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In Your Shadow

Page 3

by Middleton, J

  “Come on you will look good in this. You can’t wear what you have on. “Olivia was holding up the dress and lingerie laughing.

  “What’s wrong with what I have on?”

  “Nothing, if you like the seventies.”

  “Fine, now that you are done I have to finish this contract,” Katie answered walking back to the living room.

  Sitting down at her computer beginning to type away. She could hear Olivia walking up behind her.

  “Oh no, you don’t, it’s time for some fun. Let’s get ready.” She said.

  “Olivia I really need to get this done.”

  “You own your own company you can do it later. Come on let’s get ready.” She tugs on her arm.

  “If it will stop you from nagging me.”

  Olivia laughed as she followed her to the bedroom.

  Katie sat down at her vanity as Olivia fixed her hair. She turned her around and looked in the mirror and seen a different woman in the reflection. Her hair wavy and pulled back with ringlets down her mid back. Usually, she would have in up in a knot are long and straight. Her hair was long and beautiful almost to her waist. Olivia helped her apply just enough makeup on to bring out the color of her eyes. She looked sexy and sophisticated in a way she’d never seen herself before.

  “You look stunning Katie; you will turn a lot of heads.”

  “That’s all I need.”

  Katie put on her black dress with the low back and sat on the side of the bed waiting for Olivia to finish getting dressed.

  “Let’s go.”

  Olivia bouncing around in her short red dress smiling and ready.

  Katie grabbed her wrap and they headed out the door. Katie looked over at Olivia with her elegant red dress and matching lipstick. The high neckline and the simple drape of the dress were conservative. The back was fully exposed with a few crisscrossing all the way down. Olivia looked stunning with her deep brown eyes and blond hair. Her confidence shone through even when she was just standing there.

  “Let do this” Olivia smiled and grabbed her hand and started walking down the street.

  Manhattan was the busiest place there was in December. The streets were crowded with people and the shops were bombing. It was bone-chilling cold outside as she wrapped a scarf around her neck.

  “Look that would look so good on you,” Olivia said.

  As she stops in front of a shop and looked at this beautiful white dress in the display window.

  “Come on let’s get this night over with,” She answered, Katie wanting to go back home and crawl in her bed.

  She was not interested in window shopping are anything. She pulled on Olivia’s arm and they started walking toward the bar.

  “You will enjoy yourself, so lighten up,” Olivia said.

  They walked down the 2078 Ave. The city was alive as they stood on the corner looking up at all the lights and streaming billboards. People were everywhere weaving in and out of bars and restaurants enjoying the nightlife.

  They finally got to a small bar called The Dance Floor. The club was dimly lit with an elegant rich décor. To her left was what it looked like a private table with a bar to the right. The entire atmosphere of this place was screaming sex and money. The music was loud and the floor was flooded with people. Katie looked to her right and spotted the stairs that lead up to another floor. She took the stairs and walked up to the top level. It was decorated the same as the bottom floor had a little more privacy and quieter. The upper floor of the club is laid out in a circle around a balcony. Katie walked over to the balcony overlooking the dance floor on the bottom floor. She stood there staring at people dancing. There was a tall dark headed gentleman come in the front door. He was over six-foot-tall and had dark brown hair, and was wearing a tailored black suit that made his body stand out among the crowd. She watched him take his jacket off and throw it over his shoulders. His muscular built body was seen through the outline of his shirt. What really caught her attention was the way he carried himself. He just didn’t fit in. She watched him go to the bar and order him a drink.

  “Leave it to me to spot anyone that looks out of place here. I guess it is just my paranoia and uneasiness around people are maybe it's the isolation I live in. It could be the nightmares of the dark haired gentleman I kept having. Who knows?” She thought.

  “Here drink this.” Olivia hands her a long island ice tea.


  “I made them make it weak,” Olivia said smiling at her.

  Katie knew that she didn’t make it weak she could smell the strong alcohol, but she played along with her and took the drink. Turning back to the balcony her eyes scanned the area. There was so sigh of the gentleman she saw. Her mind started wondering if the man in her dreams was here. Sending a cold chill down her spine. She jumps as Olivia’s voice broke her chain of thought.

  “Come on let’s go dance.”

  “You go ahead I’m just going to stay right here,” Katie answered.

  “Come on, you need some fun. You look like a ticking time bomb ready to explode” she tugs on her arm.

  “Gee thanks for the observation, maybe next time. “Pulling her arm free from her hold.

  “Well I’m going to dance,” She said as she walked away.

  Katie watched Olivia go down the stairs to the bottom level she grabbed some guy by the arm and pulled him on the floor.

  “Poor guy he doesn’t know what he is in for.” Katie thought with a slight grin on her face.

  She turned around to sit her drink on a small table and her eyes caught the gentleman at the bar. He was very good-looking know doubt about that. She was far enough away to watch him without him noticing. Katie’s was nervous and her stomach was in knots as curiosity was getting the best of her. She watched him comparing him to the one in her dreams but he didn’t fit the profile. She walks up and sits down at a stool close to him. The gentleman turns around and stares at her like he wanted something more than a drink. A moment later he spoke.

