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Love, Outside the Lines

Page 4

by Kaley Marsh

  Max lives a 15 minute drive from his parents. His sister, maternal grandmother and a few cousins, aunts and uncles will be at this gathering to celebrate the high school graduation of one of his younger cousins, Millie. As they pulled up to the house Claudia felt a swarm of butterflies fluttering around in her stomach. Max flies around to Claudia’s side of the car to help with the humungous present she insisted on buying for Millie. “Thanks Baby…I think that my hands are numb.” Max laughs. “Will you relax…my family are harmless lambs.” He roared.

  Claudia and Max enter the home to warm greetings, and embraces. Millie is overjoyed to receive the gigantic present and runs off to open it. “It is so nice to meet you Claudia…We have heard so much about you…”love at first sight” and all that.” Max’s mother; Susan initiates. “Oh Mom, go easy.” Claudia blushes. “Come with me sweetheart, I want to learn all there is about you.” Max’s grandmother; Edith now snatches her away. Claudia sits on the couch between Susan and Edith. One by one, the matriarchs question her about her upbringing, coming to the North East city and current life. The women were very entertaining and made Claudia laugh quite a bit. “Now I see where Max gets his sense of humor from.” She thought with a large grin.

  “It’s my turn.” Max’s older sister Meredith says as she leans over and pulls Claudia up from the couch. “I am so sorry Ladies; it seems I am being beckoned.” Claudia says with her best manners. The older ladies laugh. “It’s okay dear, you go ahead and spend some time with Meredith.” Edith says jovially. “Yes, go ahead Sweetheart..” Susan co-signs. “Thank you very much.” Claudia replies as she follows Meredith to house’s back patio.

  “So you and my brother are a hot item, huh?” Meredith starts with. “I wouldn’t say “hot”.” Claudia offers shyly. “Well he can’t stop talking about you.” Meredith says. “You know he hasn’t been in a serious relationship for over a year…and the people he’s seen casually have never crossed this house’s threshold.” Claudia blushes some more. “Um, I didn’t realize his most recent girlfriends didn’t meet the family?” Claudia says. “Nope, we haven’t met anyone in a year…So you’re pretty special.”

  Claudia enjoyed her time with Max’s family quite a bit. As Max rode Claudia home she pondered Meredith’s words. “Are you alright Babe?” Max asks. Claudia snaps out of her deep thoughts. “Oh, I am fine.” She tells Max. “You have a wonderful family….They were so open and accepting…and fun.” Max chuckles. “Yep, that’s my awesome family”. Claudia laughs. “You sure are humble about it.” They both laugh. Claudia changes her expression. “Max, I am ready to tell my family about you.” Max’s glances over at Claudia. “Ready when you are.” Claudia smiles. “I am ready.”

  Over the next few days, Claudia works up the courage and strategizes about how she will tell her family about Max. She decided to get her parents and younger sister together for a video call during the week. Her parents and sister collectively agreed to Tuesday evening after 8pm. As the event approaches, Claudia decides she must have her talking points written down. She considered included Max on the video call but then decided the initial information was the best way to go.

  “Hello Family!” Claudia says excitedly when they all appear on her computer screen. “How are you doing?” Each family member chimes in, in one accord. “How are you doing in the Big City Baby Girl?” Her father Cyril asks. “Yeah, we should do this more often Claude.” Her sister Rebecca recommends. “This is nice, Sweetpea.” Her mother Gloria contributes. “You are all right, we should do this more often.” Claudia says. “Well…um, I wanted to do this tonight because there is something I haven’t filled you in on when we spoke recently.” Claudia said with all the bravery she could muster. “What is that Baby?” Gloria asks. Claudia’s heart begins to beat rapidly. “Well…Um, I have been dating someone pretty consistently for the past 2 months…We connect really well and both want to see the relationship develop as we are both very fond of each other.” Claudia breathes loudly after releasing those details.

