He was a tall man with white hair and a ruddy complexion. He looked like he had been around a long time just getting ready to retire.
“You need something from me, Captain?”
“Funny, isn’t it?” he said, sliding a crime-scene picture across the desk. “A piece of his shoulder was just chewed right out.”
“Well, I’m sure you’ve seen funnier things,” I said calmly. But inside I was on fire. At that minute I was mad as hell. I was mad at myself for getting into this and I was mad at that Cuban detective for being a pig. And I was mostly mad at the fact that I could do nothing about it.
“Oh yes, I’ve seen much funnier.” The captain talked as if he were bored; it was all a formality, something he had done too many times and could do in his sleep. He then opened an envelope and handed me some documents.
The Harry Goldstein Real Estate Agency. There were copies of all the building’s leases, showing ownership by that company.
“Do you recognize that agency?”
“Sure. My wife and I write them a rent check every month.” Out of the corner of my eye I saw DeJesus squirm in his chair. Ortiz just sat on the couch quietly.
“Does the name William Irizarry mean anything to you?”
“What about the name Willie Bodega. Mean anything?”
“No.” I was in America and in America you can say that rain falls dry and you let the jury decide if it’s true or not.
“Look, son.” He folded his hands and said in a paternal tone, “I know you’re a good kid. You go to school and work hard. Your wife is expecting, you’re going to be a father. That’s great. We checked you out, you’re clean. You hopped a few turnstiles when you were fifteen, but that’s about it.” He leaned back in his chair. “You have nothing to worry about. But at times good people are led astray. They don’t know any better because they think that these people are their friends. If Bodega has got something on you, you can tell us.” Right then I knew they may have known a lot about Bodega but they had very little on him. They needed evidence, testimony, something concrete.