  “I’m John Taylor,” He said as he moved to the stool next to her and held out his hand.

  He had a deep voice with a slight hint of seduction. She was rendered speechless as a few moments passed before she answered.

  “Katie Jackson.”

  She took his hand and gave it a small shake. He had strength in his grip as he held it tight. She could tell he could hurt someone if he really wanted to. He held it for a moment before letting go. Her skin started to tingle as she felt the heat coming from his hand. Her heart lurched in her chest, looking into the face in front of her. It was like a picture out of a modeling magazine. Power build and mischievous eyes.

  His eyes were deep blue, piercing, sexy, so beautiful they were sinful to look at. Those eyes were powerful enough to reach down into your soul and consume anyone. With eyes like diamonds glistening as his smiled. She shifted in her seat as silence came between them. He smells wonderful, mix of sandalwood and musk, exotic. It was impossible to identify the cologne.

  “So what are you doing in this place? “the low seductive voice spoke that was very flirtatious.

  His eyes never left hers. Probing her with such an intensity that made her swallow hard as heat rushed through her body. Her heart pounding as she watches a slight smile come on his face.

  “I’m with a friend,” her voice sexy and low.

  Just looking at him she felt like she was drunk as if the alcohol had a chemical reaction in her brain. She couldn’t believe he had that effect on her he was a complete stranger. He was kind of intimidating as well with his confidence and inflated ego. She held her breath, as her hands slightly shaking.

  “I am so not ready to acknowledge this sexual tension between him right now. It sure would be nice to know what his lips taste like.” She thought as she blushed.

  “I can tell you don’t come in places like this often.” Smiling at her as his eyes lit up like fire.

  “How do you know that?”

  “One thing is your composur
e and these other women here are almost drunk your drink has hardly been touched.”

  John smiled with a hint of danger that lurked in his grin. She wonders if he was a stalker and if she was his next prey. He is dangerous he wasn’t just eye candy he was pure paradise. He was so handsome she could stand there and stare at him for hours on end. Her internal heat level is raising fast.

  “You are pretty observant, just what is your occupation. A stalker, are maybe a detective.” She asks with a slight grin on her face.

  John laughs as he nods his head still staring into her soul. He leans in towards her with the perfect position for kissing. So close he could feel the heat from her face and see the color change on her cheeks.

  “I am neither one.” He paused just staring into her eyes.

  “I own my own business” He answered with a slight giggle.

  “Oh, we all do,” she giggled.

  That was the first sign of trouble and she knew it. This is the first time she showed interest in anyone in a long time. He was so intimidating she was trying to kept her cool staring down at her drink. Not showing him that he made her nervous as hell.


  John has seen Katie standing on the balcony as he walked in the door of the bar. She sparked something in his interbeing.

  He didn’t do the bar scene at all, this was his first time in here. If it wasn’t for meeting a few friends here to discuss business, he wouldn’t have come. When he saw her she was so different than the rest of these woman. She stood out like a red rose in a field of lily’s. She was five, five and a nice figure but hide behind her clothes. He almost dismissed the fact to talk to her until he noticed she was alone. After he introduced his self he fell into an easy conversation. She seemed to be smart and secretive. Looking at the way she was constantly pulling at her dress he could tell she wasn’t here to pick up anyone. In any case, she was a very beautiful woman. She definitely didn’t belong here. Her wondering deep blue eyes that could melt anyone’s heart. She wasn’t just a one-night stand she was something totally different. He could feel his body wanting her with just the touch of her hand.

  As he looked over her shoulders he seen his friends coming closer to him. He turned back and looked at her with his over powerful eyes. He laid his business card down on the table hoping she would pick it up.

  “If you will excuse me my friends are here, it is so nice to meet you Katie, maybe I will see you again.” He said as he got up and walked over to the couple of guys that were standing at the edge of the stairs.

  “Nice meet you.” She said has he was walking away.

  She watched him walk over to the men. She could see they staring at her, looking her up and down. They were wearing dark pants and a dark shirt. None of them looked like they even belonged here either. Katie turned back around and noticed a business card lying on the bar. She picked it up and it had his name and number on it. She turned back around and he was gone. She walked over to the balcony and watched them walk out of the front door. He turned as he was leaving and looked up at her with a slight smile. It sent chills down her arm.

  “What was that all about? Who was he?” she thought.

  Katie turned as Olivia was coming through the crowd with some tall gentleman holding her up.

  “Hey,” Olivia said.

  “Hey, sounds like you had a few,” Katie answered.

  “Yea I did. Oh, I am going to leave with Philp. Are you going to be alright? “Olivia said trying to stand without losing her balance.

  “Well I am headed home so I guess I will be. Are you sure you don’t want to come home with me?” Katie answered.

  “Yes, I am sure I will see you in the morning, be careful.”

  Katie walked with Olivia to Philp’s car. The night air was cold and crisp as it hit her face.

  “Good night Olivia,” she said as she watched them leave.