  “Wow!” Rebecca responds. “My, my Honey…what is his name?” Gloria asks. “His name is Max…Max Charleston Mama.” Claudia informs her. “Charleston?” Cyril asks. “Are his people from the north?” Claudia felt the serious inquisition coming on. “Yes Pops, he and his family are from here, just outside the city.” Claudia enlightened her Father. “What does he do…what is his occupation?” Cyril firmly asks. “He is an elementary teacher and coach.” Rebecca seemed bored. “Let’s get to the interesting details Claude…what does he look like…is he cute?” Rebecca asks impatiently. “Well…Um, I want you to know that I have thought long and hard about this. I have come to know the person, his character which you always said mattered most Mama…Pops.” Claudia looks affectionately at her parents’ faces on the computer screen. “Max is White…” Claudia blurts out. “Hot Dog!” Rebecca exclaims. “What is that like?” Cyril interjects. “He is what, Claudia?” Cyril wanted to be certain he had heard her correctly. “Cyril calm down,” Claudia heard her mother say. “She’s told us that she has examined his character…let’s trust our intelligent daughter on that.”

  Gloria was successful on getting Cyril not to investigate Claudia further. Her parents assured her that they would support her but that was with her mother doing all the talking while her father bit his lip to appease his wife and keep the peace. Claudia expected more to come from Cyril and braced herself for what she anticipated was to come.

  Claudia shared her conversation with her family with Max late that week. “Well they sound overall supportive.” Max offered. “I know it may just be to placate the situation but at least they are not putting negative pressure on you.” Claudia listened attentively as the two shared a late meal at a diner in the city. “You’re right.” Claudia agreed with a fervent nod. She releases a loud sigh. “Don’t worry Babe…Just as I believe down in the depths of my gut that we’re meant to be, in the same way I know things will eventually fall into place.” Max asserts with pride. “My Grandfather used to say that all the time when he lived.” Max shared. “Is that Ms. Edith’s husband?” Claudia asks. “Yes…yes it is.” Max says with a huge smile. “He died about five years ago…I spent lots of time with him growing up.” Max fills her in. “He was very big on not stressing about things…I guess Grandma Edith stressed enough for both of them.” Claudia and Max laugh heartedly.

  During a Friday morning meeting at her office building – 3 weeks after her video call with her family - an Assistant slips Claudia a note with a message. “FYI; a gentleman named Cyril Jeffries is waiting for you in the lobby.” Claudia’s eyes widened as she read the note. “What the heck is my Father doing here?” She thought. “This cannot be real.” Her thoughts continued. “Claudia isn’t that correct?” Her team supervisor interrupts her thoughts and brings her back to the meeting. “Yes Sir.” She says assertively to cover up the fact that she was distracted.

  Following the meeting Claudia rushed out to the lobby. She couldn’t believe her eyes. Her father was indeed sitting in the lobby. “Pops, what are you doing here?” Cyril stands to greet his first born child. “I had to come, Baby Girl.” He says affectionately and embraces her. “Why did you have to come…and why didn’t you tell me you were coming?” She asks, trying to keep her voice to a whisper in the Marketing/PR firm lobby. “I had to see who this young man is you’re dating Baby Girl.” Claudia’s mouth drops open. “I want the best for you Claudia. I want to be certain he truly cares for my Baby.”

  Claudia tenses up. “Pops, you know I am not a Baby…or a Girl, right?” She asks firmly with an aggravated tone. “Anyhow, I am at work right now…I can’t discuss this at this moment.” Claudia says, feeling her face get warm. “It is okay Honey. Just give me your key. I have been here before; I will find your place.” Cyril says confidently. Claudia surrenders. She gets her apartment key, gives it to her Father and says her goodbyes till they met later on.

  Claudia prepared a meal for herself and her father later that evenin
g. Over dinner they continued to discuss the situation. “Pops, it is not fair to blindside Max like this.” Claudia said passionately. “I don’t want to blindside him Claudia, I just want to meet him.” Cyril informed her. “Like I told Ma, this past week, we planned on travelling down for Fourth of July…Couldn’t you have waited until then?” Claudia’s speech is rapid and intense. “This thing keeps gnawing at me Baby Girl. I just want to be sure you’re safe and cared for correctly. Claudia’s eyes open as wide as the dinner plates they ate on. “Safe?…Why would you worry about my safety Pops?”

  Cyril pauses to pull his thoughts together. He stutters. “Maybe it is cause I lived in South Carolina all my life…but Sweetheart I can’t shake being concerned about true intentions of a White man when so many of our female ancestors were raped by them.” Claudia cannot believe her ears. “Oh My Goodness Daddy...Are you kidding me?” Claudia exclaims, her voice raised a few octaves higher. “Pops, listen to me.” Claudia tries to calm herself down. “This is not the South, and that period of life is long over…Also, Max and his family has lived here all their lives in a town which is culturally diverse and welcoming, and has been for decades.” Cyril listens intently. “You know what?...It is a good idea for you to meet Max.” Claudia says as she paces herself with every breath. “I called him earlier and told him you’re here. He looks forward to meeting you…Will that work?” Cyril perks up. “That is why I am here Baby Girl. That is why I am here.”

  Claudia and Cyril came to an agreement, not to discuss the matter any further. They decided to leave any further judgment to the meeting between Cyril and Max. On Sunday morning Claudia and Max take Cyril to church. He has done that on Sundays all his life and Claudia wanted him to feel at home. “Did you enjoy the service Mr. Jeffries?” Max asks as they were walking out of the large stone-brick building in the city. “It was pleasant.” Cyril responded. “I am used to more singing though but that will do.” Max smiled. All three individuals piled into Max’s car. Max drove, Cyril sat in the front passenger seat with Claudia tucked away in the back. Claudia leans over to the front to speak with her Father. “Pops, you and Max are going to have brunch – just the two of you – while I shop, Ok?” Cyril arches his neck toward the back seat. “You’re not eating with us Claudia?” Claudia touches his right shoulder. “I thought you’d want an open discussion with Max not influenced by me in any way.” Max glances back and forth at Cyril while driving, with a smile painted on his face. “I can take it Mr. Jefferies.” Max informed him.

  The gentlemen sit at a chain restaurant attached to one of the large suburban malls. “It is my pleasure to meet you Mr. Jefferies.” Max offers enthusiastically. “I am so glad to have the opportunity to meet Claudia’s father…I am very fond of her…I care about her very much.” Cyril looks up at Max. Their eyes meet. “Do you love my daughter as well?” Max is impressed though a little spooked by the directness of his question. “I do love her Sir…I know that three months is not a long time to fall for someone like that, but Claudia has added to my life significantly…She inspires me and fills up the missing pieces...” Cyril is becoming pleasantly surprised by what he hears but works to keep his feelings covert.

  An hour and a half goes by while Claudia circles the mall window shopping, and doing some actual shopping. Cyril and Max had covered much ground during their conversation. Parts of their talk did develop into a debate but Cyril sparked it as his way of performing a thorough investigation. When Claudia got the word, she rejoined the men and they headed out to her place where she cooked a traditional Southern dinner to make her Pops feel at home as much as possible.

  The evening at Claudia’s was developing well. The men found a common and favorable subject in sports and watched a great deal of it. Even Claudia couldn’t come in between them, until she announced dinner was ready. Cyril and Max flocked to the dining table. “Hmm-Hm, this food is so good Baby Girl!...You certainly paid attention to those kitchen lessons from your mother.” Cyril announced. “Thanks Pops.” Claudia responded modestly. She looks over at Max and begins to laugh. Max was well indulged into the meal that he barely looked up. “Take time to breathe Baby.” Claudia says to Max and laughs. Max looks at Claudia like a kid who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. “This is indulgent Babe…I can’t stop.” Claudia gives a belly laugh while Cyril chuckles and shakes his head. “You’ve never had food like this before, have you?” Cyril asks Max. “No Mr. Jeffries…absolutely not..Um, never!” Everyone laughs.

  Cyril was not completely sold on the idea of Max and his daughter, but he was also not completely against it at this point. His earlier conversation with Max caused him to see him completely and Cyril believed that Max truly cares for Claudia. The evening was beginning to wind down with pie, coffee and tea. Cyril being a man who’s turned in early to rise up early all his life, rose to begin to go to bed. “Well young people, this is where I have leave you…This old man is getting sleepy.” Cyril informs Claudia and Max. “Let me make sure there are enough blankets for you in the bedroom Pops.” Claudia says and heads off to the bedroom to prepare the room for her Father. Max stands to address Cyril one last time for the evening.

  “Mr. Jefferies, it was my pleasure to meet you and spend time with you…Before you go Sir, I want you to know that this relationship has impacted my life significantly…Claudia is a true God-send…I see my future and I see her in it. It would be an honor to have your Blessing to propose to her in the next few weeks.” Cyril drops his head and sighs heavily. “My, my, my, I did not expect this!” Cyril says and shakes his head. He looks up at Max. “Are you sure this?...You want to marry my daughter?” Cyril’s eyes are fixed on Max. “Yes Sir, I do!” Max replies confidently. “I see that you genuinely care for my daughter, but marriage is a whole other ball game young man.” Cyril says intensely as he draws in closer to Max. “I know that Sir…My parents have been married for 33 years, and my grandparents 60 and 65 apiece. I want that with Claudia…She brings light to my world.” Cyril steps back, looks at Max and shakes his head again. “Call me in two weeks in South Carolina and I will give you my response then Son.” Max began to breathe again. “Yes, Sir, I will.”