  Olivia was raving at her through the car window as they pulled away. Katie wrapped the scarf around her neck and started walking home. She didn’t live but a few blocks from the bar. The streets were still crowded with people. Corners were full of couples hugging each other. She continues to walk at a fast pace, trying to hurry and get home, the wind was bone chilling cold. Katie could hear someone walking behind, it really sounded to close. It started to give her an uneasy feeling. She turned around and it was a few couples walking to their apartments and a gentleman sitting on some steps. This was the first time she walked alone at night. She didn’t like the creeping feeling it gave her. Katie continued until she reached her townhouse and unlocked the door and went in.

  “I am glad I am home.” She thought to herself. This was her safe zone where she felt secure she never went anywhere at night alone are without her driver. She dropped her keys on the table after locking her door. Her mind was still on John at the bar.

  “That was a strange encounter.” She thought. She had never reacted to anyone like that before. Trying to shake the thought of him from out of her head.

  Looking down at her messages she turned the machine on and listened. Katie still used the old message machine of her mother’s it made her fill like a part of her was still with her. She had a few business messages and one from her father.

  “Great a party, I will have to call and arrange a date. I just hate these parties. I need to fly away before Christmas comes.” She thought.

  Katie walked in the bathroom and washed her face and but her hair into a twisted knot, she was trying to get the thought of him off her mind. She changed her clothes and climbed into bed. Her mind still on John, she had never had that reaction about anyone. Finally, she drifted off to sleep.

  Her body tensed as she tried to focus on the figure in front of her. Her vision blurs, as she gasps for breath. His arms were opened reaching out to her. She tried to move her body frozen. Her heat racing as she looked down the hallway. It was hazy and the air was heavy, it was almost like you were being smothered. Looking down at the dark figure on the floor, it was Mitch flat on the ground covered in dark ooze with his eyes staring at her. She tried to scream but couldn’t, no words would come out. Tears ran down her face as her heart beat hard, the figure walked closer and closer to her. She closed her eyes and trying not to breathe, smelling the odor of stale blood. Finally, she screamed so loud that it woke her up.

  Trembling in the state of fear she opens her eyes. Her body was covered in moisture from her sweat. Tears were rolling down her cheek, grabbing her pillow she buried her face in it and covered her body with her blanket. At this point she went into an uncontrollable sob. When she couldn’t cry anymore she removed the covers and walked to the bathroom. Her eyes were puffy as she applied a warm cloth to them. She was drained like she hadn’t had any sleep.

  “What’s with theses dream?” she thought.

  Wiping her face with the cloth trying to calm her body down. She looks over at the clock hanging on the wall it was four thirty. Walking back to her bed she laid across her covers and fell back to sleep.

  Chapter 3

  John finished his meeting and looked at his watch it was almost midnight. He got back to his apartment and leaned his shoulder against his large window that offered a breathtaking view of Manhattan. Everything was still lit up. John is itching to see her and find out more about her. Her blue eyes have haunted him since the first time he laid eyes on her. Even in his dreams her face appears.

  “Why is it so hard to find a woman who wasn’t interested in his money, why couldn’t he have a love his parents had for each other?” All these thoughts are going through his head. The holidays always made him fill lonely like he was missing something in his life.

  His mind going back to what his father told him about when he met his mother. They met on a train ride and as soon as they saw each other they clicked, and the next thing they knew they were married and happy even to this day. It was because of his parent’s love for one another he didn’t give up on finding it himself. John dated many women but none that he had any feelings
for at all.

  John stood there staring out his window as his thoughts went on Katie at the bar.

  “What was a woman like that doing there?”

  She impressed him with her elegant looks and her smile. He could tell she was from money are had money because was just different from the rest of the women he knew. John was lost in his thoughts as he continues to stare out the window into the night skies. He couldn’t get this woman out of his head. What was so special about her. Her face was etched in his memory, all breath left his body when he saw her face. It was like lightning bolts shot up and down his body. He decided to pull her name up on the computer so he could at least know something about her. He put her name Katie Jackson into Google and it came up with a dozen articles complete with pictures of her and her business. Jackson construction and Daniel Enterprise had joined together. The article stated that she was the successful owner of Jackson Construction founded by her father of Daniel Enterprise they had merged together and become one. He continued to click through links that had come up in the search. There was a lot that showcased her and her father but none that showed her with anyone besides her father.

  “I knew it,” he said to himself.

  He put in her name again and an article came up with the name Mitch Jackson under hers. It was obituary about him. He pulled up the obituary and stated she was his wife of two years. He looked closely and it was six years ago. John read on and couldn’t find the cause of death. He went back to google search and put Mitch Jackson name in. An article from the paper came up with his name. He pulled the link up in the newspaper and read it. It said he was in a home invasion and died at the hospital hours later. No arrest had been made.

  “I find that kind of odd,” he thought.

  John sat there staring at the scene not believing what he had just read.

  “Well that explains why she was never in any pictures with anyone but her father, but it had been so long ago. It’s hard to believe she never got involved with anyone. “What’s up with that?” He thought.

  He went back to Google and put her name back in and it only talked about the company and her. It seems that she is the only child it never spoke of any siblings. As he made his way through the links, he found many pictures of her and then found another article about her mother Katherine Martin. This was another obituary she had died suddenly.


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