  Claudia came out of the bedroom two seconds after the gentlemen’s intense dialogue ended. “Your room is ready Mr. Jefferies.” Claudia says to her father in a playful tone. “Thank you Baby Girl.” Cyril says as he walks toward Claudia and kisses her on the cheek. “You have an interesting fella here Sweet-pea.” Cyril looks back at Max. “Don’t let me hear that you’ve been anything but kind and generous to her.” Cyril tells Max in his fatherly tone. “No Sir…Um, Yes Sir.” Max responds nervously. Cyril smirks, touches Claudia affectionately on the shoulder - standing 8 inches above her – and retires for bed.

  “Breathe Baby, breathe.” Claudia says to Max jovially. She looks at Max, and he does not look amused. “Are you okay, Baby? Claudia asks and walks toward him. Claudia looks up at Max and takes the bottom of his face in her hands. “What’s going around in that head of yours?” Max looks down at Claudia. His pupils are dilated. “I want to make you happy…I want to make your Dad and entire family happy…” Claudia embraces Max around the waist then gently releases him to look into Max’s face. “You did really well Baby…everything went well…It did…Believe me.” Max smiles a bit. “I hope so.” Max whispers to himself. “I really hope so.”

  Two weeks after the eventful weekend with Claudia’s father, Max called Cyril as promised. Cyril was determined not to give Max his consent too easily. He prodded him a very more times before he said; “Max, it is apparent to me that you are fully committed to my daughter and bent on making this relationship work. Therefore, I will give you my blessing to wed my daughter if you promise to wait at least 9 months before the ceremony.” Max thought about Cyril’s terms. “Thank you Sir…Done, and done.” Max asserted.

  Three weeks after this conversation, Max arranged for a spectacular evening with Claudia. On a Friday night, he planned a private dinner with the-wo
man-of-his-dreams in the city while other family members waited to celebrate at his parents’ suburban home. Even Claudia’s family was there. Max went the distance and put a dent in his savings to fly Claudia’s parents and younger sister in for the occasion.

  “Why are we sitting all the way back here Max?” Claudia asks as settled into her chair at the restaurant table. “We’re far away from everyone else…It’s kinda spooky, don’t you think?” Max tries to sell Claudia the reserved area. “We deserve solitude tonight Babe. I have been feeling neglected by you lately.” Claudia is surprised by Max’s claim. She hadn’t really seen him any less. She thought they had gotten used to circumventing each other’s schedules. “You have?...I know that I have been busy but we spent…” Max interrupts Claudia to calm her down. “Babe…babe…Babe…It’s ok. I was joking.” Max says and takes Claudia’s hand across the table and kisses it.

  Claudia and Max shared delicious appetizers, main courses and began a second glass of wine with dessert. Before Claudia could take her bite of her warm bread pudding, with vanilla ice-cream, Max took her hand again. “Claudia, before you get into that.” Max looks down at Claudia’s guilty pleasure. “What is it, Baby?” Claudia asks. “I want you to know that spending time with you over the last 41/2 months has been more than I could ask for.” Claudia squeezes Max’s hand. “Awe Honey…for me too.” Max smiles warmly. “I am glad.” Max pauses. “Claudia, from the first day I looked into your eyes, I knew my life had been altered…You fill my life completely…Will you marry me?”

  Claudia was not sure that she had heard Max correctly. “Did you just say; Will-you-marry-me?” Max smiles, caresses her hand then reaches in his inside his inner blazer pocket. He pulls out a little black velvet box, slips out his chair on to his left knee. “Will you marry me Claudia?” Claudia is completely thrown for a loop. She looks down at Max, looks at the box then looks at Max again. “You want to marry me?” She asks softly. “I want to spend all my life with you, if you’d have me.” Tears began to stream from Claudia’s eyes and down her cheek. “I will…I will marry you Max Charleston.” Max jumps to his feet, picks up Claudia and spins her around. Claudia laughs heartedly. The two embrace firmly, then kiss passionately.


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